
Sunday 22nd Nov.

I made it to bed early, had time for a read and turned out the light at 12.30 am. It was still a bit of a shock to be perfectly awake again at 2.55 am.                                                       After a flying visit to the loo I came back and logged on. In amongst the variety of mail it was lovely to see so many likes for  last night’s blog and of course the wonderful comments. I always get some pleasure answering those. I finished what mail there was by 4.50 am and suddenly felt tired again. Rather than go through to my chair, I turned the light out and gave sleep another chance. Sleep accepted and the next time I woke it was 7.09 am. Dn Dn Dn. When was the last time 7.00 am and bed were in the same sentence without Mike’s name being mentioned? (Rhetorical question).                                                                                                                                                                                                  I went through to the kitchen and took my meds, made a coffee to bring back and prepared to go into battle.I grided my lions ( whatever it was they didn’t like it )and dove in.It was no fun.I got to 76, did ten and checked again and it was now 78. I’d do another dozen or so and check, now it was 93. This is not the way it was meant to go.

By 9.00 pm I was on 93 and five minutes later on a resuscitator when Mike walked in. Unbelievable, not even one battle. I went through to join him in the lounge leaving the post to self combust in my absence. Mike may have been up but nothing told me he was awake. I had to catch him at the right moment. I waited until his eyes closed and each time they did I spoke as though I hadn’t noticed. The eyes opened again. When he was ‘compost mental’ I suggested that as he wanted to visit a place for his fish foods which was beyond where we usually ate, why not stop on the way through and have breakfast instead of lunch. I think he agreed. I could taste the bacon already.                       I went to get dressed and carry on with a bit of work while he tried to open the roller blinds on his eyes. I heard him go through to his room a few minutes later.

At 10.15 am we were on our way. We needed to be there before 11.15 am as they stop serving breakfast at the Bells of St Mary’s then. We got there at 10.35 am and paid for our plates. I just had to wait for my tea so I could take a tablet. Once that was done I hoped no-one would get in my way. 3 rashers of bacon, 2 sausages, 3 pieces of fried bread, i fried egg, 1 spoon of scrambled egg, 1 plum tomato and a few beans. Mike had an extra sausage and an extra fried egg but no scrambled egg or tomato. We didn’t make any toast just then. All that bacon on display and I was so restrained.                                                                                                                                                                                                      It was really nice as a change. I had two slices of toast and Mike just 1 afterwards but I got plenty of butter for it and Mike had strawberry jam on his. I finished my cuppa and as Mike went to the loo I stood outside to enjoy an after meal cigarette. I don’t know how Mike’s willpower holds so well. He’s been stopped for 4 weeks now and says he doesn’t mind. I hope I cope that well when my turn comes.

We drove to Criminal Bay and Mike picked up the fish food he needed then as we walked round he chose a couple of Christmas presents. They were really nice. It was quite funny really as Mike often says he doesn’t ‘do’ Christmas and he often says it about birthdays too, yet here he was shopping.                                                                                                 We left there and drove into Rhyl to visit Homies as there was something else he needed, which we got, and then went to Matalan for a look round but neither of us bought anything there. Finally we drove home. I struggled to keep my eyes open on the return journey but it was that or be mocked.                                                                                              We arrived back about 3.00 pm. I made Mike a coffee while he did the flowers from yesterday. Then I went to do a little work. I was up at 166 but couldn’t stay there as Joey had been without company most of the day. As I went back to the lounge Mike was trying to  put the new baize on the card table. I helped and was able to talk to Joey at the same time. That job was finished about 4.00 pm and I had to come back through. Mike got his stuff together and headed home.

I stayed glued to my office chair until 7.30 pm then went for  some tea to take my second lot of tabs. Joey started coming out a bit as I put the TV on so when I came back though at 8.00 pm I left it on for him. There was a film on at 9.00 pm so I had to make a concerted effort to get the numbers down. I managed it but I knew there would be more later. I have to have bloods done at the hospital in the morning so I need to rest a bit better tonight. Of course tomorrow’s work  will pile up while I’m out. It’s the nature of the beast. I went through to watch the film. Damn, I wish I’d learned to read. I thought it finished at 11.10 pm but instead it was 11.45 pm. It was a gallop to come back and complete the blog. We’re looking at 1.00 am bed without touching the mail.

Monday 23rd Nov.

