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Hillary Clinton casts her ballot after 46 million Americans vote early
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7.06pm GMT
It is 511 days since Donald Trump made immigration a core campaign issue when he declared his candidacy saying that he would make Mexico pay for a “great, great, wall” on the border.
7.00pm GMT
Happy election day from the Guardian’s newsroom! We brought cake.
Guardian news supremo @geordiedav is rightly pleased with his home baked contribution to our newsroom's election night
6.50pm GMT
People are wanting to know if the peso will be at an exchange of 17 or 25 per dollar by tonight.
My Mexican neighbors are paying close attention to the election and have made sure to ask if I have voted. They sit out on the porch to discuss the election and are very well informed on the candidates and issues.
People hate Trump, and they hate Clinton. Stein and Johnson are just as useless. The American people will turn out and vote for the candidate that will keep the other main one out... What a waste of time. No one wins regardless of which candidate wins.
Considering most Canadians live within 500 kilometres of the US/Canada Border, very fidgety today. It’s hard to believe, out of 319 million people, these two are the best they could put forward.
I pray that Trump does not win but none of us up here are really convinced. Terrified to think what would happen if he does.
The entire family is surprised it’s come down to the line like it has. And coming from a right-leaning backwater swamp, the support for conservative candidates probably shouldn’t be surprising. If Canadians could vote in the big show this one would be a vote for Hillary.
6.37pm GMT
The City of Angels, they call it.
This is the most LA thing ever. Apparently by entering my polling place I'm agreeing to be filmed for something called "Booty Queens"
6.36pm GMT
Donald Trump’s campaign has filed a lawsuit in Nevada state court over the Clark County voter registrar’s decision to keep polling locations open “two hours beyond the designated closing time” to accommodate those who were forced to wait in line for hours to cast early-voting ballots.
6.26pm GMT
Iconic suffragette Susan B. Anthony’s grave marker continues to be festooned with “I Voted” stickers on the day that the United States might elect its first female president.
Amazing sight here at Susan B. Anthony gravesite in @rochester #ElectionDay
6.24pm GMT
At 7am on election day, 70 people were lined up at Polling Site 10559 in New York City.
Above the entrance to the polling site, in giant gold letters, was a name: Trump.
6.19pm GMT
Tired already? Firefox has embedded a livestream of the red pandas at the San Francisco Zoo:
6.15pm GMT
Donald Trump’s visit to his polling place this morning went much more seamlessly than a 2004 trip to the ballot box with the now-disgraced Billy Bush, when Trump was turned away from multiple polling locations and berated polling-station workers.
6.04pm GMT
Lines are long with waits that started out around 20-30 minutes and are getting longer. I am assisting mostly Latinos and African Americans on the south side of the city and I would call their mood ‘grimly determined.’ Republican-recruited poll watchers are out in force; I was told they number at least 1000 compared to 200 Democrat volunteers. Maricopa County Sheriff and Trump supporter Joe Arpaio has deputies on standby to respond to ‘problems’ at polling stations. As a black man from NYC I can’t help thinking of elections in the South in the bad old days.
No line to vote this morning at my precinct. It’s a majority black neighborhood, so there was only one guy standing outside offering a blue ballot with the Democrats names. Everyone was happy and smiling!
I actually voted in the first week of early voting; I was the youngest person there by a large margin at 33. I’ve been encouraging my friends to do early voting here due to issues with the primary, where we ran out of ballots so early that most people didn’t even get to vote, and attempts to extend primary voting failed. So far today, people haven’t had any major issues voting, and I’ve been keeping tabs with people I’ve met over the years. Polling places have been fairly fast-moving because so many people did early voting, but there is an appreciable number of people who are refusing to vote because of disenfranchisement, even considering the relatively major local candidates on the ballot.
Had about a 45 minute wait, things were very calm and upbeat. Everyone was patient with the pollworkers and very non-partisan. Very glad to see such a calm orderly process!
Sent via GuardianWitness
By Scott Ricketts
8 November 2016, 10:40
5.59pm GMT
TFW you're an insecure manchild just like your father.
5.52pm GMT
Indiana governor Mike Pence, before casting his ballot in his home state, called the experience of voting for himself for vice president as “very humbling.”
“We are so grateful for the support and prayers of people all across the United States for Donald Trump and our firm belief that we can ‘Make America Great Again,’” Pence said.
