It was rigged for a handful of corrupt Silicon Valley billionaires and the corrupt senators, agency heads and White House staff that they owned!
It has been proven, with irrefutable evidence, that The White House, and their campaign billionaires, rigged the Department of Energy to pay themselves kick-backs, via the manipulation of taxpayer cash, while sabotaging every other applicant, and competitor, using government resources to engage in those attacks.
Per federal investigators:“White House campaign staff traded campaign financing, federal “Cleantech” funding and stock market perks, with Silicon Valley oligarchs in an illegal political finance scam. They were assisted by Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, who had financial and personal relationships with all of the suspects. Together, they sabotaged other applicants, industries, domestic jobs and domestic innovation out of pure greed and ego-mania. The forensic financial, email and benefits surveillance, and tracking, now proves it!”
State & Federal employees, in a kick-back scheme…,
at the direction of elected officials, used taxpayer money to put “hit-jobs”, black-listing attacks, character assassinations and digital revenge strikes on their domestic competitors, who were taxpaying, voters. State and federal tax officials “Lois Lerner’d” competitors and gave away billions to campaign backers who ordered the hits on those competitors.
The facts are now published, and the victims are prepared to publicly debate any of the political attackers on live network newscasts, open public Congressional hearings, public law enforcement hearings and in federal courts.
Have you seen the, now famous, 60 Minutes episode? Take a look:
Click This Link:
You can see more about that in the many broadcast news stories; at this link:
or this link:
Here is the story, that you have seen in the news lately, about the group known as: “The Silicon Valley Cartel, the biggest scam in tech.”
And you think you had a bad day…
How would you like to discover that The President of The United States has put a “hit-job” on you.
He didn’t order you wiped out because you were a “bad guy”. He ordered you; a tax paying, born in the USA, red-blooded American; wiped out because you reported a crime that his staff engaged in.
The concept of such a thing would have been inconceivable, a few years ago. Now, published revelations, lawsuits, the Lois Lerner case, The Drake case, documentaries and witness testimony has proven that it has happened to thousands of American taxpayers, IN AMERICA.
The victims of these attacks had White House staff coordinate hatchet job media-article character assassinations, job terminations, data-base sabotage, hacking, black-listing, honey-traps, credit score crashes, application manipulation, competitive sabotage, loan and mortgage down-ranking, and other dirty tricks. The attackers did it to these people out of vindictive, malicious smugness. It was a crime. It was illegal. It was a Constitutional violation. The proof that they did it is now published in court and news documents.
Now is the time to fix the White House so that it can never break the law again. VOTE FOR ANTI-CORRUPTION CANDIDATES, WHO SIGN A GUARANTEE TO PROSECUTE CORRUPTION, IN 2016!
Testimony of Witness Group #256 to The Federal Bureau of Investigation:
“…Our group had been contacted, during the initial project by a group called In-Q-Tel. In-Q-Tel also contacted our team after we had testified to the GAO in their investigation of Steven Chu. We are now informed, by multiple federal and media investigators, of the following facts:
In-Q-Tel works with The New America Foundation on a financial pass-through process. In-Q-Tel says it is a “501 C 3 non-profit charity” yet has been involved in cocaine trafficking and outfitting mercenary groups.
In-Q-Tel and New America Foundation are funded and controlled by Eric Schmidt, and his partners, and have provided lobbying, manipulation and policy leverage for his personal interests.
Eric Schmidt has spent more time in the White House, lobbying and directing policy, than all of the members of Congress, combined.
Eric Schmidt, and his business and political partners received hundreds of billions of dollars of profit, at the expense of U.S. taxpayers, in the case herein under discussion. The Corbett Report has broadcast numerous documentaries about, potentially, illegal lobbying by In-Q-Tel.
Eric Schmidt used his company: Google to attack (Witness Group #256) by rigging search engine, media, proxy and network operations results against (Witness Group #256) and, when confronted with the charges by licensed lawyers for (Witness Group #256), had his staff refuse, in writing, to remove the attacks
In-Q-Tel contacted (Witness Group #256), under the pretext of wanting to invest in (Witness Group #256) software for emergency refugee rescue operations. In-Q-Tel then copied the software, put “back-doors” in it, distributed it under their organizations own name, and flooded the market with their software, while at the same time coordinating an attack with their financially connected associates at Google and Gawker in retribution for (Witness Group #256) assisting federal investigators with their investigations. This caused witnesses millions of dollars in losses and damages, while In-Q-Tel made millions of dollars in profits off of the effort.