I made it to bed for 1.00 am. I only had about ten minutes with my book before trying to settle. It wasn’t easy but eventually I dropped off. I dropped on again at 3.09 am and was wide awake. There was a sudden need to pass water ( thus proving I’m no witch…….warlock , well there’s no need to be rude).                                                                             Back in my room again I logged on and checked my gmail. Heck there were loads of emails from Yvonne with pictures of Reuben.  It was like she’d been sending them all night. Still as it was only 3.15 am that was a distinct possibility. I was clearing messages until 5.15 am when I went too take my morning meds and scoff some cold toast. I wanted to do the washing but realised I’d have to leave the drier on when I went out and I won’t do that. It’s going to have to wait till Wednesday as I have the hospital this morning and then MuJo are visiting. Tomorrow is my visit to see Yvonne and young toe cruncher.( My toes).

I left the house at 8.10 am and walked to the bust stop which was still chock a’block with the pimplies. It wasn’t long before a school bus came and I saw my bus pull in behind. The driver must have been there for a count of three and I must have been in clear sight in his rear view mirrors hopping up the road with sparks flying from my crutches. He pulled out and beggared off when I was withing 20 feet of his ‘I hope your wheels fall off” bus. Did I mention it was piggin’ freezing this morning? No, then let me mention it now, it  was brass monkey weather,so bad my sheepskin coat was shivering. (OK, poetic licence there, I don’t have a sheepskin). The next bus to arrive did so at 8.35 am. I had to borrow a blowtorch to release my shoes from the pavement. The latest people to arrive at the stop thought I was a statue which is probably why he chap next to me hung his brolly from my arm while he read his paper. Someone carried me aboard the bus.                                                                                                                                   We were in town within 5 minutes and since my appointment wasn’t until 9.00 am I had 20 minutes to get to the hospital. It’s one of those places I have to stop regularly on the journey to remind myself to breathe. Still I got there with 5 minutes to spare and only one person was called before me.

Once released, and I knew I wouldn’t bleed for long as the blood was already frozen in my veins. I could hear it crystalise as I walked back into town. There was a temptation to stop and go round LIDL but I decided as I needed to go to m chemist to get home quickly. This time I only had a 5 minute wait for the bus and I was soon back in Greenfield. I dropped my prescription request off and came home.No need to get chips and curry sauce from Pauline’s as I know I’ll be eating out today and I can call in there tomorrow on my way home providing I’ve been to the loo before getting on the bus.                                                                                                                                                          Since it was barely 9.30 am I had chance to do some work when I got in. No before spending a few minutes talking to Joey though who definitely wasn’t talking to me in return. About 10.30 am I had to break off to go and brush up the seed husk Joey happily scatters about. I didn’t know what time MuJo would appear. It urned out to be about 11.05 am.

I did drinks, passed them  gifts and we chatted for a while before it was time to move off into town.Mu went to the bank and Post Office while I accompanied John on his regular visit to two charity shops. Then the cold was biting so much we took refuge in the chippy where it was wonderfully warm. The cold had hit my kidneys and I needed a wee so I headed for the loo to be presented with an ‘Out of Order’ sign on the gents. Oh how I wish I was wearing my kilt….wait a minute, it’s bloody freezing out there, no I don’t. The ladies wasn’t occupied so I went in there and locked the door…firmly.When I came out I checked my skirt wasn’t caught in my panties and went to our table. Mu joined us pretty quickly.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  After eating we took a walk down to the third charity shop.While MuJo were inside I spotted a game of Trivial Pursuit in the window. It was a special edition which I thought might have more questions. MuJo came out as I was finishing a cigarette so I said I was going back in to look at the game. Instead, they went in and bought it and another different one. They refused to let me pay.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Leaving there we headed back up town towards the car. I needed to call in a shop to see if they had any farm animals, but before we got there we called into a hardware shop that sells decorations. John wanted a couple of birds ( don’t we all?) for his tree. They also saw an LED plant that radiated colour in waves, it was nice. While they looked for the birds I paid for the plant. I got the lady to give it to them as a prize before they left to save arguments but it turns out they really aren’t as green as they’re cabbage looking.(Damn). I managed to get the farm animals and we went to the car.

