
‘American carnage’: Trump’s vision casts shadow over day of pageantry

The full text of Donald Trump’s inauguration speech

‘Voice dissent’: protesters attempt to disrupt inaugural events

Fact-checking the speech: crime, the economy, buying American

Gary Younge: Trump’s speech an unapologetic appeal to nationalism

11.50pm GMT

Since you’re here, we have a small favor to ask. More people are reading the Guardian than ever – but far fewer are paying for it, and advertising revenues are falling fast. So you can see why we need to ask for your help.

The Guardian’s journalism takes a lot of time, money and hard work to produce. But we do it because we believe that independent reporting and plurality of voices matter. If everyone who reads our reporting helps to pay for it, our future would be much more a monthly payment or a one-off contribution. – Guardian HQ

11.43pm GMT

A spokesperson for Washington DC’s police has said that 217 people were arrested on Friday in relation to protests around the city. Six officers were hurt with minor injuries, and police used pepper spray and stinging balls on protesters.

Police chief said his "sense" is that the protesters causing the violence are not from the DC area.

11.19pm GMT

Retired general John Kelly, Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Department of Homeland Security, has been confirmed by the Senate in a vote of 88 to 11. Senator Jeff Sessions, himself a Trump appointment, has again abstained.

Related: John Kelly shies from Trump's wall and Muslim registry in confirmation hearing

11.08pm GMT

Retired general James “Mad Dog” Mattis has been confirmed as Donald Trump’s secretary of defense by the Senate, 98 in favor and one against.

Senator Jeff Sessions, Trump’s pick for attorney general, abstained from the vote, and Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand voted against Mattis, based on her conviction that the military should be overseen by a civilian administrator.

James Mattis has been confirmed by the #Senate as Secretary of the @DeptofDefense, the first for @POTUS. #Inauguration

Related: James Mattis warned that land-based nuclear missiles pose false alarm danger

10.51pm GMT

The Anti-Defamation League, among many others, has criticized Trump for using the phrase “America first” because of its origins with a movement that wanted to keep the US out of war with Nazi Germany and was led by a Nazi sympathizer.

The America First Committee’s founders said they set up the 1940 isolationist movement to stop American involvement in a foreign conflict. But there were accusations that its leadership were also motivated by anti-Semitism.

Dr Seuss' view of 'America First,' 1941 https://t.co/OgKKMp6h1C pic.twitter.com/h6MyZiAHjv

10.37pm GMT

Night has fallen on Washington DC, where there are still hundreds of protesters in pockets around the city.

My colleagues Lauren Gambino and David Smith are by the offices of the Washington Post and along the parade route, respectively, with very different crowds.

And on the opposite corner, a pop up concert. pic.twitter.com/q8jzhpPMzK

Yawning gaps at the railings for inaugural parade as spectators now appear outnumbered by police. pic.twitter.com/lw6hz6AOSo

10.28pm GMT

The Trumps have taken the presidential box to watch the inaugural parade.

So Mattis NOT unanimous. 1 no vote was Gillibrand. Currently 97-1.

10.22pm GMT

On K Street, a few blocks from the White House, Andrew Shiman and his brother Jacob stood wearing masks of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. “Putin” was holding “Trump” by a thin chain.

10.13pm GMT

Dozens of people have been arrested in Washington DC and around the US. In Manhattan, two city councilmen were among seven arrested for blocking traffic outside Trump Tower , the New York Daily News reports.

Brooklyn councilman Carlos Menchaca, New York councilman Jumaane Williams and Williams’ mother were protesting in front of the tower from about 11.30am local time, joined by several other anti-Trump protesters. The councilmen did not resist when police arrested them.

Outside trump tower, @JumaaneWilliams, his mother, and others arrested for civil disobedience pic.twitter.com/gjumj8pTY9

Divided states. pic.twitter.com/wABZyHe0ZX


10.03pm GMT

The protests aren’t in Washington alone. In San Francisco, protesters have taken over the pedestrian pathways of the iconic Golden Gate Bridge in an effort to form a “human chain”. The action, which has not blocked vehicle traffic, has attracted thousands of people, who are holding hands as part of a peaceful demonstration.

