October 20, 2016
The Power Behind the Power, The Most powerful Man in the US between his stooges.
All power behind the power is to the right of those we see. Joe Biden, Tom Kaine, Michael Pence are more powerful than Obama, Trump and Billary. Trump went to Fordham, a jesuit school. Bill Clinton, Georgetown, etc..
They all must prostrate to the real power for a photo op before the “Selections” so that insiders “in the know” can understand that the power base remains no matter who is in power.
***The Jesuit General is nicknamed “The Black Pope” because he always wears black robes. Pope Benedict XIV is, thus, the “White Pope”.
Directly under the Jesuit General is Fr. James E. Grummer, S.J. — one of the five Jesuit priests who serve as direct “assistants” to the Jesuit General. Grummer is his American assistant, and controls the US Jesuit Conference. He is the controller of every American Jesuit university and every American Jesuit Provincial. The New York Provincial has the most contact with Grummer (as the top provincial).
Father Grummer in 2008 when first appointed
Under Grummer is the President of the US Jesuit Conference, Fr. Thomas H. Smolich, S.J., who was the Jesuit Provincial of California during the reign of Governor Arnold Schwarznegger. Smolich was the power behind Arnold during these years. Smolich is a key force behind the planned Sino-Soviet-Muslim invasion, which the Jesuit Order is planning to use to bring down the United States. He is also actively involved in the orchestration of the Chinese-Mexican invasion.
Under Smolich is Fr. David S. Ciancimino, S.J., the Jesuit Provincial of New York. He is the top Jesuit Provinical in the United States, as New York is the capital of the Jesuit Order’s power (that’s why it was chosen as the staging area for 9/11). Here, Ciancimino (and the Jesuits beneath him) control Wall Street, the NYSE, and the Federal Reserve Bank. Ciancimino controls Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the most powerful Roman Catholic official in the United States who is not a Jesuit. Ciancimino is an occultist, as are many other top Jesuits.
Who Really Runs America
Directly under Ciancimino is Fr. Joseph M. McShane, S.J., who is the President of Fordham University — the Jesuit college of New York, and the Jesuits’ military stronghold there. It is through McShane that the Jesuits (led by Ciancimino in New York) control Archbishop Timothy Dolan. He has become known as the “penholder” for Dolan. He wears a decorative necklace that features an equilateral triangle, a Masonic symbol of the Risen Horus.
Jesuits; Rulers of Evil
VP Kaine; Timothy Kaine; Jesuit Trained
JUDY WOODRUFF: But long before they were vying to be the nation’s second in command, Mike Pence and Tim Kaine began their path to politics under strikingly similar circumstances.
Both were sons of the Midwest, in Pence’s case, Columbus, Indiana, raised by a gas station owner and a homemaker, in a large Irish-Catholic family.
GOV. MIKE PENCE: I’m really just a small-town boy who grew up in Southern Indiana with a big family and a cornfield in the backyard.
JUDY WOODRUFF: Kaine grew up in Kansas city, Missouri, the elder of two brothers, his father a metalworker, his mother a teacher.
SEN. TIM KAINE: I wanted to be a man for others, somebody who fought for the rights of others, had others’ back, would stand up for others, especially if others wouldn’t.
JUDY WOODRUFF: The Catholic Church played an integral role in both men’s early lives. The Jesuit-educated Kaine came from a family that he says cared very much about the church, and very little about politics.
Jeff Schapiro has covered Kaine for The Richmond Times-Dispatch for more than a decade.
JEFF SCHAPIRO, The Richmond-Times Dispatch: I think the Jesuit connection is important for several reasons, most notably the idea of liberation theology, that faith manifests itself in political action.
JUDY WOODRUFF: Like Kaine, Pence was a Catholic school kid, serving as an altar boy, sometimes seven days a week. The future GOP governor also had an early interest in politics, Democratic politics, says Maureen Groppe of The Indianapolis Star.
VP Joseph Biden; Jesuit Roman Catholic supervising Obama
Most Americans in fact see no harm in Obama kissing the Pope’s red satanic shoes or making Jesuit Georgetown Universtiy his second home. The idea that the Jesuits and the Vatican are up to no good, trying to destroy America from within, just hasn’t sunk in to Joe Schmo in the U.S.
It hasn’t sunk in because the tenets of the Protestant Reformation have all but been forgotten or wiped away from history by those crafty, devious Jesuits who like to call themselves the “Great Educators.” But if the truth be known the Society of Satan, better known as the Jesuits, should be called the biggest liars and mis-educators the world has ever known.
