
After eight wonderful years we have decided that it’s time for something new. Our partners Morgan and James from SILO Coffee will open COMMONGROUND on Boxing Day. A few words from Katrin to our fantastic Fabisch restaurant team and a glance into the future.

Now the time has come to say goodbye to Fabisch. Our #futurecircus project takes futher shape – we’re renovating the ground floor and will re-open on the 26th of December with not only a new look but also a new gastronomical partner. The wonderful guys from Silo will open the COMMONGROUND café bar at the Circus Hotel!

And as excited as we are about our new steps and the developments ahead, we are also very emotional looking back. We’ve had an amazing time with the Fabisch, we met loads of wonderful people who gave their love and enthusiasm to our restaurant. I can’t even count the numbers of coffees being made, the schnitzels being pounded, the granola being roasted and the smiles being served. We want to use the chance and say thank you. A very very big THANK YOU! Some people I want to mention personally as Fabisch wouldn’t have been Fabisch without them.

Thank you Roman for all your dishes, our discussions about vegetarianism and your patience in dealing with non-gastronomical hotel owners.

Thank you Katja for picking up the pieces before we had to, for leading a team that wouldn’t let us down and for all your Berlin humor, which made us smile.

Thank you Esther for bringing in the stability when it was greatly needed, for all your memos and talks, and for your supportive smiles when things got hard.

Thank you Bully for always smiling, even in the biggest rush.

Thank you Steffi, for bringing laughter to the people, even at 6.30am.

And also a big thank you to all the rest of the team. We’re really happy to have met you and are looking forward to seeing where the world is taking you. We’re having a big farewell dinner tonight – pictures will follow soon!


The post Time to say goodbye. Farewell, Restaurant Fabisch! appeared first on Circus Berlin.

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