Droves of people gather along the Golden Gate Bridge to "promote love and positivity" following #Inauguration. https://t.co/dkORFSQACr pic.twitter.com/gaYYmOE9F8

Brihannala Morgan and Dana Perls protest Uber in SF: "Uber is supporting Trump and Uber is destroying the fabric of the Bay Area" pic.twitter.com/gd5raNnXzn

9.54pm GMT

Trump’s final stretch to the White House, along with a smattering of boos and the dissipating crowds.

Protesters boo, give thumbs down and shout "Fuck Michael Pence" as he passes by. pic.twitter.com/byx17FH3rB

9.43pm GMT

Donald Trump has now arrived at the White House, Melania and Barron at his sides. “Let’s hear it for the first family,” an announcer declares.

Earlier this month Trump fired the 89-year-old man who had announced every inaugural parade since 1957.

Protesters continue to throw bricks at the police. Officers are using tear gas, pepper spray and what sounds like flash bangs on the crowd

Protesters chanting "whose streets, our streets" pic.twitter.com/lEKiGuxpnD

9.30pm GMT

Police and firefighters have extinguished the fire that burnt out a black limousine at 13th and K, but protesters are hovering at the scene despite the orders to back away.

“We’ve heard a few interspersing explosions,” my colleague Lauren Gambino reports from the scene. “People are throwing bottles at the police.”

Day One pic.twitter.com/N3MiDgyNIY

13th and K pic.twitter.com/WrodyM5jLN

9.27pm GMT

The parade rolls on DonaldTrump, his wife Melania and his 10-year-old son Barron walk and wave alongside their armored limousine.

Someone has lit a limo on fire and tagged we the people pic.twitter.com/CyvsGzEfie

9.07pm GMT

Trump’s inaugural parade is meandering through downtown Washington DC, with nine sousaphones in the vanguard.

8.54pm GMT

The White House’s website has already changed hands and dramatically changed, reflecting its new ownership under Donald J Trump.

You can still find Barack Obama’s White House statements and policies on an archive, ObamaWhiteHouse.gov, but Trump’s new White House site has nothing to say so far about civil rights, LGBT rights, healthcare or climate change. The Human Rights Campaign was quick to denounce Trump’s silence.

“If President Trump truly believes in uniting the country, now is the time to make clear whether he will be an ally to the LGBTQ community in our struggle for full equality,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “We are prepared to do whatever it takes to protect our community and our progress”

8.41pm GMT

Meanwhile, the inaugural parade has crawled to a start. Surrounded by his now permanent retinue of secret service agents, Donald Trump has entered a black SUV limousine in front of the steps of Congress.

The limo, known during Barack Obama’s presidency as the Beast, is getting in place amidst the security and fanfare of the parade vehicles.

8.34pm GMT

Back out on the streets of Washington, protests appear to have heavily outnumbered Trump supporters, both in people and signage. My colleague David Smith reports that in one spat, two black women screamed “fuck Donald Trump” at four white men in Trump-themed attire. They shouted back an allusion to a billionaire liberal who often appears in online conspiracy theories, “Who’s paying you, George Soros?”

There are several running themes among the signs.


There are some Trump supporters on this part of Pennsylvania Avenue but they appear heavily outnumbered by protesters pic.twitter.com/mTFpBVuiVV

Vendor tells me she's sold more Obama merchandise today than Trump ones. pic.twitter.com/vS0yckoWUr

8.13pm GMT

Trump kept his remarks at the luncheon short, joking that nobody wants to hear him talk anymore.

But he did reserve special praise for “my generals”, whom he noticed had been approved of even by Senate Democrats.

In inaugural lunch, Trump praises his generals on their looks - "right out of central casting"

Related: Trump picks retired general John Kelly for homeland security

Related: Donald Trump nominates James 'Mad Dog' Mattis as secretary of defense

8.05pm GMT

President Trump has risen to speak at the Capitol luncheon.

“I was very very honored when I heard that Bill Clinton and secretary Hillary Clinton was coming today. I think it’s very important. And I’d like you to stand up. I’d like you to stand up,” he says.

8.02pm GMT

Calm protesters carrying the new Shepard Fairey posters, and banners saying “build bridges, not walls”, walk near the corner of 17th and I Streets near the White House.

Protesters marching through Washington DC near the White House pic.twitter.com/tQg6624Ttd

8.00pm GMT

Washington, DC, police have confirmed to the Guardian that more than 95 people have been arrested today for protest-related activity. Two law enforcement officers were treated for injuries described as minor.

