Exercise, Manual Therapy, and the Endocannabinoid System: Why we’re all inherently potheads
by Dr. Andreo A. Spina
What if I were to tell you that this biological system permeates the entire human body with receptors located in skeletal muscle, the digestive tract, adipose (fat) tissue, and throughout the peripheral and central nervous systems (including the brain)? Again, you would question why this system is not studied, discussed, or even mentioned in most in physiology/health classes.
What if I were to tell you that the Endocannabinoid system (or ECS):
- Helps regulate the central control of energy balance
- Helps regulate metabolic processes (including storage)
- Plays a key role in the maintenance of bone mass
- Regulates intestinal motility
- Promotes/regulates sleep
- Is involved in neuromodulation and immunomodulation in the immune system
- Is involved in modulating insulin sensitivity
- Is involved in the regulation of pain signaling
- And much more
You can read the entire, educational blog post here.
I have been preaching for quite some time that somehow or another (meaning that our bodies were either designed or we evolved to receive the cannabinoids found only in the cannabis plant), this “endocannabinoid system” is found in our bodies (yes, each and every human being, including the naysayers, the prohibitionists and the ignorant).
What (you ask)?
“God wouldn’t create us to receive something that is evil, would He?”
I guess I am just supposed to believe that it is all a coincidence or not important or useful (or maybe God didn’t know what He was doing), right?
Doesn’t that strike you as strange? That our body is made to use this substance, yet you have a government and complicit media/health/law enforcement that continually use erroneous data and conjecture to keep you from using it?
Can you not see that the misdirection has purpose to stop good health and healing? Do you understand they spend $TRILLIONS of your tax dollars on deception and perversions used to arrest people so certain entities can make huge amounts of money?
They don’t want you to know about alternative means of administration (like eating raw cannabis that will, in no way, get you “high”)? But because the THC can not be administered without heating the stuff except via a trans-dermal patch (and, yes, the THC is beneficial in many ways), one can eat “consumables” (foods with it in it), oils produced from it, smoke it, or better yet, vaporize it . Most of these means heat the THC and one can use its palliative agents for their ailments. The point is that one doesn’t have to risk any lung irritation to use THC.
Heavy smoking can, indeed, cause a range of lung issues, but moderate smoking does not (no matter what the “official line” boot-lickers tell you). These prohibitionists continually minimize its advantages and call it all sorts of names meant to brainwash you against it. What is sad is that many people (like a former commenter who believes that they are informed on a variety of subjects I discuss here), fall for the lies of the very ones they generally vehemently disagree with, regurgitate those very lies, and discount its usefulness which is becoming more and more evident (except to those, like her, who are willingly ignorant).
It is bizarre how ignorant and strong-headed some self-described thinkers can be, when, in fact, they are simply regurgitating the tired old indoctrination.
On a side note, this desperate person continued to harass me via email after our last discussion on the blog (which culminated in me banning their IP address from commenting).
Her parting shot was,
“You’re certainly not an intellectual. More like a pot-head with a fragile ego.”
She’s only half correct: I am no intellectual. But let me assure you that I have absolutely no cannabis in my system (altho I believe that it would help with my slightly elevated BP and arthritic aches and pains). As a matter of fact, there are NO drugs of any type in my system, except for my BP meds (hellfire, I don’t even drink alcohol, which is deadly, but legal). But from the last interaction with that bedlamite, it would seem that she is very well-versed in alcohol consumption.
My continual push for medical marijuana legalization is for people near and dear to me. I know people who suffer daily and would benefit from this medicine, but it is still illegal where I live (and many of the citizens still believe the dogma). Nevertheless, it is ludicrous to keep this innocuous wonder plant illegal for any reason, despite the nincompoops that still accept and trust the very people who profit from its illegality or want you sick and dying or are too brainwashed to know the difference.
What if God smoked cannabis?
It is high time (no pun intended) to understand that they LIE to us about this (and virtually everything else).
Now, enjoy some a collection of history’s best weed songs (I assembled in a playlist only available to readers here):
And if you haven’t done so, yet, please subscribe to the YT channel. Since they deleted my last channel, I hope to get more play on my videos again. Also note that I very much appreciate all the subscribers to this pitiful little blog. It is growing substantially (I know, only 500 or so, but that is big time for me)!
h/t Cannabis Journal (originally featured at Functional Anatomy Blog)
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Filed under: Big Meds, Big Money, Big Prison, Drug War, Health, Hemp/Cannabis Reform, Police State, RE-Legalization Rationale, Video Tagged: Cannabis, Cannabis Journal, cannabis reform, endocannabinoid system, Functional Anatomy Blog