
Sunday 17th May 2015.

I was woken by such a cacophony of sound I thought my friend Lottie had sent the village choir of peacock, donkey and assorted wildfowl over so she got her well earned rest, but no, the sound emanated from a bedroom close by where Michael must have been conducting composition for old wheezy bellows and badly tuned violin. We both must give serious consideration to giving up smoking. It’s no good, I can’t keep a straight face this long. That’s a pipe dream since I don’t have the willpower to go cold turkey and none of the other remedies seem to have had the least effect including hypnotherapy which I feel just wasted my money.

So here I was at 3.23 am with an early start at my mail. I must admit that since I didn’t turn my light off until 12.30 am I don’t feel too bad but maybe it’ll catch up on me later.

I cleared the first mail box by 5.45 am and went for a break in the lounge, pleased with myself ( smug little ****) I restarted at 6.30 am and had a break at 7.00 am to take my meds and make a coffee. Still by 8.20 am I was clear again. All was peaceful since the background ‘music’ had ceased so while the boxes started filling up again I headed for ebay to do a few searches just for fun. One thing I do need are some new Stubbi pouches so I have somewhere to deposit the end of my cigarettes when I’m outside. The ones I’m currently using have been going continuously for over 5 years and their lifespan is supposed to be much less. The price on ebay varies so much it’s ridiculous from about 60p each to a whopping £2.25. Maybe I should buy 10 and pass a few out to the idiots who litter the streets with ‘dogends’ and risk the fines if they’re caught. Currently running at £60 I think. I bought some. I was just in the process of paying for them when I heard a cough at my bedroom door. By jingo, 8.29 am and he’s up. No alarms , no callings and he’s up. The shock nearly finished me but I rallied. He disappeared to make his own coffee while I finished off then I joined him.

The silence in the lounge was deafening though he didn’t fall asleep again. I put Frasier on the TV until he came round.At 9.30 am he was close so I went and got dressed. He wasn’t far behind me and came through to find me working again. He asked what I wanted to do. I had nothing in mind but offered options like going to Chester so he could get some jumpers like mine he liked, or perhaps heading in the other direction to The Bells of St Mary’s and having breakfast rather than lunch. I let him strain his brain while I put my shoes on. At about 10.00 am we were on our way, but I had no idea where until we’d made our way up to town and turned left. I knew then we were on out way towards Chester.It was then I wished we’d brought out the jacket for Yvonne and maybe we’d have caught hem before they left to go out, or Lee’s birthday present and perhaps seen the baby for a minute again. We parked down by the river in Chester because it’s the only place I knew where I could park for a while using my blue badge (disabled parking permission).From there it was a long, hard, breath dragging slog into the shopping area of town. We still managed to be in the shop we needed before 11.00 am but they were allowing people in to view before the official opening time.

It took a lot longer than expected for Mike to choose his jumpers so the shop was open a long time before he came to pay. We stopped for  quick coffee then left the shop for a cigarette. It was only as we were walking back down the street when I realised it was midday. We walked through the precinct in search of the public loo, for once it wasn’t my bladder had given way on more than a thimbleful of fluid. We headed back downhill (yay) to the car to deposit the shopping and find somewhere for lunch. As it happens there was a place at the far end of the embankment we’ve been to in the past. The Blue Room, which has a fifties theme and pictures and toys everywhere from that era. We started walking. As we approached the end there was no sign until Mike called out they’d given the outside a lick of paint. That’s not all they’d done. It had been remodelled throughout and was now a very upmarket establishment. Would they even let two old farts in? They would and did. As it happened as far as meals went, only the prices appeared to have changed. Anyway I had a nice pot of tea and an enjoyable meal and Mike had his coffee and a big breakfast. We left there and headed home. We got back about 2.30 pm and we sat in the lounge together for a while and then I left Mike to the TV while I came in to work. I knew his football was on his table at 4.00 pm and it would only bore me. I was actually up to date before I expected though and went back through at just gone 5.00 pm. I was tired and started to nod in my chair so Mike actually turned the sound down a bit and was a bit less enthusiastic with his bellowing. I came too as the match was ending on a one all draw which didn’t please him. I was able to block out the blow by blow commentary of who was an idiot luckily.

