
The musician, memoirist and vegan restaurateur joined us to answer your questions – and tackled everything from sex toys to David Bowie and the sound of his forthcoming album

8.55pm BST

And with the talk of chin-mounted dildos, that’s everything from Moby. Thanks so much to him for answering an epic number of your questions. His memoir, Porcelain, is out now, published by Faber – you can buy it at the Guardian bookshop.

8.53pm BST

nicktrash asks:

I remember you had (a long time ago) a chin mounted dildo called The Dominator. Was it worth the effort?!

All for the sake of a student film! Never actually used it, just decorative...

8.51pm BST

Danny Marsh asks:

Would you collaborate with fellow animal rights activist Morrissey?

In a heartbeat!

8.50pm BST

CorfuDrunk asks:

Does looking like Chris Evans cause you problems?

I wish I had hair. Of course.

8.49pm BST

cavecanem asks:

Thanks to your illustrious forbear, if instead of accepting the order Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres the French allowed you to harpoon one person, who would that be?

Wayne la Pierre, the head of the NRA. He has so much blood on his hands.

8.48pm BST

Satanischer asks:

Do you think some magic has been lost with the way electronic is made entirely on software now as opposed to fiddling around for hours on end with samplers as it was in the 90s? “the joy is not the same without the pain etc”

Some magic, yes, but i love that electronic music production now costs basically nothing and is available to anyone with a laptop (or even a phone). I miss
the days of circuitry and keyboards and analog boxes, but i like the egalitarian nature of electronic music production in 2016.

8.46pm BST

tunaalbacore asks:

If there was a film/movie made of your life who would you NOT like to play you... and would they be allowed to wear a prosthetic bald ‘wig’?

Um.. Hm... I don't need more enemies...

8.44pm BST

Mark Nixon asks:

Hi Moby, what techniques do you use to reinvent your musical style?

Hm. This might sound simple, but all that i try to do is make music that i love and that interests and excites me. I don't worry too much about whether it's new or novel or even if anyone will ever listen to it. I just love being in my studio writing songs and making records.

8.43pm BST

flaminnora asks:

Are you interested in Epictetus or indeed philosophy generally?

Yes, i was a philosophy major at university.

8.42pm BST

Maziar Nadali asks:

Any new album on the way?

Yup! in september. me & the void pacific choir. really fast kind of aggressive new wave eschatological songs...

8.40pm BST

SimonJKyte asks:

Hi Moby - how was the experience of working with Jean Michel Jarre?

It was great. He's such a legend and a wonderful human being. I was truly honored to work with him.

8.39pm BST

veganlads asks:

Over the last few weeks I have seen quite a few Instagram posts of vegans eating Jammie Dodgers, having no clue it was no longer cruelty-free. Therefore, I believe Burton’s Biscuit Company’s delivery of the news was not executed responsibly enough. Imagine how many dairy intolerant people might still be stuffing their faces with this delicious treat!

Add my name to the petition!

And yes, it's disheartening in a world where so many people are moving towards veganism to see some companies moving away from veganism.

8.37pm BST

James Brodie asks:

I saw you at the Roadmender in Northampton on the Everything is Wrong tour. I was at the front with my mates and that ranks as my best ever music experience. What would you say is your own best music experience?

Hm...either: Gwar at the limelight in 1994. or bad brains at pogos in 1982. or roxy music at the greek in 2001. or david bowie every time i saw him perform.

8.34pm BST

Roy Nelson asks:

1) Dear Moby! Could you upload another portion of your unreleased songs on mobygratis, please? At least 3 or 4 tracks (though the more, the better!).

1. OK!
2. I guess because most people don't buy albums or listen to them? But maybe we should just take a whole bunch of my b-sides and unreleased music and release them somehow. Thanks for reminding me!

8.32pm BST

Daniel Woodward asks:

What is the most important thing to you when it comes to making music and how it should be perceived to other aspiring musicians and artists?