Next stop Flint. Mu wanted ALDI so I bought chocolates for Temptations there. Once she had what she wanted we drove over to Temptations and went in. Mu ordered the drinks and I said hello to Ceri, Sian and Kyle and handed the chocs over. We enjoyed the warmth though it certainly wasn’t as cold in Flint.                                                                  From there we paid a visit to Homies and to BuM where we all picked up a little something. It wasn’t catching though so you’re all safe.                                                                            We drove home again. John had some cake to take with his tablets and we chatted a while before they left to visit his mother who’s well into her nineties now. That was about 3.30 pm. I waved them off at the door and it had just started raining. John said “You know the photo of Ju in the ‘Love’ frame?” I told him I did. All the time he was walking away up the path. “Well when you get back in, you’ll find a £20 note for the flower. We’re not having you pay that out as well as everything else.”                                     They were too far away for me to argue but I have the memory of an elephant and you can believe it doesn’t stop here !!

I started work on the piled up mail, taking a break from 5.15 pm to 6.30 pm. Then I came back and caught up so at 8.00 pm I was free for DIY SOS The Big Build. I was a wreck as the second story was a man who lost his wife to cancer much as I lost Ju only he had 6 young children all in a 2 bedroom house. The finished product was amazing as it was now a 6 bedroom house, a fantastic open plan downstairs with a great kitchen and a wonderful garden with playhouses and sheds for the children as well as a football pitch. Seeing people cry affects me so I was almost blubbering as I came back to my room at 10.00 pm to put the finishing touches to my day. I need windscreen wipers on these glasses.

Cold Day in Colwyn Bay.

Just before the explorer fell in the sea. Man Overboard!

Tuesday 24th Nov.

I son’t know whether there were remnants of last night’s DIY SOS in my brain or whether I dreamed while asleep but I was convinced Julia was in the other room in bed when I woke. That was at 2.49 am. It’s  3.18 am now and it’s taken until now to realise it’s not true. I don’t know whether I’m more grateful to the period where I believed she was back or now when I know the truth. Either way, there’s a huge void inside me and it’s Ju shaped. She’d have been so excited we’re seeing Yvonne and Reuben today and excited at the thought of maybe more Christmas shopping.She loved this time of the year and buying presents. She was the kindest of people, always thinking of others. Photographs of her surround me and I daren’t  look up yet.

I signed into gmail while all this thinking was going on. Despite what’s thought men can multi task (cough) and I was answering or generally dealing with mail. By 3.40 am I’d temporarily cleared gmail and was working on Talktalk stuff which still comes in despite nothing going out from there to friends now. That only took ten minutes and I signed into ebay. I knew I had time for a few fun searches. I needed them. At 4.00 am though I went to take my meds and make a coffee.                                                                       By 4.30 am I was back complete with coffee, ready to do battle if necessary. It was actually fairly steady going until the dread hour 6.10 am when the floodgates opened.     I worked hard to hold the flood back but when I had to stop at 7.15 am there were more than I had started with. I started to get my coat on and get the bag of gifts for the new baby I was taking with me. With candles in jars in there I had to watch the bag didn’t swing into my shins while I walked.                                                                                               Shouting goodbye to Joey I locked up and started out towards the bus stop. I was lucky not to make itall the way there before the bus pulled in beside me at the kerb. Howard saving me from the rain.

I nodded for most of the journey which was good as the journey goes much quicker. In Chester Yvonne and Reuben weren’t waiting fir me so I started walking in the direction they were coming from and having a cigarette as I did so. I met up with them soon enough.  Unsurprisingly enough for a man with a bladder the size of a pea, I wanted to pee. We went into a Cafe Nero for our morning drink as our usual shop wasn’t open for another ten minutes and Yvonne didn’t think the current rain was enough for me to decorate the pavement and no-one would understand if I walked round with a look of sheer bliss on my face. So, I went to the loo in the cafe and then refilled straight away with a pot of tea.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 When we came out our shop was open so we went in to buy some things for Yvonne’s hospital bag. I was carrying the stuff and was heartened to hear from Yvonne that we weren’t going to have an argument about paying for these items today. I was pleased right up until the moment we argued. She said she meant we weren’t going to argue because SHE was paying !!! I can’t help it if I didn’t understand. I thought her statement lacked clarity. I took the easy way out by pushing her over, pinching her debit card and paying myself. Much easier than arguing. I did buy some slippers as part of  a stocking prezzie. In another shop I got a couple of silly gifts to go into a stocking too. There are times the stocking is much more fun than the main gift.