7.58pm GMT

Truly amazing

With some truly amazing people (@KellyannePolls, #HopeHicks & #SteveBannon) from @TeamTrump on this beautiful #InaugurationDay pic.twitter.com/puYKmlbbyl

7.54pm GMT

Planes, trains and buses full of women are headed to Washington DC ahead of tomorrow’s Women’s March on Washington.

THIS IS WHAT a plane full of women who are ready to resist the Trump agenda LOOKS LIKE pic.twitter.com/jqLPNE9VOh

@annfriedman @JessicaValenti my flight from SFO yesterday morning was like 75% women and it was amazing. So fired up.

The mostly-female train I was deboarded at Union Station at the same time crowds of Trump supporters are filing in. No one is pleased.

I'm on a bus full of women from OK heading 2 DC. #PussyGatsGalore. We met a bus from NM and they shared hats. We have some 2 share 2! https://t.co/OzjAq06E3U

7.50pm GMT

The chant in the street has become “who do you protect? who do you serve?” The protest crowd has visibly changed to include many non-black-clad protesters.

“You don’t understand the constitution!” one protester yells. “Look at yourselves!”

7.46pm GMT

At the stroke of noon, as is the American way, power passed from one man to another man. And with that passing of the baton from Barack Obama to Donald Trump, made manifest in a 35-word oath, the country was changed beyond recognition as the new president offered a dark vision of his nation and the world.

The new 45th president of the United States coined the sinister phrase “American carnage” to vividly conjure an image of inner cities he said were afflicted by crime, a political elite that had forgotten ordinary people, and a landscape of rusted factories like tombstones.

Related: 'American carnage': Trump's vision casts shadow over day of pageantry

7.44pm GMT

If she was thinking it should have been her, she certainly didn’t show it.

Hillary Clinton stood stoic on Friday as the man she defeated by 2.9m votes took the oath of office. She was steadfast, just as she had been in the presidential debates where the soon-to-be victor, Donald J Trump, threatened repeatedly to jail her.

Related: Hillary Clinton stands stoic as former rival derides 'all talk no action' politics

7.43pm GMT

“Stingball grenades”

Update: cop says the devices making those loud booms are called stingball grenades

7.39pm GMT

“Not mayhem in the streets”:

To be clear, confrontations w/police are in narrow set of blocks downtown. Not mayhem in the streets. Nothing on CapHill #Inauguration

Fire on K Street growing pic.twitter.com/6rmruyjhVz

7.38pm GMT

There’s a pretty good fire going now in a pile of trash cans surrounded by protesters and a lot of cameras.

7.30pm GMT

One flash-bang device after another now. The clash between protesters – it’s unclear how many protesters are sticking with this stage of the clashes – and police – there are hundreds of police – feels a bit hotter. Live stream here.

“Go back to East Germany!” one protester yells.

7.19pm GMT

What’s next for the Obamas? Follow the Obama foundation YouTube channel to find out. The first video is already up:

7.18pm GMT

Amanda Salvage had some advice for the new president:

“Stimulate the economy. Create new jobs and stay off Twitter.”

7.16pm GMT

Here’s our coverage of the Washington, DC, street protests, with new files coming soon:

Related: 'Voice dissent': protesters attempt to disrupt inaugural events in Washington

7.14pm GMT

The first tweet from @potus during the Trump administration:

#InaugurationDay Speechhttps://t.co/2h8yWMYQz9 pic.twitter.com/Q9u8n9vez2

7.13pm GMT

Protesters chant “deescalate, deescalate.” “No more grenades, please,” somebody says.

Multiple flash bangs going off as what looks like rocks or brings are thrown at police pic.twitter.com/qjOJPvkkNa

Parade route from Capital to WH. Entire stands empty. Crowd thin. pic.twitter.com/7AcpJkBO8O

Protesters at the inauguration. Their shirts spell RESIST pic.twitter.com/IrgJkmG8Rx

7.09pm GMT

Protesters are chanting at police, who have now formed a line across a street blocks away from the parade route Trump is to take from the Capitol to the White House, shields drawn, to “get back, get back, get back, get back.”

Police set off a flash bang device. “What the fuck,” a protester yells. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” The police occasionally host their shields to block something thrown at them.

7.06pm GMT

Here’s the live stream of inauguration day action, which includes renewed action in the streets, where protesters are clashing with law enforcement.