Somehow we got into a discussion of routes home for him and that led to other things on the map including the whereabouts of a giant car boot sale that Ju and I along with MuJo could never finish. Mike left at 6.30 pm along one of his routes and that left me the chance to work- only I didn’t want to as there was a film on at 7.00 pm I wanted to try so I made myself some tea so I could wash the pots before it started. Thanks to my weak bladder I almost missed the beginning. It turned out to be a kids movie really but I was too idle to move or find something else. I persevered. It was passable and I suppose left me with a smile on my face until the last two minutes or so when suddenly there were so many religious references . So, I was less pleased when I came back to work at 9.00 am but the smile was soon back after reading some of the messages there. They kept me late.


I managed to get to bed a little earlier last night but was I sensible and go to sleep sooner? Did I heck, I read a bit extra instead and the light still went out at 10.00 am. I got an undisturbed sleep with no early morning lo calls. When I woke up at 5.09 am though that wasn’t the case. I had to march quite smartly in that direction. I’m quite sure it wasn’t the reason I woke just then though as I wasn’t unpeeling sleep from my eyes. I may not have been ready for the Times crossword but I was quite awake. I went straight onto he main mail box and worked there until 7.00 am when I went to take the morning meds and make a drink. I also put the washing machine on knowing the wash cycle would end before 9.00 am so I could have them dry by midday. I took my drink back to the bedroom and got dressed before going back to work. I think that was more to combat the cold that anything. It’s dull, dreary and wet this morning. I’m glad I don’t need to go out. I forgot to mention I didn’t win the jacket I was after on ebay yesterday,I’m not surprised that it went from £15.01 to £32.00 in the last 10 seconds. I’m trying for a different one today that doesn’t finish until 7.00 pm but I must remember to be back in here in time for that. I’m determined to get my nephew one but I can’t afford £120 to go new. Anyway, when I logged in ebay this morning I had a notice that they’ve issued some money to paypal for the first of the two jackets I ordered from China which never came. I suspect there will be a second notice tomorrow morning for the second one. They’ve really been quick over this one since it was only today that the chance for the seller came to comment and of course he hasn’t done so. Once I’d dealt with that I went back to my mail and worked steadily all morning from one email account to the other.

The warden came about 10.15 am and was here almost an hour today. We were talking about pets. She has a toy poodle and was telling me how she acquired him and how the family adore him. She remembered Oscar but wasn’t warden here when we had the rats and the degus. She didn’t seem to keen on the idea of rats so I brought her through to show her my screensaver which is of Ju with Bernie on her shoulder as she was walking round the room talking on the phone. Bernie loved being with Ju of course and would happily run up and down sleeves and in and out of clothing all day. The most gentle and beautiful of creatures. After the warden (Bev) had gone, I congratulated myself on having a woman in my bedroom for the first time in years.( remind me to brag about it) sat down and did a few more of the accumulated messages then went to do my lunch. I had beef steak and boiled new potatoes, veg and a chinese chip shop style curry sauce that I made instead of gravy in the last minute. I emptied the washer and hung my stuff on the airer while the food was cooking. Once I’d eaten and washed up I watched the end of my antiques show then promptly fell asleep watching a programme about Cleopatra the murderess ( of her sister). I was asleep until 2.10 pm and then with no sign of a conscience at all walked slowly back to work.

I was busy but not pushed for the rest of the afternoon until I broke off at 5.00 pm. I intended to have a light tea while watching my quizzes and see if I can manage a break later to watch a film perhaps. A sandwich for teas and a small trifle went well.I saw the first two quizzes and then darted in and out to see the ebay bid. I didn’t feel too bad about losing the other one because the price shot so high in the last ten seconds but tonight didn’t look like it was going to do that.In the last minute it doubled in price but that was OK it was still good value. I poised with an increase of £6.01 over the last bidder within the last minute and at ten seconds pressed. Damn, whoever it was had bid higher and all I’d managed to do was make them pay more. No doubt the seller was pleased but I wasn’t. I think I’m down to two chances his week now. If I don’t get one of those I’ll have to either give up or revert back to China in the hopes of finding a more honest firm than he one that let me down.