In-Q-Tel is known to offer services as a domestic supplier of “dirty tricks” for political operations for various domestic companies, illegally using CIA resources. This is widely documented in public news and Congressional reports. Elon Musk has his companies staffed by In-Q-Tel, works with Eric Schmidt on stock market and media manipulation to rig his stocks, and had all of his competitors sabotaged by the same DOE staff who exclusively gave him taxpayer cash in violation of the Section 136 law.
In-Q-Tel operated a political payback service for Eric Schmidt, John Doerr and the other Silicon Valley Cartel members who had set-up a scam, valued at over a trillion dollars, and connected with campaign funding for Barack Obama and Dianne Feinstein. The financial records, beneficiary tracking, database analysis, emails and testimony; prove these facts beyond any doubt.”
In-Q-Tel, New America Foundation and related organizations are all financially, and politically, connected to Eric Schmidt, John Doerr and an organized, private, political and business effort to control Washington DC activities for their own personal interests.”
As an example of one of nearly a hundred attacks on U.S. taxpayers, and voters, by corrupt Senators, and their campaign financiers, take a look at this example case:
In a case of “awkward timing”, During the Iraq War, Team-6 was asked, via Congressional invitation and Congressional Commendation (published in the Federal Register by the United States Congress), to develop, for the United States, via the U.S. Department of Energy, the technology requested as the back-up plan, for when, and if, the Middle East went “sideways”. (If you have been reading the news, you will have noticed that has already happened) Team-6 won federal and industry commendations, federal grants, historical patents, federal contracts, industry acclaim U.S. Congressional commendation in the Federal Register, built and demonstrated numerous versions of the technology. The technology is an instant-swap/recharge battery that runs longer than almost any other battery, can use almost any one of over 3000 organic material fuel compositions, it leaves only drinkable water as it’s waste, needs no new infrastructure and can be created entirely from domestic materials including household kitchen waste. All of the technology is already fully functional, globally, in industrial uses.
Not only did the technology work, it has been deployed by competing interests globally in over $300M worth of contracts. 100% of the technology is in use in the world today.
Alas, the technology Team-6 developed was the one technology that, not only, obsoleted the Cartel’s scam but, in hindsight, exceeded it, by many paradigms in safety, cost, national security, ease-of-distribution, consumer access, consumer price-point, and a vast number of other metrics. The Cartel had taken over the lithium battery industry, which relied entirely on foreign incursions, toxic chemicals and off-shore mining deals, in advance, but nobody told Team-6 before they got roped into building the “lithium-killer”.
This journalist says it best: “With this fuel cell technology, If UPS, FedEx, a natural gas line or a water line, could reach your home, then your home was already set-up to use clean, sustainable energy that you had control over. The Cartel didn’t like that, because that meant that 3.4 billion consumers could already compete with them. ‘We couldn’t have consumers doing things on their own, now could we’?”
The Cartel politicians, and their campaign backers, went to war over it.
In retribution for assisting federal investigators, and for Team-6 “building a better mousetrap”, the corrupt billionaires hired In-Q-Tel, Gawker Media and Gizmodo (SEE THIS LINK FOR DESCRIPTION OF THIS GROUP), a “troll farm” blogging service and “sock puppets”, to embed the word “scam” next to every mention of Team-6 ‘s name, and staff, on the internet, HR databases and network services, as a character assassination program, in order to seek to terminate income flow, in retribution and revenge for Team-6 helping Congress and law enforcement interdict the political and financial crimes.
