(Last night I had about 230-240 people attend my presentation in Escondido, California. Many wanted some detail on various areas of the world and I promised them I would repost this article from last October that did an overview – CJ)
Be Not Afraid: God Has a Plan
Posted on October 17, 2014 by charliej373
I have been searching for just the right word to describe to you what my work is. I have thought of ambassador, as that captures much of what I am sent for. But a reader, speaking on another matter, gave me the perfect word: Sherpa.
I have not been given messages primarily to share with the world. From a profusion of visitations, I have often been forbidden to share it with anyone but my priests. Frankly, on the rare occasions that I am directed to give a specific message – either to a person or publicly – it makes me nervous. I was not sent primarily to warn people. Rather, I was trained, spent a good chunk of time seeing the world from the other side of eternity, because my work was primarily to accompany the world, the faithful, our pastors, our shepherds, the broken-hearted and those who had lost hope – and give all safe guidance through these terrible times IF these times had to come. I am not in charge of the expedition, but am charged with helping it safely navigate dangerous uncharted terrain and am responsible for doing it well. My purpose is very limited…to guide us through this safely. That’s all. Once it is over, my work is done. If it had never come, I would not have been needed. It is why I have been visited constantly for over 50 years…so I would know the territory well when it came time to guide God’s people safely through its dangers.
The great majority of things I am shown are for me, so that I know the territory. Much I am forbidden to speak of. Some snippets I am allowed…and some things I am forbidden for a time, and then allowed to speak a little of if I choose. One of the most emphatic instructions I have been given is that I was to fully accept the training, to learn to see a little as they see from eternity, then study deeply the matters I am directed to from there. Then I am to take full responsibility for what I say. I was to learn the territory from God, then guide people into and through the territory of the Storm, but not to blame God for any of my guidance along the way – though I am accountable to Him for how I do my job – and entirely subordinate and obedient to the Church along the way. It has been a long, rocky and difficult road. But it is my road, and there is a certain joy in that. Now we have reached a point where I can – and need – to speak to you candidly about several things on how the world will be shaking out in this Storm. It will encompass some of why Russia is critically important to the whole thing.
When an older person reaches a critical stage, their systems start collapsing in a sort of cascade. That is what is happening in the world right now. We are seeing the catastrophic cascade of systems shutting down and failing as a sign of the death of the old order. I have long ago seen this. I’ve mentioned before how frustrated I get that no matter how carefully I try to describe it, people just can’t seem to wrap their mind around genuine catastrophic collapse. The systems that have sustained us are dying around us, before our very eyes. I did not know all the instruments of that collapse, but did know the depth and breadth of it. The old must be wiped away before the new can emerge. (Or as one who could have been a Sherpa once said, “Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore”). I was told that in the ever-deepening spiral of chaos and disorder, there would be a few false dawns that those who were determined to hold to their own supremacy could grab to delude themselves that they had everything under control again – only to shortly see things spiral even deeper out of control. So on Ebola, ISIS, the fragile economy, the rumblings of war throughout the globe, the collapse of defensible borders, the emergence of nuclear capacity in rogue regimes, some crises may yet be eased – but only so the arrogant can deceive themselves that they are in control again. But all will come crashing down as the process of collapse concludes. There may be no more significant false dawns except the one I will describe later in this article. The cycle of crises and false dawns were intended for the period of rumblings. That period ran from early fall of 2000 until late spring of 2009, when ever so silently, the first deceptively gentle rains of the Storm were felt. Actually, I don’t think any of the crises we face will lift; that they are all part of the final crash which announces the Storm is fully engaged – but I do not know that for sure; only that the final crash is now imminent.
I long ago said – and often repeated – that I had been told the Storm would break through North Korea but would not be centered in North Korea. It already has. Back in May of 2009. Not to worry, I did not recognize it when it happened, either. Rather, while discussing in June of that year with someone else about “when the Storm breaks…” my angel interrupted and told me it already had. He explained that the nuclear test that North Korea did in May of 2009 was more than it seemed…that it was actually N. Korea’s audition to act as nuclear arms merchant and technical consultant to some Middle Eastern rogues, that representatives from several nations, including Iran and Syria had been present – and that agreement had been reached. The Storm had broken. I told my priests but otherwise downplayed it. Last year, American intelligence confirmed that Iran and Syria had been present at that test and that N. Korea had been engaged as technical consultant and supplier to Middle Eastern maniacs. It may be that N. Korea will commit some new showy atrocity to herald the fulness of the Storm, but whether it does or not, the Storm broke in May of 2009.
