
Sunday 12th July 2015

I had thought to bemoan my broken night until I realised it wasn’t as ungenerous as I thought. Bed was about 12.15 am which wasn’t bad, I read until 12.50 am and knew I needed to sleep. Out went the light and I went out like a light. When I woke my tooth was hurting and a quick glance at the clock told me it was just 1.27 am. I got up and applied some clove oil gel which really took my breath away, and what felt like most of the skin in my mouth too. No wonder they say you won’t notice the toothache after using it. I took a walk to the kitchen for two painkillers then sat in my chair in the lounge. The last time I looked at my watch it was 2.20 am.I slept. The next time I looked at my watch I was wide awake and it was 5.05 am. So all in all I did manage over 3 hours.Not to shabby after recent performances and there I was ready to face the day. I paid my usual visit and then carried on through to my room where I powered up my computer. The post in my main mailbox wasn’t too bad but would still take a couple of hours so I mad a start. Not a long one though as I skived off at 6.00 am to get my tablets and make a coffee. When I came back I was in quite a good frame of mind. The sun seemed to be breaking through and I saw Joey as I came through, head on one side watching me. I had a short one sided conversation with him.

I’d dealt with the first mailbox by 8.00 am and for a break had taken my empty mug back through to the kitchen. It had gone dull again and was raining. Nothing unexpected there then. Joey had gone back to sleep and I wished I had. Instead I started on the second batch of mail which again wasn’t bad and finished that at 9.20 am. I was thinking that with Mike having to go pick his Dad up today, maybe we should go out for breakfast instead of lunch, so at 9.30 am I took a coffee through and woke him. He’d been in bed since midnight and had slept early so I knew he should have had enough sleep. It was just the one call and he got up. Amazing. I gave him a few minutes to come round before I joined him.

It wasn’t long before he got his first phone call and it was to say the hospital may keep him another night so the social work team can visit him  and do an assessment. Good idea. He’d still go over and visit his Dad then come back to mine before going off again tomorrow to pick him up. That at least meant we could go out for lunch. We left home at 11.30 am to go and buy some slipper for his Dad before lunch which we did quite successfully. Mike was able to ask about a few disability aids too from the same shop. We went for lunch. As we were going to pick up a BFG from a supermarket Mike’s phone went again. This time it was a doctor to say he was releasing Dad this afternoon. I got Mike to say he’d be there by 5.00 pm which took some of the pressure off and allowed him to go to Dad’s place for clean clothes before going in for him. Now he’ll be able to go straight back to Rugby without having to come back here afterwards.

Mike dropped me at home and we loaded up the car with his luggage and he headed off to Manchester again. I had a brief conversation with Joey before coming through to try and clear the post. That was about 3.00 pm. It was 6.15 pm before I emerged again, there was just so much of it. I took a tablet then prepared myself a sandwich and a bowl of strawberries. I put the goggle box on and chilled. Every time Joey decided to sing for me I went over and sat by the cage talking to him. Tomorrow he’s going to find my hand in there a lot. I don’t think it will take him long to get used to it. As soon as he does, I can start leaving the cage door open for him to come out and hopefully he’ll choose to sit on my shoulder.

A very Joey like budgie.

While doing the mail later I was messaging with Yvonne about what to do this week on Ju’s birthday. She reminded me that during the last blog I’d mentioned her having an appointment with her baby team. Since it seems I’d forgotten to mention she’s pregnant  it seemed likely that the appointment might not make sense to most people. I’m sorry about that. For a while I was under a promise to say nothing and then when I could, I thought I had. So here is my official announcement. Yvonne is due to have a baby at Christmas, she says Reuben will be having a brother, I think it’s a sister and as I’m a Capricorn I think it should be my decision. They both say they’re going to leave it as a surprise this time.  Well, it’s 11.30 pm and I’m off to bed now and fingers crossed will have a good night. Mail up to date as at 10.30 pm