Click This Link, BELOW, to download an adobe .pdf file with the latest press clippings about Gawker lawsuits and investigations: (GAWKER MEDIA EXPOSED AS HIT-JOB FRONT FOR SILICON VALLEY CARTEL)
Gawker and their Silicon Valley Campaign partners, who own Google, then had Google lock the attack on the front page of Google, refusing to remove it after numerous legally correct requests by lawyers, in order to accelerate the damage to Team 1. The FBI, The San Francisco Police Department, The SEC, The OSC, The GAO, The FTC, The U.S. Senate and other agency’s, are now investigating this political and economic retribution attack on Team-6 and active case numbers now exist for this, and related matters, with those agencies. Google, and the coordinating parties, have now been tracked and confirmed, by digital forensics, as fully complicit and now bear the brunt of all loss liabilities to Team-6 . In addition to the recent Sony, Snowden, HSBC and other leaks; forensic IT tracking data; Silicon Valley and Washington DC whistle-blowers ; the sheer volume of the attacks; and their exclusive, IT data metrics confirmed, locked position on Google, prove the point of a coordinated and consciously manipulated attack, thus holding Google, and the related Cartel entities, liable for all losses and damages. In England this is called “hoisted by your own pitard”. English and French courts are discussing litigation against Google, with this case as one of the example metrics of Google’s manual search results manipulation to attack adversaries. Over 400,000 pages of evidence have now been acquired.
In short: Team-6 engineered, designed, built, demonstrated, delivered, patented and began marketing technologies that the Cartel either asked to look at, then took, without compensation, or sabotaged because they beat the Cartel technologies. After millions of dollars of federal patent office research, not a single Cartel technology has proven to have preceded Team-6 technologies. In every single case, it has been proven that this Cartel of campaign finance manipulators, asked, in writing to look at Team-6 technology, and then, either: rejected it in writing as “unworkable”, yet they then copied and sold 100% copies of the “unworkable” technologies as their own; or, sabotaged the technology to prevent it from affecting their market. Team-6, and other companies, who suffered the same attacks, are seeking fair, equally resourced public federal court & media hearings, to resolve the issues.
This was particularly ironic, since some of the Cartel “bad guys” have now been arrested, indicted and/or placed under FBI investigation for actually running a real embezzlement scam. The FBI Solyndra Raid, the U.S. Senate investigations and 14 other criminal investigations have put severe heat on the corrupt technology investors and politicians who Team-6. Per data exposure from Snowden, Greenwald, etc., Per Snowden/Greenwald/HSBC/Sony leaks, federal investigators have been found to have had every suspect under long-term extensive surveillance and now, their state and federal prosecutions are only a matter of time.
Team-6 will, now, always fight the good fight against criminal behaviour, bad ethics and public policy corruption. Their credentials, references, broadcast news videos and past project evidence, clearly counter-measure any of the attack false-hoods presented by those people. The GAO, OMB, FBI, U.S. Treasury, Washington Post, and hundreds of university research groups, calculate the loss, to the United States and the American taxpayer, from these crimes, at well over one trillion dollars of losses.
By Dan Epstein
News flash: Government subsidies and special-interest favors go hand in hand.
The latest example comes from a federal green-energy loan program. Last month, the DC District Court ruled that Cause of Action, where I am executive director, can proceed with a lawsuitagainst the Department of Energy. We’re suing the federal government for the blatant political favoritism in its $25 billion “Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Loan Program.”
In principle, this taxpayer-funded program was supposed to support the manufacture of energy-efficient cars. In practice, it rewarded a select few well-connected companies.
Since the program was created in 2008, numerous businesses have applied for its taxpayer-backed financial support. Yet only a small number were approved. Among the lucky few were two electric car manufacturers: Teslaand Fisker.
Both companies’ political connections run deep, especially Tesla’s. The company’s founder, Elon Musk, was a max donor for President Obama. One of its board members, Steven Westly, was appointed to a Department of Energy advisory board. And another Obama bundler, Tesla investor and adviser Steven Spinner, secured employment in the department’s Loan Program Office—the very office that gave the company a taxpayer-backed loan.
Fisker also has friends in high places. The company, which has since gone bankrupt, was backed by a San Francisco venture capital firm whose senior partners donated millions to the 2008 Obama campaign and other Democrat causes. One partner, John Doerr, parlayed his support into a seat on the President’s Council of Jobs and Competitiveness.
Such connections can allow a company to exert political pressure to enrich itself. Unsurprisingly, Department of Energy emails show that such pressure was rampant in its loan programs.
