Whistle-Blowers Join Together to file joint law-suit proving U.S. politicians order hit-jobs on members of the public who speak out!!!!!!!
Multiple Former NSA Officials Team Up to Expose Whistle Blower Attacks
By John Vibes
A number of different whistleblowers have recently joined together in a massive lawsuit against multiple government agencies, citing civil rights violations and malicious prosecution.
Thomas Drake, Diane Roark, Ed Loomis, J. Kirk Wiebe and William Binney have filed a lawsuit against the NSA, FBI, and DOJ, claiming that the highest ranking officials of those agencies attempted to silence them through prosecution, media smear tactics and occupational threats.
According to the lawsuit:
“Plaintiffs sue Defendants, as individuals and in their official and unofficial capacities, for violations when Robert S. Mueller was Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) of their constitutional and civil rights, invasion of privacy, and retaliation for their roles as whistleblowers, including illegal searches and seizures, physical invasion of their residences and places of business, illegal detention as temporary false imprisonment, confiscation of property, cancellation of security clearances leading to the loss of their jobs and employment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, harassment and intimidation.”
The lawsuit went on to say:
“This is a case of the abuse of false and fraudulent claims of national security to target critics and silence criticism of government officials for the benefit of public officials to avoid responsibility and accountability for their actions in government, by abusing false claims of national security to harass and intimidate and harm the Plaintiffs. In retaliation against the Plaintiffs for – confidentially within proper government channels – filing whistleblower complaints with Congress and the Inspector General (“IG”) of the U.S. Department of Defense (“DoD”), the Defendants knowingly and intentionally fabricated a claim of the Plaintiffs involvement in leaks of national security information to New York Times reporters Eric Lichtblau and James Risen, and used this fabricated claim for retaliation, illegal searches and seizures, physical invasion of their residences and places of business, temporary false imprisonment, the confiscation of their property, cancellation of security clearances leading to the loss of their jobs and employment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, harassment and intimidation.”
It has been long known that whistleblowers are not welcomed by the Unites States government, despite the fact that there are laws to protect them, and some politicians claim to support them. It is incredibly rare for a whistleblower to receive any protection or support from the government, and in fact, they many times are threatened with prison time, or the loss of their positions.
In court, the whistleblowers will be represented by attorney Larry Klayman, who specializes in cases against government agencies.
More Whistle-blowers and potential witnesses have been forced into suicide during the Obama Administration than IN ALL OTHER U.S. ADMINISTRATIONS COMBINED!
Obama likes those public citizens, who ‘do the right thing”: dead! He doesn’t negotiate. He doesn’t reward. He doesn’t help. He doesn’t seem to do anything but wipe them out.
The list of people who reported federal crimes to the Obama people, and then died, before the issue got resolved, is staggering.
It is easy to kill your enemies with psychological tricks, manipulation of their home water supply and medication rigging.
Here are some of the tactics that a pissed off politician might use:
America’s Internal Assassination Squad: How Corrupt Politicians & Their Sociopath Billionaires Take You Out
By Dave Emory and Paula White
Micheal T. works in a little known office, in a little known operation in Arlington, Virginia.
He gets up in the morning, brushes his teeth, makes bacon and eggs, reads the Washington Post and then drives 41 miles to work in a plain looking office high-rise.
He turns on his computers, upon arriving at his desk, and he begins killing American taxpayers in cities like Houston, San Francisco and Detroit.
He does not use bullets.
He uses metatags, databases and troll farms. He is a hired character assassin. He works for The President, Senators and their corrupt campaign billionaires.
What you are about to read is based on true incidents. The names have been changed. This actually takes place, on a daily basis, and thousands of domestic Americans are the targets.
Today Micheal has logged in a “Z-Notice” on a man in Houston, Texas. This man worked with Sandia National Laboratories and this man, who we will call Steve, witnessed technicians burying plutonium in a field because their boss had forgotten to add a concrete casing order to his annual budget. The boss didn’t want to get a budget over-run, so he thought he could have his guys fix the cost problem with a shovel and some dirt. When all of the ground squirrels, that usually ran freely around the Sandia campus, suddenly died. People became suspicious.
After Micheal launches the retribution and revenge program on Steve, he will begin the take-down of Susan, a senior nurse at the San Diego VA hospital. She reported that VA officials were putting very ill veterans on a permanent hold, hoping they would die before the VA executives had to go to all of the trouble of treating them.
