
Sunrise…the dawn of a new day. The world is too much with us, and we are too much with ourselves. We need sometimes to escape into the vast solitudes, into aimlessness, into the narrow vacuum of running without constraints, in order to taste hardship and to be compelled to work desperately for a moment, no matter what. Once more into the maze…Adventure is allowing the unexpected to happen to you, exploration is experiencing what you have not experienced before. How can there be any adventure, any exploration, when you let somebody else above all, a travel bureau, arrange everything beforehand?

Travelling is a spiritual quest, it is about experiencing the moment, and laying down memories. Adventure is a path, real adventure, self determined, self motivated, often risky, forces you to encounter the world first hand. The world the way it is, not the way you imagine it. Your body collides with the earth and you bear witness. In this way you are compelled to grapple with limitless kindness and bottomless cruelty of human kind, and perhaps realize you yourself are capable of both. This will change you…nothing, ever-again, be black and white.

We travel, at first, to lose ourselves, and we travel, next, to find ourselves. We travel to open our hearts and eyes and learn about the world more that our newspapers will ever accommodate. We travel, in essence, to become young fools again, to slow down time and get taken in…to fall in love once-more with life.

This series is about exploration and adventure, into places too wild, into ways of seeing things too different, into the mist of autumn…Jiul Gorge National Park, Romania.

Keep your eyes and your heart open – beauty is all around you!

You can also find me on Facebook and Vimeo!

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All images © 2008-2015 Bogdan Dan Photography. The use or copying of any work without the written permission from the owner of the copyright is a violation of the law number 8/1996 and it’s punishable by law. Owners of copyright have the exclusive right to use and copy their works. Copyright owners can also authorize others to use their works.

Filed under: abstract, fine art, landscape, mountain, nature, people, travel Tagged: adventure, autumn, Carpathians, exploration, fine art, fog, forest, landscapes, mist, mountains, National parks, nature, paduri seculare, Parang, Parcul National Defileul Jiului, peisaje montane, photography, toamna, Transylvania, travel

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