
Cannabis is emerging from the shadows of prohibition. Every week, there are advancements in many fields related to cannabis. Smoke Reports will be re-capping the weekly events of the cannabis community and industry, so that you can stay up-to-date on the latest developments.

The 2015 Emerald Cup

Last weekend, over 20,000 people flocked to Santa Rosa for the 2015 Emerald Cup. Over 100 vendors and exhibitors displayed their products and services at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds on December 12th and 13th. Despite the rain outside, the entire event was incredibly cheerful and positive.

Thousands of People Attended the 2015 Emerald Cup

Smoke Reports did a major review of the event earlier this week, and we encourage everyone to check out the article for the wonderful photographs taken by our creative mastermind Jacob.

The entire team here at Smoke Reports wants to give a huge shout-out to Tim Blake and the entire event staff for once again putting on one of California’s favorite cannabis events.

NIDA Survey: Monitoring the Future

On December 16th, the National Institute of Health published the 2015 Monitoring the Future survey. The survey polls American middle and high school students on their exposure to alcohol and narcotics, as well as eventual usage patterns.

The survey packed some surprising information, including evidence of the decreased use of cigarettes, alcohol, opioids, and synthetic cannabinoids. Cannabis use remains stable, and many 12th graders reported a decline in their perception of cannabis as harmful.

For the first time in the MTF survey, daily cannabis use exceeded daily tobacco use. Overall, 44,892 students from 382 public and private schools participated in the 2015 MTF survey.

The survey has been conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor since 1975.

Federal Spending Bill Prohibits Persecution

For the second straight year, members of Congress have included pro-cannabis measures within the federal spending bill. The Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment intends to keep the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis use and procurement in locations where it is legal.

With no funding for persecuting cannabis in states where it is legal, the DOJ and the DEA have significantly reduced the resources they have wasted on arresting and prosecuting compliant cannabis patients.

The Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment has been a contentious point in legal battles this past year. The Department of Justice at one point argued that the Amendment only prohibited federal action against the states themselves, and that individual citizens were still prosecutable.

Federal judges (and members of the Legislative branch) were furious to see the DOJ interpret laws to serve their own priorities.

Melinda Haag resigned from her position as the US Attorney for the Northern District of California under immense pressure from everyone, including the folks who appointed her.

Deleware Decriminalization Today

Early this morning, Delaware House Bill 39 (HB 39) went into effect, making Delaware the 19th state to decriminalize cannabis. Penalties for cannabis possession, consumption, and personal use have all been severely reduced.

Personal cannabis use in Delaware is now a $100 civil penalty, and subsequent violations only result in an unclassified misdemeanor. Aggressive trafficking and distribution will still be taken extremely seriously, with all of the heavy-handed penalties originally attached to cannabis.

The quantity designated for personal use in Delaware is one ounce or less of usable cannabis flowers.

ICCI/ASA Press Release

In a press release earlier this week, Americans for Safe Access announced the establishment of the world’s first research center dedicated exclusively to cannabis.

The International Cannabis and Cannabinoid Institute (ICCI) will assemble the finest modern equipment for studying applied cannabinoid science in the Czech Republic.

The ICCI is the beginning of a worldwide cannabis community founded on confident cannabis science.

The ICCI has already begun developing partnerships with other research institutions around the globe to coordinate cross-disciplinary studies that provide clinical evidence about cannabinoid interactions within the human body.

Volcano Raffle Winner

Smoke Reports had such a fantastic time at the New West Summit in San Francisco. Our team got the chance to meet so many cool cannabis folks, and it was inspiring to see the excitement everyone has for the future of this industry.

Raffle Winner Ben Accepts His New Volcano!

At the New West Summit, Smoke Reports raffled off a full Volcano vaporizer set-up, and this week, the winner came to the Smoke Reports offices in Berkeley to claim his prize and hang out with the team again. Congratulations to Ben on his new Volcano!

Upcoming Cannabis Events

Puff, Pass, and Paint – (Portland, OR: Dec. 18)

Join Denver-based painter Heidi Keyes and her crew for a casual and creative 2-hour smoking session, while you follow along with her step-by-step instructions to create your own mind-altered masterpiece (or get inspired and completely follow your own whims – up to you!). Classes only hold up to 20 students to allow for individual attention, an easy-going, relaxed atmosphere, and joint-passing ease.

DOPE Industry Awards – (Seattle, WA: Dec. 19)

It’s that time of year again to celebrate the best industry in the world and all the amazing people and companies that are a part of it. The DOPE Industry Awards will once again be a night to remember, honoring the finest in the Cannabis Industry. Last year’s event hosted over 700 people and was considered by many to be the event of the year.

Chronica – (Dallas, TX: Dec. 26)

DFW NORML’s 4th annual holiday celebration “Chronica” is confirmed for Saturday 12/26 from 8pm – midnight at Club Dada in Dallas. Activities include live music from local talent, vendor booths, an ugly holiday sweater contest, raffle drawings and more.

Popular from Our Social Media

ChicagoTribune.com: Chef Mindy Segal to Make Marijuana-Infused Edibles for Medical Pot Patients

CannabisNowMagazine.com: Video: Judging the Emerald Cup

Attn. com: Top White House Drug Official: War on Drugs is a Failure

Civilized.life: How Legalizing Marijuana Could Save the Earth

TheDailyBeast.com: Medical Marijuana’s Catch 22

For the most up to date info on Smoke Reports, follow us on Twitter @smokereports or like us on our Facebook page. If you see that we overlooked an event this past week in cannabis, please join the discussion in the comments section below, or through our social media links.

The post Another Week in the World of Cannabis: December 17th, 2015 appeared first on The Smoke Reporter.

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