5.39pm GMT
On Monday, two witnesses for the Democratic Party testified in court that Trump’s claims of a “rigged election” had left them afraid that people armed with assault rifles would be coming to Philadelphia to watch the polls on voting day.
5.36pm GMT
I’m at work today and have had at least 30 colleagues come in to my office and ask me how I’m doing today in a very concerned way. They [the French] are watching this election much more closely than the others since I’ve lived here. Whatever you might hear, the French love the USA. In 2008 people went into the streets and lit fireworks at 4am when Obama was elected. I think they will do the same for Hillary, but certainly not for Trump.
I'm an American working at the European Women's Lobby in Brussels. I am in my pantsuit, filled with pride. This is my suffragette moment. I've worked my whole life for this.
Sent via GuardianWitness
By Emily Usher Shrair
8 November 2016, 11:39
I am not. I think she’s a corporate Wall Street shill. While I only agree with Trump on illegal immigration, term limits & refugee vetting, I feel he has disrespected bipartisan tradition by not releasing his tax returns. His personal character is very bad as well.”
Lots of people on my train home seem to be looking at news coverage or social media regarding the US election. I myself did as much work as possible this morning so I could follow the election. Not sure how my boss will react to the amount of work I haven’t managed to do. Good thing she’s in on Friday. Right now I am really contemplating canceling my driving lesson tonight just to go home and watch the news all night. Forever a Hillary Clinton fan.”
5.26pm GMT
Today marks the first time in the 240 year history of the United States that voters will have the power to elect a woman as their president. When voters make their choice, they will also close out an election in which women have been at the center of almost every conversation.
Related: Glass ceiling watch blog: will America elect its first female president?
5.24pm GMT
In an election that brought anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric to the forefront of the presidential campaign, voters in Dearborn, Michigan, where one-third of the city’s 96,000 residents are of Arab descent, were expected to turn out in droves.
Outside McDonald Elementary School on the city’s east side, campaign volunteers for local races stood along a tree-lined block of gabled bungalows, passing out literature and flyers to voters. A light drizzle came and went throughout Tuesday morning.
5.16pm GMT
Singer Taylor Swift, who has avoided overtly political statements over the course of the 2016 campaign, is in line to vote. Any guesses who she’s supporting?
5.10pm GMT
Samantha Bee enlisted the help of Emmy-winning actor Sarah Paulson to read a selection of Hillary Clinton’s leaked emails in her most recent show.
In Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, the host spoke of the “edifying week-long orgy of media speculation” over the FBI investigating newly discovered emails related to Hillary Clinton’s personal server.
5.07pm GMT
This picture is everything.
5.05pm GMT
Glad we voted early today...
5.00pm GMT
Tiffany Trump, the Jan Brady of the Trump clan, was once again moderately slighted by the family’s patriarch during an interview on Fox & Friends this morning.
4.55pm GMT
A national voter protection hotline has received thousands of calls this morning from citizens who are struggling to cast their vote in what campaigners are calling a “perfect storm” of attempts to disenfranchise minority voters.
4.50pm GMT
Voting took a long time, but surprisingly the actual act of voting restored a little bit of my faith in the decency of America, that perhaps things will be OK. No one was talking about politics and the main focus of affairs was the bake sale that the Brownies and the library were having. Volunteers were going down the line outside handing out free cups of coffee warm us up. Kids were bouncing around selling home made muffins for a dollar a piece. A couple of cops sat out front eating their egg sandwiches before heading into the station.
The volunteers at the polling station said it had been a record breaking morning for them so far. In spite of that, we were able to walk right in and cast our ballot without waiting. Proud to be a part of the democratic process today!
I took my 11 and 8 year old daughters with me to the voting booth this morning. The volunteers at the poling station said it had been a record breaking morning for them so far. In spite of that, we were able to walk right in and cast our ballot without waiting. Proud to be a part of the democratic process today!
Sent via GuardianWitness
By BartonStacey
8 November 2016, 9:46
Go Trump!
Go Trump
Sent via GuardianWitness
By Debbie St Pierre Dick
8 November 2016, 10:30
I thought this sign conveys the hope of most voters that such a close election will turn out their way, and the fear that the country (or world!) might not survive this event.
Sent via GuardianWitness
By glumgrum
8 November 2016, 9:23
4.45pm GMT
Polling sites across Florida are seeing a steady streams of voters today as the state that led the nation in early voting prepares to once again become the pivot on which the election could swing.