Well I got my wish. Though I stopped reading at 1.00 am this morning and it did take a little time to get to sleep, I didn’t wake until 5.12 am. That’s good going. The Piddle Palace beckoned and then I logged into the computer and into my first mail address. I almost turned round and went back to hide under the covers when I saw the amount but conscience got the better of me. At 6.30 am I broke off and went to get my meds and a coffee. On my way back I stopped to chat to Joey. He’s obviously not a morning bird so I’m thinking of renaming him Mikey. No reason  of course, I just like the name. I talked to him but he didn’t move on his perch, even when I put my hand through one of the doors. If I’d gone closer he might have shifted his little butt. Maybe later.

Back on the computer I finished the mail including a refresh at 7.35 am and opened the next set. That took me until 8.45 am when I took a break and went to see if Joey was feeling any more chatty. Answer, NO. It is a dull day so perhaps he doesn’t think it’s daylight yet. I sat on the edge of the table and told him repeatedly what a good/clever boy he is. I thought flattery might get me somewhere. He didn’t even blink at me. The minute I sat in my own chair and started reading a magazine he started singing then a little bout of arguing until I thought it was a Josephine or Michelle. Luckily that didn’t go on too long so for now I’ve restored his masculinity. I cleaned the cage, the bird bath and the four water/food trays and gave him fresh including a couple of grapes to nibble on. I want to see how he does with those as so fat he seems to regard the apple with suspicion and hasn’t gone near the millet. His seed tray though he still seems to regard as a place to bed down or a toilet.

At 9.05 am I returned to the computer to check on a parcel and found it was to be delivered today. A few minutes later I took my cup to the kitchen and saw the postman coming. I opened the door to him and was given just rubbish but he did say he’s be back with a parcel in a few minutes. He was. The book part of Reuben’s birthday present has now arrived. Yvonne and I will look for the other part tomorrow when we meet. While I was back at the computer I had a message from her to say she’s been on to the DWP and left a message for the woman who ‘corrected’ my claim to find out why it’s gone into recovery mode. Someone on the phone assures us it’s been dealt with but I’ve still not had a letter from her to confirm her actions so you’ll excuse me my cynicism. Terrible customer service in play there. She’s supposed to ring back tomorrow when we’re together. I won’t be holding my breath. I did a little more work then the warden came at 11.30 am and stayed until 12.15 am. It was pleasant talking with her. After she’d gone I took a pre-foodie tablet and set a beef stew and dumplings going in the microwave. I watched the start of Bargain Hunt while the stew was cooking./ As it was in it’s rest for a minute phase I did two rounds of bread and butter to make sure I wasted no gravy. To prove I stayed awake, 5 of the sic item made a profit, and one of the two bonus items. Luckily the team that suffered Charles Hanson didn’t go with his bonus buy which made a resounding loss of £50.00. Charlie Ross’s on the other hand made a £20.00 profit and the team had gone with him.

After lunch I sat on the edge of the table again and chatted with Joey. It was a very one sided conversation. Just occasionally he cocked his head and looked interested but on the whole I think he found the whole thing boring. I went through to check the mail. There was enough to keep me going for a while but it’s just a swell I didn’t do too much bragging about staying awake as I woke up leaning over the keyboard like a demented typist. I had no idea how long I’d been out though I’ve deduced it must only have been moments since as yet no-one has complained at having been sent the script for War and Peace in gobbledegook. It was almost 4.00 pm and I felt tired so I went  and sat in my chair but with the TV off so as not to distract me and then I’d end up falling asleep in something I wanted to watch, and now Wimbledon is over my quizzes are back on. For all I was tired I didn’t drop off easily but eventually I did doze for a few minutes. Then Joey decided to serenade me and believe me that can be piercing. I had no choice but to tell him what a clever boy he was while hoping he didn’t notice the gritted teeth.