Once the auction was over I went back through to the lounge and instead of waiting for a film later I watched The Antiques Road Trip until 8.00 pm then settled back to work. As you can imagine I was to pay for being away since 5.00 pm. At 10.30 pm I threw my hands up in defeat which is nothing like throwing de’feet up in de hands which can be very painful unless they’re someone else’s. I started doing the blog instead and hoped I might have time to nip back to the post for a few minutes after. I was intending to write very quickly but was defeated by the fact I’m a slow reader, especially of my own mistakes.                                                                                                                               Since a certain someone was pleased with the Spandau Ballet record on the last blog I thought I’d go for the same era tonight. This could be a mistake as this groups fans and Spandau Ballet’s fans often did not get on. I’m not sure how the groups felt. But let’s try.

You’ll understand why there are no new pictures of Reuben at the moment when I say it hasn’t stopped raining yet for him to go out.


I’m not sure it was worth going to bed last night. The light went off at 12.30 am and went back on at 2.44 am even though I could see fairly well from the clock light and was wide awake. I just thought as there was no-one else to disturb, why not. Since I felt no desperate need for the loo I decided to log onto the computer instead and start on the mail. That poor internet postman could hardly have taken his shoes and socks off before I was there asking him to start his deliveries again. Actually there was just enough in my primary email address to keep me going until 5.00 am when I decided to go take my meds and have breakfast prior to going out. I got to the kitchen, took my pre-food tablet, put two slices of bread in the toaster then spun on my heel and headed for the loo where my bladder showed me who was boss. Not that I was in any doubt about that. The answer is practically anything and anybody except me.

I had my meds and smoked a cigarette while I timed the wait until I could eat. As I buttered the toast I set the Tassimo to start making my coffee, a Kenco medium roast this morning. Once the toast was eaten I was able to take my two post food tablets and head back to work. I cleared the few that had come in from my primary box then opened the secondary box and started there. By 6.35 am that was done and I entertained myself on ebay for a few minutes before getting dressed. I was sorry to note that it won’t be until tomorrow that ebay asks me to close the case of the second missing coat and refer it to them. If it’s like yesterday they’ll refund my payment before the hour is out. I’ve noticed a different firm in China ( I know it’s a different firm I just hope it’s different owners)  that does quite smart leather jackets also at a fraction of the price they are here. I’m tempted again. I know that the Customs Service are quite likely to open the parcel and impose an import duty if one came but it could still be much less than buying one from here new. That’s not always the case. Ju was once sent a gift from the U.S which was about $100 to buy and was declared. They opened it here and I had to pay an import tax of £40 ($60) on it. If I’d bought the thing myself, with our tax it just wouldn’t have been worth it.

Once dressed I was ready and raring to go, it would have been nice if the rain had stopped though. At 7.30 am I went out for the bus and started walking up the road towards the stop. The rain stopped. What a difference it made for the few minutes it took me to reach shelter. Once I was there down it came again. The bus pulled up and I got on. The driver commented on what a pig of a day it was and I sort of half agreed.  I actually nodded off on the journey despite my chin keep bouncing out of the armpiece of my crutch every time we hit a bump. I knew there were people around me so I was hoping the sleep was too light for snoring. When we pulled into my stop at Chester the rain had stopped again and I was able to start smoking a cigarette until Yvonne arrived a few minutes later. Roobs did not look a happy chappie and I wondered if it was because of the rain but Yvonne said he hadn’t slept much and was a bit sneezy. We were about 50 paces down the road before he suddenly pointed and said Pops with a big smile on his face. Poor Yvonne had forgotten her handbag and wanted to run home for it. That could have been a half hour round journey and I wasn’t having that. I thought it would give me the opportunity to pay for the drinks and breakfast.