There’s no shortage of examples. The department’s leaders—including then-Secretary of Energy Steven Chu—repeatedly promised to deliver results to politicians like Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.). One emails reads, “DOE has made a political commitment” to approve a company’s loan. Another says the “pressure is on real heavy” from none other than Vice President Joe Biden. And still another shows an employee asking, “what’s another billion anyhow?”
Unsurprisingly, the Obama administration gave Tesla and Fisker preferential treatment, and then some.
The Department of Energy revised its review process in order finish the companies’ applications faster. The government gave them extraordinary access to its staff and facilities—even to the point of having government employees personally walk them through the loan application and approval process. The department ignored its own lending rules in order to approve the companies’ loans. And it renegotiated the terms of some loans after the companies could not keep their original commitments or were experiencing financial difficulties. Tellingly, Fisker has since gone out of business, despite receiving over a billion dollars in loans through this federal program.
Now contrast this preferential treatment with what happened to XP Vehicles and Limnia, neither of which have the same political connections. (My organization is suing the Department of Energy on their behalf). The two companies partnered to manufacture an energy-efficient sport utility vehicle that would have competed with Tesla and Fisker’s cars. They applied for loans in 2008 and 2009 under the same loan program.
The department refused them both—and it used bogus reasons to do so.
For starters, the department made claims that were laughably false. To take one example: It rejected XPV’s application because its vehicle was powered by hydrogen. It was an electric SUV. It also raised objections that it didn’t raise with other companies whose applications were approved. For instance: The bureaucracy criticized the proposed all-electric vehicle for not using a specific type of gasoline. Yet Tesla and Fisker received the loans despite producing similar all-electric cars.
In light of these obvious problems and hypocrisy, both companies presented the Department of Energy with detailed rebuttals. Yet the government failed to respond. To this day, both XPV and Limnia are awaiting a satisfactory reply. In the meantime, XPV has gone out of business, unable to compete against its politically connected—and subsidized—rivals.
This casts the Department of Energy’s loan program in a new light. It was sold to the American public as a means of promoting energy-efficient vehicles. Instead, it was used to benefit a select few well-connected companies. It was a blatant crony handout, paid for by the U.S. taxpayer.
Sadly, similar examples are widespread in Washington. That’s no surprise considering the feds spend roughly $100 billion a year in taxpayer-funded handouts to businesses. This breeds the sort of government-business collusion Americans think is rampant in Washington. In fact, over two-thirds of likely voters think the federal government helps businesses that hire the most lobbyists, shake the right hands, and pad the right pockets. They’re right.
This points to a simple conclusion: Politicians and bureaucrats shouldn’t use the public’s money to pad private companies’ bottom lines. As the Department of Energy’s green-vehicle loan program shows, the capacity for corruption is immense—and inevitable.
Epstein is executive director of Cause of Action, a government watchdog.
“This was an organized crime operation, involving state and federal employees, which
It was rigged for a handful of corrupt Silicon Valley billionaires and the corrupt senators, agency heads and White House staff that they owned!
It has been proven, with irrefutable evidence, that The White House, and their campaign billionaires, rigged the Department of Energy to pay themselves kick-backs, via the manipulation of taxpayer cash, while sabotaging every other applicant, and competitor, using government resources to engage in those attacks.
Per federal investigators:“White House campaign staff traded campaign financing, federal “Cleantech” funding and stock market perks, with Silicon Valley oligarchs in an illegal political finance scam. They were assisted by Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, who had financial and personal relationships with all of the suspects. Together, they sabotaged other applicants, industries, domestic jobs and domestic innovation out of pure greed and ego-mania.”
State & Federal employees…,
at the direction of elected officials, used taxpayer money to put “hit-jobs”, black-listing attacks, character assassinations and digital revenge strikes on their domestic competitors, who were taxpaying, voters.
The facts are now published, and the victims are prepared to publicly debate any of the political attackers on live network newscasts, open public Congressional hearings, public law enforcement hearings and in federal courts.
Have you seen the, now famous, 60 Minutes episode? Take a look:
Click This Link:
You can see more about that in the many broadcast news stories; at this link:
or this link:
Here is the story, that you have seen in the news lately, about the group known as: “The Silicon Valley Cartel, the biggest scam in tech.”
And you think you had a bad day…
How would you like to discover that The President of The United States has put a “hit-job” on you.