When I came round fully and talked to Joey he naturally lost interest so I put the TV on and was in time for my first quiz. I know I watched up to 7.00 pm and that I fully intended to watch something from 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm. Instead I woke up at 7.45 pm having missed most of it. I turned off in disgust and came through to work. The post was at mammoth proportions again so apart from a break at 9.30 pm to take my evening meds I was hard at it till gone 10. 30 pm. I prepared my jacket for tomorrow by making sure my diabetic meds were in the right jacket this time ( on Sunday I put them in the jacket pocket under the jacket I was going to wear). I started the blog at 10.45 pm knowing I’d be ready for the morning now.


It was lucky I turned my light out to go to sleep at 12.45 am last night as this morning started again at 3.21 am.  Not entirely a bad thing as I had to leave the house at 7.30 am for my bus and needed to have had some breakfast before then and to be as up to date as possible with my mail. When I get home I have some washing to do and poor Joey will have been talking to himself for quite a while. Sad as it is, he needs to hear much more of my voice if he’s to talk and if he’s to get used to me. I worked on the mail until 5.00 am and then went to the kitchen to take my meds (including a pre-foodie) make myself some toast and eat it after using a cigarette to time myself. Then I made a coffee and took the two postfood tabs, and back to work again. I was clear at just gone 7.00 am and had time to mess about on ebay before going out.

At 7.30 am I walked up to the bus stop and only had to wait a couple of minutes before it appeared. I was the only one on apart from the driver until we got to Holywell. As usual I traveled with my eyes shut most of the time and the journey seemed to go quicker. As I got off at the stop in Chester I had a cigarette while waiting for Yvonne and Reuben to arrive. I managed t see them in the distance and hid behind a pillar making Reuben jump a bit as I appeared. We wasted a few minutes in the £ shop until our shop and cafe were open. As soon as the shop opened we were there with Roobs ready to push the button on the lift then gallop ahead of us to the cafe and claim our table which he sat at until we arrived. Yvonne made him some Weetabix and ordered our drinks plus a toastie for me and toast and jam for them. As soon as the toast appeared Roobs stopped eating Weetabix and demanded some. He was also drinking our drinks in turn as they were both cold. I had an iced lemonade and Yvonne an iced ( decaff) coffee.

After breakfast we had a look at the sale and I got another pair of skinny jeans in a different colour. A brown but I’m not sure what you’d call it. I also got a couple of tee-shirts before we went down on the lift with Reuben pushing the buttons and left the store. We walked towards the market as I was hoping to find a table and chairs for Reuben’s birthday. We did find one but it would have been awkward to get home so I left the money with Yvonne so she could get Ugo to pick it up after work. We went to have a look at the budgies and I picked up a few things for Joey including a swing. It was quite warm but also raining as we left there so we decided to head towards the precinct to have a look at the new shops and get me a drink. One of my favourite shops The Gift Company had a rocking horse outside and a rocking donkey. Yvonne loved the donkey and Roobs did too, so much that he didn’t want to get off. It was at a special price and after much arguing I got him that instead of the table and chairs for his birthday. Lucky for me it came flat packed ( except for the donkey) and was lighter than the table. Poor Yvonne got to carry that home. We ordered a drink but the queue was so bad that time ran away and it had to be taken out. The intention was for me to drink it on the bus. I managed to get it on there without spilling any. After I’d waved them off and the bus had left I had the drink but wasn’t able to finish it because of the ice in it. I propped it up in my bag and closed my eyes. I must have nodded off because I woke up and my shins were beating a tattoo on the base of the seat in front of me. Ouch, it bloody hurt.