So for Joe Schmo it means nothing that Obama is in bed with the Vatican and, in fact, the real sad part is that most Black Americans think it’s just the best thing since slice bread that one of their own holds the highest office in the land. However, little do they know, Obama’s loyalty lies with the White Pope, the New World Order and the upcoming Luceferian world government bent on killing off most Black people who are now supporting him. In fact, color matters little as Obama believes people lke you and me are nothing more than cattle, no matter if we are white, red or black .
Here is a synopsis sent by an unknown reader to the Arctic Beacon regarding Obama’s Jesuit and Vatican connections. For those who know the truth, read it and weep! For those who care less, God help you to have the wisdom to look beyond the obvious government connections.
According to a most eye-opening and incredibly compelling book Codeword Barbelon, by author P.D. Stuart, Obama is under the control of the Jesuits and has been for many years.
Jesuit Red Mass; All Politico’s, Supreme Court Judges and Power elite, required to attend.
President George Bush walks out of St. Matthew’s Cathedral with Cardinal Theodore McCarrick (Who is also a Knight of Columbus) and Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts after attending the 52nd Annual Red Mass in Washington, DC, Sunday, October 2, 2005. The Red Mass, a historical tradition within the Catholic Church, is held on the Sunday before the opening session of the Supreme Court.
6 out of 9 Supreme Court Justices are religious Roman Catholics. This is the first time in history that there have been so many Catholics on the Supreme Court. (Obviously this page was done when Bush was President. Obama‘s is every bit as subservient to the Papacy as the Bush family is.)
“The centennial was officially celebrated on Monday with a historical Red Mass in St. John’s Church. The Red Mass was designed to ask St. Thomas More and St. Ives, patron saints of the legal profession, to bless the law profession and offer guidance for justice.” *SOURCE*
Thomas Moore the Inquisitor
“Sir” Thomas More
Thomas More overseeing the burning of William Tyndale Bibles
The Pope deemed Thomas More Patron Saint of the politicians But really he was a murderer and a very wicked man. (His wickedness is even documented in Foxe’s Book of Martyrs” in the 12th Chapter)
(R) Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas at “Red Mass” brunch. Undergrad: College of the Holy Cross Law School: Yale Law School in 1974.
(L) Antonin Scalia at “Red Mass” brunch. Schools: Xavier High School, Undergrad Georgetown University, 1st in his class, and Summa cum laude at Harvard Law School.
Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia (CAS ’57) speaks about the importance of protecting Jesuit and Catholic identity at Georgetown University
Former Chief Justice Rehnquist. Behind him is the powerful Jesuit Cardinal Avery Dulles
Justice Antonin Scalia, accompanied by his wife Maureen, joins in the singing of a hymn during the annual Red Mass that was celebrated at Cathedral of the Holy Cross March 26. Justice Scalia later addressed the Catholic Lawyers Guild at a lunch.
General Peter Pace (Left) is the current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the first U.S. Marine appointed to this position. In this capacity he serves as America’s highest ranking military officer below the President.
Both Pictures are at the Red Mass Brunch Here he is greeting the Supreme Court Cheif Justice He (Peter Pace) is a 1992 graduate of the Georgetown Leadership Seminar of the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University.
“The Jesuits coincidently end up teaching The United States military leaders.
1.) Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , Peter Pace. Trained at Georgetown University http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Pace
2.) Commander of Multinational Force Iraq, David Howell Petraeus Trained at Georgetown University http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_H._Petraeus
3.) United States Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates Trained at Georgetown University
4.) former Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR),General James Jones Trained at Georgtown University. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_L._Jones
5.) former United States Secretary of Defense, Donald Henry Rumsfeld Trained at Georgtown University. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Rumsfeld
6.) Current Chief of Staff of the United States Army and former Commander of Multinational Forces in Iraq, George Casey Trained at Georgetown University http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_George_Casey
Absolutely! No chance this is coincidence. It is just impossible! They are all Jesuit-trained and controlled because this Papal Crusade is a war of annhilation both of the Muslim peoples and the apostate Protestant West. Youth like myself are especially targeted for the coming draft. This is means of population control. This war has been called “our children’s children war” by CNN.
SMOM and 33rd Degree Freemason Tony Blair will be pulling out troops as well as other “Coalition” nations and their forces until the Armed Forces of the Unholy Roman Fourteenth Amendment American Empire will find itself going solo and by the time this diversionary war concludes (when the Muslim is reduced enough to ensure Israel will not be ransacked) the purposely sabotaged (the troops are ill-equipped because this is a war they are meant to and will lose. Rome is through with America-she has been drunk with the wine of the Whore’s fornication since the illegal ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment.