For the most part, I just skim over modern prophecy, even those that are approved, getting the general sweep of them. That was once a matter of discipline, as my priests did not want me mixing what I saw with what others had, so it might be more carefully authenticated. I fully concurred – as I was hoping for some big contradiction that would give me a way out (even Sherpas aren’t overly enthused about climbing dangerous mountains in perilous weather if they can avoid it). Over time, it became a matter of prudence – and now simply one of trust. I figure anything I need to give attention to, my angel will tell me, so I wait for his word. I neither avoid them nor do I follow them or try to interpret them until I am directed by my superiors.
One prophetic item that has arisen lately is that communism must rise again before the Storm is fully engaged. It frankly surprises me that anyone could fail to see that it has already risen with a vengeance throughout the world. I guess people are waiting for Joe Stalin to rise again in his goofy uniform. Communism had three central elements, leading to a fundamental article of faith. The three elements are:
1) A fatally flawed political system, supposedly a dictatorship of the people for the people’s benefit. It demanded central governmental control, commanding people what to do for their own good. As it turned out, it was just a dictatorship – doomed to failure.
2) A fatally flawed economic system that, through the central command of the “dictatorship of the people,” would provide equally for everyone’s needs and wants. It vastly impoverished the land, destroying everything in its path. The only equality it ever provided was an equality of misery for the proletariat. Meanwhile, those in the system who were dictators in reality rather than just in theory, got an abundance of special privileges and goods because their work was so important to “the people.” It, too, was doomed to failure from the start.
3) The replacement of religion with a cult of the state. The Russian Revolution institutionalized the toxic ideology that good can only be done without reference to God, which is the very spirit of antichrist.
The Primary Article of Faith for Communism arising from these principles was the God is dead and man is now god. This is the formula for the rule of raw power.
Throughout the western world, the first two principles have been adopted in an often ragged, but certainly relentless manner. The rule of objective law, consent of the governed and inalienable rights have been gutted of their substance even as the fig leaf of a few forms have been retained. Economically, in the land of the free, market capitalism has been replaced by crony capitalism – which is a new phrase for economic fascism (I say that in the technical, rather than the pejorative, sense. Private ownership that must yield to public direction is the heart of economic fascism, a form of socialism). The third principle has been adopted entirely, almost throughout the western world – and that was satan’s point in engineering the rise of communism in Russia in the first place. Communism reigns more militantly and virulently than ever.
In a great convulsion over the last decade, most of the western world fully adopted government as its new god, even as it rejected the God of Abraham, Isaac, Peter and Paul. These last few weeks, every time government or one of its agencies makes a solemn pronouncement, within a day or two it is shown to be entirely wrong or an utter fabrication. I think God is amusing Himself a little – saying starkly to mankind, “Behold your god!” This is one of the necessary prerequisites: people must see the false gods for what they are before they get serious about the search for the true God. And so…these things must come.
For several centuries those of us in the west have lived in a cocoon of protection, contemplating the hard demands and realities of faith in a hothouse environment. Those of you with children – particularly two or more, know what I mean. People who have no children are great – and annoying – experts on how to raise children. If you don’t believe it, just ask them. And then if they have their own, their certain expertise goes flying out the window as they are confronted with reality. (A truly satisfying experience for those of us in the trenches who have occasionally been condescendingly lectured to by the childless. I used to LOVE it when people who had once been eager to tell me what I was doing wrong came to me in panic for advice once they actually had kids of their own.) We have had a luxury. We have dealt with the theory of how we would act under serious duress. Now we are going to find out how we will act under the reality of serious duress. Do you admire those saints of old who went into leper colonies to give consolation while certain that you would be counted among them? Ebola means you may well get your chance to prove your faith. What happens at the refuges when someone who has Ebola comes in looking for help? Are you certain that you would eagerly be martyred – and will remain resolutely pacifist under the most trying circumstances? A whole host of ISIS affiliates have made their way back into America and Europe – usually with the help of the government charged with protecting people. When some go off on a murderous rampage where you are, you will get the chance to choose and prove your belief. All the confident certainties borne of dealing with theory are about to be tested.