At the other end I pulled the drink container out of the bag and found the lid had come off. Poor Joey’s gifts were a bit damp. I threw it all away in the bin , what a shame, the lemonade was lovely. I got home as quickly as possible as I’d not had time/forgotten to empty my bladder before I left. No way was I going to manage to get to Pauline’s again. Damn! When I mentioned this to Yvonne whilst letting her know I was back safely, she laughed and said she thought it would be a close call. Such sympathy. I didn’t feel hungry when I first got in and yet again I forgot about my washing. I tried to talk to Joey but he wasn’t having any so I started straight back to work. I managed to catch up at 4.05 pm and decided that was a good time to eat. Joey decided that was a good time to sing to me. I had my pre-foodie, rammed a cottage pie in the micro and sat on the corner of the table to talk to him. I chatted away and at the same time slid my hand under one of the doors and rested it on a food dish. He really wasn’t interested and moved as far away as possible without seeming a coward. I had to give up when the micro binged and sat with my lunch on a tray just throwing the odd, Joey, Joey, Joey, Best Boy in his direction. He didn’t once tell me how good I was.

Since my quiz was on at 5.00 pm I just stayed there after washing the pots. I had programmes all the way to to 8.00 pm though my eyes were drooping a bit towards the end. Joey appeared to have put himself to bed so I turned the power off the box and went through to work. Just as well I did as it was mounting up. Sitting in my chair I leaned down to scratch an itch on my leg and it stung, my nail came up with skin and blood. Damn, I thought I’d better change out of my Skinny jeans ( yes, 64 yrs old and skinny jeans, Yvonne says I look amazing and I haven’t paid her a penny). When I released my legs to the sunlight I saw bruising to both shins as a result of kicking the seat in front on the bus but also I’d scratched the skin off the lower shin on my bad leg. The skin must be very thin there. I went through to get a piece of plaster and some disinfectant- which I spilt over everything, including the plaster- but which did stick. I’d wear shinpads but I’d have to wear my slim jeans and not my skinny ones.!! If the bad leg swells up any further I won’t get it through the leghole of those jeans much longer. I put my minions lounge pants on and my Bazinga tee-shirt. Nice and cool while I worked. I took 5 minutes off at 9.30 pm to take my meds and then finally caught up at 10.20 pm. Straight onto the blog then to be followed by a early night. I think Yvonne, Ugo and Roobs are coming to take me to lunch tomorrow.


I stopped reading early last night and turned the light out at 12.40 am. I felt really cheated when I woke at 2.03 am and couldn’t drop off again, even after a trip to the Piddle Palace. Since I’d been not long before sleep there was no urgency to the visit. I had no choice but to start work and hope it tired me out enough to need another sleep. Because it wasn’t that long since I’d been hitting the mail I wasn’t expecting too much at that time. I was to be disappointed but having said that. I was clear again by 4.15 am and chose to go sit in my chair in the lounge. I’d fully intended to nod off for a while but Joey was still on his overnight perch which was right next to his mirror and he was fascinating to watch. Moving around he’d knock the mirror and make it spin which obviously annoyed him. He’d have a quick conversation with his reflection then as the reflection didn’t answer he’d get cross and rap his rival over the head with his beak, or in other words clout the mirror. What a very ignorant mirror it must be, not answering when spoken to. Again because he moves around on the perch his posterior sometimes nudges the honey seed stick hanging from the roof. Because it swings back to catch him on the rump it also gets a telling off followed by a little nibble when he realises it’s food. The odd thing is he knows that’s food and eats it but if you stick s piece of apple through the bars he avoids it like the plague. The grapes I put in yesterday are still there though I know he’s visited them. He just hasn’t managed to break the skin and sample the contents yet.

At 5.15 am I gave up trying to sleep and went to the kitchen. I set the washer to quick wash and set it going. I had my meds and then some Ricicles for breakfast. I set the drier going, made myself a coffee and came back through to the bedroom to catch up on mail again. My dear friend Paula has blogged today about creating her new website but how she’s been conned by them for adverts on the social sites. All I could do was sympathise and say I find twitter to be the best way of carrying a message to the public rather than paid ads on Facebook etc.At 6.00 am I stopped work to start work. I filled my mop bucket with hot water and some Flash and did the kitchen floor and then the laminate floor in the lounge. It was about time as even I’m beginning to write my name in the dust and I can see the tracks of where all the spiders walk. It looks much better.  That done, I returned here to carry on with the mail. At 8.40 am I went and checked the washing machine and was in time to see it finish the drying cycle. I folded everything and put it on the airer. I wonder if I’d bought one before if I’d have saved a load of I***ing? Maybe I should rewash everything in the baskets. As soon as that was done I changed Joey’s seed and water then got the hoover out and did the hallway and the edge of the carpet around the coffee table in the lounge. I didn’t do the bedrooms today as I’m not expecting an inspection and I need to get out to Pauline’s for supplies.

