
The Zazzle Associates Program lets you earn money when you share Zazzle products (or any other Zazzle page) on your blog, website, or social media sites. It’s a great way to make money on Zazzle, and best of all, it’s free and easy! Today, we’d like to go over three important tips for creating your referral links that can help you in your promotional efforts.

1. Remember when to use “&” instead of “?”.

With the Zazzle Associate Program you can add your referral (Associate) ID to any Zazzle link and earn 15% per sale when a purchase is made through your link. Your referral (Associate ID) is what allows us to track the sale back to you. In order to create a referral link (a link with your referral ID attached), you will need to use the “rf” parameter which calls for you to add “?rf=” at the end of your link followed by your referral (Associate) ID. However, if you’re linking to a page that already has a “?” in the URL, you will need to use “&” instead. For example, department and category pages have a “?” in the URL, so instead of adding “?rf=” to the link followed by your ID, you will need to add “&rf=”.

Let’s take a look at a few examples where we will use 238123456789012345 as the referral ID.  (Find your referral ID here.)

Example #1 (?rf=)

Referral ID: 238123456789012345

Link you want to refer: http://www.zazzle.com/funny+greeting+cards

Referral Link: http://www.zazzle.com/funny+greeting+cards?rf=238123456789012345

Example #2  (&rf=)

Referral ID: 238123456789012345

Link you want to refer: http://www.zazzle.com/villagedesign/gifts?cg=196792435180996283

Referral Link: http://www.zazzle.com/villagedesign/gifts?cg=196792435180996283&rf=238123456789012345

2. Add tracking codes.

Did you know that you can add tracking codes to your referral links? That’s right! You can add tracking to your links by using the “tc” parameter which means adding “&tc=” at the end of your referral link. Your actual tracking code, which will follow the “tc” parameter, can be anything you want it to be and up to 100 alphanumeric characters (and _ ,) in length. You can create your own tracking code for each channel (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, blog, etc.) you use for your promotional efforts to help you see where your referrals are coming from.

Let’s take a look at a few examples where we will use 238123456789012345 as the referral ID.  (Find your referral ID here.)

Example #1 (?rf= and tracking code)

Referral ID: 238123456789012345

Referral link: www.zazzle.com?rf=238123456789012345

Tracking code: facebook08262016

Referral link with tracking code: www.zazzle.com?rf=238123456789012345&tc=facebook08262016

Example #2 (&rf= and tracking code)

Referral ID: 238123456789012345

Referral link: http://www.zazzle.com/blu22_designs/gifts?cg=196348609531918842&rf=238123456789012345

Tracking code: twitter_magnets

Referral link with tracking code: http://www.zazzle.com/blu22_designs/gifts?cg=196348609531918842&rf=238123456789012345&tc=twitter_magnets

Tracking codes are important because they help you determine which of your promotional methods are working best for you. You can find the tracking codes reports in your Referral History CSV document in the “L” column.

3. Add promo codes.

You can also add a promo code to your referral links, so when someone clicks those links, the promo code will automatically be applied to the cart for that customer. Promoting deals and codes can help you bring in customers; when adding a promo code to your links, you can get creative with using calls to action like “instantly get x% off” or “buy now and get x% off”.  You can add the promo code to a link by adding the “PM” parameter to your link, which means adding “&PM” at the end of your referral link. A good place to find a summary of all the current coupon codes is our Special Offers & Coupons page.

Let’s take a look at a few examples where we will use 238123456789012345 as the referral ID.  (Find your referral ID here.)

Example #1  (promo code)

Referral ID: 238123456789012345

Referral link: http://www.zazzle.com/custom_family_kids_personal_photo_portrait_power_bank-256669594999733384?rf=238123456789012345


Referral link with promo code: http://www.zazzle.com/custom_family_kids_personal_photo_portrait_power_bank-256669594999733384?rf=238123456789012345&PM=ZAUGUSTDEALS

Example #2 (tracking code and promo code)

Referral ID: 238123456789012345

Referral link: www.zazzle.com?rf=238123456789012345

Tracking code: blog08262016

Referral link with tracking code: www.zazzle.com?rf=238123456789012345&tc=blog08262016

Promo code: ZHOTDEALDAY3

Referral link with tracking code and promo code: www.zazzle.com?rf=238123456789012345&tc=blog08262016&PM=ZHOTDEALDAY3

We hope you enjoyed these referral link tips, take a look at more examples for creating links here and check all of our promotional tools here.

The post 3 Tips for Creating Referral Links appeared first on Zazzle Blog.

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