We had a few minutes in a £ shop while waiting for our usual haunt with the cafe to open. When we got in there I gave her the money to order what she wanted and my reward card to pick up double points for ordering between 9 am – 10 am. I’ve got enough for quite a few coffees at the moment. Roobs decorated the windowsill and floor with his jam on toast and preferred to drink the foam from our coffees than the frothy little chocolate drink that was his own. Yvonne opened the bag I’d brought with her leather jacket and a couple of tops for Reuben. She liked it so I was very relieved.  After breakfast we wandered down to the gents section when I got two more jumpers, one at half price because it was on the wrong stand YAY, and two shirts which were a real bargain. From there we went to get some cakes Yvonne needed as well as some giftwrap and cards. It’s quite a big supermarket so we had a little wander too. Then over to a sports shop that’s closing down, All Stock Must Go, but not at those prices. Yvonne liked some sandals fro Reuben but wouldn’t let me get them. We were going to wander to the precinct but I suggested a cafe in a local church hall so Reuben could play on the floor with toys they have there and I could take a look at the fair trade shop.He had a great time and was really well behaved and careful round the other children there. Yvonne sorted the bags so our shopping was separate. I had a cup of tea. We left when I had 15 minutes to catch my bus.

Back on the bus I waved at them both and hoped it didn’t rain again on their way home. The bus set off and I settled my chin back into the crutch and closed my eyes. Once we crossed the border I relaxed and at the end of the journey I walked down to Pauline’s before going home. Maybe I won’t need to go out tomorrow now. I made lunch the first priority and settled down to eat in front of another Mummy programme but since this was just a possible gunfighter from the ‘Old West’ I wasn’t really interested, especially when it turned out he wasn’t a gunfighter but just someone who’d been embalmed and then stuck in a sideshow with a fanciful story to make someone a lot of money. Once I’d eaten I washed the pots and went through to work. By then of course I had to hold my fist in my mouth to stop from screaming at the result of six and a half hours away. I worked from 2.00 pm to 5.15 pm then had my quizzes and an Antique Road Trip before coming back and working from 8.00 pm to 10.30 pm at which time I stopped to do the blog. Anything left over I’ll do in the morning.


An improvement today at 3.22 am and I actually put the light off at midnight too. You feel so much better for a proper sleep, or so I’m told! I shouldn’t complain really as I was awake at that time and felt fine.I set the computer to come on while I went to the loo with a  hop, step and jump. I can’t hear the rain today, and the forecast on my phone is sunshine. Wake me again when it comes through will you. I worked on mail until 5.00 am when I went and had some cereal and toast for breakfast and a second helping with all my meds. I brought a coffee back to my room. By 7.15 am I’d dealt with both mailboxes and was up to date. Time to play on ebay. Yep, there’s the message I was expecting asking me if the seller has responded to me. Well that’s a big fat NO then. I filled out the online form which was very small and submitted it. I carried on then to look at the jackets I was following, one due this morning and the price is as yet OK, one due tomorrow where the price is already too high so time to do a new search for that size. I managed to find a few more to follow.

I took a break to do some washing and a little light dusting. Then I washed the kitchen and bathroom floors. I like the new rug for the loo I got at the weekend. It’s a great match. It was now 10.10 am so I went back through to get dressed and clear the post boxes again. I’d just got dressed when there was a knock at the door. Darren my postie had two parcels for me and I was so pleased as I hadn’t expected them before Friday at least. They’re both excellent. and I’ve left Mike’s jacket in his room. With that extra time wasted I had to get a move on with the e-post,,just as well Darren hadn’t brought me any mail as well. At 11.45 I called a halt though no-one heard me ( so did I really say it?) and decided to prepare for lunch. I started that by finding something to watch and that choice ended up being ….Bargain Hunt, so there’s a surprise. A bigger surprise is that I couldn’t eat all my lunch today, except the veg. I never believed I could over face myself. Pity no-one was here to witness it. I washed the pots and settled to watch the rest of the programme but it was a losing battle Zzzzzzzz. I was like that until 2.05 pm and very slow to realise not only where I was but that the post wasn’t doing itself.