It was 9.5 am when I got to Pauline’s but I was OK the Mother’s Mafia had gone.No pushchairs gathered around the entrance and non-school age kids running around with dripping noses which they wipe on the variety of dogs under the pretence of a hug. It’s easy to trip over any or all of the hazards and a trouser leg does just as well for the children. I got my bread, TV mag and cigarettes so I should be OK until Saturday shopping now. Back at home I put the stuff away then sat talking to Joey for a while, though I should say talking at Joey since he turned his back on me. How rude ! The moment I left to come through to the bedroom he started chirping. At 10.30 am I got a text from Yvonne to say they were on their way. It would have been Ju’s birthday today so we’ve decided to spend some of the day together and go for a meal. I kept working on the mail until the last minute or so before I expected them. I wasn’t too far off and when the car pulled up they got out and came to say hello to Joey. I’m not sure Reuben has seen one quite so close before. I think he was glad Joey was in a cage. We set off and called in at Abakhan on the way for a cuppa and a chance for Reuben to use the playground. It was quite pleasant this morning so it was OK. When we’d played/had a drink we went on our way to The Bells of St Mary’s. We had a nice carvery then Ugo and Yvonne had puddings with Reuben giving his father a lot of unwanted help to finish.

Ride my see saw.

Racing away on my horse.

After leaving the Bells Ugo drove into Holywell so I could visit the bank, he even came with me for protection. Then they dropped me off at home and left me to my mail. It was about 3.00 pm and Dil was due at 5.00 pm. I managed t get the levels down before he arrived but he was a bit early . I made him a cup of tea as usual and we settled to watch the quiz, me trying to read him the questions off the screen he says he can’t make out. At 6.00 pm the TV went off and the games table came out. Yahtzee ended up being 4-2 in my favour tonight , a nice change. The cheating must be working. I also managed a win at Trivial Pursuit but not by much and it was only because for once I was able to answer a sports question that I never usually get. Three games of cribbage  next and I won the first before things no longer went my way and Dil slaughtered me in the other two. He went home with his honour intact, Damn ! He left at 9.30 am and as usual I tidied up a bit and washed the pots before coming through to work. Only till 10.00 pm though when I remembered I hadn’t taken my meds. I did that and made myself a sandwich too. Then I had to plough in until I was clear at 10.40 pm and able to start the blog.


I turned my light off at 1.00 am as usual. I think sleep came fairly quickly. During the night I remember getting up once. I’m not sure if I piddled in the loo then went to visit Joey, or piddled on Joey then went to visit the loo. I just remember some squawks but that could be because I approached him in the dark an spoke to him. However, I came back to bed and stayed there until 5.09 am, a really good sleep. When I got up I made another journey to the loo then returned to power up the computer. I thought I’d wait until 6.00 am when it was very light before going through for my tablets. I made a start on my mail first. Things were a bit slow as my ISP said the mail boxes were being worked on until 7.00 am. Anyway, at 6.00 am I went through to the kitchen, passing through the lounge and Joey in his cage. He wasn’t sitting on his usual top perch, but on the main perch about half way down. Either I was in trouble or he was actually awake. I approached the cage gingerly, but all seemed fine except for the fact that he didn’t feel like talking to me again. Nothing new there then. I went to the kitchen and took my meds then made a coffee to take back to the bedroom. I spoke to Joey as I passed through again but still no response.

