
The scientific work of the consultants at APTMetrics (Darien, CT) will be featured in 17 different workshops, presentations and panel discussions this year. The 31st annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology will take place in Anaheim, CA from April 14-16, 2016. Visit the official conference website for more details.

APTMetrics consultants will be featured in the following sessions:

Wednesday, April 13

Legal Update: What’s New and How it Affects You
Workshop 8

Kathleen Kappy Lundquist, APTMetrics
R. Lawrence Ashe, Jr., Parker, Hudson, Rainer & Dobbs LLP
Kelly M. Dermody, Lieff, Cabraser, Heimann & Bernstein, LLP

This workshop will (a) review significant new court decisions and initiatives of regulatory agencies relating to employment practices; (b) discuss the implications for the design and implementation of selection, compensation, performance management, and succession planning processes, and (c) propose options for aligning HR processes with the new legal environment.

For more information click here.

Thursday, April 14

Your Attention Please! Measuring, Predicting, and Preventing Insufficient Effort Responding

Symposium/Forum: 10:30AM-11:50PM 303 C

Insufficient effort responding (IER), which occurs when research participants fail to carefully read questionnaire content, has recently attracted growing attention from industrial and organizational psychologists. The purpose of the current symposium is to present cutting-edge research on the measurement, prediction, and prevention of IER.

Nathan A. Bowling, Wright State University, Chair
Jason L. Huang, Michigan State University, Co-Chair
Michael R. Maniaci, Florida Atlantic University, Ronald D. Rogge, University of Rochester, Comparing Insufficient Effort Responding Across Recruitment Sources and Settings
Anthony Gibson, Wright State University, Nathan A. Bowling, Wright State University, The Effects of Questionnaire Length and Monetary Incentives on IER
M.K. Ward, North Carolina State University, Adam W. Meade, North Carolina State University, Preventing Careless Responding in Online Surveys Using Social Exchange Theory
Shan Ran, Wayne State University, Jason L. Huang, Michigan State University, Mengqiao Liu, Development Dimensions International (DDI), Levi R. Nieminen, Denison Consulting, Negatively Worded Items in Surveys: Method Bias and Interventions
Paul G. Curran, APTMetrics, The Effects of Careless Response on Careless Responding Detection Metrics
Submitter: Nathan A. Bowling, nathan.bowling@wright.edu

The Future of Mobile Assessment: What Could We Do?

Panel Discussion: 1:30PM-2:50PM 303 B

I-O has produced research evidence about the comparability (or lack thereof) of mobile testing. However, little consideration has been given to opportunities to innovate and redesign assessment with the shift to mobile. Unique features of mobile technology (e.g., omnipresence, geolocation) may enable measurement of new constructs and better testing experience.

Ken Lahti, Psychobabble, Chair
Amie D. Lawrence, Select International, Inc., Panelist
Katey E. Foster, APTMetrics, Panelist
Dennis Doverspike, The University of Akron, Panelist
Erin Crask Wood, pan-Performance Assessment Network, Panelist
Sara Lambert Gutierrez, CEB, Panelist
Jeff Labrador, IBM, Panelist
Submitter: Ken Lahti, ken@psychobabble.com

Putting Analytics to Use: Let’s Get Down to Business

Alternative Session Type: 5:00PM-5:50PM 204 B

Presenters from 7 organizations will share details about analytics initiatives and their business impact. The presenters will clarify how they have used analytics to improve their workforce practices and make higher quality decisions. After IGNITE explanations of these initiatives, an interactive panel discussion will take place involving the audience.

Ann-Marie Castille, Novo Nordisk, Inc., Co-Chair
Sara J. Shondrick, Novo Nordisk Inc., Co-Chair
Leigh S. Winik, Novo Nordisk, Inc., Presenter
Adam T. Myer, Johnson & Johnson, Presenter
Paul Rubenstein, Aon Hewitt, Presenter
Elizabeth A. McCune, Microsoft Corporation, Presenter
Anne-Sophie Deprez-Sims, APTMetrics, Presenter
Richard J. Chambers, II, PepsiCo, Presenter
Megan Chandler, Marriott International, Presenter
Submitter: Ann-Marie Castille, ar2636@gmail.com

Toothless Shark Tank for I-O Psychologist-Entrepreneurs

Alternative Session Type: 5:00PM-5:50PM 303 D

Increasingly I-O psychologists are considering careers that commercialize their scientific research. Using a format based the TV show “Shark Tank,” this session will solicit entrepreneurial psychologists to pitch their ideas to highly successful entrepreneur-psychologists. Unlike TV, feedback will be developmental and without expectation of funding.

Matt Barney, LeaderAmp, Inc, Chair
William C. Byham, Development Dimensions International (DDI), Presenter
John C. Scott, APTMetrics, Presenter
Deborah L. Gebhardt, HumRRO, Presenter
Submitter: Matt Barney, drmattbarney@gmail.com

Friday, April 15

The Art and Science of Successful Consulting Engagements

Panel Discussion: 9:00AM-9:50AM 207 C

This panel will shed light on the nuances encountered during consultant/ business partner relationships, discuss instances of successful partnerships, and offer suggestions for best practices to strengthen relationships.