Time ran out and I had to go to the bus stop. Reuben helped by holding onto my crutch, trouble was he was lifting and moving it in direct opposition to the rhythm of my walk and I was all over the place. I didn’t have time to visit the loo before departing either so I’d be relying on willpower. I wasn’t feeling very well and was looking forward to nodding off on the bus.I managed that fine.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  At the other end I had to decide how urgently I needed a pee. It was too urgent for the chippie but not quite so urgent that I couldn’t call in at Pauline’s quickly. The trouble was, when I’d got what I wanted a small queue had formed at the counter.  By the time I’d got out we were going into Def Com 3 and the need was more urgent. By the time I got home I was hopping up and down on the step trying to get my key in the lock, and the hopping didn’t help. As the door opened I flew, dropping shopping around me and leaving the door ajar with keys in. Anyone hearing the cries of relief would have wondered just what was happening. I came back,  took my keys out of the lock and closed the door. I picked up the shopping and put away in the freezer some things I had bought. I took my coat off and carried the rest of the shopping to the kitchen.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Joey was my next priority. I opened his cage door, talking to him all the time. Being ignored as usual but at least he didn’t fly off in fear. His seed and water were changed and then I could go and see to me lunch. When I walked into the kitchen he started talking but when I leaned through to talk back he shut up again. When my lunch was ready I took it through and sat with the TV on low. He flew out of the cage and parted my hair but as usual he wouldn’t land. He did start talking to me though.                          After lunch at about 1.30 pm I came to work on the mail. 142 pieces (Thanks folks) and stayed until 5.00 pm then took a break till 6.30 pm. When I came back I caught up onm the rest pretty quickly so at 9.00 pm I could watch an historical programme on Prince Arthur and his murder by or at the behest of King John. I’m so sorry I watched it. Experts talking on the likelihood of who did it and how it was done. Different historians and their opinions, forensic psychologist to talk about John’s ability to do such a thing ( they were joking-right?). You might have well as said, Arthur was killed. No body was found but it was in John’s interest for it to happen since Arthur had a better claim to the throne. Only he didn’t….Richard on his deathbed declared John his heir and since Arthur had never visited England and spoke only French the English didn’t want him. Case closed.

I had time to work on the blog and will be able to finish the rest of the mail afterwards. Some better sleep tonight I hope.

In the doghouse?

Keep rockin’ or the polar bear gets it.


Oh What will you give me?

Say the sad bells of Rhymney

Is there hope for the future?

Say the brown bells of Merthyr

Who made the mine owner?

Say the black bells of Rhondda

And who killed the miner?

Say the grim bells of Blaina

Put the vandals in court

Say the bells of Newport

All would be well if, if, if, if

Say the green bells of Cardiff

Why so worried sisters? Why?

Sang the silver bells of Wye

And what will you give me?

Say the sad bells of Rhymney

Oh What will you give me?

Say the sad bells of Rhymney

Is there hope for the future?

Say the brown bells of Merthyr

Who made the mine owner?

Say the black bells of Rhondda

And who killed the miner?

Say the grim bells of Blaina

Wednesday 25th Nov

Well, the light went out at midnight after just a short read. I think I was bitten by the tsetse fly again yesterday and the sleeping sickness was upon me. It’s not like I didn’t take advantage of the bus ride to sleep.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                It was 3.49 am when I woke this morning so I was quite pleased. That’s getting on for 4 hours continuous.  I put my dressing gown on, turned on the light, powered up the computer, cleared my chair…..and nipped to the loo. When I got back, everything was ready for me. I started on the mail and when that was cleared at 5.11 am I went through to the kitchen and took my meds. I had my usual cold toast , put the washing machine on (it was heavy so I took it off again) and brought my coffee back to work. I just had time to clear what was there before the day’s deluge started.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    And boy did it start. I worked through till 10.00 am and still had 54 to go.  I watched Homes Under the Hammer with Joey who was obviously excited about some of them then came back to work some more only to find I was up to 77 now.