He didn’t order you wiped out because you were a “bad guy”. He ordered you; a tax paying, born in the USA, red-blooded American; wiped out because you reported a crime that his staff engaged in.
The concept of such a thing would have been inconceivable, a few years ago. Now, published revelations, lawsuits, the Lois Lerner case, The Drake case, documentaries and witness testimony has proven that it has happened to thousands of American taxpayers, IN AMERICA.
The victims of these attacks had White House staff coordinate hatchet job media-article character assassinations, job terminations, data-base sabotage, hacking, black-listing, honey-traps, credit score crashes, application manipulation, competitive sabotage, loan and mortgage down-ranking, and other dirty tricks. The
It was rigged for a handful of corrupt Silicon Valley billionaires and the corrupt senators, agency heads and White House staff that they owned!
It has been proven, with irrefutable evidence, that The White House, and their campaign billionaires, rigged the Department of Energy to pay themselves kick-backs, via the manipulation of taxpayer cash, while sabotaging every other applicant, and competitor, using government resources to engage in those attacks.
Per federal investigators:“White House campaign staff traded campaign financing, federal “Cleantech” funding and stock market perks, with Silicon Valley oligarchs in an illegal political finance scam. They were assisted by Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, who had financial and personal relationships with all of the suspects. Together, they sabotaged other applicants, industries, domestic jobs and domestic innovation out of pure greed and ego-mania.”
State & Federal employees…,
at the direction of elected officials, used taxpayer money to put “hit-jobs”, black-listing attacks, character assassinations and digital revenge strikes on their domestic competitors, who were taxpaying, voters.
The facts are now published, and the victims are prepared to publicly debate any of the political attackers on live network newscasts, open public Congressional hearings, public law enforcement hearings and in federal courts.
Have you seen the, now famous, 60 Minutes episode? Take a look:
Click This Link:
You can see more about that in the many broadcast news stories; at this link:
or this link:
Here is the story, that you have seen in the news lately, about the group known as: “The Silicon Valley Cartel, the biggest scam in tech.”
And you think you had a bad day…
How would you like to discover that The President of The United States has put a “hit-job” on you.
He didn’t order you wiped out because you were a “bad guy”. He ordered you; a tax paying, born in the USA, red-blooded American; wiped out because you reported a crime that his staff engaged in.
The concept of such a thing would have been inconceivable, a few years ago. Now, published revelations, lawsuits, the Lois Lerner case, The Drake case, documentaries and witness testimony has proven that it has happened to thousands of American taxpayers, IN AMERICA.
The victims of these attacks had White House staff coordinate hatchet job media-article character assassinations, job terminations, data-base sabotage, hacking, black-listing, honey-traps, credit score crashes, application manipulation, competitive sabotage, loan and mortgage down-ranking, and other dirty tricks. The attackers did it to these people out of vindictive, malicious smugness. It was a crime. It was illegal. It was a Constitutional violation. The proof that they did it is now published in court and news documents.
Now is the time to fix the White House so that it can never break the law again. VOTE FOR ANTI-CORRUPTION CANDIDATES, WHO SIGN A GUARANTEE TO PROSECUTE CORRUPTION, IN 2016!
Testimony of Witness Group #256 to The Federal Bureau of Investigation:
“…Our group had been contacted, during the initial project by a group called In-Q-Tel. In-Q-Tel also contacted our team after we had testified to the GAO in their investigation of Steven Chu. We are now informed, by multiple federal and media investigators, of the following facts:
In-Q-Tel works with The New America Foundation on a financial pass-through process. In-Q-Tel says it is a “501 C 3 non-profit charity” yet has been involved in cocaine trafficking and outfitting mercenary groups.
In-Q-Tel and New America Foundation are funded and controlled by Eric Schmidt, and his partners, and have provided lobbying, manipulation and policy leverage for his personal interests.
Eric Schmidt has spent more time in the White House, lobbying and directing policy, than all of the members of Congress, combined.
Eric Schmidt, and his business and political partners received hundreds of billions of dollars of profit, at the expense of U.S. taxpayers, in the case herein under discussion. The Corbett Report has broadcast numerous documentaries about, potentially, illegal lobbying by In-Q-Tel.