I lumbered back through bringing a bottle of Fanta Zero as I’d finished my Pepsi Max earlier. A quick drink then I started.It was bad, very bad in fact almost as bad as bad gets, both boxes were bulging.I worked until 4.45 pm and they weren’t bulging anything like they had been but neither was empty because as soon as I reached the point of one being empty and started another, some bright spark wrote something for the first one again. When I finished I estimated about twenty in one and perhaps half that in the second. Heaven knew what they’d be like when I got back here about 9.30 pm.  Dil and Matt turned up about 5.10 pm, I was already in the kitchen when I heard them and already had their mugs ready so I started the drinks straight away. They must have thought me efficient for once. Not being out of breath trying to rush to the kitchen before they reached the door. They were in time for the start of the quiz so we sat down to watch it together.  Dil and I are OK on music unless it’s very modern when we’ll bow to Matt, Dil deals with football and I stand a good chance with art and literature. General knowledge we all have a go at. Once it was over and we all understood we knew absolutely nothing about anything Dil got the card table out and pulled out the Yahtzee to play first.  Let it be known throughout The Shires that the Age of Miracles is not yet past. I won 4 of the 6 games to give me first blood. It was Matt’s call as to what we played next and out came the Boggle. I knew this one was going to be a struggle, not because I don’t know any words but because I lack the speed to follow the convoluted paths some of the letters take to make a word. That was game to Dil. Game 3 was cards and because it’s Matt’s favourite he chose Crazy 8’s and then had the cheek to win it in short order. That left time to play a fourth game though I’m sure Matt hadn’t expected that. We settled on Nomination Whist but only played from 8 down and back up again.  It was nip and tuck with us all taking turns at the lead until we passed the halfway mark. It was then I started to make a break for the front and despite the evil intent of my brother and nephew I managed to get enough of a lead that no matter how many times they messed up my call, I would win. So for once it went my way.

They left at 9.30 as usual so I was able to tidy up and wash the pots before coming through for the night.  I had to work on the post until 11.00 pm so I could see the wood for the trees then I daren’t leave the blog any longer. The rest of the post will have to wait until morning.


I read for the shortest time last night and my light was out by 12.15 am. I think I was asleep as my head hit the pillow, or concussed anyway. I slept until 4.17 am and think that was pretty good. As I left the bedroom to myrinate ( I don’t see why it should be Ur inate )I turned the computer on and stuck it near a radiator to warm up. When I came back all I had to do was sign in. I opened the first mail box and was quite pleased to see I might just finish the messages today, at least last night’s stuff. Actually it might be a slight exaggeration since it took me to 6.55 am to get up to date including today’s. I went to the kitchen and took my meds and made a coffee which I brought back with me. I opened the second mail box and went on the attack. Joy of joys there were a lot of duplicates and so at 8.00 am I was able to sit back and open ebay. I kept myself to doing nothing but look this morning doing searches through all my favourite products to check things out.  The pleasure of that time didn’t last long.

The postie arrived with what looked like a letter from the Pensions Service no doubt re-assessing my benefit based on the 1.2% increase in my private pension this year. That works out at less than £2 per week so shouldn’t make a big difference. I couldn’t have been further from the truth. The letter was from the Pensions Service but was not a reassessment of benefit as such, it was a bill for an overpayment of benefit from 03.04.15 to 05.05.15 for over £142.00. How a figure that doesn’t reach £142 can create a bill for that amount is beyond me. The bill takes in a period I wasn’t aware of an increase and in fact had not received it since it’s only payable on 28th of as month and I got it before I was told I was getting it. Needless to say I notified the Pensions Service straight away in a recorded delivery letter. What I believe has happened is that someone has put the gross amount of pension in but not the nett amount after taxation. They were also notified of the taxation level as soon as I had confirmation of it. This letter confirm the overpayment and what deductions will be made from my money to recover it. I went into the bank to check what they’d paid me this week and it was £30 down. So that amount down plus the amount they intend to start recovering at means until this is sorted I will receive about a third of what it should be. One very long letter later and another trip to the Post Office and I had sent in an appeal for a re-determination also by recorded delivery. Lets hope they can manage to correct this in record time and not claim the letter has never been received.

Between one thing and another I was busy all morning and only stopped for lunch at 11.55 am. As I went through to take my pre-foodie I turned TV on ready for Bargain Hunt. I was ready in time for the start and before the auction started I’d washed my plate up. I saw the auction and one team making a nice profit on everything just before someone turned the lights out. It was nearly 2.10 pm before they were turned on again. I turned the TV off and let my conscience walk me through here to start work again. It was just as well since the sides of both the mail sacks were bulging. It took me some time to get them down again, almost 4.30 pm. In the meantime I had a text from Mike to say he was on his way and I reckoned he’d get here about 6.30 pm. I wandered off to watch my first quiz then the second and followed that up with the start of a Big Bang Theory when at 6.30 pm in he walked so I made a coffee while he put his case in his bedroom and tried out his new jacket. Since Mike was here I couldn’t possibly just walk away and leave him yet so I stayed and forced myself to watch two episodes of the Antiques Road Trip with him. Then I was able to disappear because my new Big Bang Theory was on at 8.30 pm so I’d only be away half an hour. As it happens he thought I looked a bit down and came through to speak to me for 20 mins which left me just 10 minutes to work!