His next “Z-Notice” is on Bob who reported that Steven Chu was embezzling tens of billions of federal dollars during is tenure at the Department of Energy.
On and on, the Z-Notices keep on coming.
Traditional logic would presume that most government executives would just say: “Thank you for pointing out those bad actors. Here is your whistle-blower reward”.
In the world of corruption and dirty politicians, it does not work like that. Criminally corrupt politicians exist because they have a little club of other criminally corrupt politicians who operate a quid-pro-quo round-robin kick-back scheme.
That is how the British famous politician pedophile ring operates. One famous political pedophile passes the abused, and the cover-up media, to the next. Each one cover’s the other ones butt, so to speak.
The only weapon against them is transparency. The corrupt politicians and their billionaires are the most egotistical, narcissistic idiots you could ever meet. They would rather die than become embarrassed. That is their weak link. Their hubris and ego-mania will always get them.
The only weapon, against their foes, is character assassination. It is a dark and grimy path that the corrupt have wandered down.
Steve, in Houston, rated a “high kill order” because be embarrassed both the President and two, highly placed, corrupt Senators. Steve went to the FBI and that created files that will never go away. Congress has so many watchdogs on the FBI, now, that, despite what creepy things they may, or may not do, It is no longer possible for the FBI to have “hard drives go missing.”
Steve had gotten himself a new job as a technical aide at the University in Houston. Micheal had been watching Steve’s payroll 1099 forms, by hacking into the University HR service, and wanted to make sure that Steve had received at least 2 months of pay. At the same time, Micheal had his boys at Gawker Media write a hatchet job article about how someone suspected that technical aides at the University in Houston were raping young girls.
It was then a simple matter for Micheal to use his DNS spoofing computer to send a FAX to the HR Director, at the University, with a copy of the article, with the words: “I THINK THIS MIGHT BE STEVE”,scrawled across one corner of the fax. The Fax ID made it look like the FAX came from the New York Times. Micheal used a voice modifier and a disposable cell phone with a New Jersey spoofed SIM card to call the staff of the University to say that he thought Steve had molested his daughter. Steve was fired, without any reason except “budget cuts”, that afternoon.
Micheal used his special account on Axciom and Oracle’s recruiter database engine to place a flag on Steve’s background checks and online profiles so that every person that might hire Steve, will see the special internal code that is the digital equivalent of a “red flag”. This made certain that Steve would never get employed again.
He followed that up with a double whammy. Micheal went into all 3 of the main credit services and, first, downgraded Steves credit scores and then he pulled all of the data about anybody that Steve owed money to. Micheal sent anonymous notices to all of the lenders and payment suppliers that Steve was obligated to, in order to try to get them to call his loans, refuse his loans or demand payment, In order to force Steve into bankruptcy and get him to live in his car.
Because Steve was exposed to plutonium, Steve got poisoned by it.
When Steve applies for disability insurance through social security, Micheal gets a notice on his Lotus Notes tracker and Micheal then makes sure that, first, Steve’s disability review is delayed for as long as humanly possible and then, when he finally gets a response, it is denied. All of Steve’s requests for hearings are denied too.
Micheal is delighted. The take-down of Steve is going great. This will teach those damn taxpayers to speak their minds! The Senator will probably give him a big Kill Bonus on this one. Steve can’t get a job, he can’t get disability. He can’t retire and use his other social security because he is not old enough, yet. Micheal, a few days later, gets another Lotus Notes computer notice that Steve has tried to open an online store on Zazzle and Café Press, in a desperate attempt to make money. Micheal sees to that by logging all of Steve’s email addresses as “flagged accounts” and rerouting any payments to Paypal into a black hole. Micheal has the contractors at In-Q-Tel, run a full hack on Steve’s phone.
Steve is persistent, though, and Steve tries to set up an online T-Shirt business. Damn, thinks Micheal, his shirts might sell. Can’t have Steve getting any cash. He might hire a lawyer.
Micheal logs into the agency account at Tai Systems in Taiwan. Tai Systems is a block, or two, of old warehouses. It looks like nothing is going on at the Tai Building. There are not many cars in the parking lot. Tai only needs a handful of people to do what Tai does. All of the buildings are filled with racks, and racks, of Dell Edge Servers. A few IT guys wander around the building looking for red lights and cooling issues. In one room 12 people sit at long tables with triple LCD screens on each table. They are firing digital machine guns.