I believe the death toll will surpass all wars the U.S. has ever fought and even now is greater than what the Order’s CFR reports because only soldiers killed in action are counted, not those who die as a result of injuries, wounds, suicides, poisons in the form of pills, depleted uranium, etc.
I believe as a result of the HPV vaccine Merck wants to give pre-adolescent girls will make them sterile in the long-term. She has caused the America to forget God and now we are witnessing His judgment U.S. defense will be beyond recovery and absolutely powerless to resist our coming invaders from China, Russia, the remaining Muslims who will forget about Jerusalem and the Jews and wage a jihad against what they call “The Great Satan” whom they will blame for the destruction of the Dome of the Rock, Al Aqsa mosque, Mecca, and Medina.”
Brother Nicholas N. Rivera
Too bad JFK didn’t have this protection!
George Bush, Laura his wife, Condoleeza Rice, and Chief Justice John Roberts leave the Red Mass
All the way to the right is Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty (Who is now resigning over the firing of the U.S. attorneys – May 15, 2007)
The College of the Holy Cross is an exclusively undergraduate Roman Catholic college located in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. Holy Cross is the oldest Roman Catholic college in New England and one of the oldest in the United States. Opened as a school for boys under the auspices of the Society of Jesus, it was the first Jesuit college in New England.
School Motto: In Hoc Signo Vinces (IHS – In this sign you shall conquer) Mascot: The Crusader
Clarence Thomas speaking of his Jesuit Mentor in a recent interview: source: BusinessWeek
“Of all the influences in the life of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, little attention has been paid to the Reverend John E. Brooks. During his time at Holy Cross and in the years since, the Jesuit priest has been, in Thomas’ words, “a combination of friend, uncle, priest, father, saint, Good Samaritan.” In this exclusive interview with BusinessWeek senior writer Diane Brady, Thomas reflects on racial politics, his job, his college crowd, and the influence of Brooks on his life. Here are edited excerpts of their conversation: “
While Clarence Thomas attended Holy Cross he was a member of member of Alpha Sigma Nu (Jesuit Honor Society). which has this as it’s symbol:
Message from president of Alpha Sigma Nu
(From Alpha Sigma Nu website):
Welcome to the Alpha Sigma Nu website.
Alpha Sigma Nu continues the Jesuit tradition of scholarship, loyalty and service beyond the college years.
With the support of our members, we provide scholarships at all our members’ schools, award the prestigious ASN Book Awards each year, and now have committed our resources to alumni clubs in various cities to help our members to continue to put the Jesuit ideals to work in their own communities.
Thank you for your support of Jesuit education.
David T. Ralston, Jr.
Board President
He was also a member of the college’s secretive Purple Key Society “The Purple Key Society is the service organization which fosters school spirit, loyalty and enthusiasm in the activities and goals of the College. Its members are selected from students interested in serving their fellow classmates in diversified events.”
Here is a recommendation for Clarence Thomas from the [then] President of Holy Cross college, Jesuit Father John E. Brooks.
Another Holy Cross Graduate:
Chris Matthews, host of MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Matthews
and NBC’s The Chris Matthews Show.
Chris Matthews playing “hardball” with his Jesuit trained friend Pat Buchanun.
Red Mass Brunch, October 1999: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas
and CUA President Fr. David O’Connell SJ, Sunday, October 3, 1999
Samuel Alito, Associate Justice to the Supreme Court who is also a Knight of Columbus,
Receives “St. Thomas More Award”
Educated at Princeton University and Yale Law School, Alito served as U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey and a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit prior to joining the Supreme Court. He is the 110th justice, the second Italian American and the eleventh Roman Catholic to serve on the court.
Knight of Columbus Jeb Bush also stands by while children are being taken away
from good parents and then abused in Foster homes. Go to this website and please
share this information with others to show that most of the government agencies
are not our friends but deadly enemies.
Knights of Columbus Jeb Bush and Jim Towey are members of the same K of C Council -it is another name for a Catholic Masonic lodge- Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, left, and Jim Towey, the White House Director of Faith Based Programs attend the 31st Red Mass of the Holy Spirit, a Mass offered by the Bishops of Florida for all those serving in the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of State Government, Wednesday, March 22, 2006, in Tallahassee, Fla. -AP Photo/Don Juan Moore- Governor Bush and Director Towey are members of Tallahassees Fr. Hugon Council #3521.
