
Engineering, Operations, Support, Marketing, and Business teams – There is no other tool that lets you do as much inside of chat as HipChat.

Six months ago at Atlassian Summit, we introduced our new integrations platform powered by HipChat Connect, allowing developers to build apps that run inside of chat. Today we’re thrilled to see over 35 new integrations in the HipChat marketplace that let you do more inside of chat than any other tool.

Rather than using slash commands or letting alerts flood your room conversations, HipChat’s new integrations experience organizes information intuitively in the right side bar called the “Glance” view. In this way, HipChat becomes your team command center. Signals come into HipChat where your team can filter, discuss, and take action as needed.

This model of collaboration is called ChatOps. ChatOps works differently for every team but fundamentally it brings people, tools, and automation into a transparent workflow and culture.

Over the last month, seven new partners—Adobe Creative Cloud, BigPanda, Hosted Graphite, Blueprint, TOPDOX, Meeteor, and Lucidchart—have launched next generation integrations. Explore these and other new integrations designed for all kinds of teams, as well as some just for fun (whynotboth).

Find the integrations that best suit your team:

Software & Operations Teams

Marketing Teams

Support Teams

All Teams

Just for Fun

Integrations for Software & Operations teams

The newest HipChat integrations designed for software and operations teams help your team manage services and stay on top of incidents, plan and build the agile way, run continuous code review with Git, and automate deployments.

Manage your services and stay on top of incidents


The new BigPanda integration demonstrates the just how far you can go with Connect. Users now see incident status with a description of all correlated alerts and can take action from within HipChat to view the incident’s timeline or pause updates.

In creating this integration, BigPanda focused on signal over noise. Less clutter in HipChat rooms and less context switching to view incident details means shorter resolution times and better collaboration across teams.

“Unlike other collaboration tools, only HipChat lets teams do more than just chat. The new Connect framework makes it easy for BigPanda to deliver more value in the exact place where users are already conducting incident triage.” – BigPanda

Read about BigPanda’s experience building for HipChat here.

Hosted Graphite

The new Hosted Graphite integration lets your team see the overall state of the infrastructure at a glance. By clicking the “Glance” inside HipChat, the side bar changes to a filterable list of all your alerts, showing which ones are unhealthy and what the alert conditions are.

Once you get an alert, you can jump right from HipChat to a Hosted Graphite dashboard. For teams with many dashboards, there’s a quick filtering box. Dashboard links include a Hosted Graphite access key, so everyone in the room gets one-click read-only access as quickly as possible to help diagnose the problem.

“With the HipChat Connect API, we were able to offer a much richer experience by embedding parts of the Hosted Graphite product experience right into the HipChat interface. This is pretty powerful, and something that other chat tools don’t offer.” – Hosted Graphite

Learn more about how the Hosted Graphite team created this integration here.


Keep your whole company informed during downtime with automatic status updates sent directly into your rooms. StatusPage displays the full context of your status page inside of HipChat. Use HipChat’s new Discuss feature to pipe an incident card back into a room for quick communication. Learn more.

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Monitor the web’s check engine light right from HipChat. Get alerts from Sentry with important details about the event. Then, on a click, open the event in the sidebar for a quick glance. Learn more.

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With Raygun’s integration for HipChat, real time error notifications are sent instantly to your team’s chat room. View error details and decide whether to act upon the error details without leaving HipChat.

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With this integration, you’ll receive alerts when your detectors are triggered, stay updated on metrics, and see the severity of alerts at a glance.

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Plan and build the agile way


With the new Blueprint for HipChat integration, users can send comments and artifacts to HipChat from their everyday tool. Just include @HipChat in a comment to send a notification into HipChat. Or @mention a particular HipChat user to send them a notification directly.

Using the HipChat Glance view, you can quickly access any new or changed artifacts, giving teammates the ability to fully understand the changes and context in their tool of comfort. Better yet, HipChat users can update Blueprint without ever leaving HipChat. Commenting in HipChat will send a message back to Blueprint with intelligent referencing of the relevant project and artifact.

“By integrating Blueprint and HipChat, your business partners, product owners, business analysts, and development teams can robustly collaborate from within their everyday tools, increasing understanding, productivity, and efficiency.” – Blueprint

Learn how developers at Blueprint used HipChat Connect to build this integration here.

