In this article, I will show how to enable and implement Authorization Policies for Federation SSO when OIF is acting as an IdP.
When OIF authenticates a user on behalf of remote SAML / OpenID 2.0 partners, it will issue a token (SAML or OpenID) containing information about the user that the partner will consume to identify the user. As a part of the creation of the token, OIF/IdP can be configured to evaluate a Token Issuance Policy that will indicate if the user is allowed to perform Federation SSO with that particular SP/RP.
The Token Issuance Policy will be constructed with:
The SP Partner Name as the resource
One or more constraints
The true constraint which is used to indicate that OIF/IdP should issue tokens for all users for the SP partners listed in the policy
The Identity constraint made of
List of users: OIF/IdP will ensure that the user performing Federation SSO between OIF and the remote SP belongs to that list
Or list of groups: OIF/IdP will ensure that the user performing Federation SSO between OIF and the remote SP belongs to a group listed in the constraint
Enjoy the reading!
Enabling / Disabling Authorization in OIF/IdP
Out of the box, Authorization is disabled in OIF/IdP. As such there is no Authorization enforcement when OIF issues a SAML/OpenID token.
Note: once authorization is enabled, all IdP Federation SSO operations will require a successful authorization policy evaluation. So if you have existing Federation agreements, no Token Issuance Policy and that you enable authorization, the Federation SSO operation will fail until the required Token Issuance Policies are created.
To enable or disable the Authorization in OIF/IdP, you will need to execute the following OIF WLST commands:
Enter the WLST environment by executing:
Connect to the WLS Admin server:
Navigate to the Domain Runtime branch:
Execute the configureFedSSOAuthz() command:
To enable authorization:
To disable authorization:
Exit the WLST environment:
Token Issuance Policy
As mentioned earlier, a Token Issuance Policy is made of two objects:
A list of resources, with each resource containing the name of the SP Partner
A list of constraints, each constraint being one of the following:
The true constraint which is used to indicate that OIF/IdP should issue tokens for all users for the SP partners listed in the policy
The Identity constraint made of
List of users: OIF/IdP will ensure that the user performing Federation SSO between OIF and the remote SP belongs to that list
Or list of groups: OIF/IdP will ensure that the user performing Federation SSO between OIF and the remote SP belongs to a group listed in the constraint
Rules using the constraints
During a Federation SSO operation, after user authentication, OIF/IdP will check if Authorization is enabled and if yes, it will collect the user’s identity and the groups to which it belongs, the SP Partner name and will invoke OAM Authorization Engine that will indicate whether or not the evaluation was successful:
If successful, it means that
The SP Partner name was listed as a resource in one in the Token Issuance Policy
Evaluation of the constraints for one of the Token Issuance Policies where the SP partner is listed
Either a true constraint was present
Or an Identity constraint was present
With the user’s identity
Or with a group to which the user belongs to
In the examples listed in this article, we will add all the Token Issuance Policies to the IAM Suite Application Domains in the OAM Administration Console.
Test Environment
I will showcase usage of the Authorization feature by using examples with:
Three users in the LDAP directory used by OIF/IdP (see below for the LDIF output)
Three groups in the LDAP directory
Engineers, to which bob and charlie belong
Managers, to which alice belongs
Employees, to which alice, bob and charlie belong
Four SP Partners:, HR, TravelSite and 401kSP
Three authorization policies
Authz #1: only users of group Employees minus bob can access 401kSP
Authz #2: only users of group Managers and user charlie can access HR
Authz #3: anybody can access TravelSite and
The LDIF output from the test LDAP directory for the three users is:
# alice, users,
dn: cn=alice,ou=users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: top
givenName: Alice
uid: alice
cn: alice
sn: Appleton
# bob, users,
dn: cn=bob,ou=users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: top
givenName: Bobby
uid: bob
cn: bob
sn: Smith
# charlie, users,
dn: cn=charlie,ou=users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: top
givenName: Charlie
uid: charlie
cn: charlie
sn: Crown
The LDIF output from the test LDAP directory for the three groups is:
# Managers, groups,
dn: cn=Managers,ou=groups,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com
uniqueMember: cn=alice,ou=users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com
cn: Managers
objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames
objectClass: top
# Employees, groups,
dn: cn=Employees,ou=groups,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com
uniqueMember: cn=charlie,ou=users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com
uniqueMember: cn=alice,ou=users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com
uniqueMember: cn=bob,ou=users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com
cn: Employees
objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames
objectClass: top
# Engineers, groups,
dn: cn=Engineers,ou=groups,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com
uniqueMember: cn=bob,ou=users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com
uniqueMember: cn=charlie,ou=users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com
cn: Engineers
objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames
objectClass: top
Use Case #1
In this use case:
401kSP is the name of the SAML 2.0 SP partner
OIF/IdP must allow users belonging to the Employees group to do Federation SSO with that SP Partner
OIF/IdP must disallow bob to do Federation SSO with that SP Partner
To configure OIF/IdP for this use case, perform the following steps:
Go to the OAM Administration Console: http(s)://oam-admin-host:oam-admin-port/oamconsole
Navigate to Access Manager -> Application Domains
Click Search
Click in IAM Suite in the list of results
Click on the Token Issuance Policies tab
Click “Create Token Issuance Policy”
Enter a name (for example EmployeesPolicy)
Execute the following steps:
Click on Conditions tab
Click Add to add a constraint for the employees group
Enter the details of the constraints:
Name: for example EmployeesGroup
Type: Token Requestor Identity
Execute the following steps:
Click Add Selected
Select the newly created constraint to configure it
In the conditions details, click Add and select Add Identities
Select the Identity Store where user exist
Click search
Select the Employees Group
Execute the following steps:
Click Add Selected
Execute the following steps:
Click Add to add another constraint for user bob
Enter the details of the constraints:
Name: for example BobUser
Type: Token Requestor Identity
Execute the following steps:
Click Add Selected
Select the newly created constraint to configure it
In the conditions details, click Add and select Add Identities
Select the Identity Store where user exist
Click search
Select the user bob
Execute the following steps:
Click Add Selected
Execute the following steps:
Click on the Rules tab
In the Allow Rule section, select the EmployeesGroup condition and add it to the Selected Conditions, since we want to allow users belonging to the Employees group to do Federation SSO with the partners listed in this policy
In the Deny Rule section, select the BobUser condition and add it to the Selected Conditions, since we want to disallow bob to do Federation SSO with the partners listed in this policy
Click Apply
Execute the following steps to create a new resource and add it to the EmployeesPolicy Token Issuance Policy:
Go to the OAM Administration Console: http(s)://oam-admin-host:oam-admin-port/oamconsole
Navigate to Access Manager -> Application Domains
Click Search
Click in IAM Suite in the list of results
Click on the Resources tab
Click on New Resource and create a new resource for the Token Issuance Policy:
Type: TokenServiceRP
Resource URL, name of the SP Partner as it was created in the Federation Admin section: 401kSP
Operations: all
Token Issuance Policy: EmployeesPolicy
Use Case #2
In this use case:
HR is the name of the SAML 2.0 SP partner
OIF/IdP must allow users belonging to the Managers group to do Federation SSO with that SP Partner
OIF/IdP must allow charlie to do Federation SSO with that SP Partner
To configure OIF/IdP for this use case, perform the following steps:
Go to the OAM Administration Console: http(s)://oam-admin-host:oam-admin-port/oamconsole
Navigate to Access Manager -> Application Domains
Click Search
Click in IAM Suite in the list of results
Click on the Token Issuance Policies tab
Click “Create Token Issuance Policy”
Enter a name (for example HRPolicy)
Click on Conditions tab
Click Add to add a constraint for the employees group
Enter the details of the constraints:
Name: for example HRCondition
Type: Token Requestor Identity
Click Add Selected
Select the newly created constraint to configure it
In the conditions details, click Add and select Add Identities
Select the Identity Store where user exist
Click search
Select the Managers Group and the charlie user
Click Add Selected
Execute the following steps:
Click on the Rules tab
In the Allow Rule section, select the HRCondition condition and add it to the Selected Conditions, since we want to allow users belonging to the Managers group and user charlie to do Federation SSO with the partners listed in this policy
Click Apply
Execute the following steps to create a new resource and add it to the HRPolicy Token Issuance Policy:
Go to the OAM Administration Console: http(s)://oam-admin-host:oam-admin-port/oamconsole
Navigate to Access Manager -> Application Domains
Click Search
Click in IAM Suite in the list of results
Click on the Resources tab
Click on New Resource and create a new resource for the Token Issuance Policy:
Type: TokenServiceRP
Resource URL, name of the SP Partner as it was created in the Federation Admin section: HR
Operations: all
Token Issuance Policy: HRPolicy
Use Case #3
In this use case:
TravelSite is the name of the first SAML 2.0 SP partner is the name of the second SAML 2.0 SP partner
OIF/IdP must allow all users to do Federation SSO with those SP Partners
To configure OIF/IdP for this use case, perform the following steps:
Go to the OAM Administration Console: http(s)://oam-admin-host:oam-admin-port/oamconsole
Navigate to Access Manager -> Application Domains
Click Search
Click in IAM Suite in the list of results
Click on the Token Issuance Policies tab
Click “Create Token Issuance Policy”
Enter a name (for example AllUsersPolicy)
Click on Conditions tab
Click Add to add a constraint for the employees group
Enter the details of the constraints:
Name: for example TrueCondition
Type: Token Requestor Identity
Execute the following steps:
Click Add Selected
Execute the following steps:
Click on the Rules tab
In the Allow Rule section, select the TrueCondition condition and add it to the Selected Conditions, since we want to allow all users to do Federation SSO with the partners listed in this policy
Click Apply
Execute the following steps to create a new resource and add it to the HRPolicy Token Issuance Policy for the TravelSite and partners:
Go to the OAM Administration Console: http(s)://oam-admin-host:oam-admin-port/oamconsole
Navigate to Access Manager -> Application Domains
Click Search
Click in IAM Suite in the list of results
Click on the Resources tab
Click on New Resource and create a new resource for the Token Issuance Policy for TravelSite:
Type: TokenServiceRP
Resource URL, name of the SP Partner as it was created in the Federation Admin section: TravelSite
Operations: all
Token Issuance Policy: AllUsersPolicy
Click on New Resource and create a new resource for the Token Issuance Policy for
Type: TokenServiceRP
Resource URL, name of the SP Partner as it was created in the Federation Admin section:
Operations: all
Token Issuance Policy: AllUsersPolicy
To view the Resources for the SP Partners created above, perform the following steps:
Go to the OAM Administration Console: http(s)://oam-admin-host:oam-admin-port/oamconsole
Navigate to Access Manager -> Application Domains
Click Search
Click in IAM Suite in the list of results
Click on the Resources tab
Select TokenServiceRP as the Resource Type
Click Search
The list of resources of type TokenServiceRP will be displayed
MissingRP and UnknownRP are related to OSTS Authorization Policies
HR, TravelSite, and 401kSP are displayed
In the next article, I will be discussing how to configure OIF/SP to map the attribute names from an incoming SSO Assertion to local names, and how to use them in OAM Authorization policies, or how to provide them to protected web applications via HTTP Headers or cookies.
Damien Carru