This tutorial originally is published on our Codeship Documentation. You can find the article and other migration tutorials there.
We often get questions regarding the differences and migration path from Jenkins to Codeship. Here, we’ll walk through the almost effortless ways to migrate your notifications from Jenkins to Codeship.
For those that aren’t using Jenkins, this documentation will still convey ways that could be used to migrate from any number of privately managed, hosted, and maintained build servers.
Jenkins is a build server used by many developers, but as practices have matured and more streamlined tooling is needed, your development team may be dissatisfied with the granular treatment to the continuous integration and delivery process that Jenkins provides.
In just the last few years, software development has matured in a number of ways. With new agile practices and tooling to advance these practices and draw efficiencies where they didn’t exist before, effective steps forward have been made. With these strides forward, we have needed to gain more insight, metrics, and information to make decisions on our respective development efforts.
It’s important to keep informed of your team’s work. You need to know when new builds are pushed and when they have succeeded or failed. In the following samples, we’ve detailed some of the notifications that can be used to help your team stay informed of their builds.
“Stay informed of your team’s work with useful notifications” via @codeship
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Replicating the Jenkins Notification Setup on Codeship
Jenkins has a number of ways to notify you of build status, commit information, and a whole host of other points of information. To implement most of these, Jenkins requires you to use a plugin of some type and then configure that plugin.
Because of the number of options, Jenkins can become a time-consuming tool to manage. Each type of notification system — Slack, GitHub, etc. — requires individual, cumbersome plugin installation and management. For self-managed servers or hosted servers, the support experience also differs, with more than a few of the hosted Jenkins providers opting to disallow many plugins and only support or implement the authorized plugins.
Here’s a shortlist of notifications that are useful to maintain consistent visibility, with respective links to get them set up on Codeship:
GitHub Status API
Set up email notification
Chrome Notifications with Codeship’s Shipscope
Codeship Slack integration
Flowdock and
Of course among all of these notifications and pieces of information, the most common type is still the simple build failed or build succeeded notification.
Setting Up Build Notifications on Codeship
Smart Notifications are a key feature of Codeship.
Codeship Pro uses commands inside containers. Because of this, you can define your own notifications per the baked container images however the need arises. This also provides the advantage of being part of the actual application system versus being part of the build tooling. This removes the need for plugins and adds the advantage of being able to reuse notifications for monitoring within the deployed application.
Codeship Basic, too, provides a lot of granular build notification options, giving you good visibility into the health of your projects.
Migrating notifications from Jenkins to Codeship is pretty easy. What generally works best is to begin with a list of notification types that your team uses and then reimplement each of those specific to the teams that want the particular notification.
Following are a few ways to get notified of build status or related information with Codeship.
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The Codeship Slack Integration
Codeship’s Slack integration works with webhooks to deliver updates to builds and related information.
You can implement this by going to your project’s notification settings and choosing the Slack integration.
In Slack, select the Apps & integrations menu.
Then click on the Manage tab on the Apps & integrations screen. Next, click the Edit button to gain access to the settings.
In this window, we can now set the channel in which to post, the webhook URL, a label, and other settings.
The webhook URL and more can easily be found in the Codeship app’s interface. Navigate to the notifications screen and click Enable. Copy the webhook from here and paste it into the webhook URL field on the Slack screen shown above. Now everything is set for Slack notifications.
The Codeship HipChat Integration
The HipChat plugin for Atlassian’s chat client provides notifications for builds and additional information and links back to commits. To enable this plugin, again, just navigate to the notifications section in the Codeship interface and click Enable.
Get the notification token and room from the HipChat interface. In HipChat, go to their integrations and click Add integration.
Another tab, Configure, will appear next to the Overview tab. This is where your token is available.
Grab your HipChat token and put it into Codeship’s notification settings screen for HipChat. Once that’s configured, you’re all set.
Google Chrome browser notifications with Codeship’s Shipscope
Codeship has a browser component called Shipscope (GitHub repo) that we introduced in 2014. It provides an immediate status of the builds for various projects, as shown here.
After many conversations, we found that the management and upkeep of plugins on Jenkins over time weren’t working for a lot of development teams, as they might not for you. With Codeship, we aim to provide a more developer-friendly solution that focuses on transitioning from existing setups easily and quickly. Removing any maintenance of plugins or other components helps our users stay focused on their application code.
In this article, we’ve covered Slack, HipChat, and our Google Chrome Shipscope app. There are other options worth reviewing of course, such as GitHub and GitLab Pull Requests and more. We hope it’s been useful for you to learn about the options for migrating notifications from Jenkins to Codeship.
“Migrating From Jenkins To Codeship: Notifications” via @codeship
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