Tai does two things well. It runs devastating troll farm blog screeds and it fires off some of the most potent denial of service attacks on websites. Micheal orders up a 3 month, 30,000 fake login attempt per day, attack on every website that Steve creates in order to try to get some money. Steve is wiped out and there is now no possible way for Steve to get any money.
Steve commits suicide 6 months later, with a little help from a modified sleeping pill prescription, that Micheal had wired into Steve’s Walgreen’s account, that changed Steve’s brain chemistry in order to increase his anxiety levels.
Micheal got a big bonus from The Senator for that one. The next target looked fun, some guy named Aaron with some wisenheimer tech start-up called Reddit.
Federal lawyers say that ”if a Politician uses these tactics on taxpaying citizens, they are then giving permission for those citizens to return the favor”
Did you piss off a corrupt White House politician and then have your life go to sh*t? Here is how they did it to you:
That corrupt Senator then had their chief of staff call either: In-Q-Tel, Tactical Resources or PsyoContract. These are consulting groups made up of former CIA operatives. Those kinds of services sell “hit-jobs”, using the latest government technology and psychological tactics. Here is what they did to you.
This activity is referred to as “Organized Corporate Stalking” – or “Political Gang Stalking” in the vernacular. Several million of Americans experience this type of activity in the US if they have been deemed a “dissident, activist, domestic threat or domestic terrorist.”
There are dozens of websites and YouTube channels dedicated to these black ops which are perpetrated in every major city of the US (and small towns as well)
Moving objects around in someone’s home is referred to as “gas-lighting” and is done so that the complainant/victim sounds delusional when they call the police for assistance.
After all, who is going to break into a home (usually without leaving a trace) and move a few objects around without stealing anything? It does not sound credible or believable.
Everything is done so there is plausible deniability, should the potential perpetrators ever be identified.
These tactics/techniques were used against American Embassy Staff in Cuba and Russia for years, however US authorities have been quite mum about it since the same techniques are used on a wide scale in the United States against “dissidents, activists” and anyone else who has been extra-judicially deemed a threat to the establishment, the status quo or large companies.
These activities are usually done in conjunction with vehicle vandalism/hacking, computer/e-mail/bank account hacking, mail tampering and untraceable, remotely-initiated damage to electronic devices and their power supplies.
Additionally victims of these covertly-styled assaults are also plagued by people passing by their residences at all hours and blowing their horns or revving their engines (referred to as a noise campaign).
Codes can be remotely stripped/read from computer keyboards, phones and alarm touch-pads since every key generates an electronic signature which can be read/culled from a distance – there are devices built specifically for this purpose.
Furthermore, these black ops are done while the victim’s name is simultaneously being slandered via false accusations of criminal activity, theft, violence, crimes of moral turpitude and prior mental health issues. The “teams” perpetrating these illegal acts will try and destroy every aspect of the target’s life.
You are likely bugged and your vehicle tagged with a GPS, thus moving will not necessarily terminate the issue(s) you are experiencing – although if your experience(s) have been published it may alleviate some of the illegal activities.
These politicos will hire private security groups and criminals to follow their targets around in order to let them know that he/she is now “persona non grata” and being monitored.
Being a single woman – especially with a child makes these activities even more traumatizing.
These tactics were used by Hitler, Mao Tze Tung, the East German Stasi and the KGB.
All of these activities are done so that the perpetrators are hard to identify – and the criminal acts are hard to prove to the police – and in court. (plausible deniability).
You will find you can’t get a job. You will get many phone calls and emails from people with east indian accents asking you to approve submitting a resume for a great job. Each time you will never hear back from them. Your disappointment will increase. That is how they like it. Those were not real recruiters, they were operatives trying to build you up and let you down, over and over, in order to create a sense of self-doubt and a sense of personal failure, so that you will be too emotionally weakened to fight against the politician.
It is also referred to as “No-Touch Torture” and is used to intimidate the target in addition to making them psychologically more vulnerable. The technique was developed by the Stasi and is calledZersetzung
Zersetzung (German; variously translated as decomposition, corrosion, undermining, biodegradation ordissolution) was a working technique of the East German secret police, the Stasi. The “measures ofZersetzung“, defined in the framework of a directive on police procedures in 1976,[1] were effectively used in the context of so-called “operational procedures” (in German Operative Vorgänge or OV). They replaced the overt terror of the Ulbricht era.