Related: Florida poised for another election-day cliffhanger as voters head to polls
4.37pm GMT
Angela Merkel has said Russia could try to influence Germany’s general elections next year through cyber-attacks or disinformation campaigns, after Washington accused the Kremlin of similar meddling in the US vote.
Related: Russian cyber-attacks could influence German election, says Merkel
4.35pm GMT
Hillary Clinton and her husband, the former president Bill Clinton, and singer Jon Bon Jovi all took part in the #MannequinChallenge on election day. The footage, posted on Clinton’s official Twitter page, shows Clinton and her staff standing still like mannequins on the Clinton campaign plane.
4.25pm GMT
Video of Donald Trump voting in New York City this morning:
4.18pm GMT
Tough decision.
4.15pm GMT
We’ve got you:
4.13pm GMT
Tough town.
Here's a video of @realDonaldTrump getting booed on his way to vote for himself...
4.08pm GMT
I loved the excitement of getting to stay up late and count down to a new age. Here I can do the same thing, only this time it feels like we’re counting down the Doomsday clock and it is up to people on the other side of the globe to stop it. This may or may not be the most important US election in history so far, but it is definitely the most terrifying US election in history, period.
As a woman of 31 years, I have admired Hillary Clinton for many, many years and was lucky to see her live in Berlin in 2014, when she introduced her book ‘Hard Choices’. She is an inspiration to many women of my generation. I hope and pray that Americans do the right thing and elect a progressive, responsible leader today. I refuse to think that they won’t.
I’m hopeful that Hillary will get in and fearful of what will occur if Trump loses,. If Trump wins, perhaps some good, some changes will come, as Obama has been locked up with no policy moving through. The establishment will not have the sway, though regretfully, the establishment I do not like, the NRA, will seem to have more power. We Australians like a bit of excitement, so bring it on.
4.01pm GMT
Donald Trump, clad in his uniform blue suit and a bright blue tie, cast his vote at the Midtown Manhattan precinct where he is registered, along with wife Melania Trump. There was a smattering of boos outside PS 59, where he cast his ballot, and one or two cheers.
After donating a few bills to a bake sale inside the school where his polling place is located, Trump was asked what his campaign has heard about the early returns from battleground states.
3.51pm GMT
From Tim Miller, Jeb Bush’s former communications chief:
Final prediction.
Trump gets schlonged.
3.50pm GMT
To become the 45th president of the United States, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump has to win 270 electoral college votes. The candidates have spent what feels like 100 years locked in mortal combat, but in the next few hours there will finally be a victor. (Well, probably. If there’s a 269-vote tie, or a mandatory recount, prepare for constitutional chaos.)
Related: Your election night survival guide: what to expect as polls close
3.36pm GMT
Her. Not Him. Enough said.
On Election Day, the Miami Herald's Editorial Page makes a bold statement: ENOUGH SAID.
3.34pm GMT
I just ran into Hope Hicks, Donald Trump’s spokeswoman, in Trump Tower on 5th Avenue. She was buying a coffee.
I asked her how Trump was doing.
I'm sure we shouldn't read too much into this but there is a row of 10 Sanitation Department trucks outside Trump Towe
3.26pm GMT
There were lines out the door starting at 6 AM when the polls opened. I waited about two and a half hours to vote, but the time passed quickly with wonderful conversation and, great energy and mood! Surprisingly the mood is exceptionally positive! It could be that people are excited to see this race come to a close, but I think it’s because people are excited to exercise their right as Americans. I voted for America today.
Long line here in Philadelphia as I and others wait calmly to cast out ballots for the first female president of the US. An air of quiet determination to vote NO to hatred and fear and divisiveness.
The air is calm. Early in Manchester New Hampshire lines are short, steady, and quiet.”
Around me there is general disgruntlement, disgust and apathy - in the 4-block square area around my suburban home I have seen only ONE political sign in anyone’s yard (it is for Trump/Pence), and virtually no bumperstickers. The election will be “over”, anyway, before many of us even vote in this state, especially with the media push to promote Hillary’s victories as quickly as possible.”
3.15pm GMT
Queuing in midtown Manhattan, where Donald Trump is set to vote, Travis Lopes, 30, a sales director dressed as Uncle Sam, said: “I’m celebrating America. Every election is our chance to impact the future and choose our leader. There are a lot of nations that can’t.”