Back in my room I was horrified to see a Microsoft update had been started and my system was due to close in 3 minutes. I asked it to postpone the update for 4 hours and carried on. Withing a couple of minutes it closed down. So much for asking politely for a postponement. When the system rebooted I signed in again and hoped it would take me to where I was previously. No such luck, I had to sign in to my mail again. This time however it would only sign in to an older incarnation which did not display a way of deleting emails. I had to deal with them and leave them there to be canceled at the end. At 7.00 am I signed out and then back in again to the newer system. Yay, it was back to normal and I could delete everything I’d dealt with. By 7.20 am I was clear on the first mail box and able to open the second and start again. There were quite a few duplicates and so it didn’t take too long to clear that one also. By 7.55 am I was twiddling my thumbs. I went to get dressed. My leg is so bad this morning I’ve left my socks off and am wondering whether to stay in today rather than go to get my lottery tickets which I can do tomorrow. I stuck by that decision.  As usual I spent a bit of time by Joey’s cage talking to him and resting my hand just inside the cage door to see if I could encourage him to sit on it. The word ‘sit’ is almost the right word for what he did do on my hand. Maybe that’ll bring luck when I check the lottery this Friday night.

I checked the bank and found the DWP are still recovering the non-existent debt they said I owed. So much for it being sorted as one of their Supervisors promised. Speaking of whom, she left a message on the phone today to say she’d got my letter ( I wonder which one of the many) and she’ll try later to speak to me. Again that shows how much they listen when I make a point of saying I don’t use the phone and want them to speak to Yvonne. At the moment I feel justified in having lost my faith in them altogether. I watched Homes under the Hammer and saw just how small house prices are in some places. here and just what a profit can be made from bringing them up to scratch. Buying for the rental market seems to be the way to go for many buyers as it can bring in a good pension income later on. After that I started to think about lunch . my stomach thinks my throat has been cut since I didn’t bother with breakfast this morning. Ahhh, that’s better. I had Bargain Hunt on while I ate and settled down to watch the rest of it after I’d washed up. Ha, I must have seen about five minutes before the aliens came and took me away. That’s the only explanation I can come up with for this sudden loss of memory that lasted until 2.05 pm. Fancy them making me miss the end of my programme.

I retreated to my bedroom to work and barricade myself in just in case the aliens tried again. I could even hear Joey singing but I was strong and stayed in front of the computer working until 4.00 pm. I had to cut and run then to try getting Joey to respond to me rather than talking to the hand while it was still light outside. I stayed sitting by the cage while I watched the first half of my quiz, My arm was starting to ache a bit then so I withdrew it and sat in my chair. The moment I moved Joey moved down to the spot he’d been studiously ignoring a few seconds before. At the end of the quiz I turned over for the next one and was gobsmacked to find it’s been replaced by golf now. I think I only had three night between tennis and this. I watched Wheeler Dealers instead until 7.00 pm then cam back through to the bedroom. The post is almost back to it’s previous levels. I know it’s my own fault but have no idea what to do about it. At just gone 8.00 pm I had a text from Mike to say he’s on his way so it will be anywhere around 11.00 pm when he arrives unless the traffic is bad. I’m only going to work until 10.00 pm tonight then do the blog so I’m free to make his drink when he gets here.

You didn’t want your pud did you daddy?

I caught a bug at nursery.


Michael arrived at 10.30 pm last night  so I made him a drink and sat with him to talk about his week (and mine). He’d forgotten it was Ju’s birthday on Wednesday so was surprised I’d had a second outing with Yvonne. But, as a result of hearing about the table and chairs on Tuesday now knows what to get Reuben for his birthday.(Unless Reuben reads this of course). It was midnight before I got to bed and my usual 1.00 am before my reading stopped and the light went out. I knew sleep wasn’t going to be easy as I wasn’t breathing right in any position I tried, and the coughing was irritating, like something was there but wouldn’t come out, a gold watch perhaps as we used to say when I was a kid. ( Who am I kidding, we still say it- cough it up, it might be a gold watch?????). Anyway , lying on my side, trying hard not to use up the last of my spray as I won’t get more until Tuesday or Wednesday, I eventually dropped off. At 3.11 am I was up again and immediately the cough started. Damn, I got up.