As to the practice of repressive persecution, Zersetzung comprised extensive and secret methods of control and manipulation, even in the personal relations of the target. The Stasi relied for this on its network of unofficial collaborators[2] (in German inoffizielle Mitarbeiter or IM), on the State’s influence on institutions, and on “operational psychology”. By targeted psychological attacks the Stasi tried in this way to deprive the dissident of any possibility of “hostile action”.
Thanks to numerous files of the Stasi made public following “the turning” (Die Wende) of East Germany, the use of measures of Zersetzung is well documented. Estimates of the number of victims of such measures are on the order of a thousand, or even about 10,000,[3] of which 5,000 sustained irreversible damage.[4] Pensions for restitution have been created for the victims.
[Zersetzung is] an operational method of the Ministry for Security of State for an efficacious struggle against subversive doings, in particular in the treatment of operations. With Zersetzung, across different operational political activities, one gains influence over hostile and negative persons, in particular over that which is hostile and negative in their dispositions and beliefs, in such a way that these would be shaken off and changed little by little, and, if applicable, the contradictions and differences between the hostile and negative forces would be provoked, exploited, and reinforced.
The goal of Zersetzung is the fragmentation, paralysis, disorganization, and isolation of the hostile and negative forces, in order to impede thereby, in a preventive manner, the hostile and negative doings, to limit them in large part, or to totally avert them, and if applicable to prepare grounds for a political and ideological reestablishment.
Zersetzung is equally an immediate constitutive element of “operational procedures” and other preventive activities to impede hostile gatherings. The principal forces to put Zersetzung in practice are the unofficial collaborators. Zersetzung presupposes information and significant proof of hostile activities planned, prepared, and accomplished as well as anchor points corresponding to measures ofZersetzung.
Zersetzung must be produced on the basis of an analysis of the root of facts and the exact establishment of a concrete goal. Zersetzung must be executed in a uniform and supervised manner; its results must be documented.
The political explosivity of Zersetzung poses elevated imperatives in that which concerns the maintenance of secrecy.[5]
Political context
During the first decade of existence of the German Democratic Republic, political opposition was combatted primarily through the penal code, via accusations of incitement to war or boycott.[6] To counteract the isolation of the GDR on the international scene due to the construction of the Berlin wall in 1963, judicial terror was abandoned.[7] Especially since the debut of the Honecker era in 1971, the Stasi intensified its efforts to punish dissident behaviors without using the penal code.[8]Important motives were the desire on the part of the GDR for international recognition andrapprochement with West Germany at the end of the ’60s. In fact the GDR was committed, in adhering to the Charter of the U.N.[9] and the Helsinki accords[10] as well as the fundamental treaty signed with the Federal Republic of Germany,[11] to respect human rights, or at least it announced its intention as such. The regime of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany decided thus to reduce the number of political prisoners, which was compensated for by practices of repression without imprisonment or judicial condemnation.[12][13]
In practice
The Stasi used Zersetzung essentially as a means of psychological oppression and persecution.[14]Findings of Operativen psychologie (psychological operations),[15] formulated into method at the Stasi’s College of Legal Studies (Juristischen Hochschule der Staatssicherheit, or JHS), were applied to political opponents in an effort to undermine their self-confidence and self-esteem. Operations were designed to intimidate and destabilise them through subjection to repeated disappointments, and to socially alienate them through interference in and disruption of their relationships with others. The aim was to then induce personal crises in victims, leaving them too unnerved and psychologically distressed to have the time and energy for anti-government activism.[16] The Stasi intended that their role as mastermind of the operations remain concealed.[17][18] Jürgen Fuchs, a victim of Zersetzung who later wrote about his experience, described the Stasi’s actions as “psychosocial crime”, and “an assault on the human soul”.[16]
Although its techniques had been established as effective by the late 1950s, Zersetzung was not defined in terms of scientific method until the mid-1970s, and only began to be carried out in a significantly systematic way in the 1970s and 1980s.[19] It is difficult to determine the number of people targeted, since source material has been deliberately and considerably redacted; it is known, however, that tatics were varied in scope, and that a number of different departments participated in their implementation. Overall there was a ratio of four or five authorised Zersetzung operators for each targeted group, and three for each individual.[20] Some sources indicate that around 5,000 people were “persistently victimised” by Zersetzung.[21] At the College of Legal Studies, the number of dissertations submitted on the subject of Zersetzung was in double figures.[22] It also had a comprehensive 50-page Zersetzung teaching manual, which included numerous examples of its practice.[23]
