Byrne House. Representing the 1st District of Alabama
Byrne House. Representing the 1st District of Alabama
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From Ian: One year ago American student and veteran Taylor Force stabbed to death by Palestinian Terrorist When anti-Israel students on campus chant “Long Live the Intifada,” remember Taylor Force. The Taylor Force Act proposed legislation seeks to...
WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep. Tom Price, President Donald Trump’s choice to be health secretary, is the latest of a handful of Cabinet nominees to eke out a confirmation victory in a bitterly divided Senate. Following the pattern of strictly party-line votes...
WASHINGTON — The most powerful and ambitious Republican-led Congress in 20 years will convene Tuesday, with plans to leave its mark on virtually every facet of American life — refashioning the country’s social safety net, wiping out scores of labor and...
David Catron chastises conservatives who would prefer some ideal free-market health plan that is never going to be enacted instead of being happy with what can be done. What the voters really wants is cheap, accessible care — any way they can get it...
WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans won Senate confirmation of President Donald Trump’s choice for health secretary early Friday in the testy chamber’s fourth consecutive brawl over Cabinet picks. Senators approved Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., to head the Health...
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
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Corporate and Securities Law | Stinston LLP
Developments in securities regulation, corporate governance, capital markets, M&A and other topics of interest.
Representative Bradley Byrne | Representing the 1st District of Alabama
Representing the 1st District of Alabama
Internships | Representative Bradley Byrne
Information on the Internship opportunities available in my offices.
There is a Better Way to Fight Poverty | Representative Bradley Byrne
Last week, I sat in the basement of an apartment complex in the poverty-ridden Anacostia community of Washington, D.C. listening to Bishop Shirley Holloway tell a story that I wish every American coul...
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