Michael J. Hudy, SHAKER, Chair
Daly Vaughn, SHAKER, Co-Chair
Scott Boyd, Flowserve Corporation, Panelist
Rebecca H. Bryant, Bank of America, Panelist
Melanie Coleman, Walmart, Panelist
Rick R. Jacobs, Pennsylvania State University, Panelist
John C. Scott, APTMetrics, Panelist
Submitter: Daly Vaughn, dalyvaughn@gmail.com

Functional Job Architecture: Practical Solutions for Large-Scale Job Analysis

Master Tutorial: 10:30AM-11:50PM 201 A

This interactive session builds participant knowledge for conducting largescale, functionally driven job architecture and analysis. The presenters detail process steps, tools, lessons learned, and best practices for full cycle design, validation, and implementation of enterprise job family taxonomies, competency models, role profiles, and job descriptions.

David R. Coole, APTMetrics, Presenter
Monica Schultz, Cox Communications, INC., Presenter
Kristina K. Loignon, Lowe’s Companies, Inc., Presenter
Toni S. Locklear, APTMetrics, Presenter
Submitter: David R. Coole, dcoole@apt.com

Visible I-O: Prosocial Insights From the United Nations

SIOP visibility initiatives attempt to address the lack of external awareness of the value I-O psychology can bring to individual, organizational, and societal well-being. Prosocial activities can demonstrate concrete, measurable benefits of I-O contributions; this session focuses on United Nations initiatives and intends to inspire broader I-O prosocial endeavors.

Stephanie R. Klein, Self-employed, Chair
Sean Cruse, United Nations Global Compact, Panelist
Alexander E. Gloss, North Carolina State University, Panelist
Mahima Saxena, Illinois Institute of Technology, Panelist
John C. Scott, APTMetrics, Panelist
Submitter: Stephanie R. Klein, srklein42@hotmail.com

Implementing Deep Organizational Change in HR-Focused Consent Decree Situations

Panel Discussion: 10:30AM-11:50PM 303 C

Multiple perspectives (internal, external consultant, legal, etc.) on I-O involvement in discrimination-related consent decree cases are presented in this panel, along with recommendations for bringing about systemic organizational change when consent decrees have been entered into and the challenges posed in bringing about such change.

Marcus W. Dickson, Wayne State University, Chair
Harold W. Goldstein, Baruch College & The Graduate Center, CUNY, Panelist
Adam T. Klein, Outten & Golden LLP, Panelist
Kathleen Kappy Lundquist, APTMetrics, Panelist
Lorren O. Oliver, Personnel Board Jefferson County, Panelist
Ken Yusko, Marymount University, Panelist
Submitter: Marcus W. Dickson, marcus.dickson@wayne.edu

Friday Seminar: Careless Survey Responding

Friday Seminars: 11:30AM-2:30PM 205 A

PREREGISTRATION AND ADDITIONAL FEE REQUIRED. Careless responding on surveys introduces error into datasets and can affect estimates of reliability, factor structure, as well as results of hypothesis testing. This seminar will address (a) potential causes of careless responding, (b) method of identifying careless responding, and (c) recommendations for data handling prior to analysis.

Adam W. Meade, North Carolina State University, Presenter
Paul G. Curran, APTMetrics, Presenter
Meghan A. Thornton, University of Texas at San Antonio, Coordinator
Submitter: Meghan A. Thornton, meghan.thornton@utsa.edu

Ex-Offenders Navigating the Hiring Process: Insights From Research and Practice

Symposium/Forum: 12:00PM-1:20PM 303 C

Ex-offenders experience challenges reentering the workforce. This symposium will highlight those challenges, present empirical research aimed at addressing those challenges, and integrate these findings with practice as to develop pathways for the successful reemployment of ex-offenders.

Abdifatah A. Ali, Michigan State University, Co-Chair
Ann Marie Ryan, Michigan State University, Co-Chair
James L. Outtz, Outtz and Associates, Discussant
Nicole Jones Young, University of Connecticut, Jakari N. Griffith, Bridgewater State University, Banning the Box and the Stigma: Receptivity to Hiring Ex-Offenders
Abdifatah A. Ali, Michigan State University, Brent J. Lyons, Simon Fraser University, Ann Marie Ryan, Michigan State University, Jessica Keeney, APTMetrics, Toni S. Locklear, APTMetrics, Ex-Offenders Use of Impression Management Tactics to Mitigate Threat Perceptions
Kemi Salawu Anazodo, York University, Ex-Offenders in Employment: The Psychological Implications of Disclosure and Concealment
Jessica Keeney, APTMetrics, Toni S. Locklear, APTMetrics, Criminal Background Checks: Practical Issues for Employers and EEOC Concerns
Submitter: Abdifatah A. Ali, abdiali04@gmail.com

Helping People Execute Business Strategies

Symposium/Forum: 3:30PM-4:50PM 204 C

Developing talent management strategies that drive business strategy is the key to execution as people are the fulcrum on which the success of strategy rests. This session will feature case studies that use talent interventions to translate strategy into concrete and meaningful action that enable the realization of full strategy value.