Eric Schmidt used his company: Google to attack (Witness Group #256) by rigging search engine, media, proxy and network operations results against (Witness Group #256) and, when confronted with the charges by licensed lawyers for (Witness Group #256), had his staff refuse, in writing, to remove the attacks
In-Q-Tel contacted (Witness Group #256), under the pretext of wanting to invest in (Witness Group #256) software for emergency refugee rescue operations. In-Q-Tel then copied the software, put “back-doors” in it, distributed it under their organizations own name, and flooded the market with their software, while at the same time coordinating an attack with their financially connected associates at Google and Gawker in retribution for (Witness Group #256) assisting federal investigators with their investigations. This caused witnesses millions of dollars in losses and damages, while In-Q-Tel made millions of dollars in profits off of the effort.
In-Q-Tel is known to offer services as a domestic supplier of “dirty tricks” for political operations for various domestic companies, illegally using CIA resources. This is widely documented in public news and Congressional reports. Elon Musk has his companies staffed by In-Q-Tel, works with Eric Schmidt on stock market and media manipulation to rig his stocks, and had all of his competitors sabotaged by the same DOE staff who exclusively gave him taxpayer cash in violation of the Section 136 law.
In-Q-Tel operated a political payback service for Eric Schmidt, John Doerr and the other Silicon Valley Cartel members who had set-up a scam, valued at over a trillion dollars, and connected with campaign funding for Barack Obama and Dianne Feinstein. The financial records, beneficiary tracking, database analysis, emails and testimony; prove these facts beyond any doubt.”
In-Q-Tel, New America Foundation and related organizations are all financially, and politically, connected to Eric Schmidt, John Doerr and an organized, private, political and business effort to control Washington DC activities for their own personal interests.”
As an example of one of nearly a hundred attacks on U.S. taxpayers, and voters, by corrupt Senators, and their campaign financiers, take a look at this example case:
In a case of “awkward timing”, During the Iraq War, Team-6 was asked, via Congressional invitation and Congressional Commendation (published in the Federal Register by the United States Congress), to develop, for the United States, via the U.S. Department of Energy, the technology requested as the back-up plan, for when, and if, the Middle East went “sideways”. (If you have been reading the news, you will have noticed that has already happened) Team-6 won federal and industry commendations, federal grants, historical patents, federal contracts, industry acclaim U.S. Congressional commendation in the Federal Register, built and demonstrated numerous versions of the technology. The technology is an instant-swap/recharge battery that runs longer than almost any other battery, can use almost any one of over 3000 organic material fuel compositions, it leaves only drinkable water as it’s waste, needs no new infrastructure and can be created entirely from domestic materials including household kitchen waste. All of the technology is already fully functional, globally, in industrial uses.
Not only did the technology work, it has been deployed by competing interests globally in over $300M worth of contracts. 100% of the technology is in use in the world today.
Alas, the technology Team-6 developed was the one technology that, not only, obsoleted the Cartel’s scam but, in hindsight, exceeded it, by many paradigms in safety, cost, national security, ease-of-distribution, consumer access, consumer price-point, and a vast number of other metrics. The Cartel had taken over the lithium battery industry, which relied entirely on foreign incursions, toxic chemicals and off-shore mining deals, in advance, but nobody told Team-6 before they got roped into building the “lithium-killer”.
This journalist says it best: “With this fuel cell technology, If UPS, FedEx, a natural gas line or a water line, could reach your home, then your home was already set-up to use clean, sustainable energy that you had control over. The Cartel didn’t like that, because that meant that 3.4 billion consumers could already compete with them. ‘We couldn’t have consumers doing things on their own, now could we’?”
The Cartel politicians, and their campaign backers, went to war over it.
In retribution for assisting federal investigators, and for Team-6 “building a better mousetrap”, the corrupt billionaires hired In-Q-Tel, Gawker Media and Gizmodo (SEE THIS LINK FOR DESCRIPTION OF THIS GROUP), a “troll farm” blogging service and “sock puppets”, to embed the word “scam” next to every mention of Team-6 ‘s name, and staff, on the internet, HR databases and network services, as a character assassination program, in order to seek to terminate income flow, in retribution and revenge for Team-6 helping Congress and law enforcement interdict the political and financial crimes.
