
Agile Dashboard

An overview of open projects, open tasks, received and outstanding payments,
Logged hours and Closed issues.

Sprint Management

Effective sprints help break down bigger tasks into smaller stories and help better execution.


You can add stories to any project.

Defect Tracker

You can easily track defects from defect tracker project wise.


Admin and client or freelancer can easily track logged hours from Timesheets.

Login Credentials

Admin Login:- admin/admin

Client Login:- client/client

Staff Login:- user/user

Support Tickets

Clients can open tickets to keep track of any defect.

Release burn down charts

Every project has it’s own Release burn down chart which helps to easily manage if the project is on or off the track.

Client Login

Clients can view the status of their projects and invoices and pay accordingly.

Invoice Management

Create and send invoices to your clients

Your server need to meet the following requirements to run SCRUM.

PHP 5.3+

MYSQL 5.1.7+

PHP MYSQLi Extension

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