
The company look really serious and they are currently looking for distributors to sell their hair treatment for daily use. They are already selling different stem cells proliferators, activators,etc.. for serious diseases research and therapeutics


is a biotechnology company developing stem cell research and therapeutics products for regenerative medicine in cardiology, oncology, diabetes & neurology. All of Celprogen’s biological products, including stem cells, cancer stem cells, iPC’s & media including ECM’s, are manufactured and produced in the United States of America.


provides novel molecular diagnostics and therapeutic product development solutions for Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical, Invitro diagnostics and academic partnership for drug discovery.

And here is where they talk about the hair treatment :

Celprogen Inc., a leader in the Stem Cell Research and Therapeutics industry committed to providing high quality stem cell technologies for regenerative medicine, today announced that they have developed a novel product FolliStem™ for Regrowth of human hair. FolliStem™ is manufactured from Adipose Derived Stem Cells that also contains STEMC8007 the human hair follicle stem cell stimulator. FolliStem™ is applied topically once daily after washing the scalp prior to going to bed. The product has been tested in humans and has produced marked improvements within 40-45 days of application.

FolliStem™ stimulates the growth of hair only if the hair follicle is present or is in a dormant / arrested growth stage.

FolliStem™ supports human hair follicle proliferation and growth when applied topically once daily to a clean scalp. One of the major benefits of the product is that once treatment is stopped the hair gained remains intact as evidenced by the three month study. The product works equally well for both genders. At present, Celprogen is looking for ideal distributors and is interested in locating bulk manufacturers and distribution chains in both the United States and Internationally."

Not a cure, but it could really help

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