
What I did before coming here to post... I took a look at another thread posted a long while ago about creating a reset password function here and tried to use that to solve my problem but seems to be a dead thread that stopped from no where. I also tried researching myself to figure out how to do it myself but most walk throughs are used with mysqli and personally I am more familiar and like to use PDO for working with my registration system.

I currently have my page (resetpassword.php) making it so when a user inserts an email it will email their input with a link that looks identical to localhost/update_password.php?=1e95adc9836860c28642 which I want to redirect them to the site where it will let them change the password of that account's email address.

I only have the resetpassword.php page currently done and believe that is working as it should. What I'm asking I guess is how to get each random string link like the localhost/update_password.php?=1e95adc9836860c28642 or anothe random string on the end to redirect to one page and how to use that certain code "1e95adc9836860c28642" on the end of the link(s) to tie to each account / email that the user requested the password reset from.

Thanks in advance,

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