
Cars are no more a luxury in India now.  The challenge in maintaining a car lies in regular service and interiors. After all, we spend a lot of time travelling in a closed air conditioned car.  And if you are the kind of person with motion sickness, the smell of diesel can be quite a challenge to manage. To add to it, we have leather seats and what not.  Just getting into an ill maintained car is enough to spoil the day for us. With the cabs service picking up big away in Chennai, maintenance has become one of the key factors to get those star ratings from the customers. Car perfumes have a great role to play in keeping the vehicle drive worthy. Though many car fresheners have come into the market, many simply adopt the room freshener style which lasts for an hour and we are back to square one. What we need is a car freshener that keeps the fragrance constant.

Godrej has come out with its own set of designer fragrances and the good news is we can buy these car air fresheners online.

Aesthetics play an important role and we do not want an ill looking bottle to spoil the interior décor of our proud possession. Keeping this in mind, Godrej Aer comes with luxurious look and six designer fragrances to choose from. Named Aer Click, the gel can last for 2 months’ claims Godrej.

Love the Irish cocktail fragrance that takes us to those green gardens loaded with Irish flowers.

Citrus never lets us down but then the lemony fragrance can be overpowering. Godrej Aer comes with Orange and that certainly makes a difference.

For those who believe in a fragrance which plays its role without making itself felt, try the cool surf blue. Its aqua fragrance will be missed only when it is exhausted.

Rose is always a freshener; how can it be left behind and so we have Rose.

Step in to the fields and you get a misty, green grass fresh fragrance. Godrej Aer brings it as a part of the six designer fragrances to the nature lover in you.

Finally, the musk for the spicy fragrance capable of overpowering any strong smell.

Godrej Aer Click gel costs Rs. 275 and the refill comes at Rs. 175. The best part is you can buy them online at http://www.godrejaer.com/click.html

Choose the right one for you today and bring in those natural fragrances home in your car.

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