
The WooCommerce Support Ticket System (WCSTS) seamlessly integrates into your WooCommerce installation adding a system to mange user and order support tickets!
In this way the Shop admin can easily keep track and give support for order and users issues!

Note: The plugin, as WordPress, requires a minimum 5.5 PHP version.



(Shop admin account)

user: demo

pass: demo

(customer account)

user: customer

pass: demo

(customer account)

user: customer2

pass: demo


WCSTS extends WooCommerce adding a system to manage support tickets. Via WCSTS can be managed two different ticket types:

Order tickets: related to orders issues

User tickets: realted to users issues

Order and User tickets can be submitted by the user directly via frontend pages. Shop admin can manage tickets using the special backend area.
Furthermore the plugin allows email notifications, custom texts and many other customizations to better personalize the system according to the shop admin needs!

Order tickets

Once activated, the plugin seamlessly adds a ticket area in all frontend order details pages (My Account page -> Orders -> select any order). In this special area the user can submit new tickets requesti support for that particular orders, read the admin replies for the already submitted tickets and submit new messages.

Optionally the user can also attach one or more files. Once a ticket is submitted, the customer and the admin can optionally receive a notification email (notification system and attachment by default are disabled. Enable them via the Options menu).

User tickets

Using the special [wcsts_ticket_area] shortcode the shop admin can render the user ticket area in any frontend page. This ticket type works in the same way of order ticket for the exception that it is associated to a specific user rather than an order.
Once a ticket is submitted, the customer and the admin can optionally receive a notification email (notification system by default is disabled. It can be enabled via the Options menu).

Backend managment

The shop admin via the backend Ticket system managment area will be able to keep track of all the submitted tickets. In the ticket list table, the shop admin can at once retrieve
the following info:

Type: can be Order or User. It is needed to identify if the ticket is associated to a specific order or to a specific user

Associated User/Order id

Status: It can be Open, In Progress or Closed

Priority: priorities can be customized using the special menu

New message counter: it helps to better identify if an user replied to ticket

Subject: ticket subject

Ticekt open date

Ticekt last user reply date

Deleting a ticket, the system will delete all its related metainfo including attachments! In this way your server and your db will be always clean!

Clicking on a ticket, the Admin can edit its info, read customer personal data, download (and delete) attachments and reply to the user. On ticket details page can be also overiden the notification emails recipient(s)

Options & customizations

The plugin allows the shop admin many customization, as:

User/Order ticket subject type: Subject can be an open text (with lenght limit) or a select menu by which the user has to select one of the preselected topics

Messages and subject lenght limit

Disable order ticket system: disabling the ticket area will no longer be showed on every order details page. The shop admin will be still able to display the User
ticket area using the [wcsts_ticket_area] shortcode

Attachments: enable attachments, number of attachable file, size and types

Email notification system: enable disable user and/or admin notifications

Texts Customizations

The shop admin can customize the following texts:

New ticket description: displayed on the new ticket box. It could contain various info, like ticket avarage processing times

New ticket “succesfully submitted” message: This message is displayed after a ticket has been succesfully submitted by the user

Notification emails subject and body: All email subject and messages can be customized. Furthermore can be used special place holder like {subject}, {message}, {ticket_id}
to embed dinamic content about the current ticket message.


Order ticket area

User ticket area

Admin area

Option menu

Customize text menu

Notification email

User reply

Admin reply

User new ticket submission confirmation


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