First and foremost that i love what i'm making. 99% of what i make never gets released, so i have to love the act of making music or else there's no point. And then i hope that it can find it's way into someone's life and that it might bring them some joy or comfort or at least be interesting to them. I don't want to waste people's time.

8.31pm BST

HopeChest asks:

My Beautiful Blue Sky is one of those rare, important songs that really helped me in a dark time, so it has that duality of being a song I love on its own and also a personally important one. What would be a similar one for you?

After the Gold Rush by Neil Young.

8.30pm BST

Evelien Haels asks:

What would your 20-year old self think of this book if he had a chance to read it somehow?

Hm. That it's honest? And hopefully entertaining? That's what i'd hope, at least.

8.29pm BST

DaveSimpson, writer for this parish, asks:

hi Moby! Has David Bowie’s hat turned up yet?

It did! in the bottom of a moving box. well, a box for moving house. box wasn't technically moving. it's safe!

8.28pm BST

hadtomakeausername asks:

What advice would you give to a young musician who excels in sampling? All of the copyright laws might hinder them from expressing their art form. Should they just go for it?

I personally like the idea of asking for forgiveness rather than permission... p.s feel free to sample my music, i won't sue. I'm honored if someone samples what i've made.

8.26pm BST

Caroline Lang asks:

I’ve just finished Porcelain (vg) and your UK trips always seemed to go a bit pear shaped. What was your absolutely worst UK gig experience?

Ha, a festival in Leeds where equipment caught on fire and I was beaten pretty badly by a security guard.

8.25pm BST

Daniel Woodward asks:

What equipment do you use to make electronic music because I want to make proper electronic music like you, Underworld, Aphex Twin, The Orb and the lot do instead of just relying only on digital music software programs? Also, what do you think is the best equipment to start out with?

I use plug-in synths at times, but i still have my bizarre arsenal of analog gear; old Korgs, Rolands, Moogs, Oberheims. I love the plug-ins, but i still hold a very warm
place in my heart for actual old analog synths with circuitry.

8.23pm BST

FloodZilla asks:

What was the first piece of ambient music you ever heard and how did it shape your views of what music could be?

Probably some early Walter/Wendy Carlos music? It, and other seminal ambient music (like the b-side of 'Heroes') led me to see music as having a sort of expanded utility, that it could exist in the background and still very powerfully transform a space.

8.21pm BST

Daniel Woodward asks:

Hello Moby. Congratulations on the release of your memoir. I read your book and I thought it was fantastic. An absolute page turner from start to finish. I don’t know about you, but the stories you talk about in your book about your life in New York City from 1989-1999 feels like it could be made into a biopic film. At least I think so. If your book was to be made into a film, who would your personal pick for Director be and what actor would you like to see portray you?

Hm...in terms of director...um, Danny Boyle? I mean, that's a dream/wish/fantasy. And in terms of actor... ah boy, i have no idea. um. Ed Norton? Again, dream/wish/fantasy.

8.19pm BST

Mystafx asks:

What was your first personal defining music production that gave you your first break into a recording deal and how did you manage it? Would love to know how you got to broke into the industry.

Oh, I spent years wandering around NYC giving out demo tapes and then finally ended up signing with a label that at the time didn't technically exist. It's in more detail in the book, actually.

8.17pm BST

ID950092 asks:

Hi Moby. Do you think albums are still valued in the same way now since the advent of streaming? I love listening to your albums from beginning to end. Thanks for great music. Pete

I still love albums, but i don't think that very many people listen to albums from start to finish. Which is ok, albeit a bit sad. A shame that amazing albums like Bryter Later or Closer might just exist as disparate tracks and not complete albums.

8.16pm BST

Sean Stanley asks:

[Eminem voice] Nobody listens to techno - do you agree?

Um. 'Nobody listens to techno' is quantifiably untenable at this point...