A line of law enforcement is facing a line of protesters, separated by about 50 years of pavement downtown. The protesters have knocked over a line of newspaper machines which they’ve placed in the street as a kind of low barricade. The police are on the move.

6.59pm GMT

6.58pm GMT

Military veteran Sarah Lentz said she left the inauguration feeling inspired.

“I am really looking forward to a complete overhaul of the way things are,” said Lentz, who wore an American flag scarf around her neck.

6.50pm GMT

The last energy secretary was a nuclear physicist and the one before that was a Nobel laureate in physics.

Here's Rick Perry blowing a bubble with his gum behind President Trump as the rabbi spoke pic.twitter.com/zrvrINKISs

6.47pm GMT

Corey Lewandowski, the former Trump campaign manager who manhandled a reporter and then told her she was “totally delusional” for thinking he did that, couldn’t get onto the dais today, in spite of this rather desperate call he made:

Corey Lewandowski on the phone outside the Crypt right before Obama and Trump walked outside pic.twitter.com/LfcprwtQpI

6.41pm GMT

Hapless George.

El momento cantinflesco de George W. Bush con un impermeable https://t.co/uzWk0GxfJy #InaugurationDay pic.twitter.com/ZE4WjL9wI2

6.40pm GMT

There it is: President Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton shake hands before the inaugural luncheon. Looks like he mouthed "thank you" to her. pic.twitter.com/LBb3k5RJY8

6.38pm GMT

6.38pm GMT

Obama hung his head in apparent disbelief as his successor called for the “American carnage” to stop, claiming drug gangs were rampaging across a landscape scattered with the tombstones of rusty factories. Trump is no longer just painting this bleak picture to get elected, but to stoke fear and justify radical action: warning ominously of a “great national effort” and “hardships” to come as he rebuilds a supposedly ruined nation.

6.36pm GMT

The Obamas turn atop the stairs of their airplane and wave goodbye. Next stop California.

6.25pm GMT

There’s a slapstick negotiation around the table of legislators about who gets which pen. Trump, as he signs each document making a nomination official, says something about the nominee. Then the legislators, with the dignity for which they are known, jockey over who gets the keep the pen that signed whose document.

“We have two Nikki Haleys,” Trump says. “Is she applying for two different positions?”

6.20pm GMT

The press secretary tells us what those documents do:

.@POTUS signing 3 things: Mattis waiver bill into law, formal nominations 2 Senate & proclamation for nat'l day of patriotism #Inauguration

6.17pm GMT

This has been the privilege of my life, and I know I speak for Michelle as well... and I can’t wait to see what you do next, and I promise I’ll be right there with you. Yes we did. Yes we can.

6.15pm GMT

“This isn’t a period, it’s a comma, in the continuing story that is America,” Obama says.

Applause line.

6.15pm GMT

As Obama speaks, Trump is seated at a table at the Capitol signing documents. It’s not clear what they are. Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy and Roy Blunt and Mitch McConnell are there. But so is Nancy Pelosi.

President Trump signs nominations for his cabinet and proclamation for National Day of Patriotism pic.twitter.com/BLNcY1eJEm

6.13pm GMT


Throughout this process, Michelle and I, we’ve just been your frontmen and women. We’ve just been your face and voice. But this has not been about us. It has always been about you. And all the amazing things that have happened in the last ten years have all just been about you.

6.12pm GMT


“Michelle and I we’ve really been milking this good-bye thing,” he begins. “So it behooves me to be very brief.”

6.09pm GMT

An ongoing live stream of the inauguration proceedings is here:

6.07pm GMT

6.04pm GMT

The Guardian’s Tom Dart reports from Bellville, Texas:

Business was brisk in the Trump Cafe, a Donald-themed diner in the small Texas town of Bellville, an hour’s drive from Houston. Patrons cheered the president’s inauguration and clapped during moments in his speech when patriotism and promises united in rhetorical embrace.

5.55pm GMT

The old White House climate change page – https://www.whitehouse.gov/energy/climate-change – has disappeared like a species. The old url redirects to a generic Trump splash.

Read further.

Yes, the White House website's climate change page is gone. All the policy pages on https://t.co/Ju0da64MI6 have been taken down.

5.52pm GMT

The Bidens are taking the Amtrak home to Delaware, of course. There’s footage now of them at Union Station.

