Dear fellow MicroStrategy developers,
We are excited to inform you Data Pantheon BiToolkits v2.1 open beta is extended till June 30, 2017. You are invited to download a fully functional multi-user version of BiToolkits free of charge and no registration. The download size is only 8 MB. The Installation is simply unzipping the downloaded file to a folder and you are good to go. You don't need Windows Local Admin Right unless you have to install Microsoft Access Runtime (see download page for system requirements).
BiToolkits v2.1 Enhancement Highlights
(Please click this link to view full feature list)
Duplicate Name Search tool
When you search for objects in MicroStrategy, do you have difficulties picking the right ones from the search list due to duplicate names? The Duplicate Name Search tool helps you identify objects with the same names and enables you to rename thousands objects in one batch (see Rename Objects tool below). This tool offers many options to search for duplicate names, such as search by object types, object names, create/modify dates, etc.
Rename Objects tool
Complementing the Duplicate Name Search tool, the Rename Objects tool provides comprehensive options to rename thousands of objects with ease. You can change object names with Add Prefix, Add Suffix, and Find/Replace functions. Dynamic prefixes/suffixes such as object type, object owner, and object creation date/time can be added to object names. Object names can also be changed using Regular Expressions in the Find/Replace function. Once you are done with manipulating object names in BiToolkits, simply click a button to apply the name changes in MicroStrategy (via Command Manager).
Merge Batches tool
The Merge Batches tool enables you to merge Bitoolkits batches using set operations (Union, Intersect, and Difference). The possibilities are endless with this tool. For example, if you need to perform complex change impact analysis such as searching for objects that use object A and object B or object C but not object D, you first run Dependents search on objects A, B, C, and D. Then, use the set operations to merge search results (Intersect A and B, Union C, Difference D).
Access Rights audit tool
This Access Rights audit tool enables you to verify whether a user/group has specific permissions on selected objects (and components). This tool is also used to find access violations on subscriptions in Distribution Services and Narrowcast Services. You can search for report recipients who don’t have View permission to reports (and report components). With a click of a button, you can fix these issues by granting user/group appropriate permissions (via Command Manger).
Distribution Services Search tool
The Distribution Services Search tool enables you to search report subscriptions by subscription name, owner, recipient, report, schedule, delivery type, subscription create/modify dates, etc. As mentioned in Access Rights audit tool, you can search for report recipients who don’t have View permission to reports (and report components).
Narrowcast Services Search tool
The Narrowcast Services Search tool enables you to search NCS subscriptions by service name, subscription set name, recipient, report, schedule, attachment type, service create/modify dates, etc. Additional search capabilities include searching for report recipients who don’t have View permission to reports (and report components) and searching for duplicate subscriptions.