8.15pm BST

Matt08 asks:

What is the best tea to bring me down after a heavy weekend and put me to sleep?

I released a 4 hour long ambient album, Long Ambients. It's free and very calming...

8.14pm BST

Lee Fassam asks:

What is your favourite David Lynch movie?

Inland Empire. It's perfect.

8.13pm BST

npivic asks:

Will there be a follow-up to your book?

I hope so! Writing it now. Very squalid and debauched.

8.12pm BST

npivic asks:

Has your half-brother and yourself been in contact since the book has been published? I know you’ve stated you’ve no interest in that, but still.

Not yet!

8.11pm BST

ID3905564 asks:

If you were 42 like me and you had had no musical success though you wanted it and you still loved making music and tracks but have never had anything published or released or coveted by the public would you give up... or do you believe that having dreams and ambition is an important part of human existence at any age. Or should I find a bridge to jump off of... music is a big part of my every day life though I don’t work in the music industry.

I'd say make music for the love of making music and get your satisfaction from the making of music and not the commercial application thereof. For what it's worth that's what i do, and most musicians do, these days.

8.10pm BST

themightykunal asks:

How often do people confuse you with Jim Rash or J. P. Manoux?

Are they bald, too?

8.09pm BST

Jackman87 asks:

Hip hop is obviously an influence on your music. Which artists from the 80s and 90s were most important to you, and is there anyone out at the moment you like?

rakim. ultramagnetics. public enemy. de la soul. schooly d. prince paul.

8.08pm BST

Chris Paul Godber asks:

How do you see electronic music evolving in the next 10 /20 years? In terms of aesthetics and in general too? What impact do you think emerging technology like VR and AR could have on the live experience?

Good question, i wish i had a good answer! this format is brief and that requires a very long answer.

8.07pm BST

Gustavo Filippo Montessori asks:

Can you talk about more about your upcoming new album, and explain the story behind the ‘Void Pacific Choir’?

New album in september I think? void pacific choir...long explanation...um, basically that the void is benign, or pacific. sort of. hopefully.

8.06pm BST

MarcoPaixao asks:

Did you know RuPaul or Deee-Lite in the ‘90s club scene in New York? Also, you mention Don Hills in your book, and did you ever go to their Friday nights called Squeeze Box? Thank you!

Yes and yes! I loved squeeze box. It's in the book. With miss guy.

8.05pm BST

Voller asks:

Did you hear about the club that had banned DJs using laptops in LA (I think)? There was an article about it in the Guardian today. I kind of get it, what would your feelings be on that?

I just like nice music, I don't care how it's made or recreated.

8.04pm BST

vastariner asks:

What was your involvement with Kurt Ralske/Ultra Vivid Scene and how was it for you? The Mercy Seat is still to me one of the most powerful songs of the era.

ha, i was the guitar player in ultra vivid scene for about... a week. I love kurt and ultra vivid scene, but i was only involved briefly.

8.03pm BST

Samuel Smith asks:

Would you like to work with Butthole Surfers again?

Fuck yes.

8.02pm BST

RebelVegan asks:

How do we make the world vegan?

Let people know that animal agriculture:

-contributes up to 50% of climate change
-is responsible for 90% of rainforest deforestation
-is responsible for 75% of antibiotic resistance
-is responsible for at least 50% of most cancers
-is responsible for at least 50% of heart disease and diabetes
-is responsible in terms of resource allocation for 100% of the world's famine
-kills over 100 billion animals yearly.

8.01pm BST

25aubrey asks:

Be honest now, out of all the adverts that were used with your music, which one got under your skin the most?

To be honest I don't think I saw too many of the adverts.

8.00pm BST

Lucas Mtz asks:

I know you aren’t on the road anymore, but is there a small chance of at least one final tour? I’m from South America (Argentina) and I’d love to see you live one more time. Thanks!

Well, I hope not... I'm sorry. I just really don't like living in airports and hotels. Also I never wanted to be a middle-aged musician standing on stage pretending
that he's not ageing...

