
One million dollars. You can almost hear Dr. Evil saying it. But it’s not 1997, and this isn’t a spy comedy. Salesforce is really offering up one million dollars to the hacker, or team of hackers who come up with the best Salesforce integration hack at Dreamforce next week. Reserve your spot in the hackathon here.

There’s only one rule for Dreamforce hackers: you have to use the Salesforce Platform in your app. We want to make sure you have all the tools you might need to build a million dollar app at your fingertips. We’ve updated our Twilio SFDC Library to support the latest Twilio products, making it easier for you to build voice and messaging into your Salesforce and Force.com apps.

Get Started With Twilio and SFDC

Twilio Salesforce library now updated to include MMS capability

Twilio iOS and Twilio Android SDKs can be used side by side with the Salesforce mobile SDKS

With REST API docs you can easily use Twilio libraries in Ruby, Node, etc, and deploy to Heroku (part of the Force.com platform).

How To Get Started Fast

For some hacking inspiration, check out a few Salesforce tutorials from the community.

Salesforce’s Pat Patterson walks you through Transcribing Voicemails to tasks with Twilio and how to manage Salesforce Call Tracking With Twilio

Jon Plax shows you how to answer incoming calls through your CRM.

Ameer Badri uses Salesforce and Twilio to increase your case management response time.

To get up and running fast, browse through our How-To tutorials.

Build A Dynamic Call Queue

How To Build In Browser Click-To-Call With Twilio Client

How To Send An SMS From A Call

How To Build IVR Call Screening and Recording

Best of luck to everyone building at Dreamforce! Find out where we’ll be at Dreamforce by staying tuned to Twilio on Twitter

Preparing For Dreamforce’s Million Dollar Hackathon: Updated Twilio SFDC Libraries

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