5.51pm GMT

Let’s check the planner for what’s next. Looks like steak:

Afternoon: The JCCIC has planned the traditional inaugural luncheon, to take place in National Statuary Hall at the Capitol. Four years ago Obama and guests dined on steamed lobster and hickory grilled bison. The menu for this year’s luncheon includes Maine lobster and Gulf shrimp, Seven Hills Angus beef, and chocolate soufflé and cherry vanilla ice cream for dessert.

Related: Inauguration schedule of events: a guide to Trump's first day as president

5.48pm GMT

Here’s the text of Trump’s inauguration speech, as prepared for delivery:

Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans, and people of the world: thank you.

5.45pm GMT

The helicopter winds up. And leaves. They’re heading to the airport and thence to California, for family vacation.

5.43pm GMT

The Trumps and Obamas stand there. Then they walk down the steps in formation. The Obamas are hand-in-hand. Their walking towards the helicopter, which sounded like it was running but the blades aren’t moving. The group waits for the veep motorcade to pull out.

There go the Obamas. Hand in hand, walking to their ride. The Trumps follow them to the steps.

5.39pm GMT

Hugs. The Obamas and Trumps now will have a photo op with “just presidents.” The veeps and spouses walk down to limos. Joe and Jill Biden are hopping in one. Jill hugs Karen Pence goodbye. Mike Pence says something important to Joe Biden.

5.38pm GMT

Obama and Trump and Biden and Pence walk out of the Capitol.

There’s a photo opportunity on the steps. Trumps and Obamas and Bidens and Pences.

5.37pm GMT

There’s footage of Trump walking Obama through the Capitol rotunda.

We’re not making this up. The camera catches a snippet of their conversation. Obama is heard to say to Trump:

5.35pm GMT

At the University of California, Berkeley campus, a group of immigrant student activists have gathered to prepare for a morning of “teach-ins” aimed at organizing against Trump and his “harmful” agenda.

Crowded inside a diversity office at the school of public health, the students, including some who are undocumented and have relied on the protections of Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (Daca) policy, watched Trump’s swearing-in on a laptop.

I'm watching inauguration with a group of immigrant student activists, some undocumented, at UC Berkeley. pic.twitter.com/5HHrwgzzVG

5.32pm GMT

Hillary Clinton heads up the stairs, shaking hands. Oversight committee chair Jason Chaffetz, not known to be a huge Hillary Clinton fan, gives her a warm smile.

George W Bush leaves. He stops to shake Dole’s hand too.

5.30pm GMT

Trump leaves the platform. He stops at the top of the stairs to say hi to the Doles. “Hi Bob, Hi Elizabeth.” Obama, behind Trump, stops too. Then Biden does. Everybody heading back inside now.

5.28pm GMT

What did you make of the speech?

Trump just delivered one of his campaign speeches..

it was a slightly more subdued version of campaign speech, including combative tone & grand promises, w/ stab toward grace notes at end

That was like a bad liberal parody of a Republican president's inaugural address.

That was the most unique inauguration speech maybe ever

So, that was a giant middle finger to the Washington establishment. Populist to the core. His core supporters had to love this speech.

Trump speech as prepared was 1,432 words

5.23pm GMT

One last prayer, this time by a rabbi. Hang on, there’s one more, from a pastor who points out:

“In the bible, rain is the sign of a blessing. And it started to rain Mr President when you came to the platform.”

It starts raining literally just as Trump begins his speech

5.20pm GMT

Trump closes with a variation on the conclusion with which he capped many stump speeches:

We will make America strong again

We will make America wealthy again

Thank you, god bless you, and god bless America.

Thank you. God bless America.

5.18pm GMT


“The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour for action.”

We will not fail. Our country will thrive and prosper again. We stand at the birth of a lewl [sic] millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space...”

5.15pm GMT

Trump says the United States won’t impose its lifestyle on anyone but “we will shine for everyone to follow.”

Then he says of “radical Islamic terrorism” that “we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth.”

When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.

There should be no fear. We are protected and we will always be protected [by law enforcement and military]... and most importantly, we will be protected by god.”

5.13pm GMT


From this day forward, it’s going to be only America First, America First.

5.11pm GMT

“@potus hasn’t tweeted yet”.

5.10pm GMT

Right on time, it’s raining. The umbrellas come out on the platform. Trump ignores it.