Planning With Cards

The main goal of the Planning With Cards integration is to allow distributed, agile teams to make accurate estimations of their work for sprint planning. All team members assess the level of difficulty of the tasks being estimated.

The add-on facilitates this by preventing participants to be influenced by the rest of the team. Then, once everybody’s ready, Glance updates the view and everybody can see the results. Chat rooms are often busy and distractions may arise, so this integration lets ScrumMasters or Product owners nudge anyone who isn’t being responsive with an action inside the right glance.

“Making accurate estimates usually requires having multiple rounds and the PlanningWith.Cards platform allows teams to do this easily inside a HipChat room.” – PlanningWith.Cards

Learn more about how developers created this integration using HipChat Connect here.

Behave Pro

This integration brings Behave Pro’s User Story collaboration out of JIRA Software and into HipChat. HipChat rooms can display a “Glance” to show the number of impeded Issues within the current sprint or Kanban board. The glance updates in real-time as team members ask and resolve User Story questions. To discuss and answer, just open the Issue and drill down into the question by clicking on the “Glance.”

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Standup Bot

Standup Bot is an agile team’s best friend. Use “/standup” to record your daily standup report. Then read everyone’s reports at your convenience from the Glance view. Learn more.

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Run continuous code reviews with Git


View all your open pull requests within ever leaving HipChat. The new Bitbucket integration not only brings in pull request information but also allows you to “Poke Reviewers” to give them a reminder to review your pull requests. Learn more.

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Automate Your Deployments


The Chef integration lets you list nodes from your Chef Server, show a node’s last converge time, and list cookbooks and versions in an environment.

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Coming soon, the Puppet integration will let you initiate changes with the new orchestration capabilities in 2016.1, see those changes as they occur, and discuss them, all directly from HipChat. Learn more.

Integrations for Marketing Teams

For marketing teams, keeping your finger on the pulse of your community is crucial. With new social media and customer engagement integrations, your team will always be in-the-know. Also check out integrations to help your marketing team work better together, like the new Image Editor and Lucidchart.

Sharing visuals

Image Editor with Adobe Creative Cloud

The new Image Editor using Adobe Creative SDK takes full advantage of HipChat’s ability to take action on messages. With Image Editor, you can edit images right in your HipChat rooms. Crop and resize, insert stickers, create memes, and enhance photos in a number of ways by adding filters, effects, frames, overlays, lighting, color, and more.

The ways in which you can use the editor are numerous. Add annotation to explain an image, enhance a photo to get it ready for social media, or just have fun with stickers and memes. It’s a super powerful tool in a super simple way.

“The HipChat Connect API and the Creative SDK let you connect the richest aspects of Creative Cloud into team chat rooms. It’s the future of creative workflows and we’re thrilled to be a part of it.” – Adobe Creative Cloud

See what Adobe Creative Cloud thinks about the power of HipChat Connect here.


The new Lucidchart integration brings your team flowcharts right into HipChat. The integration works smoothly whether you’re working in HipChat or Lucidchart.

From Lucidchart, post any chart to a HipChat room. In HipChat, teammates are able to see and visit the chart, where they can collaborate. Then see all your charts neatly organized in the Glance view.

“The Glance functionality allows you to pin important Lucidchart documents, like network diagrams, project documentation and support processes, in a team chat room for easy reference without leaving the chat.” – Lucidchart

Learn more about how Lucidchart created this HipChat Connect integration here.

Monitor and Engage with Social Media


Know instantly in HipChat when your brand is mentioned on social media, blogs, and search engines. Set up notifications for keywords from sources like Twitter, Reddit, Product Hunt, Hacker News, and Tumblr. Then easily take actions such as retweeting, replying or favoriting mentions on Twitter, scheduling Buffer posts, and creating Trello cards. Learn more.

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The RSS integration lets you enter any RSS feed and receive updates in your HipChat room. View all your RSS updates neatly in the Glance view on the right side of your room. Learn more.

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Follow people and brands on Facebook with the new Facebook integration. Get alerts about all new posts right in the Glance view in HipChat. Learn more.

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For anyone managing social media, Hootsuite is essential. Now, with the new Hootsuite integration, you can send tweets into HipChat to share with your teammates.

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Integrations for Support Teams


The new Zendesk integration lets your team bring ticket information right into your HipChat rooms. Easily share tickets with teammates to discuss a course of action. Learn more.

