
We are e-currency exchanger which works with Bitcoins. We exchange various e-currencies and crypto-currencies. Problem is that all work is done manually. We need to switch to automatic exchange process.

Right now, when clients want to transfer from Perfect Money to Bitcoins, we always manually check the payment and then manually send Bitcoins. This is veyy time consuming and slow. We want to change to a script which will do it automatically.

You must have experience with bitcoins, blockchain, cryptocurrencies and e-currencies such as Perfect Money, Egopay, Okpay.

Security is the main goal. There will be API access to our accounts and it must be more than 100% safe against hackers. We did already automatization in the past and our account was emptied because some hacker was able to change payment API script via vulnerability described here: http://okpay.livejournal.com/685.html

For this project, we need to make automatic script for the following exchange:

Perfect Money to Bitcoins

Bitcoins to Perfect Money

What does it mean:

- you need to understand Perfect Money API to create 100% safe payment buttons. When someone orders Bitcoins and pays with Perfect Money, callback script will send bitcoins to client’s bitcoin address automatically right after payment from our bitcoin wallet.

- you need to understand Bitcoin wallet API. Bitcoins are sent to clients right after payment. In case of Perfect Money to Bitcoin, when bitcoins are sent to the client’s bitcoin address, we want to show transaction ID with link to blockchain.info so client can easily validate that bitcoins were really sent. Blockchain API has this option so it should not be a problem.

- when client wants to convert Bitcoins to Perfect Money, you need to again understand how Bitcoin API and Perfect Money API works. Script will recognize incoming bitcoin payment, but Perfect Money must be sent after 3 confirmations of Bitcoin payment.

Our website is zenithincome.com

You can go and submit new order for Perfect Money to Bitcoin and Bitcoin to Perfect Money so you can see what we do and what we want to automatize.

Our competitors with already automatic script:

Perfect Money API: https://perfectmoney.com/sample-api.html

Bitcoin API: https://blockchain.info/api

Please note that we want 100% secure script. We want to avoid another big losses. Please read also this article about Perfect Money API vulnerability:http://okpay.livejournal.com/685.html

If we are satisfied with results, we can work with you on other type of transactions such as Perfect Money to Egopay, Bitcoins to Egopay, OKPay to Bitcoins, Bitcoins to OKpay. These all we want to automatize, but first, start with the two mentioned above.

Please do not bid if you dont have experiences with Bitcoins, Blockchain and at least one API of e-currency processor.

Desired Skills: MySQL Administration, HTML, PHP

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