Once the Big Bang Theory was over I came back fully intending to stay and catch up.Which apart from a minor diversion to take my meds I did. At 10.30 pm I quit the mail ( not much left anyway) in order to do the blog. I should apologise for the lack of photographs this week but the weather hasn’t been appropriate. Maybe if things pick up a bit this weekend………


That was an awful night. Asleep around 12.30 am and up again at 1.15 am. Eventually I had to go to my chair in the lounge. Thanks to the light that comes on to scare off burglars  I was able to see the time was 2.03 am and I’m sure that was perhaps about when I nodded off again. Time to get up at 3.50 am and starting to get light outside. I’m only used to drawing the curtains in Winter to make it cosy so I can’t sleep with the light. I came through and logged on then went back in that direction to the loo. I was so long with the stop-start that the computer had gone back to sleep when I returned. That’s just not on, the computer is not going to get more sleep than me. I opened my first mail box and immediately regretted it. There was a lot from last night to deal with before I could get near today’s. I tripped over my own feet trying to get away and since that was a failure, stayed.I was finished and up to date with the first box by 6.55 am at which time I went through to take my meds. After having done that and because the box was now empty I got the meds drawer out and started to refill it for the week.After I’d finished I put the drugs away and made myself a coffee.

As I came back from having my morning fix I found more post had come so I cleared that before opening the second  mail  box and getting stuck in. At 9.00 am I still hadn’t finished there but I had to break off to make Mike a coffee which I took through and gently woke him with a bellow in minor key. I left him to it and returned to my room to get dressed ready to go out. 15 minutes later there was no movement to I went back and called to him in major key. He moved and apologised. I could return to getting my shoes and coat on and popping to Pauline’s for my lottery tickets. Tonight might be the night. When I got back Mike had been in the lounge as I could see his mug but he was in the loo. I got my coat and shoes off and waited for him in the lounge. Unthinking, I put Undercover Boss on while I waited and when Mike came back he started watching too. My Postie delivered while that was on and really confused me. I got the letter with the new calculation of benefit which clearly showed heir mistake but also another letter which told me since they’d asked for proof of my income in early May but not received anything they were asking again. So if they haven’t received the proofs they requested, what information have they used to recalculate the benefit? It’s idiotic, and that’s what Mike and I agreed on. That meant it was 10.25 am before he went to get dressed and then left to go to Manchester. Once he’d gone I emptied the kitchen bin, washed up the mugs and then turned back to my mail.

More post had arrived in both boxes of course so I worked steadily until 11.50 to clear it. Then time for lunch which I enjoyed while watching a Bargain Hunt filmed in the snow in Yorkshire. Naturally I saw it right up to the point where I decided my eye lids needed examining from the inside and I  missed the final auction. I’m not sure it was worth the bother since I only
examined a little over 10 minutes. I returned to work to find lunchtime had been kind to me and there was enough to keep me going without actually pushing me. I worked through until 4.45 am then went to have a spot of tea before my quiz starts. It’s doubtful Mike will be back before about 7.00 pm so I sneaked a rhubarb crumble and custard for my tea.After the first two programmes (both quizzes) I went and had a shower so I’d be back to watch the Antiques Road Show as it was in North Wales this time and I know most of the shops they were due to visit. Mike arrived back at 7.58 pm just after it had finished. I would normally have come back through at that time but there was a programme advertised I really wanted to see. I started Mike’s coffee off and left it up to him to finish it. As it happened he was happy to watch the programme with me. It was about one woman’s belief that Mary Magdalene was the wife of J.C. and her search for proof . She started in France where Mary was supposed to have escaped to after his death on the cross. Much like the story that Dan Browne told about Mary having brought the sang raal or  Blood Royal with her rather than the San graal or Holy Grail. There is a place in France that has celebrated Mary arriving there centuries ago at the end of her journey for a long time and claims to have the skull of Mary behind a mask on a figure they transport through the streets every year. There were certainly signs of belief in the story there. It became more interesting to me when the seeker travelled to an area where the Cathars once lived and found that the Cathar faith is actually still alive though still virtually in hiding. Strangely they celebrate their services from a bible which includes one ( or more ) of the gnostic gospels which also carries the belief that Mary and J.C. were married. There were remnants of a 1st C carpet that you could say depicted a Holy woman and possibly a Holy child travelling by boat which would also support the story and also the mosaic floor of the oldest church ever found which oddly enough is inside a Israeli maximum security prison. It was a beautiful floor and complete which bore an inscription which unfortunately I can’t remember  but was translated by a Professor out there and also helped to bear out the theory.