7.57pm BST

Dmitry Kurkin asks:

Thanks for the book! Listened to it in audio, and it was just great perfomance. Michael Stipe once told that people keep confusing him for you - and you for him. I guess it was a kind of running joke for both of you. Do you remember when it’s first started? And have any of you ever impersonated the other one?

See the above Moby Song from Adam Buxton.

7.56pm BST

Dave McGonigle asks:

Dear Moby, have you ever considered licensing Adam Buxton’s Moby Song? You could include it in press packs to ensure that you don’t get asked about Peter Buck or the door leading to the inside of your head? I include a link here:

I do love it.

7.55pm BST

Yet another Moby Dick question! This time from davidblackfin:

Are you still trying to chase down that large white whale?

Yes, with varying degrees of futility.

7.54pm BST

RustyHarpoon asks:

What do you use to shave your head?

Hair clippers. Same as face.

7.53pm BST

AbandonAffluence asks:

PETA or the ALF?

Both? I have complete love and respect for anyone who dedicates themselves to animal rights and animal liberation.

7.53pm BST

Johan Natharz asks:

Moby I have had a spot of damp in the hallway for a while, any suggestions on how to remove it?

Move to LA?

7.52pm BST

Gordon Smith asks:

Are you really considering emigrating to New Zealand to live in a cave?

New Zealand: yes. Cave: no.

7.50pm BST

RSlater93 asks:

Opinion on Moby Dick?

Too long to write here. Basically a summation of the collective OCD of the human condition, the belief that conquering nature will bring happiness and wellbeing. That fighting the nature of existence is clearly a path to misery and death.

7.49pm BST

ID5700280 asks:

The success of Play was enormous, do you think that could ever be repeated or was it unique to that particular period in time?

It was a one-off. i don't really expect to sell albums anymore.

7.48pm BST

YY7942 asks:

You said once that Hotel was your least favourite of your own albums, that it reflected badly on you as a producer. What was it that led you to think this?

I think it's OK, it's just not that interesting. I could've produced it in a less anodyne way.

7.47pm BST

binmandom asks:

Tea. Bags or loose leaf?

Loose, but some bags are ok.

7.46pm BST

kisunssi asks:

Tea: which is your favourite?

Organic white peony.

7.45pm BST

papersdeadboy asks:

Are you still dying in all your dreams...

Only ones involving 'President Trump'.

7.44pm BST

ThePennyDropz asks:

Saw you perform thousand at Glastonbury a fair few years back, what’s it feel like for you perfoming it as it is incredible to experience it as a member of the audience?

I like it, but honestly it feels like fun and interesting work. I'm more interested in playing acoustic guitar for a few people at this point, as it seems more spontaneous and intimate.

7.43pm BST

Dave asks:

As someone who started out by making music at home pre-internet, how do you feel about the advances in technology and the ease in which one can upload something, quickly gain an online following and claim to be the next big thing? Are you pleased that new generations have such opportunities or do you think this has had a detrimental affect on the quality of dance music now coming out?

I think it's bizarre and egalitarian and encouraging and fascinating.

7.42pm BST

JohnnyTextface asks:

Would you rather have a ham hand or an arm pit that dispensed sun cream?

Probably the arm pit. I like having fingers.

7.38pm BST

Strunz asks:

I interviewed you back in 2000 in Edinburgh. You were aghast at my appearance...you said I was the spitting double of Tony Blair. Do you remember this?

Ha, yes sir.

7.37pm BST

Ginny Carrot asks:

What happens to vegans’ pets? Are you not allowed to have a carnivore pet because of the food issue?

Dogs are omnivores but cats are carnivores. As a result I don't adopt cats. I can't in good conscience keep one animal alive by feeding it the ground up bodies of other animals.

7.36pm BST

elephantwoman asks:

Have you ever tried quorn on the quob ?
and if so have you ever thought about writing a song about it ..?