I nipped to the the loo and then rather than come back and sign on, I ventured through to the lounge. Joey was on his top perch but it wasn’t bright enough yet for me to disturb him so I sat in my chair and closed my eyes. Wham, I was out like a light until 4.18 am. I felt much better. I wished Joey good morning and heard rather than saw him move on the perch but it still wasn’t light enough for him to venture forth. A quick stretching of the wings was all I got. Back to the bedroom and power up the computer. It was great as I signed into my first mail box, just one email from last night. While that might be a cause for celebration less so were the 57 emails from this morning which were eventually updated by another 29 then another 13 before 7.00 am when I stopped work to take my meds and make a coffee. I went back to work leaving my empty drugs tray till later. I was finished for a while by 8.20 am and as I intended getting Mike up at 8.30 am I went to put the kettle on.

I took a coffee through at 8.30 am and wondered why Mike wasn’t up already considering Joey’s been singing for the last ten minutes. In a slightly louder voice than usual I announced the coffee was there and that I’d put it on the bedside table nearest the door. I actually got a thank you. I went back to see if Joey could be persuaded my hand is approachable. That got me nowhere. After ten minutes I heard Mike’s alarm go off and he got up. Pretty good going really for him. As he brought his drink through I gave up my tries with Joey and sat down  for a few minutes. I said to Mike I hadn’t seen anyone going to school so far and wondered if my lot finished yesterday. It looked as though they had so I chose to go to Pauline’s for my lottery then. I wasn’t very long and came back to do my drug trays. Mike came to make himself another coffee and turned the spout away from me so I wasn’t scalded. I wonder if he’s quite well? I watched an episode of Frazier then turned over for Homes Under the Hammer which Mike said he’d seen so he went to get dressed. At 10.30 am he was ready to go see his Dad and left. It’s back to just me and Joey again and though I feel guilty about leaving him, I did come back through to catch up on work at 11.00 am. At 11.45 am I decided to sort out my lunch so took a pre-foodie tablet and waited a few minutes before putting a chips with curry sauce in the microwave.

I managed to finish lunch just in time for Bargain Hunt and even managed to stay awake for the auctions though it was hard today One team made a profit on all three items but turned down the experts bonus buy which made a £40 profit. Ouch. But they did win a Golden Gavel for their profits. At 1.00 am I knew I wanted to go to sleep but made myself come and catch up on both sets of mail before even considering it.That took until 3.10 pm and then I went through to try it. I put the TV on to aid me but the programme proved to interesting and sleep  didn’t come. I went back at 4.00 pm but there wasn’t much post so it took very little time  and I returned to the TV. I stayed there until just before 7.00 pm. As I went through to the bedroom I saw I’d missed a lot of calls from Yvonne and texted her. She called me with the news that the DWP had been in touch. It appears the overpayment they’re currently recovering does not date from this year and that the non-existent one has been written off. It appears they’re now recovering an overpayment from 2013. WHAT??? Get rid of one in 2015 and create one from 2013 and just start recovery now. 2013 was the year Ju died and my head was not where it belonged in those days. I shall have to write and ask for a letter of explanation which will no doubt take another freakin’ month to be actioned.

Once I’d spoken to Yvonne I went for my shower I’d had no word from Mike about when he was coming back. I was out in time for A Question of Sport and it had only been on for a minute when Mike walked in. For once he was going to have to wait for his coffee. Once it was over I made Mike’s drink and then we watched a programme on Anglo-Saxon treasures together. We both enjoy history and the Sutton Hoo treasure which was included were amazing,as were the Lindisfarne Gospels. After that I departed for the bedroom and left him with a comedy show he likes. By 10.10 pm I had cleared the mail and was able to start the blog. Yay, an early night.