Like many others I’ve maintained for years that some of the gnostic gospels weren’t used because they were written by women and the early church wanted to downplay any importance that women had in the movement. It seems very unlikely that Mary Magdalene was unimportant after being with the other disciples for so long and indeed one of the gospels mentions how Mary was the best loved of them ( by Jesus). Yet her part was ignored and it was only ( I think) in the late 60’s that the Catholic Church apologised for having labelled her a prostitute or sinner. I often wonder how different both The Catholic Church and the world in general would have been had women been high in the councils of the church or even Popes ( and I don’t mean Pope Joan). Maybe we wouldn’t have had the Crusades and been on good terms with Moslems.

Anyway, at 9.00 pm I finally returned to work and had to bite my knuckle to stop from screaming when I saw the post you delightful people had sent. That means the rest of the night in here. But at 10.30 pm I stopped and made a start on the blog instead and I’ll just have to hope I’m up in time to catch up in the morning unlike last week.


I didn’t really read last night and my light was out at just gone midnight. I know it took a while to get my leg into  a comfortable position before sleep so I resembled a gyroscope in bed. Had it been anything but a single quilt I’d have been shouting for Mike to come and free me. I daresay he would have done eventually, after his laughter had subsided a bit and he’d taken a picture on his phone or tablet.I woke at 2.26 am and wasn’t best pleased about it but in fairness I did say I’d want to wake up early to catch up with the mail so I suppose I can’t complain. It seems Somnos takes early very literally. I was almost up to date on both mail boxes at 4.00 am when I heard mumbles from Mike and it seemed, some movement. I had to go check he was OK. The bathroom door was wide open but it was pitch black in there. I could see past the door into his bedroom and the bed was empty. He wasn’t in the lounge or the kitchen which just left the bathroom. I had to strain to see anything but there he was sitting on the loo. Having heard the mumbles I thought he was awake so asked “Are you OK?” He almost jumped from the seat in shock and told me he was asleep then. Oops, but perhaps not the best place to sleep in the dark, especially if I’d needed to go as we’d both have got a shock. I went back to my room and the post and moments later the loo flushed and Mike came into my room to make sure I was OK too. He asked if it was still the middle of the night and I confirmed that as it wasn’t yet lunchtime, for him it was. He went back to bed.

By 4.25 am I was clear and decided to go to the lounge and see if I could maybe steal another hours sleep. It took a while but I did drop off again. When I woke up it was quite light and I glanced at the clock and panicked. 6.30 am. I dashed (ha ha) to the kitchen and turned the kettle on. Mike’s alarm would be due to go off and I’d no chance of getting him up without his coffee. I started on my sprays and wondered if there was time for breakfast today before going out. I glanced at my watch 5.35 am. I could have kicked myself, should have kicked myself. I’ve been telling the time long enough now to get it right. I turned the kettle off though continued to take my meds. Back to work I went as there’s be time to get up to date again. I did manage it though I saved one of the messages until the end. At 6.15 am I put two pieces of bread in the toaster and came back to read the message properly which said records of BMD for County Monaghan in Ireland were now available.  I know some other Counties have also been added recently and wondered whether it was time to go do another search for the missing parents of my ancestor who fought in the Peninsular War and was wounded at Badajoz. The one who became a Chelsea Pensioner. Looking at the details of the records showed that mainly they went from 1812 onwards rather than before which I needed. Since it costs £18 a month to view the records I decided to wait a bit longer to get as many records as possible on the Irish database before spending the money. Money I might not have if the Pensions Service don’t correct their piggin’ error over my private pension. Such a big difference between a rise of less than £2 per week and the £35 per week they’re calculating on.