5.09pm GMT

Trump lapses into something akin to his stump speech, describing a nation coming apart:

The crime, and the gangs, and the drugs that have stolen so many lives... this American carnage stops right here and stops right now.

We are one nation, and their pain is our pain, their dreams are our dreams, and their success will now be our success.

5.08pm GMT

5.07pm GMT

Trump notes that the peaceful transfer of power happens every four years, which is encouraging. He thanks the Obamas for helping this time.

“They have been magnificent, thank you.” Cheers.

5.03pm GMT

Trump addresses himself to “people of the world.”

Thank you, he says. “We the citizens of America are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise for all of our people. Together we will determine the course of America and all of the world for many many years to come.”

5.02pm GMT

Trump begins his address.

5.02pm GMT

Trump waves from the lectern and mouths “thank you” again.

People are cheering and chanting “Trump! Trump! Trump!”

Donald Trump's nuclear launch codes have now been activated

5.01pm GMT

Trump takes the oath, repeating after Roberts. Melania Trump holds the Bible.

He finishes. “Congratulations Mr President,” Roberts says. Cheering. Trump turns and bear hugs his family, standing behind him. Gun salute. Done deal.

5.00pm GMT

Applause for the second choir was bigger than the applause for the first choir.

Here’s supreme court chief justice John Roberts.

4.58pm GMT

Here’s another choir, singing America the Beautiful. This choir is dressed in matching white turtlenecks and red-white-and-blue tartan scarves. It’s an uptempo rendition. They’re three verses deep or so. It’s not raining, we realize, as many forecasts predicted.

4.55pm GMT

Pence hugs wife Karen and members of his family. Proud smiles all around. Pence waves and there is cheering.

4.54pm GMT

More people arrive on the mall, Paul Lewis reports:

Update: filled out a lot now. A much more substantial crowd now. pic.twitter.com/wmuoc7UUhu

4.53pm GMT

Schumer concludes, “I know, our best days are yet to come.” Hang on, in fact he has more words. There, now he’s done.

Clarence Thomas will administer the oath of office to Trump.

4.50pm GMT

Blunt, the Missouri senator, said the choir that just sang lives by him, “so it was easy” to recruit them.

Chuck Schumer, the senate minority leader, is up. He says we live in “challenging” times. “In such times, faith in our government, our institutions, and even our country can erode.” But Schumer has not lost confidence, “for one reason: you, the American people.”

4.47pm GMT

Not in attendance today: former president George HW Bush and wife Barbara, who both are hospitalized, him with complications from pneumonia and her as a precaution.

Former President George H.W. Bush and his wife, Barbara, remain hospitalized in Houston. https://t.co/oDOvNhUmAV

4.45pm GMT

A choir from Missouri State university is singing. School color is maroon, it looks like. Which reminds of Nancy Reagan at George HW Bush’s inauguration:

#FlashbackFriday -- George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan, Jan. 20, 1989 #Inauguration pic.twitter.com/dFH4hCFNZg

4.43pm GMT

4.43pm GMT

Even the Washington metro is getting in on pointing out how small today’s crowd is:

Metro Ridership: As of 11am, 193k trips taken so far today. (11am 1/20/13 = 317k, 11am 1/20/09 = 513k, 11am 1/20/05 = 197k) #wmata

4.40pm GMT

Now a reading from the third chapter of the book of Matthew, the one about the humble inheriting the kingdom of earth, and peace workers being the children of god, and god blessing those who are mocked for their faith.

4.39pm GMT

Here’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan with a prayer, from the book of Solomon. The passage asks for wisdom from the lord. The camera cuts to Obama, who has his eyes closed, prayerfully. Amen.

4.36pm GMT

4.36pm GMT

Blunt is droning on about inauguration history. His talk is a tribute to the tradition of the peaceful transfer of power.

Glancing back at the protest –wrong day to park your limo downtown:

Casualty of the vandalism. pic.twitter.com/WkQ4khzEwj

4.34pm GMT

Missouri senator Roy Blunt, as chairman of the congressional inauguration committee, has remarks.

He welcomes the crowd, which cheers again.

4.33pm GMT

Ladies and gentlemen, the president-elect of the Unites States, Donald John Trump.

Trump pauses atop the stairs and gives a little first pump. He smiles. Walks down the stairs and shakes hands again with Obama and Biden. Crosses back over to his family’s side. Ignores Melania Trump. Mouths “thank you” several times.

