Devi Prayer
The synchronicity’s just keep on coming. Here is an article I just read and guess what’s highlighted? Did you guess Inner Child? Well you are right! It is Inner Child, so….. I share it with you. Enjoy~
Ascension Guidance: New Moon in Leo – 14 August 2015
Eddie Seanan
I just wanted to say from the beginning that I am very average in terms of astrology knowledge, so this is not an astrological article. This is more of a “sourcing,” it is simply source/light information that’s being transmitted, as well as a collective energy translation into words. With all that being said, we have a new moon in Leo coming up on the 14th of August.
The energy of this new moon is very potent in terms of getting some clarity on what we really want and what’s best for us, which we will eventually discover it’s the same, as well as always aligned with the Soul Source and its purpose. It’s all beautifully and divinely orchestrated by you and All you are, which is far beyond what we can even imagine at this point. As always, during new moons, it is always recommended to set clear intentions for the next phase that will facilitate the creation of what you want in a conscious manner.
It is time to look deeper into your passions and discover what truly drives you, what really makes you happy. As crazy as it is and as impossible as it might look to our limited mind at times, dare to dream it. See it. What is it? What is it you really want to do, to live, to experience? Ponder about that in your meditations, in your present moments under the light of this new moon. Look deep. Now read this: You truly are a universal being. You come from the stars and the earth and Source. You, the Soul, are as ancient as times and beyond. Your potential is boundless. You are boundless by nature. You’ve heard this before, but have you really felt this with each and every atom of your being? If so, how can anything be impossible?
That is what the Leo energy is facilitating – having the courage to follow your deepest Soul passions and desires. Other planets (Venus, Mars) are currently in Leo as well and are amplifying its energy, while adding some extra empowerment, making it more and more difficult to ignore and not follow our deepest passions, so why even try to do that? The message is: Surrender to the flow, while creating and navigating it. This New Moon aligns with Venus retrograde and it is forming a trine with Uranus, which can help us reflect on the lessons we’ve learned from denying those passions and (hopefully) choosing otherwise this time.
When you truly love yourself, you can only do that – choose that which benefits your highest good. Venus in retrograde is here to show us the aspects of ourselves that are not being loved (if there still are) acknowledge, embrace and love. So, you see, it’s all a beautiful celestial dance and it all benefits the All greatly. It’s a dance of bliss and harmony.
At the same time, there is some inner child healing as the Leo is the “child” of the zodiac, so for some this might come up as well. Awareness and presence in the now moment is really the biggest step towards healing and transmuting self. Besides that, each and every one of you have the skills and abilities to grow, expand and unify in physicality with the Soul Source and the inner child is an important part of it as it is the pure innocence facet of the Soul.
Simply connecting and embodying more of the inner child archetype characteristics will definitely assist with maintaining a higher vibrational state – a cheerful, playful approach towards the challenges we might experience during these times of great intensity, which can sometimes feel quite uncomfortable. But, we have all the tools to ease the uncomfortable part, one of it being approaching a childlike attitude. Physical symptoms can be eased by simply making sure you’re staying hydrated and listening to the body, that is nurturing it with whatever it needs to integrate smoothly these waves of light coming in and to just function properly.
There is also some purging/purification going on. If feeling unusually emotional, know that it’s normal. Simply observe the emotions and allow yourself to feel and learn what needs to be learned from them. Grow through those emotions, as you release them from your field and transform them. The same process goes for thoughts. Declutter. Detox. Let go of what no longer serves you anymore.
During the next few moments, many of our habits will change, as we deepen into the Soul Source unification process, we might lose interest in doing things we used to do and embrace new habits that are more aligned with the Soul (e.g: eating more organic) This is a natural process, so just allow it to unfold and flow with the changes. Embrace the changes as they are all aligned with your highest good – if you so intend it. When you intend it, you create it. Happy New Moon!
Thank you for reading,
Love and Light,
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Inner Child Challenge
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PS: August 14th is my deceased father’s birthday.
He died long ago, and we were not close.
Probably a good time to heal some of that, timing.
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Chris Buzelli