
Shock the Monkey

Fun Fact!

One day on Mercury last about 1,408 hours. The same as about one Monday, on Earth.

Seriously! This Mercury Retrograde has been so Mercury Retrograde for me, especially last week. This time last week I am preparing to begin the Spring semester last Monday, so I check my schedule, as you do, and discover a class I need to graduate, ENH 222, (Brit Lit. after 1800) has been dropped due to enrollment. “Eghads,” I say, wondering what I am going to do? Financial Aid can be pretty touchy. My first thought was perhaps I could do an Independent Study, with my favorite professor, and the really nice thing was that he was willing, but it is not allowed. I ask for this. I did, and now it manifest exactly as I requested, “I don’t want to take this teacher,” I say, “I want to take it somewhere else.” I said this aloud, a couple times about a year ago. Now, I had changed my mind, but never put that order in. lol Place your order, get your request. So its a long story but I am taking the class somewhere else. Of course I then have to transfer the credit back to my school. This episode which showed up a week ago as a “Tower” in the tarot, which was followed by the “Star, and the Wheel of Fortune,” so I knew it would be fine. Standing on the cold hard cement in Financial Aid, hearing I cannot do this, and they cannot do this. . . I thought to myself, “Smile, just smile at everybody.” lol I prayed, I was freaking out a little.  I said to my angelic friends, “Okay, okay, if I have to drop out of school until fall, there will be something better. It will all be good. Just keep on smiling. Have one of those Tootsie Pops.” I persevered, I appealed, I had a cherry Tootsie Pop, and I was given an exemption, so I hope. The car wouldn’t start last week, and this, and that…. I say, “Mercury, Mercury, Mercury,” like Jan Brady, “Marsha, Marsh, Marsha.” It was a good lesson, and I am proud of myself. However Mercury does go direct tomorrow, big sigh. It is all good, but brother. My knee is finally healing, and getting better. Thanks for all healing, and prayers.

I just discovered a Word Press blogger, Dipali Desai, go visit her blog on Mercury Retrograde,  Celestial Space Astrology Blog.  Here is what Dipali says about tomorrow:

Mercury goes Direct in the earth sign of Capricorn at 15 degrees on January 25th, 2016.

It helps to move with the astrological rhythm rather than create extra mental frustration. Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn suggests reviewing what needs to be restructured and reorganized. The other thing to take a closer look at is how

the concrete mind interferes with faith, trust and greater understanding when it comes to Spirituality or anything non-physical. When Mercury is in an earth sign the mind believes only what it sees in its physical form. Reflect on how this may create interference and separation in your perception and thinking in daily life.

Celestial Space Astrology Blog


The whole blog post is really good so check it out. Wish me luck, so far, so good. I think I can breathe.




Detail of Puzzled Monkeys Tree


Shila Burgess

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