3.09pm GMT
Two topless women protesters have been arrested at Donald Trump’s Midtown voting precinct this morning.
The two women, who had words written in black marker across their chests and backs, appeared to be chanting “grab your balls” as they were dragged out of the gymnasium on East 56th Street.
More footage of the topless protest against Trump at my polling station. Two women arrested. #Election2016
3.07pm GMT
On the day when the United States might elect its first female president, hundreds of voters are visiting the grave of iconic suffragette Susan B. Anthony in Rochester, New York, to place their “I Voted” stickers on her grave marker:
The 250 person line in Mount Hope Cemetery in Rochester New York to pay their respects at Susan B Anthony's grave
2.57pm GMT
... we have a small favor to ask. More people are reading the Guardian than ever but far fewer are paying for it. And advertising revenues across the media are falling fast. So you can see why we need to ask for your help. The Guardian’s independent, investigative journalism takes a lot of time, money and hard work to produce. But we do it because we believe our perspective matters – because it might well be your perspective, too.
2.53pm GMT
Eric Trump, the middle son of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, has officially voted for his father in New York today.
It is an incredible honor to vote for my father! He will do such a great job for the U.S.A! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
2.48pm GMT
In an interview with, Motown legend Stevie Wonder declared his intentions on this election day by asserting that asking Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to serve as president makes about as much sense as asking Wonder himself to drive a car.
2.41pm GMT
Speaking on Fox & Friends by phone this morning - as is his custom - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump lashed out at pollsters who show him narrowly but consistently behind Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, alleging that most polls “just put out phony numbers”:
I do think this, after the debates, I think my numbers really started to go up well. And then I did a series over the last two weeks, only of you know, really important speeches I think. 20,000, 25,000 people, 31,000 people were showing up to these speeches.”
You saw yesterday, you saw the kind of crowds we’re getting. I said something’s happening here. Something incredible is happening here. And tell you the enthusiasm and the love in those rooms, in those arenas, they’re really arenas, I mean in New Hampshire last night it was a tremendous arena, beautiful arena. And same thing, we had a big convention center last night in Michigan. But they’re packed. I mean we have thousands of people.”
2.31pm GMT
Longtime Donald Trump acolyte Chris Christie, fresh from a blistering week in state politics, apparently cast his vote for the Republican presidential nominee under cover of darkness this morning, a break from tradition for the boisterous and media-hungry New Jersey governor.
According to, Christie cast his vote at 6.06am in Mendham, New Jersey, a break in custom for a man who has notified press about his voting plans beforehand for the last seven years.
Best headline of the campaign.
2.24pm GMT
Let me tell you if I don’t win, I will consider it a tremendous waste of time, energy and money.
2.19pm GMT
Solid brand trolling:
⛔️✈️️ #USElections
2.18pm GMT
The primaries, the debates, the allegations, the assertions, the hope and the despair – writer Paul Owen and illustrator Katie Fricas tell the story of the 2016 US election:
Related: Drawing to a close – Trump v Clinton: the comic strip
2.11pm GMT
The Guardian’s Sabrina Siddiqui is representing US media in Hillary Clinton’s traveling press pool today, and will be filing up-to-the-second reports on election day:
2.02pm GMT
For those annoyed with mentions of Hillary Clinton’s attire when she voted, we can only point to Tim Kaine’s jacket this morning, which is on fleek:
I wanted to be first at my polling place, but 99-year-old Minerva Turpin beat me to it. Looks like I need to get used to being number two!
1.59pm GMT
Paying tribute to suffragettes, many voters are turning up to their polling stations wearing white. Tweeters are using the hashtag #WearWhiteToVote in support of Clinton.
Voted for my first female president! #WearWhiteToVote #imwithher
1.59pm GMT
The Guardian’s Sabrina Siddiqui, who is trailing Clinton all day as the US media’s designated pool reporter, captures the moment she casts her vote:
1.56pm GMT
Voters in Michigan are reporting faults with the optical scan voting system which is used to scan ballot papers.
One woman with a voter ID card was turned away after her name could not be found in the database, according to a Facebook post by one voter.
1.46pm GMT
Readers in the US have been getting in touch with us about how they’re feeling as they go to the polls.
Celticwoman69 has encountered no lines as well as helpful Democratic volunteers in Norwalk, Connecticut:
There was a bigger turn out than normal at 7:45am in Norwalk, CT. A Democratic Party volunteer was standing outside the building handing out sample ballots marked up with the Democratic vote. Very helpful.
