
Florence Foster Jenkins is the story of an heiress in New York City in the early part of the twentieth century who was a true patron of the arts.  She formed the Verdi club and did much to encourage music.  She loved performing and arranged many private and public concerts but there was one small problem – she couldn’t sing.

Based on a true story, I thought this movie starring Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant was terrific!  Jenkins had a love for music and a flair for life.  Her husband, St. Clair Bayfield, supported and encouraged her and did everything he could to make her life happy.  Streep did a wonderful job playing Jenkins – you couldn’t help but like her, even while you disliked her singing.  Grant was great as her kind and caring husband as well.

This movie is well suited for pre-teens on up so it’s one you can see with your family.  There was a good crowd in the theater when I saw it and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

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