Institutions implementing and cooperating with Zersetzung operations
Almost all Stasi departments were involved in Zersetzung operations, although foremost among these in implementing them were the head department of the Stasi’s directorate XX (Hauptabteilung XX) in Berlin, as well as its divisional offices in regional and municipal government. The function of the head and area Abteilung XXs was to maintain surveillance of religious communities; cultural and media establishments; alternative political parties; the GDR’s many political establishment-affiliated mass social organisations; sport; and education and health services – effectively, as such, covering all aspects of civic life and activity.[24] The Stasi made use of the means available to them within, and as a circumstance of, the GDR’s closed social system. An established, politically-motivated collaborative network (politisch-operatives Zusammenwirken, or POZW) provided them with extensive opportunities for interference in such situations as the sanctioning of professionals and students, expulsion from associations and sports clubs, and occasional arrests by the Volkspolizei[17] (the GDR’s quasi-military national police). Refusal of permits for travel to socialist states, or denial of entry at Czechoslovakianand Polish border crossings where no visa requirement existed, were also arranged. The various collaborators (Partnern des operativen Zusammenwirkens) included branches of regional government, university and professional management, housing administrative bodies, the Sparkasse public savings bank, and in some cases head physicians.[25] The Stasi’s Linie III (Observation), Abteilung 26 (Telephone and room surveillance) and M (Postal communications) departments provided essential background information for the designing of Zersetzung techniques, with Abteilung 32 procuring the required technology.[26]
The Stasi also collaborated with the secret services of other Eastern Bloc countries in implementingZersetzung. One such example was the co-operation of the Polish secret services in actions taken against branches of the Jehovah’s Witnesses organisation in the early 1960s, which would come to be known[27] as “innere Zersetzung“[28] (internal subversion).
Against individuals
The Stasi applied Zersetzung before, during, after, or instead of incarcerating the targeted individual. The “operational procedures” did not have as an aim, in general, to gather evidence for charges against the target, or to be able to begin criminal prosecutions. The Stasi considered the “measures ofZersetzung” rather in part as an instrument that was used when judiciary procedures were not convenient, or for political reasons such as the international image of the GDR.[29][30] In certain cases, the Stasi attempted meanwhile to knowingly inculpate an individual, as for example in the case of Wolf Biermann: The Stasi set him up with minors, hoping that he would allow himself to be seduced, and that they could then pursue criminal charges.[31] The crimes that they researched for such accusations were non-political, as for example drug possession, trafficking in customs or currencies, theft, financial fraud, and rape.[32]
…the Stasi often used a method which was really diabolic. It was called Zersetzung, and it’s described in another guideline. The word is difficult to translate because it means originally “biodegradation.” But actually, it’s a quite accurate description. The goal was to destroy secretly the self-confidence of people, for example by damaging their reputation, by organizing failures in their work, and by destroying their personal relationships. Considering this, East Germany was a very modern dictatorship. The Stasi didn’t try to arrest every dissident. It preferred to paralyze them, and it could do so because it had access to so much personal information and to so many institutions.
—Hubertus Knabe, German historian [33]
The proven forms of Zersetzung are described in the directive 1/76:
a systematic degradation of reputation, image, and prestige in a database on one part true, verifiable and degrading, and on the other part false, plausible, irrefutable, and always degrading; a systematic organization of social and professional failures for demolishing the self-confidence of the individual; […] stimulation of doubts with respect to perspectives on the future; stimulation of mistrust or mutual suspicion among groups […]; putting in place spatial and temporal obstacles rendering impossible or at least difficult the reciprocal relations of a group […], for example by […] assigning distant workplaces. —Directive No. 1/76 of January 1976 for the development of “operational procedures”.[34]
Beginning with intelligence obtained by espionage, the Stasi established “sociograms” and “psychograms” which it applied for the psychological forms of Zersetzung. They exploited personal traits, such as homosexuality, as well as supposed character weaknesses of the targeted individual — for example a professional failure, negligence of parental duties, pornographic interests, divorce, alcoholism, dependence on medications, criminal tendencies, passion for a collection or a game, or contacts with circles of the extreme right — or even the veil of shame from the rumors poured out upon one’s circle of acquaintances.[35][36] From the point of view of the Stasi, the measures were the most fruitful when they were applied in connection with a personality; all “schematism” had to be avoided.[35]
For marketing and political manipulation, Google now maintains a sociogram of each user and manipulates each user via Stasi-like mood manipulation.