Sent via GuardianWitness
By Celticwoman69
8 November 2016, 8:18
1.43pm GMT
Guardian live blogger Scott Bixby will be taking over later this morning, but he had some business to attend to first.
The deed is done! #VotingInNYC
1.39pm GMT
Dad jokes from Senator Tim Kaine, Clinton’s veep pick, who voted in Richmond, Virginia just after 6am this morning.
I wanted to be first at my polling place, but 99-year-old Minerva Turpin beat me to it. Looks like I need to get used to being number two!
1.33pm GMT
Hillary Clinton and husband Bill voted at 8am at a local elementary school near their home in Chappaqua, New York. The Democratic nominee told reporters the event was “humbling”.
There were cheers as the former secretary of state entered the polling station. Clinton shook hands and hugged voters, but speaking to media afterwards she was more subdued than at her celebrity-filled rallies last night.
1.31pm GMT
Hillary Clinton was feeling the love.
“I love you!” a gaggle of young girls yelled in unison as she spoke at an outdoor rally in Pittsburgh, the first stop of the last swing of her 2016 campaign.
1.14pm GMT
What the mood’s like where you are?
Whether you’re in the US or watching from a distance: what are your thoughts?
1.10pm GMT
Guardian reporter Luis Miguel Echegaray has filmed the long lines at polling booths in Yorkville in upper Manhattan.
This is the line by my neighborhood on Yorkville. I had to stop filming cause I was running out. Line was two blocks long. #ElectionDay
1.05pm GMT
Clinton is shaking hands with voters.
After yesterday’s red power suit, she is wearing a cream and taupe leather blazer.
1.02pm GMT
Hillary Clinton and husband Bill have just turned up to their local voting booth in Chappaqua, New York.
Voters cheered as they arrived. She waved but did not speak to media.
1.01pm GMT
In Florida, the biggest swing state in the country, 50% of the state’s 13 million voters have already voted.
So far, 36% more of the state’s Hispanics than voted in the entire 2012 election have cast their ballot.
Early voters at Mullins Park, Coral Springs, FL
Hispanic voter Eddie Cruz, 39, with daughter Grace, 8, won't reveal his choice but said it wasn't an easy decision #ElectionDay
Warehouse manager Mike Schwartz 23 was first to vote in Coral Springs FL. Hopes for nation to heal after #electionday
12.51pm GMT
Here is a quick look at how website front pages are covering the election this morning.
A campaign that has divided the country seems also to have exhausted headline writers.
12.31pm GMT
Polls opened in Florida, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina and part of Tennessee 30 mins ago.
Seventeen states in total now open and voting.
Polls are open in GA. Proud to cast my ballot. Longest line ever seen in Peachtree Corners! @jamiedupree
12.25pm GMT
Asked if he would regret running if he doesn’t win, Trump says others have told him that he has started a political movement and that he should be proud of that. However, he adds: “I will consider it a waste of time, energy and money.”
Trump say he has spent over $100m of his own money on the campaign. The latest election filings show a figure nearer $66m.
We have a great, great country, we have tremendous potential. Go out, and vote.
12.21pm GMT
Trump is still offended by Jay Z’s “language” during his concert for Hillary Clinton.
“In the case of Jay Z, the language he used was terrible. The language was unbelievable that Jay Z and Beyonce used, a lot of people left because of the language,” Trump tells Fox News.
12.14pm GMT
Fox News reporters ask Trump which states he’s paying close attention to today.
“I’m doing very well in North Carolina, very very well in Florida,” says Trump. Both of those states are critical for Trump to win the presidency.
12.07pm GMT
“I see so many hopes and so many dreams that didn’t happen that could have happened with proper leadership,” says Trump on Fox News.
“People are hurting, veterans are hurting … they’ve been hurt so badly, being taken care of so badly. It’s very sad. At the same time, our country has such tremendous potential.”
12.05pm GMT
“I’ve decided to vote for Trump,” jokes the Republican candidate on Fox News’ Fox and Friends this morning.
“It’s very exciting. I’ve spoken to you folks a lot during very successful primaries … I’m a little bit superstitious so when you said please call, I called,” he says.
