

I recently bought a E5786 mobile broadband device. I get great 4g reception can access pages without any issues and have a high speed test result. When ever I try to download any files on it (Tested files from 6mb to 1gb) it doesent work and can error out.

I have 12 years experience as a computer tec through the Defence Force and know a lot about Pcs, Wifi ect. Ive checked to make sure the settings on my windows 10 pc are correct and tested downloads though my phone, home internet, tablet and even went to McDonalds. Ive made sure the settings wernt turned on to throttle it in windows 10.

My only conclusion is that Optus has decided to throttle the download speeds???

1. I pay for 25gbs i should be able to use them at the speeds i can access web pages at

2. Please contact me immediatly as i intend to lodge a complaint with TIO

3. If anyone else has had this issue then i would like you to comment here and we can all lodge a complaint together

I will be posting this on your social media page Optus

Kind Regards

Let down Optus Customer

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