At 6.30 Mike’s alarm went off so I made his coffee and took it through before eating my toast. Naturally the response was as minimal as usual. Once I’d eaten my breakfast I needed to get dressed to take the bins out so I shouted to Mike as I passed his room to remind him the coffee was going cold. As I was entering my room I heard him move. It was a 1 A 2 C day and I didn’t feel bad at not letting his second alarm go off. After the bins were sorted and outside I washed my hands and went in to sit with Mike while we decided a plan of action for the day. Before anything though he has to be dressed, a point I reminded him of. He went. We were out of the house at 7.28 am and he made sure I knew it by pointing to his wristwatch and the clock on the car dashboard. Always been Mr Subtle our Mike has. When we reached the Supermarket I raided the cash point while Mike got the trolley. Battle hardened we started our quest and actually did quite well this morning and I kept within the budget I’d mentally set. I say mentally because I’m mental to have set it so low. Mice eat better . We still went for coffee though. Coming out we had the pleasure of seeing someone either very, very drunk or high on drugs screaming down the phone at someone by the car. He moved off as we approached. I don’t blame him, one scratch on Mike’s car and he’s have gone medieval all over the fella. They’d have been scraping up body parts for weeks.

From one Supermarket to another so that Mike didn’t miss a teasted toecake on the way to our destination. We had a look round first so Mike could find a couple of birthday cards and I could pick up a small pad and pen. While he had his teacake I enjoyed another coffee, now my third of the morning. Then it was back to the car to head off to Broughton Park Shopping Centre. It’s grown since I was last there and now has a multiplex cinema and 5 new eateries. We visited 2 more Supermarkets and were  lucky in finding some more jumpers for Mike that he needed.  Then a very swift look round a shop that sells beautiful items, from gifts to houseware and they’re very unusual. We didn’t have long there as it was approaching 12.30 pm when we were due to meet the girls. We were leaving the shop when there was a call to Mike to say Yvonne would be a bit late, luckily we still made it and found Karen and Jo waiting for us by the pub we were eating in. A friend of theirs was with them too as she was going out with them for the evening after they left us. We went in and found a table big enough for us all and waited for Yvonne and Reuben to arrive. It was only about 15 minutes.

Once the chaos of hellos was done we ordered drinks and set too looking at the menus. I found my choice easy, 3 Cumberland sausages with mashed potatoes and peas. A little word in  the ear of the young lady who came to take the orders ensured the bill would come to me. I took my pre-foodie and waited. Almost dead on the quarter hour the meal arrived. Good service. We had a fine time and enjoyed our meals though Reuben is still of the opinion that food is a decorating option and he doesn’t mind if the plates follow too though that didn’t happen today.Karen accused me of being Pinocchio when I said I preferred savoury things to puddings. I’m hurt.  Once the time came to say goodbye we all went our separate ways. Karen, Jo  and Amy to the Wirral to see a comedy show which was Karen’s birthday gift from Jo. Yvonne and Reuben headed home as she needed a shop in Chester. Mike and I set off to try and deliver Lee’s birthday prezzie to him. I texted to see if they were in but got no answer before we arrived. I’d intended to drop the gift off and leave but was easily persuaded to go in and even have a drink. I got to hold the baby again, still Nathan at the moment, while Mike enjoyed saying hello to Wilson the dog. We were there quite a while and to watch Lee with his son was wonderful.

Finally we got home. It was 3.30 pm and I had to wait an agonising time unpacking bags and putting stuff away before I could come through to work. Both boxes were horrendous. I could only work until 6.30 pm though as I’d promised to spend less time here and more time there. When I went through the beggar was dead to the world. I turned over from the Grand Prix to a film. When he woke up he didn’t even know it had been on but he thought he’s dreamed about it. I stayed until 9.00 pm then had to come back.Things were bad again. I hammered away until 10.30 pm then had to break to do the blog. Maybe I’ll get back rhewre afterwards, if not there’s always tomorrow while Mike has a lie in.

Have a Wonderful Week all.

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