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Use the Smooch integration to communicate with your users directly from HipChat. Customer requests are shared in your team room, and Smooch uses HipChat Connect’s glance view to show the customer profile. Questions and support tickets flow into HipChat where you can instantly share with your team and directly respond to users. Learn more.

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CallCenter by Wittified

Live call and voicemail support directly in HipChat ensures your team will never miss an important customer call again. Learn more.

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NPS with SurveyMonkey

NPS for HipChat integrates with SurveyMonkey, allowing you to use the SurveyMonkey’s time-tested NPS template. Once sent, survey results will be piped right into your HipChat room. Learn more.

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Integrations for All Teams

There are certain integrations that are helpful for every team, no matter your tasks. Check out these new integrations that help you plan better meetings, video chat with teammates, search your cloud in HipChat, and more.

Schedule and Plan Meetings


Meeteor helps great teams have impactful meetings. As meetings often stem out of discussion, the Meetor integration in HipChat makes perfect sense. Using the integration, your team can create meetings from the Glance view.

When you decide to call a meeting, use the content in your chat to build the agenda so that everyone understands what the meeting is about and how to prepare for it. Send the meeting invite and the integration automatically sends a notification to the room (as well as an email and calendar invite) so everyone knows the meeting was created.

“The rich capabilities of HipChat Connect allowed us to create a flow between HipChat and Meeteor so that information can be shared back and forth in a meaningful way.” – Meeteor

Learn more about Meeteor and this integration here.


Meekan’s integration handles scheduling from within HipChat. Meekan syncs with your calendar of choice including Google Calendar, Outlook, or iCloud calendars. Then just ask Meekan for a meeting and it will match everyone’s calendars for the optimal time. Learn more.

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Google Calendar

See what meeting is currently on or is coming up next at a glance. Click on a meeting to see its details including time, attendees, location and description.

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Cloud file storage services:


The new TOPDOX integration brings a powerful multi-format office documents reader engine right inside of HipChat. Connect to Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive to bring your cloud storage and search right into your rooms.

Now you can find and share documents from your cloud services without ever leaving HipChat. It’s really that simple, and it’s really that great.

“We integrated a cloud file manager/navigator, a multi-cloud search engine, and a multi-format document reader in less than a month. This was only possible because HipChat Connect does all the hard work by abstracting the complexity, allowing us to create a rich app experience right in the chat window.” – TOPDOX

Read TOPDOX’s experience building for HipChat Connect here.


Cloudo is a tool that lets you search your entire Cloud at once. With the Cloudo integration, you can easily search for any cloud file right within HipChat. Find files from Dropbox, Trello, Evernote, Asana, Google Docs, and so many more. Learn more

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Video Services:


The new BlueJeans integration provides free group video and screen-sharing for your entire team. Just sign up for a personal account for free to get started. Learn more.

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HYFY is a Chrome extension that lets you record and narrate your screen and share instantly into HipChat. Videos are playable right in HipChat so your entire team can watch and discuss without switching apps. Learn more.

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Simple utilities


The Convergely integration adds all sorts of powers to your room. Schedule messages for later, create team tasks, make polls for the room, and even annotate images. Learn more

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Alias Bot

Alias Bot makes mentioning groups of people within a room simple. Choose an Alias like “Dev Team” or “SF Office” and add teammates to it. Then just mention the Alias and all designated people will be alerted. Learn more.

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Room security

Atlassian Room Security by MetaCert

The MetaCert integration silently checks the reputation of links in real time, providing your rooms with an invisibly secure experience. You’ll get an alert if a link isn’t secure, preventing phishing in your team communication.

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Just for Fun

Sometimes you just need to blow off some steam and have some fun. Connect these fun, new integrations to enjoy some sweet stress-relief and share a laugh with teammates.

ROSHAMBO (Rock-Paper-Scissors)

Now you can challenge your teammates to a game of Roshambo, or rock paper scissors, to settle decisions. Use @mentions to challenge your teammates, track the top 10 players via the in-app leaderboard.

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One of the first video games, Snake captivated the masses before your intern was even born. Now, you can add it to HipChat rooms for a fun break from your day-to-day workflow. Teach those young whippersnappers what real gaming is about.

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Kaomoji is a popular Japanese emoticon style using grammar punctuation to create the emoticons of yore. Search by sentiment, or popular characters in HipChat’s glance. Impress your team with your uncanny keystroke memory.

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The post 35 new ways to do your work right inside of HipChat appeared first on HipChat Blog.

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