Thursday, March 02 2017 at 10:00 AM (Get Tickets)
Online Event
161 Mission Falls Lane, Suite 216
Fremont, CA 94539
Event Description:
Training Options Duration: 60 Minutes
Thursday, March 2, 2017 | 10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST
Overview: Natural cosmetics have gained significant consumer appeal over the last decade or a result raw material suppliers have introduced ingredients obtained from a replenish able source such as marine and vegetable extracts. The latter i.e. replenish able is the operative word of differentiation for natural as compared to generics which are of synthetic origin. There has been many discussions regarding natural at the molecular and atomic levels among scientists and argument is that at the atomic level everything is composed of atoms ad molecules and therefore natural. The replenish able source description is likely the best fit using extracts and vegetable oils as a description. The latter being non-limiting as in its broadest sense natural means both replenish able and without chemical modification. The term naturally derived is also used to describe a natural base such as Vitamin c (ascorbic acid) which has been phosphated for color and hydrolytic stability.
The consumer perceives natural as mild and non-toxic coming from nature it must be non-toxic, however this is far from true. allergenic reactions are not uncommon using natural cosmetics. The natural movement is tied to the green movement and are synonymous. Natural and green are here to stay propelled by consumer demand.
Industry guidelines have not been firmly established and manufacturers are for the present allowed to set their own standards in the US. The most prevalent standard used by marketers in ninety five percent natural ingredients as defined above. Europe has ECCOCERT guidelines which are more rigid. The FDA, by contrast, as of now has not set standards to regulate natural claims. Categories of natural ingredients include mainly vegetable mineral and marine based extracts for moisturizing anti-redness and antioxidant properties. Vitamins are a good source of natural antioxidants such as VE which is derived from soybean oil. Vegatable oils such as Jojoba oil are used as emollients replacing esters such as synthetic isopropyl myristate.
Processing has to be monitored in order to insure quality product as many naturals are temperature dependent. Extracts for example must be added at the cool-down phase below 40C to avoid malodors and discoloration. Color and odor problems are an issue in storage with naturals as sugars and proteins are likely to react in storage via the Mallard reaction for example The reaction is explained.
Preservation is a problem due to the natural bio demand of the ingredients. IN addition, the raw materials vary in composition more than generics,thus preservation selection and testing is critical. This is explained in detail. The future holds increasing demand for naturals with significant growth potential. Government controls will be likely forthcoming.
Why should you Attend: New formulations/products are being developed every year as technology and science progress in this area.this relates to products and processes related to raw marketing concepts must also be explored relating to tailor product claims and not oversell but reach consumer expectations with real benefits.This area is moving rapidly and will continue to expand. Regulatory groups will have to be involved in order to establish company guidelines for that which is defined as and dialogues with agencies such as eccocert will be necessary for choosing ingredients to use in products.
Quality assurance will need to monitor scale-up and production batches more closely.a major issue with naturals is variations in raw material composition.process control will be critical to prevent decomposition leading to off color and or off odor products.also new substitutions will need considerable scrutiny prior to substitution in an existing product this will likely necessitate the need for new or modified analytical testing and updates in product and process specifications, microbiologists will need to know about preservatives which can be used.this will be an issue as not all generics can be used in naturals
Areas Covered in the Session:
What is a Natural Cosmetic
Why Natural
What are current industry guidelines
Some categories of Natural ingredients
Anticipated formulation problems
Preservation of Naturals
Who Will Benefit:
Speaker Profile
DR. Verdicchio is an industrial scientist and formulator with more than fifty years experience in the chemical Specialties area with a specialization in Health Care and Beauty aids. He has been associated with Unilever and several pharmaceutical companies including Johnson and Johnson from which he retired in 1995.
He is the author/co-author of more than thirty patents publications and scientific poster presentations. His scientific credentials extend into a myriad of disciplines including Chemistry Biochemistry, Physics and Biology. He has an extensive knowledge of patent law, technology analysis/assessment and is well versed in Hair and Skin physiology as they apply to Cosmetic science and their application to formulation and Development of personal care products designed for consumer topical use. Prior to retirement from JNJ he was Manager of International Product development on a worldwide basis and was nominated for the Johnson’s medal which is awarded for outstanding scientific contributions. He also achieved recognition for Excellence in Science and was appointed Corporate Research Fellow for his contributions to Health Care research. He founded Verdi Enterprises a consulting and complete product development company engaged in Health Care consisting of Cosmetics Cosmeceuticals and OTC drugs designed for topical use. Verdi has consulted for a myriad of pharmaceutical companies including Johnson and Johnson, Phosphogenics (POH OTC), Gillette, Summers Labs, LeMetier de Beaute, Ivy Dry etc.
Price: $139.00
Contact Info:
Netzealous -MentorHealth
Phone No: 1-800-385-1607
Fax: 302-288-6884
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