I was going to start again when there was a knock at the door. It was a pretty young lady from the gas board come to read the meters. The one outside was no problem but the gas meter inside had to be unburied. I’m supposed to be on the list for a smart meter but I dread to think how long the list is.                                                                                            At 11.20 am  I’d finished with her and made an attempt to clear some of the post. Then the post man turned up with a parcel for me and as I had to go through to the kitchen to open it I stayed for lunch. Lamb’s liver and onions with baby boiled potatoes.                                                                                                                                                                           At 1.00 am I returned to work and found myself back up near 100. I worked solidly till 3.25 pm and was finally- though temporarily- clear. Yay. My timing was perfect as the doorbell rang and my drug mule was there. I swapped the drugs for a box of chocs and went to put them away.                                                                                                                       There was no point in going back to work as I needed to have a general tidy up before Dil arrived. He did so at 4.20 pm. I made a cuppa for him and we watched Flog It as we chatted and then our quiz, Pointless. With our memories it seems like it might be .

When 6.00 pm arrived off went the TV, out came the table with it’s new baize covering and we started gaming. The first game of Yahtzee Dil won 4-2. I don’t know whether he wanted a second game to thrash me again but I’m going to be generous and say it was to give me a chance. Well, I took it and I won 4-2 this time. We settled on the draw. We opened the 20th Anniversary edition of Trivial Pursuits which was one of the two MuJo had bought me on Monday. It was much more difficult to play than the original which is where our memories reside. But, there were two highlights to the game when I answered a sports question to get my orange segment and then when I answered a second one to win the game and Dil’s jaw dropped as he was sure I wouldn’t know it.                                                                                                                                                                                    This game had taken a lot longer to play than usual so it wasn’t worth starting another game. Instead Dil left about 10 minutes early. I don’t blame him of course as he comes here straight from work and hasn’t eaten. He must be tired and tonight his leg was giving him some gyp too so I’m sure he’d be glad to rest it. Anyway, it just meant I could do my victory dance a bit earlier.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I tidied up, washed the pots and tucked Joey in for the night then came through to work. Plenty of mail waiting again which I did first tonight. I started the blog at 11.00 pm and think I’ll make it to bed for midnight.

A take out lunch.

Look Mum,I’m a statue.

Thursday 26th Nov.

I don’t remember going to sleep last night. It may have been I was out for the count before my head hit the pillow. I’d put the light out at 12.10 am as I couldn’t concentrate to read. This morning it was a memorable time when I woke, 3.33 am. I paid a swift visit to the Piddle Palace and came back to log on. I had post enough to keep me going until 4.10 am so I chose that time to take my meds, have some breakfast and make my coffee. When I returned about 4.40 am there was more. OK, I could live with that. It held me until 6.00 am.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   At that point I decided to make the best of my break and take a
snooze. Fat chance!! It’s pitch black and Joey chirped at the vital moment and looking at the screen I see someone left the tap running. I dived in but still the level rose. I was still at it at 8.30 am when I had to stop to get dressed. I needed to go to Pauline’s for bread and my lottery tickets.I admit I’ve considered throwing my hand in if they keep ignoring my numbers like this. It’s getting to feel personal.

I got back at 9.20 am and took the bread to the kitchen. It was light enough now to let Joey out. I opened his door and he hopped up to the next bar and tucked himself quietly into a corner. I stood talking to him but got no  response so I moved away to the kitchen door and tried again. Still nothing. I’ll have to hope that maybe the TV going on at 10.00 am will bring him to life. It did. Bring him to life that is. I was fading away ready to doze and he was full of the joys of spring.                                                               After our programme I went back to work for a while as more stuff had com in the hour I was away. It took me till 11.45 am to do it and then I had to run and peel my sweet potatoes for lunch. Today I was especially thankful for bangers and mash. Joey on the other hand seemed to disapprove as he gave me a right roasting when I went to eat it. Of course he could have been complaining that I’d made him miss the start of Bargain Hunt.                                                                                                                                                 I was close to missing the end of it as my eyes seemed to want to close. I fought back and went to my room to see if more messages had come through. They had, so I didn’t  let them mount up. I kept making things worse for myself though by looking at all the Black Friday offers I’d been sent. In the end I ordered something from ebay that wasn’t in the Black Friday offers but I hoped would make a good Christmas gift.