Click This Link, BELOW, to download an adobe .pdf file with the latest press clippings about Gawker lawsuits and investigations: (GAWKER MEDIA EXPOSED AS HIT-JOB FRONT FOR SILICON VALLEY CARTEL)
Gawker and their Silicon Valley Campaign partners, who own Google, then had Google lock the attack on the front page of Google, refusing to remove it after numerous legally correct requests by lawyers, in order to accelerate the damage to Team 1. The FBI, The San Francisco Police Department, The SEC, The OSC, The GAO, The FTC, The U.S. Senate and other agency’s, are now investigating this political and economic retribution attack on Team-6 and active case numbers now exist for this, and related matters, with those agencies. Google, and the coordinating parties, have now been tracked and confirmed, by digital forensics, as fully complicit and now bear the brunt of all loss liabilities to Team-6 . In addition to the recent Sony, Snowden, HSBC and other leaks; forensic IT tracking data; Silicon Valley and Washington DC whistle-blowers ; the sheer volume of the attacks; and their exclusive, IT data metrics confirmed, locked position on Google, prove the point of a coordinated and consciously manipulated attack, thus holding Google, and the related Cartel entities, liable for all losses and damages. In England this is called “hoisted by your own pitard”. English and French courts are discussing litigation against Google, with this case as one of the example metrics of Google’s manual search results manipulation to attack adversaries. Over 400,000 pages of evidence have now been acquired.
In short: Team-6 engineered, designed, built, demonstrated, delivered, patented and began marketing technologies that the Cartel either asked to look at, then took, without compensation, or sabotaged because they beat the Cartel technologies. After millions of dollars of federal patent office research, not a single Cartel technology has proven to have preceded Team-6 technologies. In every single case, it has been proven that this Cartel of campaign finance manipulators, asked, in writing to look at Team-6 technology, and then, either: rejected it in writing as “unworkable”, yet they then copied and sold 100% copies of the “unworkable” technologies as their own; or, sabotaged the technology to prevent it from affecting their market. Team-6, and other companies, who suffered the same attacks, are seeking fair, equally resourced public federal court & media hearings, to resolve the issues.
This was particularly ironic, since some of the Cartel “bad guys” have now been arrested, indicted and/or placed under FBI investigation for actually running a real embezzlement scam. The FBI Solyndra Raid, the U.S. Senate investigations and 14 other criminal investigations have put severe heat on the corrupt technology investors and politicians who Team-6. Per data exposure from Snowden, Greenwald, etc., Per Snowden/Greenwald/HSBC/Sony leaks, federal investigators have been found to have had every suspect under long-term extensive surveillance and now, their state and federal prosecutions are only a matter of time.
Team-6 will, now, always fight the good fight against criminal behaviour, bad ethics and public policy corruption. Their credentials, references, broadcast news videos and past project evidence, clearly counter-measure any of the attack false-hoods presented by those people. The GAO, OMB, FBI, U.S. Treasury, Washington Post, and hundreds of university research groups, calculate the loss, to the United States and the American taxpayer, from these crimes, at well over one trillion dollars of losses.
By Dan Epstein
News flash: Government subsidies and special-interest favors go hand in hand.
The latest example comes from a federal green-energy loan program. Last month, the DC District Court ruled that Cause of Action, where I am executive director, can proceed with a lawsuitagainst the Department of Energy. We’re suing the federal government for the blatant political favoritism in its $25 billion “Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Loan Program.”
In principle, this taxpayer-funded program was supposed to support the manufacture of energy-efficient cars. In practice, it rewarded a select few well-connected companies.
Since the program was created in 2008, numerous businesses have applied for its taxpayer-backed financial support. Yet only a small number were approved. Among the lucky few were two electric car manufacturers: Teslaand Fisker.
Both companies’ political connections run deep, especially Tesla’s. The company’s founder, Elon Musk, was a max donor for President Obama. One of its board members, Steven Westly, was appointed to a Department of Energy advisory board. And another Obama bundler, Tesla investor and adviser Steven Spinner, secured employment in the department’s Loan Program Office—the very office that gave the company a taxpayer-backed loan.
Fisker also has friends in high places. The company, which has since gone bankrupt, was backed by a San Francisco <a href="http://blo