I've never tried Quorn. Um. Is it good?

7.35pm BST

aliasboy asks:

Are we really all made of stars?

For the most part, yes. We're also made of a few other true 'elements' that seem to have been around for 14,000,000,000 years.

7.34pm BST

OinkImSammy asks:

Every few years you”reveal” that you were a Christian that went bad boy. Half the world knows this yet you still present this as if it were something new. Why?

Oh, cos every few years someone asks me. I wouldn't mention it if people didn't ask. QED.

7.33pm BST

catchytitled asks:

Your last name is Hall (but then you knew that): Who is your favourite Hall? Anthony Michael, Jerry, Arsenio, Daryl or The Royal Albert?


7.33pm BST

Samantha Pantha asks:

D’ya remember coming to Bristol in 99/2000?

I love Bristol, so of course!

7.32pm BST

Petrarkos asks:

How did you end up in RuPaul Drag Race getting your mouth blown with a leaf-blower?

Momma Ru is an old friend, I'd do anything (well, within reason) for her.

7.31pm BST

vammyp asks:

Is there a brand of vegan cheese that isn’t awful?

I'd go to 'vromage' on sunset and laurel and have a tasting spree.

7.30pm BST

Myopicus asks:

Why does my heart feel so bad?


7.29pm BST

EvilEdd asks:

Hi, Moby. How are you?

Bald. Happy.

7.29pm BST

ReformedPanther asks:

When you made Flower, did you have any idea how applicable it would be to a movie soundtrack? Have you created any tracks with a motion picture in mind from the outset?

I've never written music with the idea of it being in a movie. when i have a song in a movie it's really just a strange and happy accident.

7.28pm BST

spanishmarc asks:

Do you have a family member who presents Top Gear?

I don't know what Top Gear is...

7.27pm BST

tarkinator bobsey asks:

Are u planning on putting any of your back catalog on vinyl if u havent already?

Maybe? I haven't thought of it but i'd like to.

7.26pm BST

timo123 asks:

What should I ask you?

What do I think about Wittgenstein's progression from the Tractatus to the brown and blue books?

7.25pm BST

misterpj asks:

Money, I saw you live when you played in Sydney in 2000, I had long hair, did you see me?

Of course!

7.25pm BST

Paul Salt asks:

Do you know how much of a legendary tune the Woodtick mix of Go still is in Stoke on Trent? One of the biggest tracks Sasha used to play at Shelley’s Lazerdome back in the day!

That song had a long, strange life!

7.24pm BST

Rattner asks:

Hi Moby, what’s your favourite thing to do on a Wednesday?

Work on music and go hiking.

7.23pm BST

Evelien Haels asks:

You mentioned your panic attacks in the book a couple of times, do you ever get stage freight? Does the panic affect you when you know you have to go perform in front of 1000s of people or is that something you look forward to?

i get panic around going on dates, but for some reason i'm very calm on stage in front of 100,000 people. clearly my brain is broken.

7.17pm BST

ID978523 asks:

Just finished your book and really enjoyed it. You mentioned that you were friends with David Bowie, and lived in the same neighborhood in New York. What are some of your best memories of him? Do you have any funny stories?!

Oh boy, so many stories. We toured together and had breakfasts together and dinners and coffees. I'm so grateful I got to be neighbours and friends with the greatest musician of all time.

7.16pm BST

csyrett asks:

How was working with Alan Wilder on the Recoil album and did it provide any influence for Play?

It was great, I like alan a lot. It didn't inspire Play, but it was fun to work with him.

7.15pm BST

Nenad Georgievski asks:

What do you think about New York as a place for creating music now compared to the times described in your memoir (generally)?

When I moved back to nyc in 1989 it was dangerous and cheap, which was an amazing environment for musicians and writers and artists to work and experiment
and not worry about the rent. Nowadays i feel like new york and london and san francisco have become victims of their own success, with so many people wanting to live in these amazing cities. Unfortunately the high cost of living in most cities means that most aspiring artists have to live elsewhere.