By 3.00 pm the mail boxes were clear again and I could feel my eyelids going ready for internal inspection. I went through and sat in my chair,said hello to Joey and zonked. I was only out for 40 minutes but I felt so refreshed. There was a residual headache though but I think that was down to the disapproving one continually having a very loud conversation with the bird in the mirror who annoys him dreadfully.                                                                                                                                                                                                I cleared a few more messages before 5.15 pm and quiz time arrived. It was at half past six when the second quiz was over when I found out my organisational skills were lacking. I checked what time I was due back in the lounge (if at all) for another programme. I found I had just half an hour to work and then things to watch from 7.00 pm to 10.00 pm. First The Antiques Road Trip for an hour then One about a lawyer ( Garrow’s Law I think?) and then the next episode of The Last Kingdom. It’s like tasking a holiday only as we know holidays have to be paid for.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   I came back at 10.00 pm to start work on the blog and to clear the newest emails. Then at 10.45 pm Mike arrived and my plans took a nose dive rapidly. We both wanted to hear the news of the other and Mike’s week has been very active. I finally packed him off to have a coffee but there’s now no chance of bed before midnight. If I’m very lucky it might be half past the witching hour.

Friday 27th  Nov

I made it to bed for 12.30 am- just. Reading was limited to just half an hour before the light went off though.  I was up again at 2.20 am while my pea sized bladder did it’s work and for the time it took me to convince my body I wasn’t quite done with sleeping as it thought I should be.  At least I had time for a cigarette during the debate. I returned to bed and lay staring at the wall in defiance, determined that Somnos was not to win. I fell asleep again. I got up at 3.44 am and this time there was no going back.

Friday mornings being what they are I went to the kitchen as soon as the bladder had made it’s presence known again. I took my meds and sprays then prepared my cup for coffee and brought my drug drawer through. I added the new drugs that had come on Wednesday and then sorted the next week’s drugs out in the meds tray. At about 4.30 am I returned to the bedroom and powered up and logged on.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 There were quite a few messages in my gmail but there was time enough to deal with them before the deluge. I made a start. One of the odd things I noticed was a lack of Black Friday offers considering this was the day. Still, there was time, no doubt they’d arrive at 6.10 am. Only at 6.10 am just one message arrived in gmail and two on my Talktalk. I  dealt with them and sat twiddling my thumbs. At 6.15 am they were there. 104 for starters. It took until 9.50 to get clear enough to say good morning to Joey and take Mike a coffee. They both ignored me.

At 10.00 am I turned Homes Under the Hammer on and naturally Mike chose that moment to come in. Yawning, twitching and one hand seemingly doing a count of the body parts he deems important…..and I don’t mean his eyes. At the end of the hour he still hadn’t finished his first coffee. I had to return to my room and Mike had to get ready to go out. The work was still coming in .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Mike left about 11.15 am to go to Manchester . I decided if I had a rare chips and curry sauce (cough) I could afford to stay here until midday, so that’s what I did. Joey and I watched Bargain Hunt and I finally think I have it figured, he loves the theme music to my shows and the exit music but can’t stand the bits in between.  Once it was over my eyes were on autopilot and closed. An hour and five minutes I was out so I had to dash back to work yet again and play catch up.                                                                                 In between bits of work  I wrote some more Christmas cards ready for those to go abroad. The nearer Yvonne gets to having the baby the more likely I am to forget. I now know that the baby is breech too which is a tiny worry. If it can’t be turned beforehand they’ll have to do a caesarian between Christmas and the New Year. At least someone is still making sure I get my Capricorn.

At 5.00 pm I went back to the lounge and readied myself for the quiz, so I had some tea and settled down in my chair. Joey was dive bombing me then going back to his cage and saying “Joey Joey” in a very self congratulatory way. I missed a few questions that way.                                                                                                                                                      After the show was over I knew my other quiz wouldn’t be on as they extend The Dancing Show to an hour on a Friday. I went back to work until 7.00 am. I had a text from Mike at just gone 6.00 pm to say he was on his way so maybe he’d be here to share the Antiques Road Trip with me.                                                                                                          During my messaging I had a reply from a lovely friend to say she didn’t know I was in Wales and that her church had sent a couple of missionaries over here some weeks ago. They were still here. I didn’t think anything of it at the time but all of a sudden I burst out laughing. It hit me…….Missionaries here, do they think we’re not civilised yet? I can imagine them hacking their way through the bush of someone’s ornamental pampas grass or bamboo only to be captured by the natives and eaten, or at least forced to eat pysgod a sglodian ( fish and chips) or bara brith. In fact, maybe that’s why they’re still here. I wish I’d thought of it while  I was answering her.