4.32pm GMT

Here come all the congressional leaders. They’re applauded. On the platform at least. You can’t hear whether anyone in the crowd is applauding because of the trumpets.

Drum roll. Here comes Trump.

4.31pm GMT

Mike Pence is announced and walks out to cheers. He stops to wave atop the platform stairs and then heads for the lectern level. He says hi to Quayle, who wants a hug, to which Pence reluctantly accedes. Pence goes to shake a hand past Hillary Clinton and she looks at him with a faraway smile. Pence takes his place next to Melania Trump.

4.28pm GMT

“Trump, Trump, Trump,” the crowd chants.

And there he is, walking the interior hallway, looking deadly serious. Red tie. Solemn look. He’s preceded by Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy.

4.27pm GMT

Obama, Biden, Schumer and Pelosi are announced. There’s applause and cheering on the platform. More handshaking and smiles. Obama crosses the stage to shake hands with the Trumps, who all smile very big. They seem to like him. Obama heads back over stage left. He makes Biden move. George W Bush cracks a joke, inaudible. He always seems to have a lot of fun at these things. Dan Quayle looks lost. Obama shakes hands with Clarence Thomas, the supreme court justice.

4.25pm GMT

Compare the crowds: 2009 inauguration at left, 2017 inauguration at right.#Inauguration pic.twitter.com/y7RhIR2nfC

4.24pm GMT

It’s a pro-Sanders crowd, pockets of it.

Huge cheers from the crowd when Bernie Sanders appears on screens at Donald Trump's inauguration.

4.24pm GMT

4.24pm GMT

Here are Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer leading Joe Biden and Barack Obama. Tough year for team D. Obama is talking to Biden who can be heard to say, “yeah.” Obama’s projecting casual. Biden looks like he has to burp. Obama flashes a big smile.

4.23pm GMT

Here now come the spouses of the congressional leadership, announced in a group.

Melania Trump follows them down the stairs to the lectern level. She is smiling without quite looking happy.

4.21pm GMT

Here comes Melania Trump, on the arm of a military escort, down some interior stairs and headed for the platform. She keeps looking down at her feet, the steps are steep.

4.20pm GMT

The Guardian’s Sabrina Siddiqui is at the protest site:

Police lining L St NW. Small handful of protesters shouting "This is what a police state looks like" and "You're protecting fascists." pic.twitter.com/9SyghMkDW3

4.20pm GMT

In the wake of Donald Trump’s win – a tremendous political and cultural loss for women – I’ll keep you up to date on the worst news, the best news, and everything in between to help you cope with the next four years. Sign up for a weekly email to hear my thoughts about the week in patriarchy. Check out the inaugural newsletter here.

4.19pm GMT

Here come Michelle Obama and Dr Jill Biden. Michelle Obama says something to the Trumps as she hits the lectern level, cracking a joke it looks like. Then she heads stage left, where the former presidents – Carter, Clinton, Bush – and families are.

That includes, of course, Hillary Clinton, who will be about six feet away from Trump as he takes the oath.

4.16pm GMT

Video: Hillary Clinton prepares to attend Trump’s inauguration.

4.15pm GMT

4.14pm GMT

The crowd at the inauguration – nobody on the platform, surely? – is chanting USA! USA! USA!

The crowd appears to fill maybe half the Mall. The use of white ground covering throws into stark relief how many people aren’t there.

4.11pm GMT

Here’s some video from earlier. Law enforcement currently appears to have cornered a group of protesters downtown – we’re en route to the scene.

4.09pm GMT

Here now are Trump’s five children: Ivanka Trump, Don Jr, Eric, Tiffany and Barron. They join the in-laws (Jared, Vanessa, Lara and others) beside the lectern, stage right.

4.05pm GMT

In his way.

President-elect @realDonaldTrump in his way!! #InaugurationDay pic.twitter.com/8Ov5LnNzav

4.04pm GMT

Trump and Obama arrive at the Capitol. Everyone is shaking hands. Paul Ryan is walking right behind them. Obama pats Trump on the back. Also in the entourage are Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi.

4.02pm GMT

I'm here today to honor our democracy & its enduring values. I will never stop believing in our country & its future. #Inauguration

The Guardian’s Lauren Gambino is in the crowd:

There were a few gasps from our section when the announcer introduced the Honorable Hillary Clinton.