7.13pm BST

Tamsin Airey asks:

How do you feel about Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad? being used on the Edexcel GCSE music syllabus? (I had to study it for this year although it didn’t come up in the exam)

Ha, I don't really know what that is but it sounds official.

7.11pm BST

Sirin342 asks:

How many unreleased songs did you write for the album Animal Rights (which by the way is awesome)? And what inspired you to this incredible solo in Face It?

Hm, for every album I release I write around 200 or 300 songs. Then I narrow it down to the 10 or 20 songs on the album. As a result I have around 5,000 unreleased songs. Trust me, most of them aren't all that great or even good. And the solo in 'face it' just made sense at the time, something melodic, based around the minor and major 3rds in the chord changes.

7.09pm BST

Shirley Ann Williams asks:

Something I was wondering - from the descriptions of composing in the book - how much training did you have with keyboards and guitar prior to composing in your twenties and early thirties, because you really seem to have known what you were doing? Did using the electronic equipment help? Looping the minor and major arpeggios for God Moving Over The Face of the Waters for instance. The description is really detailed. Was it an intuitive approach at the time or did you think through the composing quite analytically? I find it very interesting.

Oh, I started playing classical guitar when I was 9 years old and started studying music theory when i was 10. So from 10 - 14 I played jazz and classical and studied music theory. Then when I was 14 I heard The Clash and tried to unlearn what I'd spent four years learning... but now I'm glad I have a background in classical music and music theory.

7.07pm BST

Liam Quane asks:

Hi Mr...Moby? Did you work with Paul Greengrass for any version of Extreme Ways? Also, where did the idea for MobyGratis come from? I adore the site and service you provide. I have used three of your tracks on my last 3 short films. Thank you! :~)

Yes, I've worked with Paul on his iterations of the Bourne movies. Moby Gratis started as a way to help out my friends who were working on indie and experimental
and non profit films.

7.06pm BST

1BOMY1 asks:

Hi Moby! Heard about 2 years ago that you and Toby Morse from H2O made a group together, but since then nothing has been put out yet: no music, no info. Why? Do you have any plans for the future as a band? Thanx!

Ha, we only rehearsed once... with Tony from No Doubt on bass and Travis from Blink on drums.

7.04pm BST

Steven Fraser asks:

Got to say Play was one of my favourite albums to end the 20th century. I like how the album mixed blues, gospel and funk and electro and rock at the same time. It was a exciting time for dance music and being experimental, you had others like Prodigy, DJ Shadow, Daft Punk and the Chemical Brothers, Air and Underworld and other greats making music then. Do think there’s still that sort of experimental side of dance music or has it gone away?

It seems as if every kid with a phone or laptop is making dance music, which I find to be really egalitarian and great. With so many people making electronic
music it just stands to follow that there would be really exciting and experimental music being made.

7.01pm BST

Nickey asks:

Hello, Moby!

1. Maybe someday? A lot of unreleased tracks are on mobygratis.com which gives music away for free to indie filmmakers.

2. Possibly? Hard to say at this point.

7.00pm BST

Over in Los Angeles, Moby is starting to answer your questions. Beginning with this from elalpineclub:

The only other famous Moby was a whale. Have your work ever been confused with the book Moby Dick.

I have signed copies of Moby Dick, which seems vaguely blasphemous, even given my hereditary connection to Herman Melville.

1.12pm BST

Moby’s 1998 Play sold over ten million copies. It was also the first album to have every track licensed for commercial use - making its mash up of old blues tunes and chunky breakbeats almost ubiquitous - and the vegan Christian behind it a multimillionaire.

He narrates his rocky path to success in a new memoir, Porcelain, which recalls everything from DJing at swingers parties and being a dominatrix’s sidekick, to his alcoholism and his mother’s death from cancer.

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