Building lifelong customer relationships is hard. If it weren’t, you probably wouldn’t be reading this. The truth is, there are tons of competitors vying for customer loyalty in any given industry. And on top of that, there are many strategies to increase customer loyalty. We’re here to ease your pain points and provide you with a proven model to blow your competitors away.
Our six chapters and accompanying top-notch resources act more like steps to acquire and retain customers for life. You’ll get access to a proven model and top industry insights to develop the right customer-centric strategy for your company. If you find this definitive guide helpful, feel free to share this definitive playbook.
Introducing: The Go-To Guide on Customer Loyalty
Chapter 1: The Importance of Cross-Channel Data Capture & Synthesis
Chapter 2: How to Get More Customer Intelligence from Big Data
Chapter 3: The Increasing Value of Customer Segmentation
Chapter 4: Why Customer Profiling Provides a Holistic Customer View
Chapter 5: How Personalized Marketing Can Augment Engagement
Chapter 6: Using Omnichannel Marketing to Reach Any Customer
Chapter 1
The Importance of Cross-Channel Data Capture & Synthesize
With an abundance of engagement channels – such as online, in-store, social, and mobile – brands have data from several disparate sources. It’s never been more important to synthesize these data silos into one platform and gain a singular customer view.
Do’s and Don’ts of Consumer Data Capture
L2 instructs on how to properly collect data for synthesis and action. From simplifying sign-up forms to creating robust loyalty programs, this article has the insights to make a difference with your data.
Why Don’t You Know That I’m Your Customer?
Not capturing all possible customer data is a mistake. DataMentors writes about the problem stemming from lack of customer information (e.g. demographics, behaviors, preferences, etc.).
8 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Customer Data
CIO educates on eight steps to leverage the big data that brands collect. Don’t miss out on any of these opportunities.
How Big Data Will Help Build Brand Loyalty
Brands not only need to centralize customer data to drive the bottom-line today, but they must understand their preferences and desires to predict the future trends.
Unifying Fragmented Customer Data a Marketing ‘Megatrend’
Our own customer insights expert speaks about the newest marketing megatrend: unifying disparate data silos. Synthesizing disparate data is the foundation for developing customer loyalty and a flawless customer experience.
Better Data Enables Better Customer Segmentation
Simply having data is one thing, but it’s all about using these numbers to make campaigns more relevant and valuable for customers.
Chapter 2
How to Get More Customer Intelligence from Big Data
When you have your customer data centralized under one platform, it’s time to start understanding your customers. What are their preferences and purchasing trends? Where do they shop, and what communication channels do they use? Customer intelligence is a necessary piece to the loyalty puzzle.
Q&A: Understanding Intelligent Customer Experience
Mark Harrington, Clutch’s VP of Marketing, informs the need for strategy to use customer intelligence to better understand customers and target them accordingly.
Optimizing Customer Intelligence Processes
Customer Innovations provides an in-depth report on all things customer intelligence: its value to a brand, factors composing and affecting customer intelligence, and insight on optimizing the process. This is a must read for any company looking to form a customer intelligence strategy.
Pin Down Your Customer Intelligence Objectives
Here’s a list of potential customer intelligence objectives for brands. This is a good, quick read if you want to invest time into customer intelligence, but aren’t sure what goals makes sense for you company.
Creating Value through Customer Intelligence
Business Insider cautions against sending messages to customers that hold no value. Customer intelligence is about sending the correct message to the appropriate customer, and here are some tips and scenarios exemplifying this point.
Customer Intelligence
With customer intelligence being the link between business intelligence and customer relationship management, getting a 360-degree view of the customer has never been more necessary. This detailed article educates on how to get this holistic view and then effectively target customers on a personal level.
5 Essential Steps to Mastering Customer Intelligence
In this article, we learn about five ways to get the most out of customer intelligence, and relationship building is the general theme.
Chapter 3
The Increasing Value of Customer Segmentation
Segmentation empowers brands to bucket customers that exhibit similar demographics, purchasing behaviors, preferences, communication tendencies, etc. It’s a powerful process that makes customer profiling much easier and efficient.
The Art of Customer Segmentation
Since not all customers are the same, it doesn’t make sense to target them as if they are. Segmenting customers into smaller groups characterized by particular traits allows for targeted messaging.
Segment Your Customers
This great read explains not only the benefits of customer segmentation, but also how to sort your customers into market segments to keep them loyal and eager to engage again and again.
How to Market to Online Shoppers Based on Personality Types
Here are eight different types of shoppers and what they’re interested in with ecommerce sites. This is a great example of how to go about segmenting customers for a specific channel.
Market Segmentation – Why is it Important?
Market segmentation is the foundation for better targeting customer segments, allowing for increased customer reach, price differentiation, up-selling/cross-selling opportunities, and continual innovation.
7 Essential Customer Segments for Your E-commerce Website
As experts in website optimization, Optimizely empowers us to maximize the value of customer segmentation on ecommerce platforms with seven must have segments.
A New Framework for Customer Segmentation
Harvard Business Review provides a new take on customer segmentation based on the combination of jobs that a customer needs to complete. This three-step process offers a unique perspective on using data to drive proper segmentation.
