Hey there,
This has probably been asked before but i can't find a thread on it :/
I was just wondering what everyone's thoughts were on guys with hairy bodies compared to guys with little to no hair and whether it pays to be less hairy in your chances of avoiding hair loss or at least avoiding premature hair loss....
I'm a 22yr old Caucasian male and im super hairy (legs, arms, butt, chest and just recently back) which i got from my fathers side of the family. Him and his brothers had next to no signs of balding up until their late 50's-early 60's. Right now off the top of my head I can't think of one mate/person i know who is as hairy as me or are having hair loss, and it seems i may be running into some trouble already with hair loss....My dermatologist is undecided atm whether its TE or MPB :( But I have noticed that since sprouting some hairs on my back/shoulders, ive had concerns about my head hair density.
I'll include a poll if noone feels like typing their life story lol
Thoughts please, I'm racking my brain haha