I went to the lounge at 7.00 pm and was horrified that the programmes had been changed and my Antiques Road Trip wasn’t on, instead they’d put the dancing show on later. I was still sulking at 7.20 pm when Mike arrived back. I made his coffee and we chatted a few minuted before Question of Sport came on. This was followed by Mastermind and at 8.30 pm I went for a shower.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           At 9.00 pm I had Have I got News For You for  a bit of light relief. It was very funny tonight. After it was over it was a case of locking the bird in his cage to a sound bollocking and telling Mike I’d be back later for my tabs. Off back to the slave labour then. At least I’ll be able to get an early night.

I’m checking where I’ve been not where I’m going.

Yes, you hold on tight Daddy, I’ll keep you safe.

Saturday 28th Nov

I got my early night and was in bed by 11.35 pm after doing my legs. I read until 12.45 am and then settled for sleep. I didn’t wake until 4.39 am this morning, with no overnight trips to the loo. That’s great.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Saturdays being what they are- busy- I turned the computer on, went through to the loo, washed my face and hands then headed straight for the kitchen to take my meds and have breakfast. At the same time I ran over my shopping list to see if I’d missed anything. I brought a coffee back to the bedroom and did as much as I could for half an hour before taking time out to get dressed. By the time I’d done that, my outstanding post had gone from 17 to 93 and was gaining ground. I was able to do a few more before Mike’s alarm went off and it was time to head back to the kitchen to make him a drink.                                                                                                                                                                When I took the coffee in I woke him and let him know it was there just before his alarm went off for the second time. Panic had caused me to return to work. At 7.00 am Mike’s alarm went off for the fourth time and I had no choice but to remind him not to forget his drink and to tell him the time. I couldn’t return to work as I needed to get the food waste and the recycling bags out, making sure a good cold draught hit Mike’s bedroom. He went through to the lounge. I allowed myself another quarter hour of work before being prepared with my coat and bags. Mike was getting dressed in his room and after my prompting I didn’t want him being ready first. His morning score was A-4 C-2.

We made it out for 7.30 am by some miracle then Stirling Moss had us at the Supermarket by 7.50 am. As usual he got the trolley while I got my cash. First think was a new supply of sweet potatoes then it was time to choose the flowers. We needed a full change this week so got 3 bunches of mixed to display together. I picked up some teeshirts for Reuben but the rest of the shop wasn’t important really.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  After coffee we visited a LIDL not too far away to get some of their bread rolls then rolled on into Flint as usual. I picked up a few items from my fave shops then we took  the chocolates to Temptations and had our drinks and Mike’s teasted toecake. After there we went to another shop where Mike did some of his Christmas shopping and bought himself a pair of shoes. That necessitated three more shops on the look out for some innersoles he needed. For some reason I wasn’t feeling too grand this morning . We drove over to Prestatyn for lunch and we were quite a bit later than usual which didn’t help me much, but it was a nice lunch anyway.

It wasn’t too much longer before we were able to set off home. Joey was a bit disgruntled at being left captive so long but he did forgive us eventually. Once the shopping was away I came through to work. It was 3.00 pm. Mail up to  187 by then I did what I could. I still wasn’t feeling good but I think I discovered why. I was tired. So tired that I nodded off over the keyboard ( please Somnos don’t let me have sent out any idiot mil again). What was worse was waking up at 4.45 pm and thinking it was in the morning. I heard Mike go to the loo and I went to check on him and heard the TV going in the lounge. When he returned I asked if he hadn’t been to bed yet. He was looking very smug as he’d been through and seen me asleep (and snoring according to him). Luckily I couldn’t have been out above half an hour, but half an hour wasted.  I was due in the lounge at 5.20 pm to see Mastermind and give Mike some company so I didn’t manage miracles with the mail. I stayed there until 6.40 pm then was allowed back to work until 8.00 pm.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Then it was time for the Murdoch Mysteries and Murder in Paradise which took me until 10.20 pm when I was free to come and attack the blog post and anytime I have left I’m free to work on the outstanding 93 messages.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The weather here is still cool, windy and wet. I don’t know if there’s any improvement on the cards. I hope so.

Wishing you all a Wonderful New Week with dreams come true and Hugs galore.

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