Chapter 4
Why Customer Profiling Provides a Holistic Customer View
Building customer profiles is an essential exercise to understand your different types of customers. Once you understand who your customers are in great detail, you can target them personally and uniquely, thereby maximizing marketing ROI and customer value.
Customer Profiles: A Smarter Way to Reach Your Customers
Help Scout developed a robust post on how creating customer profiles can show who is a fit for your product. The article covers why customer profiling is essential and how to form a successful strategy.
Five Simple Steps To Creating An Ideal Customer Profile
Here’s a five-step process to learn more about current customers, so that you can find more customers like them. If you want to determine your ideal customer, you should read this.
A Dead-Simple Customer Profile Template that will Massively Increase Sales
We’re offered a process to use customer profiling as the catalyst for increasing sales. This is a good read if you’re in a niche industry and need more detailed insights to create a full proof plan.
Know Your Customer: How to Create an Accurate Customer Profile
This is another valuable resource on creating a proper customer profile. It comes with a detailed, useful template to document customer characteristics.
The Customer Profile: Your Brand’s Secret Weapon
Consumers are engaging with brands via several channels (e.g. mobile, online, social, in-store, etc.), contributing to an abundance of data silos. It’s crucial to build customer profiles to understand communication preferences and behaviors.
Customer Profiling: Using Your Customer Data to Improve Your Marketing ROI
Dun & Bradstreet highlight the benefits of customer profiling, including increased customer acquisition and retention. Marketers who understand their customers can arm their sales teams with qualified leads and consequently increase their marketing ROI.
The Art of Customer Profiling
Experian provides a comprehensive guide on the art of understanding your audience. Customer profiling will improve the overall customer experience and uncover more opportunities to increase ROI.
Chapter 5
How Personalized Marketing Can Augment Engagement
If a female customer only purchases red dresses, it doesn’t make sense to send her an email about a blue dress. Rather, an email about complimentary shoes for a red dress makes much more sense. Personalized marketing empowers brands to engage customers with only relevant products, services, experiences, etc. That’s why personalized marketing boosts customer retention, acquisition, and lifetime value.
Personalized Marketing Is No Longer a Luxury
A new era is here, and that is the era of personalized marketing. Engaged and motivated customers are those that will convert at higher rates. Consumers are turning down one-size-fits-all media models and responding to personalized engagements.
The Psychology of Personalization: Why We Crave Customized Experiences
HubSpot takes on a scientific journey about why humans demand customized experiences. It’s a neat read that proves the need for personalized marketing.
6 Email Personalization Techniques That Go Beyond a Name
There are many different channels to communicate with customers. Kissmetrics writes about six ready-to-rock strategies to personalize your email marketing.
15 Mind-Blowing Stats About Personalization
CMO enlightens us with 15 statistics about personalization that will get you up to speed with marketing’s disconnect.
Three Major Benefits of Using Personalization in Marketing
Personalization provides marketers with the ability to be predictive, not reactive. Being predictive can provide customers with additional value and help brands with retention and conversions.
5 Incredible Examples of Personalized Marketing
Pardot provide five examples of personalized marketing to help your brand understand how other companies are taking unique approaches and seeing results. These are really interesting use cases.
Customers Frustrated with Brands that Fail to Personalize
While it’s no surprise that consumers are demanding personalization, large data silos have been problematic to companies. Now, technology like a customer marketing platform can solve these problems and align brand marketing with customer desires.
Chapter 6
Using Omnichannel Marketing to Reach Any Customer
Customers are demanding brand engagements from more channels than ever before. Failure to interact with customers via any given channel – such as mobile, in-store, or social – is a missed opportunity to earn customer loyalty. True omnichannel marketing empowers marketers to reach customers at every channel and with a purpose.
7 Inspiring Examples of Omni-Channel User Experiences
Hubspot elaborates on seven companies that are killing the game when it comes omnichannel experiences. This is a solid read for inspiration on effective omnichannel strategies and approaches.
The Personalization Revitalization of Direct Mail
Brands often neglect direct mail as a communication channel. Clutch’s Jim Hooven tells us why we’re seeing revitalization in brands’ use of direct mail as a meaningful method to connect with customers.
The importance of being omni-channel fit in the new age of retailing
Omnichannel retailing is now more than just physical retail spaces. Brian Walker, CEO of Retail Doctor Group, details implementation strategies to build customer loyalty in the dynamic retail industry.
Omnichannel B2B marketing
Smart Insights takes us through the overall benefits of omnichannel marketing, highlighting the necessity to be present everywhere a customer expects to find you.
How Companies Are Using Omni-Channel Marketing to Reach Customers [Infographic]
Here’s a neat infographic containing consumer data that points to the value of optimizing omnichannel engagement.
What You Need To Know About Omni-Channel Marketing
The consumer journey has evolved in such a way that there is no longer a linear path to buying. Daniel Newman, President of Broadsuite, overviews omnichannel marketing in the context of the consumer journey.
The Omni-Channel Experience: Marketing Meets Ubiquity
In the world of technology and varied communication channels, consumers seek ubiquity. Brands must look at a multi-path consumer experience to really understand what their customers want.
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