It’s been an amazing process, about 17 or 18 months since I came up with it … it’s been a beautiful process, the people of this country are incredible, I’ve met the people at every level and they are amazing. People say what have you learned? That’s what I’ve learned: the people are amazing.”
11.38am GMT
In need of a catch up? Here is a taste of what’s been going on in the past 24 hours:
11.32am GMT
Polls now open in North Carolina, Ohio and West Virginia!
Ohio governor, and former Republican candidate, John Kasich, is encouraging people to get out and vote.
It's Election Day, Ohio! Polls are open 6:30AM - 7:30PM - Find your polling location here:
11.30am GMT
Standing in front of the building where the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence, the nation’s first black president urged American citizens to send the first woman to the White House in their 240-year history.
Related: Hillary Clinton visits city of Founding Fathers for final rally as America goes to polls
11.26am GMT
On 56th St in Manhattan, voters were lining up in the dark down the block at Donald Trump’s local polling station.
Wow 80+ voters lined up early to cast their ballots #ElectionDay #PS59 #Manhattan where @realDonaldTrump will be voting also #NBC4NY
11.21am GMT
Where are the polls as the US begins election day?
FiveThirtyEight gives Clinton a 70.9% chance of winning:
ur latest polls-only forecast gives Clinton a 71% chance to win the presidency:
Related: Who is leading the polls the day before voting? Not a clear 'Clinton' or 'Trump'
11.16am GMT
Polls are open along the east coast and photos of people waiting in lines are already appearing (although many people line up before the polls even open).
Fairly short line to vote in Jersey City this morning at 6am sharp.
Downtown Brooklyn, 5:40am. Line has more than quadrupled since. #vote
6am. Line is a block and a half long.
11.12am GMT
Clinton’s VP pick, Senator Tim Kaine, has just cast his vote, along with his wife, former Secretary of Education for Virginia, Anne Holton.
No prizes for guessing who got his vote.
Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine and his wife Anne Holton cast their ballots in Richmond, Virginia
11.09am GMT
Reporters on the Trump plane had to make do with a cardboard cutout of Trump for their final group pic (Trump’s plane landed at a different airport), posted at 3.47am.
We made it!!!
11.00am GMT
Ding ding ding ding, it’s 6am ET and polls are open.
Voting has now begun in New York, Connecticut, part of Indiana, part of Kentucky, Maine, New Jersey and Virginia.
10.57am GMT
Murdoch tabloid the New York Post (my alma mater) endorsed Donald Trump in the primary, but has stayed neutral for the general election.
Today's front page: With the race still too close to call, Election Day is finally here
10.38am GMT
An exclusive report from Paul Lewis and Tom Silverstone in Reno and Nicky Woolf in San Francisco.
Fox News has falsely implicated the protester who was beaten up at a Donald Trump rally in a case of voter fraud involving absentee ballots issued in the name of his “dead” grandmother.
Related: Fox News wrongly links Republican anti-Trump protester to voter fraud
10.27am GMT
As mentioned, three tiny towns in New Hampshire allow midnight voting - and report their results shortly afterwards. They revel in their “first in the nation” election day status.
10.15am GMT
It was a long night for Hillary Clinton, who held a final midnight rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, joined by Lady Gaga and Jon Bon Jovi.
Clinton took to the stage at Reynolds Coliseum, at North Carolina State University, around 1am.
There it is: Hillary Clinton, joined by Bill and Chelsea, takes the stage for the final rally of her campaign in Raleigh, NC
Hillary Clinton greeted by a few hundred supporters upon arrival in Westchester after final day of campaign
9.59am GMT
Hello and welcome to our live-wire coverage of the 2016 race for the White House. It’s election day, but we’ll resist the temptation to wax dramatic. No reflections on the historical import of a day that could see the election of the first woman US president, or of Donald Trump. No musing about just how long these last 18 months have sometimes felt. No solicitations after your personal health, mental and physical, at this, the (apparent) end of our collective slog through a muddy field of base discourse, objectionable behavior and trampled bunting.
There were some happy moments in there! We think. And we will recall them just as soon as the votes are counted. Which brings us to the main business of the day: bringing you the election results, as soon as they come in, from Maine to Alaska. That’s the purpose of today’s blog, and that’s what you can expect as the polls begin to close, initial returns come back, state results are declared and the identity of the 45th president of the United States is revealed.
No idea how late we'll have to work Tuesday night, but here's when past victory/concession speeches have started. #ElectionNight
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