
This will create a simple UI that will allow you to enter a phone number. When the button is clicked, your Parse Cloud Code function on the server will be executed, and the phone number you entered will receive a call!

Wrapping Up

With the new Twilio Cloud Module for Parse, you can build full-featured communications applications in the cloud. Call centers, SMS notification systems, VoIP clients – all of these applications are now possible with no server configuration or management at all.

The Twilio Cloud module is a port of the Twilio node.js module, so the most complete API reference can be found here.  Parse also provides some basic documentation on the module on their web site. Their documentation on getting started with Cloud Code can be found here.

With the Twilio helper for cloud code, writing native mobile apps with VoIP functionality just got a whole lot easier as well.  Check back on the dev blog soon for more on how to use Parse and Twilio in iOS and Android apps.

Happy cloud coding!


Twilio and Parse Collaborate on New and Improved Cloud Code Module

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