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Chinagdg. Search the thousands of Google developer technology groups and programs to connect with developers from multiple backgrounds. Join...
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As an Python advocate and educator, I’m always looking for ways to make my job (and yours) easier. This list put together by Morpheus Data offers a ton of great resources for Python users (more than 25 tools specific to Python) and other DevOps and Sysadmins...
alvinashcraft shared this story from The New Stack. Joe Emison Bio: Joe Emison is Founder and Chief Technology Officer at BuildFax, the only provider of automated property condition information to the insurance and lending industries. Joe launched...
The cloud allows resource and labor costs to be shared across multiple sites and with many customers. This article examines device-centric Internet of Things (IoT) in the industrial space, defined as connecting individual measurement and control devices...
Bebechana’s return on Boogie Woogie Bebechana will return to Boogie Woogie this week to capture the nation once again with her dancing prowess. Now before you get those grey cells running, here’s the complete story. The upcoming episode...
In our article, Cloud computing 101: Advantages and disadvantages, we defined cloud computing and discussed some of the benefits and challenges that come with transitioning from local servers to the cloud. We also took a look at the top 5 industrial...
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Add chat and video calling using QuickBlox chat API...
QuickBlox provides instant messaging API that allow chat and calling functionality to be added to any Android, iOS, or Web applica...
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Google Developer Groups & Programs - Google for Developers
Search the thousands of Google developer technology groups and programs to connect with developers from multiple backgrounds. Join a GDG near you.
Google Developer Groups & Programs - Google for Developers
Who should join Google Developer Groups? keyboard_arrow_up Anyone who is interested in learning about Google's technologies, connecting with other developers, and growing their skills...
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