Anglican Future Blogspot. Exploring the future of Anglican community.

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News, stories and media buzz related to Anglican Future Blogspot

  • In an earlier post, I suggested that Resolution A040: Affirm Response to the Anglican Covenant Process proposed to the 78th General Convention this summer was less than ideal but would probably be adequate to get the Covenant off the church’s plate without...

  • “Several African national churches, known as provinces, have stated that they will not accept financial support from the Episcopal Church, most recently citing decisions by its bishops and General Convention to redefine core doctrine on Christian marriage...

  • Several Primates of the Anglican Churches from the Global South have concluded a meeting in Cairo where they announced that they would accept the Archbishop of Canterbury’s invitation to meet in the UK next year.  They also welcomed the Anglican Church...

  • Why do we stay? Why do we pay?
    via telling-secrets.blogspot

    It's a good question. Why do we - queer people and women and people of color and our allies and progressives - stay in The Anglican Communion? And, the second is like unto it: Why don't we take our money with us when we leave? Or, at least, divert it...

  • “We rejoiced to welcome the Anglican Church in North America as a partner province to the Global South.” 1. We, the Primates and representatives of twelve Global South Provinces of the Anglican Communion, met in Cairo between the 14th and 16th of October...

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