You can see the occult symbology associated with Roman Catholicism and the Red Mass First, look at the symbol to the left behind the people. It may look to some as a harmless triangle but occultists use it as a pyramid which is associated with there ancient Pagan rituals that they took from ancient Egyptians. Then look at the Red Mass awards they got. They are Obelisks which is an ancient Egyptian sybol associated with some occult sex godess.
Cardinal Keeler processes into the Co-Cathedral of the
Sacred Heart for the celebration of the Red Mass.
With him is Rev. Mr. John Ceslovnik
More Red Mass Pictures
Remember, They are honoring and giving the Sir Thomas More award to people at the Red Mass. Thomas More was a murderer and had many good men and women burned at the stake, including William Tyndale who was a main translator of the Bible into the English Language.
Read this about Thomas More (1)
Read this about Thomas More (2)
They are Knights of Columbus. Roman Catholic Jeb Bush is himself a Third Degree Knight of Columbus according to his brother Skull and Bonesman Luciferian Crypto-Catholic George W. Bush in his speech to the 122nd Annual Knights of Columbus Convention in Dallas, Texas, Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2004.
From This Link
Quote: Im proud to say that my family has contributed to your ranks. A few years ago, Governor Jeb — -applause- — became a Knight. -Applause.- And he — yes — and he recently took his Third Degree. -Applause.- Ill see him this weekend. His son is getting married. Ill pass on the word, aim for the Fourth.
Source Link
Jeb Bush received an award from the Knights of Malta of Florida on March 11 2006 From Source Link -last paragraph-
Finally, on the occasion of the 7th Annual Order of Malta South Florida Gala, the Board of Directors has voted to bestow The Honorable Jeb Bush, Governor of the State of Florida with its Ethic of Life Award for Outstanding Service towards the defense of life and human dignity of the unborn. Congratulations Governor!
Tell that to the family of Terry Schiavo! Jeb Bush most certainly does not have an ethic of life!
Emperor Bush, in his speech to the K of C mentioned that the Knights of Columbus head the White House Office of Community and Faith Based Initiatives in the person of K of C James Towey.
According to Luciferian Emperor Bush “I needed someone to lead this program, so guess who I turned to? The Knights. (Applause.) I found Towey. Jim Towey is the Director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. He’s with me. You know what his job is? His job is to help the faith community — by the way, all faiths, all faiths — Christian, Jew, or Muslim — all faiths understand what is possible now. His job is also to make sure the federal government is a hospitable place for faith programs to work with. Let’s be frank about it. Many faith-based programs don’t want to interface with government. You know why? They’re afraid of losing the ability to practice their faith. How can you be a faith-based program if you’re not allowed to practice your faith?
Towey’s job –applause– so Towey has got a big job, it’s to change a culture, a suspicious culture, and we’re making progress. A suspicious culture in Washington, a suspicious culture in the grassroots. Here’s Towey’s story. He goes to meet Mother Teresa for the first time. He shows up at one of her homes for the dying in India, and the sister who greeted him assumed he was there to work. -Laughter- That’s what I assume every day that Towey shows up. (Laughter.) So she gave Jim some cloth, and said, go clean the sores of a dying man. He says it changed his life, that experience. He went on to work full-time for the Missionaries of Charity. Incredibly enough, Jim Towey, Director of the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives in the White House, was Mother Teresa’s lawyer. I ask you, what kind of society is it where Mother Teresa needs a lawyer? -Laughter and applause- It’s a society that needs tort reform. -Laughter and applause.-
Bush also said, “I also appreciate the Knights’ of Columbus stand on the federal judiciary. I have a responsibility as President to make sure the federal judicial system runs well. I have nominated superb men and women for the federal — for the federal benches who will strictly and fully interpret the law, not legislate from the bench. (yeah right like Knight of Columbus Samuel Alito Jr. and Opus Dei and [Jesuit] John Carroll Society member U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts?)
The Bush family is a tool of the Papacy. George H. W. Bush is a Knight of Malta as is Prescott Bush Jr. Pro-Nazi Skull and Bonesman Prescott Bush Sr. was trained by the Jesuits of Stonyhurst.
Brother Nicholas N. Rivera
Catholics make up the largest relgious denomination in
Congress at around 130. That’s more than twice the amount
of Jewish members. (Looks like the page I linked to was deleted.
Must be more Vatican editing.)