On my Flying Saucer- going back to my galaxy.

Wrestling with Daddy but I still can’t get his wallet for Mummy.


Another long night, short sleep. My light went off just before  1.00 am, I know I was tired and the reading had relaxed me but I had major problems getting comfortable. I was tempted to head for my chair but thought I should try harder in bed. I fell asleep. Next thing I know it’s 3.23 am and I’m wide awake. I didn’t want to be but to be honest who cares what I want. Certainly not Somnos et al. By 5.00 am I’d done both sets of post and didn’t think  doing the rubbish at that time would be appreciated. At least the bags are ready to go. At 5.30 am I got dressed and went through to the kitchen to take my meds and have some cornflakes. Maybe it would be a good idea to deal with my shopping list while I was there? Nah, I decided to go unencumbered by ideas this week and just shop as the mood took me.. I took my coffee back to the bedroom to catch up on any new mail. I was delighted to  get a message from a special friend to say some medical test results had come back fine. As I know it’s been a worry since the tests were called for, I couldn’t be happier. One of my biggest regrets at a time like this is that my Hugs are all virtual. I’d love to be doing them in person. At 6.00 am I started taking the rubbish out. First the food waste, then the recycling bags. Finally I took the wheelie bin to the bottom of the path. All ready to go now.

At 6.30 am Mike’s alarm went off as I took his coffee in but that didn’t stop me speaking to him of course as I told him it was there. His eyes opened, his eyes closed. Ten minutes later I wasn’t quick enough, his alarm went off but he got up before I could speak so it was a 2A an IC day today. Very disappointing, he’s spoiling all my fun since I can’t insult him as much. For all his hanging around we got out at 7.20 am and wee’re at the Supermarket for 7.45 am. I hit the machines for cash while Mike got us a freebie trolley, We were confronted by a clothes sale again so I got Reuben a couple of tops. OK stop asking questions, yes,I got two tee-shirts for me as well. Without a list the food shopping seemed negligible and we motored round there. Through the tills in no tome flat and to the cafe where I had an iced mocha. Mike sat staring as I drank it and when asked why replied he was waiting for me to get brain freeze so he could laugh at my pain. Such charm, oh yes, he was in the wrong queue that day.

On the way to Flint we stopped at Pets At Home to pick up a couple of new perches for Joey. It’s a very big cage so some extra places to perch gives him more options to ignore me from. When we finished there we headed for Flint. We looked in a couple of shops before getting the chocolates out of the car to take into Temptations. No Ceri again this morning but Mike was delighted to see it was Sian. He can tease her just as easily. We enjoyed our coffee. After we left it was a quick trip to the frozen food store for lollies then home. That cruel person made me deal with the frozen food. We had a bit of a break after unpacking as Mike was feeling under the weather( I knew those voodoo dolls worked).At 1.00 pm we went off for lunch. Getting in the car we had no idea where we were going. Mike suggested Tariq’s but I hadn’t brought chocolates out for them so we carried on and went to he Cook House where I had Father’s Day. What a fantastic meal it was again. We were both stuffed. We still had a bit of parking time left so had a wander round all the charity shops in Prestatyn looking for one of those great buys that always turns out to be worth a fortune on The Antiques Roadshow. No such luck nut I did but a small wooden box to collect change in and a birthday book. Then before we could be pinched for parking too long we headed for home.

It was almost 4.00 pm before we got back so I had no choice but to attack my post. Mike could entertain Joey while I worked. Of course I couldn’t stay away all evening so I had to go back tot he lounge at 6.00 pm where we had cake for tea then watched some TV . I stayed until 9.40 pm and left Mike to finish a programme. I whittled some more emails down until I’d almost done at 10.30 pm. then started the blog.I may go back to the post later so there’s less waiting in the morning.

I wish you all a Wonderful New Week with Many Hugs.

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