
Liposuction has long been mistaken for a fat-reducing surgical procedure, which is actually incorrect. Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that helps to improve and change the shape of various areas of the body. The purpose of liposuction alone is to create a shapelier figure, smoothing any bulges that interrupt the body’s natural contours.

Liposuction is also used in conjunction with several different procedures here at Cosmetic Surgery for Women, including abdominoplasty, breast reduction, breast augmentation and facial enhancement.

In an abdominoplasty ‘tummy tuck’ procedure, the patients’ original bellybutton is removed in the process. The newly created bellybutton is often sutured to the abdominal wall muscles underneath the skin where the umbilical stalk starts. Mr Malcolm Linsell uses liposuction to improve the shape of the upper tummy and hips, and helps to contour around the new navel indentation. This method allows the creation of a natural looking bellybutton.

In breast reduction and breast augmentation procedures, liposuction is used as a tool to reduce fatty deposits surrounding the breasts. For example, the pocket of fat that often forms between the breast and armpit, or ‘back fat’ that oozes over your bra strap.

In terms of facial enhancement, liposuction can be used underneath the chin and jaw to create more definition. Micro liposuction is also used for Lipogems Fat Transfer. This involves fat being harvesting via a mini liposuction procedure, processed using a specialised device, then re-injected back into the face. This method increases facial volume and enhanced skin elasticity and tone.

The post How Liposuction Can Be Used in Different Procedures appeared first on Cosmetic Surgery For Women.

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