



fat person: i get treated with disgust and disrespect for my appearance. movies and tv shows portray my body type as a joke or something meant to suffer. i cant even wear the clothes i want because the industries wouldn’t give a rat’s ass about my measurements but can throw up 7 different types of size 0 pants. im seen as lazy and unclean and get treated differently for it. skinny people are treated better and its unfair!

skinny fuck: someone called me anorexic even though i eat like a pig, stop thin-shaming??

@ the skinny ppl of tumblr: please feel free to speak up, since yall love to take over posts like this

This post is absolutely disgusting and that’s all I’m gonna say on that.

To all of those with eating disorders that lead them to being underweight and harrassed for it: you’re valid. You’re just as valid as any other person struggling with their weight. Sorry people are shits and harrass you and try to say you don’t have it hard.

A fat person

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