
Infusionsoft has quickly become a dominant player in the Email Marketing and CRM scene for Small Business. Its popularity has soared, especially in the last few years. And rightly so -- Infusionsoft remains the most comprehensive tool for small business marketing available. Even still, there are quite a lot of myths and misunderstandings floating around out there. Maybe that's what happens when you become a $50 million per year (and growing!) business? Or maybe that's what happens after you secure a huge piece of capital funding from a prestigious firm like Goldman Sachs?

In any case, I wanted to dispel 7 common myths about Infusionsoft that I come across pretty frequently.

1. It's only for large businesses.

This is patently false. In fact, I would argue exactly the opposite. Infusionsoft is designed specifically for small businesses doing less than $5M-$10M in sales per year. I'm sure there are plenty of businesses doing quite a bit more than those figures that could still benefit from Infusionsoft, but these numbers give you a general idea. If your business is doing anything between $100,000 and $10,000,000 per year in annual revenue, Infusionsoft is for you.

2. It's not a reliable email sender.

Here's another major falsehood I see quite often. 9 times out of 10 when I come across someone complaining about Infusionsoft email deliverability problems, it's user error. The good news is Infusionsoft goes to great lengths to protect its email reputation. The bad news is their protectionist methods mean you as the user must learn how this process works and what it means for your email marketing strategy. Unlike most basic email marketing systems, Infusionsoft does require some fine-tuning before you send that first email broadcast.

3. It's just for email marketing.

Infusionsoft offers so much more than just email marketing. Really, Infusionsoft is designed to give you a complete and holistic view of every single customer/contact on your list. This is 360 degrees of marketing intelligence -- not just a tool for sending out your best copy. Infusionsofit is a CRM, Ecommerce System, Contact Manager, Marketing Manager, and Email Marketing Tool all rolled into one.

4. It's impossible to learn.

The truth? It's definitely not plug-and-play easy to learn, but that certainly doesn't mean it's impossible. The classic "computer programming" term GIGO applies here -- Garbage In, Garbage Out. If you want a high-powered marketing tool, you're going to have to learn how to use it. If you want dramatically better results, you're going to have to invest in it. Anyone who thinks that there's a way to get massive results without doing much at all is in for a major reality check.

5. It's easy to master.

While I do insist that Infusionsoft is easier to learn than most would have you believe, I won't lie -- it's not easy to master. That's why I've listed this one as "Infusionsoft Myth #5." There's so much horsepower inside the Infusionsoft CRM System, and some of it you'll probably never need to "master" completely to get great results. But put in some time and effort, and you definitely can master it.

6. It's plug and play.

Once again, it's so important to realize that there's no such thing as a "plug and play" Web Marketing tool. You've either got to put in a lot of effort yourself (small business owner) or you've got to hire someone to manage it for you (Infusionsoft Consultant). Either approach is perfectly fine, but don't think for a second that you can somehow get away with neither.

7. It's too expensive.

Infusionsoft does require a monthly fee of at least $200 per month plus a setup fee of about $2000 to get started. Both of these fees are well worth it. For the $200-$300 per month, you get the world's greatest Small Business CRM & Email Marketing System. And for about a $2000 one-time fee, you get coaching and implementation help from the Infusionsoft team. Both are well worth the cost. If these figures seem beyond your reach, your business is probably not at the right stage to even consider using a tool like this.

For all of the outstanding and positive reviews of Infusionsoft you can find online, there are some folks posting some negative comments and feedback about the software. Almost always, I find these comments point to one of these 7 myths.

If you're not an Infusionsoft user already, I strongly suggest checking out this Infusionsoft demo here.

The post 7 Myths About Infusionsoft appeared first on Convert With Content.

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