4.00pm GMT

Hillary and Bill Clinton have just been announced and proceeded in. Clinton will be closely watched during the ceremony, as an opponent who garnered 2.9m fewer votes than she did takes the oath of office.

Footage of Clinton entering the US Capitol before the ceremony evoked memories of her campaign as she dressed in a white suit much like the ones she wore at key moments in the campaign, including when she accepted the Democratic nomination and at the third presidential debate.

Former President Bill Clinton and former first lady Hillary Clinton arrive for #InaugurationDay https://t.co/GlDX6v1Qah pic.twitter.com/hQZ5BaJNnj

3.57pm GMT

Here’s Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter. Lots of applause for them. He looks great! After his 2015 cancer diagnosis.

3.56pm GMT

Here’s a good Twitter follow for protest action:

Protesters with hands up, smoke bomb just went off pic.twitter.com/Bgdge5q1q5

3.54pm GMT

While Saturday’s Women’s March on Washington is the main demonstration after Trump’s inauguration, readers from around the world have been sharing their plans to protest. Are you planning to attend the Women’s March on Washington, or protest elsewhere? Tell us about it, via GuardianWitness.

I'll be marching in DTLA as an antidote to the constant feeling of sickness I have felt since the election. Joining friends coming up from Orange County (which used to be the reddest of red areas). We will join an expected 100,000 women. Less than 5,000 were anticipated when the march permit was originally filed. I asked eloquent friends in the UK for sign slogans. This one stood out (thanks to Gill's daughter Lauren): " I can't believe I still have to protest this shit." That sums it up, sadly.

Sent via GuardianWitness

By ImitationOfLife

19 January 2017, 21:57

I'm in Paris, planning to attend a protest near the US Embassy today, a wake for Obama (and American values) this evening and the march tomorrow. Not sure if I could do more but I'm trying!

Sent via GuardianWitness

By A.J. Smith

20 January 2017, 7:14

I'll be marching in NYC. Why? Because I'm a woman who cares about what happens to me, all other humans, and the planet. I want Mr. Trump to know that Americans will stand up for the constitution, for freedom, and for each other.

Sent via GuardianWitness

By bookgnome

19 January 2017, 12:29

3.51pm GMT

Donald Trump and Barack Obama emerge from the White House. They look serious. Faces set in concrete. Obama is gesturing and talking. Takes Trump by the elbow and they both get in an armored limo.

3.50pm GMT

3.50pm GMT

We’re going to turn away from the protests for a moment.

https://t.co/jDbxzB6s70 as Obama leaves office pic.twitter.com/mh45jFugnF

3.48pm GMT

Here’s a feed of the protests. There’s a separate feed of the ongoing inauguration ceremony atop the blog. The physical clashes at the protest continue. Protesters are throwing traffic cones. A police officer guns his motorcycle down the sidewalk, but no one appears to be hit.

3.46pm GMT

It’s a melee in the streets of the capital. Many of the protesters are at a full run now. But fewer are on the street, most are on the sidewalk. Police officers on bikes and motorcycles are trying to reclaim the streets. The protesters are reasserting themselves.

“Take a little pepper spray break,” says the journalist with the camera on this live feed. “Cleans out the nostrils.”

3.43pm GMT

The protesters chant “Fuck Donald Trump” and “Whose streets? Our streets.” Lots of audible sirens. Protesters topple trash cans and there are sounds of shattering glass. Multiple protesters bash a window of a McDonalds. The protesters are running, and one is using a long stick to swipe at a police officer, who sprays from a canister at the protester, who runs away.

3.41pm GMT

Now we have some protest footage from near a checkpoint. A large group of protesters, many dressed all in black, some with faces covered, some carrying umbrellas, are crossing a boulevard and taking over a street, led by a large banner reading “Make Racists Afraid Again.” Police with batons and face shields have just appeared to confront them. Police on motorcycles are trying to corral them.

3.37pm GMT

Senator Bernie Sanders arrives.

3.36pm GMT

That White House tea party must be over because Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy, the two top Republicans in the House, just walked into the Capitol.

3.34pm GMT

The ongoing tea reception at the White House includes, according to a list released by the White House:
1. The President
2. The First Lady
3. The Vice President
4. Dr. Biden
5. President-Elect Trump
6. Mrs. Trump
7. Vice President-Elect Pence
8. Mrs. Pence
9. Hon. Roy Blunt, Chairman of Joint Congress

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