When final crash comes (and as I said, it is imminent. Do not be deceived even if things smooth out for a month. It is here), there will be a period of utter chaos for, I believe, about four to six months. I know very little of the detail of what happens in this period. Just that it is entirely chaotic, all the props are pulled out from under us. This will be a very dangerous period. But the truth is, after the initial convulsions and during the state of disorientation, the greatest killer will be panic. Be deliberate about the decisions you make. You may need to hunker down, you may need to flee. But be deliberate in what you choose. You won’t be able to drive events, but don’t let them drive you. Your goal during this time is to endure. Devote yourself to helping those around you then. It is not just for their good: it will protect you from panic and may save your life. Know that after a time, order will rise again. It will be different from the way things have been, but it will be real order. During this period of chaos, I know little more than you do about what I will do. But just as if I were in a canoe navigating the rapids, I will be both deliberate and decisive. Endure.
Once order rises again, there will be a period of transition. There may be several upheavals in leadership before we finally reach some form of stability. This could last a month; it could last a year – or a little more. I realize that, with all my experience of these things, I have estimated the time needed for certain things as man measures it, not as God does when His hand is moving. Things I thought must take significant time can happen at lightning speed when God acts. Once some vestigial stability is reached, the first order of business will be to raise a shattered nation – actually, a shattered civilization, off its knees. Restore some confidence by putting it back to real, productive work. Get it going so it can be prepared for the civilizational challenges ahead. Once that has been done, Islam must be confronted and defeated. The surprise there will be how quickly it falls once it is taken seriously and confronted. Helping will be Our Lady of Tepeyac, the Mother of Conversion. There will be a mass conversion in Islam, largely driven by its women, that will eclipse the conversion of the Aztec Indians when she first came. But it will not begin to happen until we take it seriously and confront it directly.
The popular diplomatic trope in the modern western world is both condescending and paternalistic. For all their blather about smart diplomacy and multiculturalism, the progressive west is amazingly narcissistic and uni-cultural. They imagine that all peoples are just like westerners in a faculty lounge – and that all the ills of the world are in response to what we in the west have done. It is a more subtle cultural imperialism than the direct variety that actually lifted many up to liberty and hope, but it reserves to modern progressives the role of the one who acts while reducing the rest of the world to those who respond. The anti-religious progressives can’t actually imagine people who really are not like them and do not want to be like them. There are three very important cultures that will be prominent in the struggle ahead – and one other that has an important late role that I know little detail about.
First there is western culture. It will, in fact, be largely led from America (when I say America now, unless I specify, I mean both Canada and the United States. If they are not cultural brothers, they are at least first cousins raised in the same neighborhood among the same kith and kin). Europe is an enfeebled outpost. Australia is a more robust outpost that can call itself to arms with vigor and resolve. The salient feature in the coming battle is the resurgence of traditional western Christian faith. Some of the oppression of Christians from modern progressives has been a blessing, for it has diminished the divisions in functional Christianity. A united front will be crucial for survival. As badly degraded as Christian faith has become in America, the situation is much more dire in Europe.
Next there is Chinese culture. China is the primary instrument of the antichrist in the battle to come. The dragon is its most appropriate symbol. Most of the non-aligned cultures will be dominated by China or will ultimately join the west. China is already much stronger militarily than almost anyone outside of it knows, except perhaps for Russia. It has been slowly and quietly gathering its forces, using proxies (often they are unwitting, but still effective, proxies) to soften up the west and Russia. China seeks to dominate the barbarians – which is what they consider every culture but their own – and impose their will on the whole world, which will kneel in fealty or bow in tribute. China is patient.