Moreover, methods of Zersetzung included espionage, overt, hidden, and feigned; opening letters and listening to telephone calls; encroachments on private property; manipulation of vehicles; and even poisoning food and using false medications.[37] Certain collaborators of the Stasi tacitly took into account the suicide of victims of Zersetzung.[38]
It has not been definitely established that the Stasi used x-rays to provoke long-term health problems in its opponents.[39] That said, Rudolf Bahro, Gerulf Pannach, and Jürgen Fuchs, three important dissidents who had been imprisoned at the same time, died of cancer within an interval of two years.[40] A study by the Federal Commissioner for the Records of the State Security Service of the former GDR (Bundesbeauftragte für die Unterlagen des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der ehemaligen Deutschen Demokratischen Republik or BStU) has meanwhile rejected on the basis of extant documents such a fraudulent use of x-rays, and only mentions isolated and unintentional cases of the harmful use of sources of radiation, for example to mark documents.[41]
In the name of the target, the Stasi made little announcements, ordered products, and made emergency calls, to terrrorize him/her.[42][43] To threaten or intimidate or cause psychoses the Stasi assured itself of access to the target’s living quarters and left visible traces of its presence, by adding, removing, and modifying objects.[32]
Against groups and social relations
The Stasi manipulated relations of friendship, love, marriage, and family by anonymous letters, telegrams and telephone calls as well as compromising photos, often altered.[44] In this manner, parents and children were supposed to systematically become strangers to one another.[45] To provoke conflicts and extramarital relations the Stasi put in place targeted seductions by Romeo agents.[31]
For the Zersetzung of groups, it infiltrated them with unofficial collaborators, sometimes minors.[46]The work of opposition groups was hindered by permanent counter-propositions and discord on the part of unofficial collaborators when making decisions.[47] To sow mistrust within the group, the Stasi made believe that certain members were unofficial collaborators; moreover by spreading rumors and manipulated photos,[48] the Stasi feigned indiscretions with unofficial collaborators, or placed members of targeted groups in administrative posts to make believe that this was a reward for the activity of an unofficial collaborator.[31] They even aroused suspicions regarding certain members of the group by assigning privileges, such as housing or a personal car.[31] Moreover the imprisonment of only certain members of the group gave birth to suspicions.[47]
Target groups for measures
The Stasi used Zersetzung tactics on individuals and groups. There was no particular homogeneous target group, as opposition in the GDR came from a number of different sources. Tactical plans were thus separately adapted to each perceived threat.[49] The Stasi nevertheless defined several main target groups:[50]
associations of people making collective visa applications for travel abroad
artists’ groups critical of the government
religious opposition groups
youth subculture groups
groups supporting the above (human rights and peace organisations, those assisting illegal departure from the GDR, and expatriate and defector movements).
The Stasi also occasionally used Zersetzung on non-political organisations regarded as undesirable, such as the Watchtower Society.[51]
Prominent individuals targeted by Zersetzung operations included Jürgen Fuchs, Gerulf Pannach, Rudolf Bahro, Robert Havemann, Rainer Eppelmann, Reiner Kunze, husband and wife Gerd und Ulrike Poppe, and Wolfgang Templin.
Social and juridicial process
Once aware of his own status as a target, GDR opponent Wolfgang Templin tried, with some success, to bring details of the Stasi’s Zersetzung activities to the attention of western journalists.[52] In 1977Der Spiegel published a five-part article series (“Du sollst zerbrechen!” – “You’re going to crack!”) by the exiled Jürgen Fuchs, in which he describes the Stasi’s “operational psychology”. The Stasi tried todiscredit Fuchs and the contents of similar articles, publishing in turn claims that he had a paranoidview of its function,[53] and intending that Der Spiegel and other media would assume he was suffering from a persecution complex.[54][55] This, however, was refuted by the official Stasi documents examined after Die Wende (the political power shift in the GDR in 1989-90).