Lynn Collins, BTS, Chair
Jurgen Bank, BTS, Making Strategy Personal for First-Level Sales Managers
David M. Pollack, APTMetrics, Aligning HR Tools, Policies, and Practices With the Business Strategy
Yvette Vargas, Citizens Financial Group, Lynn Collins, BTS, Rich Dapra, BTS, Joe DiFilippo, BTS, Roy Amin, BTS, Experience Great-Using Simulations to Drive Business Strategy
LaToya Ingram Jordan, JetBlue, Culture Goal Scorecard
Submitter: Lynn Collins, lynn.collins@bts.com

Saturday, April 16

Best Practices for Content Validation

Panel Discussion: 8:30AM-9:50AM 204 C

Panel members will identify best practices for the content validation of selection procedures. They will: (a) summarize the requirements from the testing guidelines, (b) derive best practices from the issues and problems in defending content validation in litigation contexts, and (c) make recommendations for future research.

Michael A. Campion, Purdue University, Chair
Sheldon Zedeck, University of California-Berkeley, Panelist
James L. Outtz, Outtz and Associates, Panelist
Nancy T. Tippins, CEB, Panelist
Kathleen Kappy Lundquist, APTMetrics, Panelist
Wayne F. Cascio, University of Colorado Denver, Panelist
Submitter: Michael A. Campion, campionm@purdue.edu

Death by a Thousand Items: Challenges From Survey Fatigue

Panel Discussion: 10:30AM-11:50PM 303 D

This panel will provide tangible examples of the impact survey fatigue can have on data collection and the subsequent analysis of that data. Topics will cover why survey fatigue is important for organizations to consider, what to do when it impacts your project, and how to proactively avoid survey fatigue.

Megan L. Huth, Google, Chair
Jeffrey Nabity, Google, Inc., Panelist
Victoria Hendrickson, OrgVitality, Panelist
Sarah R. Stoddart, Wayne State University, Panelist
Julia W. Howell, Johnson & Johnson, Panelist
Amber Fritsch, APTMetrics, Panelist
Marianna Horn, APTMetrics, Panelist
Submitter: Megan L. Huth, mhuth@google.com

The Quarterback Problem: When Predicting Success Is Difficult

Symposium/Forum: 1:30PM-2:50PM 204 C

How do we hire when we can’t tell who’s right for the job? This question, posed in by Malcolm Gladwell (2008), is the impetus for this symposium. Research is presented on predicting success in challenging situations such as those involving financial advisors, IT workers, and NFL players.

Paul J. Hanges, University of Maryland, Chair
Rodney A. McCloy, HumRRO, Discussant
Kathleen Kappy Lundquist, APTMetrics, Jillian R. McLellan, APTMetrics, Scott M. Reithel, APTMetrics, Financial Advisors: Capturing the Formula for Success
Harold W. Goldstein, Baruch College & The Graduate Center, CUNY, Elliott C. Larson, The Graduate Center & Baruch College, CUNY, Diversity and IT Jobs: Alternatives for Predicting Success for Women
Ken Yusko, Marymount University, Charles A. Scherbaum, Baruch College & the Graduate Center, CUNY, Rachel Ryan, Baruch College and The Graduate Center, Intelligence as a Predictor of NFL Performance
Submitter: Harold W. Goldstein, harold.goldstein@baruch.cuny.edu

344-21 Organizational Factors that Impact the Overqualification and Burnout Relationship

This poster examined the direct and indirect effects of overqualification on feeling of emotional exhaustion on the job. From the sample of staff members at a large southern university, results indicated that overqualification related to emotional exhaustion directly and indirectly through perceived organizational support and leader–member exchange.

Tunji Oki, APTMetrics
Lars U. Johnson, University of Houston
Joseph G. Zaragoza, University of Houston
Submitter: Tunji Oki, tunjioki@gmail.com

Executive Board Special Session: New Strategies for Driving Visibility and Impact Through SIOP Publications

Special Events: 3:30PM-4:20PM 203 B

Through its publications and communications, SIOP in actively engaged with the public, policy makers, organizations, communities of practice, and the scientific community. This session will feature the editors and leaders of SIOP’s publications/communications portfolio. It will cover forthcoming SIOP publications, discuss impact, and provide tips to aspiring authors and editors.

Deborah E. Rupp, Purdue University, Chair
Alexander Alonso, Society for Human Resource Management, Co-Chair
John C. Scott, APTMetrics, Panelist
Richard J. Klimoski, George Mason University, Panelist
Nancy T. Tippins, CEB, Panelist
Morrie Mullins, Xavier University, Panelist
Scott Tonidandel, Davidson College, Panelist
Fred Oswald, Rice University, Panelist
Submitter: Deborah E. Rupp, ruppd@purdue.edu

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