Russia is the great fulcrum. It has lived a 1,000-year identity crisis. The crisis became acute in the late 17th Century when Peter the Great determinedly shifted it towards the west. Ever since, Russia has tried to figure out whether it is a Western Power or a Eurasian Orthodox Power. Russia has historically been the center of Orthodox Christian Civilization, despite the aberration of atheist communism. Though it is not obvious to Americans, the Orthodox churches have historically been subordinate to the state, sort of a junior partner, especially in Russia. In that and some other senses, the schism between the eastern and western branches of Christianity in 1052 was a greater catastrophe for unity than the Reformation 500 years ago. If Russia fully casts its lot with the west, than we will endure the battle with China until rescue comes from heaven. In western Christianity, the state has traditionally acted independently in its political functions, but derives its legitimacy from the Church. They have had complementary roles – at least until Napolean pointedly crowned himself emperor, rather than accepting crowning by the Pope. Until Russia unites with the west, things will get dicier and dicier once China throws off its mask. But Russia will not fully cast its lot with the west until Catholicism and Orthodoxy reunify. A functional reunification is sufficient during the Storm, even if formal reunification must await the aftermath. (And I don’t say it must await that, only that formal reunification is not necessary for functional reunification to commence).
This is why, over the last decade or so, I have viewed Russian military adventurism with some bemusement. While not happy with how they use their martial prowess, I am glad they still value and hone it because we are going to need it all. I was told that America would voluntarily hollow out much of its military capacity and castrate its best military leaders. I struggled to believe it, but I have watched it happen these last few years. Europe and NATO have been paper tigers for several decades now.
You may think I have forgotten Islamic Culture, which is making a lot of noise right now. It is as showy and frothy as waves at sea in a Storm, but like those waves, it lacks the deep elemental power of the tide – which China does not lack. Islam is a hopelessly dissolute culture. The famous innovations of supposedly Islamic Culture, such as advanced mathematics, are not products of Islamic culture at all – but products of Arab Culture before Islam rose to gut it of its creative capacity. Even now, Islam is riotous and malicious, but it is far more often a tool of Chinese diplomacy than it understands. It will fall easily once it is taken seriously. But the west must take care to wage war against Islam, while recognizing the longing of most Muslims for God. If, in the battle, the west alienates Muslims, their culture may well fall to the Chinese side of the equation for the duration of the Storm. It is only after the defeat of Islam that the desperate confrontation with China will become apparent and be joined.
Northeast, or Sub-Saharan Africa is Muslim. As the battle with Islam goes, so will it go. Southwest Africa is largely Christian, and growing more so by the day. I have high hopes it will become a bastion of western civilization, but do not know.
Latin America will play a critical and positive role in the battle near the end. I do not know what that role is, but I know it is vital – and may even prove decisive in fortifying us all with the courage to endure until the rescue.
So perhaps you see a little of why I make the emphases I do. The unity of Christians and Jews in loving and co-operating with each other is more important than the disposition of nations – for that unity will drive the disposition of those nations, not vice versa. The battle is unwinnable. At every juncture, new terrors will be unveiled. And at every new terror, new graces will be poured forth if we keep to our post with steadfast resolve. Throughout the Storm, satan’s agents will be felt in political and religious spheres. He would destroy the whole thing from within were it possible. But it is not.
I have said gently, but firmly, before that you need to keep to your post faithfully. I will tell you bluntly now that if you cannot help yourself from primarily correcting the errors of others and meddling in business that is not within your purview, you will probably not physically survive the Storm. That is not to say your soul will be lost. Rather, where possible, God will work to put you in a final state of grace and then pluck you to save you for eternity. I say this not to scare you, but as a simple truth. Things are going to be perilous enough without angry or hysterical people bringing others down.
This is also why I don’t pay attention to much more than what I am called to do. If I did, I might get distracted and neglect the work that is needed. My estimates of time frames may be – and probably are – off on several instances. Mainly, I am given information, much of it for follow-up, and then must make determinations. If I were an angel I would understand enough to get it right. But I am just a man. If you think I have held something back, you don’t know the half of it. I have held a lot back. But when I refrain, I merely refrain. On those things I say I do not know, I really do not know. While I sympathize with curiosity and will answer some things I can, that is not where my duty lies. It is to prepare us with each step for what lies ahead so that you do not lose heart, that we all go forward with resolve. That mainly involves laying out what is just ahead, so no one is caught off guard and suddenly disheartened. There is more to be said, but this has been my longest and most difficult post to date, so I am going to close now, hoping and praying that I can be a useful Sherpa throughout the Storm. When all else closes in around you, remember what will never fail, what will sustain you throughout. Acknowledge God, take the next right step and be a sign of hope to those around you. Trust-Do-Love.