This curl erroremilkl:
Could not resolve host: \
can be solve by just remove \ For instance,
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer 1234" -d name=MyApp -d type=installed -d organization=my-org https://api.particle.io/v1/clients
Further, you can see this tutorial here:
Continuing the discussion from Tutorial for a simple web app:Tutorial for a simple web app
Hi everyone
I've been working on a web app for my product and a few have been asking for example code etc. so I thought I'd put up a quick tutorial on what I've done. I'll mainly focus on the parts that I had difficulty with, otherwise it will be a novel! I just want to say however that I'm a hardware engineer, not a web developer so please don't take any of this as gospel, it's just what's worked for me and it may not now, or in the future be recommended practise! Also the majority of this is work is adapted from awesome people like @bko, @mebrunet and many others, I'm mainly compiling it here for convenience.
The following is for a web app using 'simple authentication' and it's usage of part cloud API and part JS SDK is because the JS SDK doesn't currently offer all the features required of a full web app.
Part 1 - Creating a OAuth client ID
A client ID is used in this case for creating new customers for your organisation
Please read this first Authentication & Security
Creating your client ID only needs to be done once per app, make sure you have CURL installed, linux should by default:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer myaccesstoken" -d name=myappname -d
type=web -d redirect_uri=https://myredirectaddress.com -d organization=myorgname -d scope=create_customer
Most of the above is self explanatory, your redirect_uri is the address that the form will direct the user to once their account has been successfully created. The API will also include the users access token as a hash after your address e.g. https://myredirectpage.com/#usersNewAccessToken
Ideally this would be set to the address of your softAP page because most users will want to claim their new device after creating an account. The API requires a HTTPS address for this (probably because it passes the access token with the URI) meaning it can't be the address of your softAP page (as far as I know the softAP page can't currently have HTTPS because it needs to access the non-secure photon IP address).
What I've done for now is just have it redirect to my secure dashboard page and then I remove the hash. It shows a message showing that the account has been created and offers a link to the non secure softAP page. It's all a bit of a roundabout way of doing this but I couldn't think of another way just yet. Doesn't seem much point in logging the user in straight after they have created an account as no devices will show up in their dashboard. I'd be interested to hear of better ways of doing this
Part 2 - HTML registration form
To create a user, you'll need to make a POST via a form:
<form action="https://api.particle.io/v1/orgs/myorgname/customers" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="response_type" value="token" />
<input type="hidden" name="client_id" value="myappname" />
<div class="form-group">
<input type="email" class="form-control" name="email" placeholder="Email">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="password" class="form-control" name="password" placeholder="Password">
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block" value="Register" id="registration-submit">
All you need to do above is substitute "myappname" for the app name you chose in step 1 and substitute myorgname for your organisation name as setup in Particle. (Some of the above classes are bootstrap specific)
Part 3 - SoftAP Page
There's a couple of options here, there's a really nice page setup by @msolters which as far as I know will be there for a while http://photonsoftap.meteor.com (you could add this address to your redirect_uri, although it won't handle claiming).
The option I chose was to use the great work from @mebrunet who has put a link up of a working page + JS library here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4V2vkt-SuU9NHdhRmlfTWFkUG8/view
I modified his HTML a bit and added my own CSS and branding etc. + a few extra functions in the JS which I'll explain later.
Part 4 - Claiming
I spent a bit of time trying to decide the best 'work flow' for my app. In the end I decided to keep my softAP page unsecured (I used a wildcard SSL so can chose which subdomains are HTTPS enabled). My login/dashboard page however has SSL enabled. What this means is that my softAP page redirects to my dashboard page with device ID appended to the address after WiFi setup and prompts the user to login, after which the device ID is used to complete the claiming process. This means that the device ID is the only piece of information that is transferred unsecurely, all login credentials are managed on the SSL enabled dashboard page. To do this I used this piece of JS added to the softAP JS library linked above (the redirect function is called via HTML when the user clicks a button after they have reconnected to their local network)
function redirect(){
The first thing that shows up on my dashboard page is a login section, I log the user in using the JS SDK:
(InputEmail and Password are ID's for inputs on the HTML page)
var email=document.getElementById("InputEmail");
var password=document.getElementById("Password");
spark.login({username: email.value, password: password.value});
After this I use the following which is run after a successful login event:
spark.on('login', function(err, body) {
console.log('API call completed on Login event:', body);
if(window.location.hash) {
var claimID = window.location.hash.substring(1); //Puts hash in variable, and removes the # character
var jqxhr = $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: "https://api.particle.io/v1/devices",
data: {
access_token: body.accessToken,
id: claimID
.done(function() {
alert('Your device was claimed successfully!');
.fail(function() {
alert('There was a problem claiming your device.');
//Other code to show/hide various login related HTML elements etc. can go here
The important part of the above is the jquery ajax POST call to claim the device, it uses the access token returned from the 'body' object and the device ID extracted from the search bar (which was appended by the softap page in the last step).
I'll post a few more things in the next post so this one doesn't get too long