
I want to move the site from Linux to Windows.
The old site was built in a few years ago, and joomla version maybe 1.5.

Now I
(1)installed bitnami-joomla-3.4.8-0-windows-installer.exe
(2)delete all files in this directory ( C:\Bitnami\joomla-3.4.8-0\apps\joomla\htdocs )
(3)installed Joomla_1.5.26 in this directory ( C:\Bitnami\joomla-3.4.8-0\apps\joomla\htdocs )

then the site is working fine and i can log in (http://localhost/joomla/administrator/)

(4)import the old database XXXsql.zip through phpadmin

then i can't log in (http://localhost/joomla/administrator/) and just get a blank page.

but the site is working fine and all the site information can be displayed properly, just cant log in.

I dont enter any password, just click on the login button, it also turns into a blank page.

in the log file, C:\Bitnami\joomla-3.4.8-0\apache2\logs\error.log

PHP Warning:
Creating default object from empty value in C:\Bitnami\joomla-3.4.8-0\apps\joomla\htdocs\modules\mod_latestnews\helper.php on line 109, referer:http://localhost/joomla/

PHP Fatal error:
Call to undefined method stdClass::onAuthenticate() in C:\Bitnami\joomla-3.4.8-0\apps\joomla\htdocs\libraries\joomla\user\authentication.php on line 121, referer:http://localhost/joomla/administrator/

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