
Bloomberg News

By Marion Algier – AskMarion

CPAC 2015 –  Day 1

Video:  Newt Gingrich CPAC 2015 Full Speech

Video:  Marco Rubio CPAC 2015 Full Speech – Hillary Is Yesterday

Video:  Rick Perry CPAC 2015 Full Speech

Video:  Rand Paul CPAC 2015 Full Speech

Video:  Donald Trump CPAC 2015 Full Speech

Video:  Hannity CPAC 2015 Full Speech

Video:  Phil Robertson CPAC 2015 Full Speech Duck Dynasty

Video:  Wayne LaPierre CPAC 2015 Full Speech

Video:  Laura Ingraham CPAC 2015. Jeb and Hillary Can Run On The Same Ticket

Video:  Jeb Bush CPAC 2015 Full Speech

Hmmm…  Seems Jeb Bush Bussed in Supporters to CPAC 2015 – CONFIRMED

Video:  Judge Napolitano vs Michael Hayden CPAC 2015 Privacy vs Security Debate

Schedule: Who Is Speaking at CPAC 2015

WSJ: Republican presidential contenders and other GOP headliners will be trying to shore up their relationship with the right at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Md., through Feb. 28. Here is a live feed and a guide to who will be addressing the conference:

Thursday, Feb. 26
8:40 a.m.: Ben Carson — Speech writeup
9 a.m.: Sen. Mike Lee (R., Utah)
9:20 a.m.:  Rep. Mia Love (R., Utah), Sen. Ben Sasse (R., Neb.), panelists, “Millennials Look Toward Their Future”
10:40 a.m.: Sen. John Barrasso (R., Wyo.), Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R., Tenn), panelists, ” The Conservative Replacement to Obamacare”
Noon: Sen. Joni Ernst (R., Iowa)
1 p.m.: Gov. Chris Christie – Speech writeup
1:20 p.m.: Carly Fiorina
1:40 p.m.: Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) — Speech writeup
2:10 p.m.: Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.), panelist, “Why Should America Go to War?”
2:10 p.m.: Rep. Jeff Duncan (R., S.C.), panelist, “Immigration: Can Conservatives Reach a Consensus?”
3:10 p.m.: Rep. Mike Pompeo (R., Kan.), panelist, “Cyber Insecurity in the Digital Age”
3:10 p.m.: Rep. Peter Roskam (R., Ill.), panelist, “How to Combat Voter Fraud”
3:10 p.m.: Rep. Bill Flores (R., Texas), panelist, “Climate: What Tom Steyer Won’t Tell You”
3:10 p.m.: Special guest TBA, “Can Islam and Democracy Co-Exist?”
5 p.m.: Gov. Scott Walker – Speech writeup
5:20 p.m.:  Gov. Bobby Jindal — Speech writeup
5:40 p.m.:  Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin – Palin’s speech was eloquent, heart-felt, with energy. She’s Running.  #Palin2016
6 p.m.: Rep. Roger Williams (R., Texas), Carly Fiorina, panelists, “Economic Policies that Help Average, Middle-Class Americans”

Friday, Feb. 27
8 a.m.: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich
8:40 a.m.: Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.)
9:00 a.m.: Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry
10:20 a.m.: Sen. Rand Paul (R. Ky.)
11:15 a.m.: Reince Preibus, Republican National Committee Chairman
Noon: Donald Trump
12:20 p.m.: Former Sen. Rick Santorum
12:40 p.m.: Phil Robertson, “Duck Dynasty”
1:20 p.m.: Wayne LaPierre, CEO, National Rifle Association
1:40 p.m.: Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush
4:20 p.m. Former Ambassador John Bolton
7:15 p.m.: Gov. Mike Pence

Saturday, Feb. 28
2:40 p.m.: Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R., Wash.)
2:50 p.m.: Special guest TBA
3:50 p.m.: Special guest TBA
5:10 p.m.: CPAC straw poll results


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