
Real estate related searches on Google have grown 253% over the past 4 years (NAR). With more and more prospects turning to the web to search for properties and chose their agent, it’s crucial for agents to have the best Realtor website possible!

Last month, we launched our best Realtor website contest to find to best Realtor website created using IXACT Contact. We were thrilled to receive so many wonderful entries from all over North America.

A team of real estate marketing evaluated the contest entries, and with so many terrific websites, it wasn’t an easy task!

We want to thank all of you for entering the contest, and congratulate our winners!

First Place – Flint Adam, Nolensville Realty

Flint’s Nolensville Realty page is a wonderful example of how Realtors can customize IXACT Contact websites. With the IDX Professional integration, visitors to Flint’s website can browse listings, search according to their preferences, and even sign up to receive alerts about specific properties and areas. This is a great way for Flint to generate more leads, as the website visitors who register on his website are automatically added to his IXACT Contact CRM where he can begin nurturing them by email!

Here’s what we love about Flint’s Realtor website:

The customized homepage includes a video – Flint’s welcoming video is embedded directly in his homepage, instantly engaging website visitors! It’s an excellent way of making his website stand out, and introducing his visitors to Nashville.

The amazing neighborhood profiles – We were wowed by Flint’s customized communities pages. Each neighborhood page includes a photo of the neighborhood, a searchable map, AND listings in the area. Customized pages like these make the home search easy for Flint’s prospects, and also do wonders for SEO.

The custom blog – Blogging is a terrific way of standing out as an expert in the industry. Flint uses a combination of pre-written IXACT Contact blog posts that come with the website bi-monthly, AND his own custom written blog content. His blended approach is a great way to get the benefit of a blog, without the pressure of writing all the content himself.

The testimonials page – We loved how Flint added a new page to his website with testimonials from past clients. Testimonials are a powerful way to show leads the positive experience you offer clients, and Flint’s page does a terrific job of that!

The social media integration – Understanding that his real estate leads like to get social, Flint includes links to his Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube accounts on his website. He doesn’t stop there! Flint also includes a live feed of his Facebook and Twitter posts within his website, demonstrating to his audience that he is active and social.

Second Place – Birdy Perry, Georgia Homes by Birdy

Birdy’s website is beautiful and engaging! Our team of judges loved the way her color theme matches her branding perfectly and she includes a video to catch her visitors right away.

To offer ongoing value to her clients and website visitors, Birdy added her IXACT Contact Business Directory, showcasing trusted service providers in the local area.

Birdy’s customized blog posts are another way she offers value to her website visitors. She uses a mix of pre-written IXACT Contact posts along with her own original content to educate her prospects and establish herself as a real estate professional.

To maximize the lead capture functionality of her IDX integrated website, Birdy uses pop-up lead capture forms to encourage website visitors to sign up for alerts on properties and areas.

The judges also loved how Birdy leverages IXACT Contact’s advanced Facebook app to pull listings data into her Facebook page. Prospects can search and view properties without leaving the social network.

Third Place – Matt Blashaw & Russ Evans, The McMonigle Team

Real estate team Matt Blashaw and Russ Evans have made their IXACT Contact website totally their own. The judges loved how the team set up pages to introduce both Matt and Russ to website visitors.

To offer website visitors more information about Orange County, the team created a new page of their Favorite OC Places. The page describes the best local dining, shopping, and activities. Talk about offering value to prospects!

By integrating their Facebook feed into the website, Matt and Russ make it easy for prospects to connect with them online. They’ve also done a terrific job of customizing a Testimonials page to highlight some feedback they’ve received from happy past clients.

Congratulations to our winners, and thank you to all of you who entered!

Real estate professionals who don’t currently subscribe to IXACT Contact can sign up now to take advantage of the FREE 5 week trial including a real estate CRM, email marketing platform, and website.

If you have any questions, give us a call at 1.866.665.0018.

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