Because the scale and nature of Zersetzung were unknown both to the general population of the GDR and to people abroad, revelations of the Stasi’s malicious tactics were met with some degree of disbelief by those affected.[56] Many still nowadays express incomprehension at how the Stasi’s collaborators could have participated in such inhuman actions.[57]
Since Zersetzung as a whole, even after 1990, was not deemed to be illegal because of the principle ofnulla poena sine lege (no penalty without law), actions against involvement in either its planning or implementation were not enforceable by the courts.[58] Because this specific legal definition ofZersetzung as a crime didn’t exist,[59] only individual instances of its tactics could be reported. Acts which even according to GDR law were offences (such as the violation of Briefgeheimnis, the secrecy of correspondence) needed to have been reported to the GDR authorities soon after having been committed in order not to be subject to a statute of limitations clause.[60] Many of the victims experienced the additional complication that the Stasi was not identifiable as the originator in cases of personal injury and misadventure. Official documents in which Zersetzung methods were recorded often had no validity in court, and the Stasi had many files detailing its actual implementation destroyed.[61]
Unless they had been detained for at least 180 days, survivors of Zersetzung operations, in accordance with §17a of a 1990 rehabilitation act (the Strafrechtlichen Rehabilitierungsgesetzes, or StrRehaG), are not eligible for financial compensation. Cases of provable, systematically effected targeting by the Stasi, and resulting in employment-related losses and/or health damage, can be pursued under a law covering settlement of torts (Unrechtsbereinigungsgesetz, or 2. SED-UnBerG) as claims either for occupational rehabilitation or rehabilitation under administrative law. These overturn certain administrative provisions of GDR institutions and affirm their unconstitutionality. This is a condition for the social equalisation payments specified in the Bundesversorgungsgesetz (the war victims relief act of 1950). Equalisation payments of pension damages and for loss of earnings can also be applied for in cases where victimisation continued for at least three years, and where claimants can prove need.[62]The above examples of seeking justice have, however, been hindered by various difficulties victims have experienced, both in providing proof of the Stasi’s encroachment into the areas of health, personal assets, education and employment, and in receiving official acknowledgement that the Stasi was responsible for personal damages (including psychic injury) as a direct result of Zersetzungoperations.[63]
Modern use of techniques
Russia‘s secret police, the FSB, has been reported to use such techniques against foreign diplomats and journalists.[64]
See also
Mind control
Mind games
Psychological manipulation
Psychological warfare
1. Jump up ^ Federal Commissioner for the Records of the State Security Service of the former German Democratic Republic. Directive No. 1/76 on the Development and Revision of Operational Procedures Richtlinie Nr. 1/76 zur Entwicklung und Bearbeitung Operativer Vorgänge (OV)
2. Jump up ^ Federal Commissioner for the Records of the State Security Service of the former German Democratic Republic: The Unofficial Collaborators (IM) of the MfS
3. Jump up ^ Süß, Strukturen, p. 217.
4. Jump up ^ Consider in this regard the written position taken by Michael Beleites, responsible for the files of the Stasi in the Free State of Saxony: PDF, visited 24 August 2010, as well as 3sat : Subtiler Terror – Die Opfer von Stasi-Zersetzungsmethoden, visited 24 August 2010.
5. Jump up ^ Ministry for Security of State, Dictionary of political and operational work, entryZersetzung: Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (Hrsg.): Wörterbuch zur politisch-operativen Arbeit, 2. Auflage (1985), Stichwort: „Zersetzung“, GVS JHS 001-400/81, p. 464.
6. Jump up ^ Rainer Schröder: Geschichte des DDR-Rechts: Straf- und Verwaltungsrecht, forum historiae iuris, 6 avril 2004.
7. Jump up ^ Falco Werkentin: Recht und Justiz im SED-Staat. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn 1998, 2. durchgesehene Auflage 2000, S. 67.
8. Jump up ^ Sandra Pingel-Schliemann: Zerstörung von Biografien. Zersetzung als Phänomen der Honecker-Ära. In: Eckart Conze/Katharina Gajdukowa/Sigrid Koch-Baumgarten (Hrsg.): Die demokratische Revolution 1989 in der DDR. Köln 2009, S. 78–91.
9. Jump up ^ Art. 1 Abs. 3 UN-Charta. Dokumentiert in: 12. Deutscher Bundestag: Materialien der Enquete-Kommission zur Aufarbeitung von Geschichte und Folgen der SED-Diktatur in Deutschland. Band 4, Frankfurt a. M. 1995, S. 547.
10. Jump up ^ Konferenz über Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa, Schlussakte, Helsinki 1975, S. 11.
11. Jump up ^ Art. 2 des Vertrages über die Grundlagen der Beziehungen zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik vom 21. Dezember 1972. In: Matthias Judt (Hrsg.): DDR-Geschichte in Dokumenten – Beschlüsse, Berichte, interne Materialien und Alltagszeugnisse. Bundeszentrale