
Friday the Obamedia didn’t let us down as they reported on the Harley Davidson Rally gearing up in Milwaukee… They chose to run not photos of the hundreds of flags or Harley’s or veterans… Not dozens of bikers on a twisty long highway.. Not a cute baby asleep in her Daddy’s helmet… Oh, no. The Associated Press chose to use a very badly engraved likeness of Obama on some indistinguishable ugly contraption of what used to be a motorcycle.

Source: Article on the Milwaukee Rally

We are of course seeing an upswing in black biker media and art, same as in every other thing on earth right now…
One of the earliest black biker works to come to light is a book by Tobie Levingston. He was building the East Bay Dragons MC, a black club in Los Angeles, kind of parallel to Sonny’s time line as he was working on a young club of Hells Angels, rumored to have been acquaintances who operated peacefully just down the street from each other.

All videos courtesy of:

Harley Davidson Motor Company

Harley’s severely silly case of jungle fever isn’t anything new. For instance, this ridiculous spectacle of videos from 2013 showcases a big pasty white bread company going ghetto shortly before the 110th Harley Davidson anniversary party in Milwaukee, and coinciding with their ‘Iron Elite’ program, which, basically, was just another ‘make black people feel special’ coddling from an American company attempting to suck a hind tit of the Obama regime. So far as I can see, it’s been a total flop thus far.

–2013-This summer, Harley-Davidson will formally celebrate their 110th anniversary with events around the world. No doubt, their camaraderie with African American bike riders will be celebrated as well.

And of course the prerequisite ‘make it look like the major rallies are all about the black people’ videos… When in fact we all know they are at least probably 80 percent white… Why the need to fake all this, Harley?

Harley-Davidson expresses their appreciation of the contributions of African Americans into their brand with a series of videos called the Iron Elite. Those videos can be viewed on YouTube or by visiting http://www.harley-davidson.com.

The videos above were produced by the Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Company as a celebration of the heritage of African-American riders throughout the past century.

Really? So, say, this video of Ludacris, for instance… What exactly has he contributed to Harley’s historical value?

On the one hand, yea, this looks like a clean cut black American entertainer promoting motorcycle helmet safety and a pretty bike and just loving life and living the American Dream, right? That is, if you don’t know much about Ludacris… One word could pretty much sum up Ludacris’ views on pretty much anything on earth: Obama. He’s really majorly seriously into him.. I think he just might would drink his bath water. During Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, Ludacris wrote a sort of black Power man love ode to the then up and coming candidate. The campaign quickly denounced the song, saying the rapper should be “ashamed.”
Obama Scolds Ludacris

Of course Obama was SO miffed that Ludacris has never left his prime time guest list, and in fact even cohosted one of the lavish parties in Washigton for Obama’s victory later in 2008, called the Urban Inaugural Ball.

Ludacris Throws The Prince a Ball

The young Democratic campaign probably giggled behind their hands and secretly loved that a song helped to put Obama’s new name in the mouths of every black kid on the streets of ghetto America, helping to ensure the first Presidency. There’s also the added bonus that lyrics were on the Billboard charts that called Hillary Clinton a bitch, or maybe it was this that made the campaign pretend to cringe, albeit for about two seconds:

Paint the White House black and I’m sure that’s got ‘em terrified/ McCain don’t belong in any chair unless he’s paralyzed/ Yeah I said it cause Bush is mentally handicapped/ Ball up all of his speeches and just throw ‘em like candy wrap.
Ludacris fell head over sagging pants and heels for Obama way back in 2006. The then-senator met with Ludacris to discuss “youth empowerment” while the promising young rapper was in Chicago to launch a campaign to raise HIV and AIDS awareness among the city’s youth. His undying hero worship for the president hasn’t ever waned. There’s all the disgusting pandering support he’s shown Obama publicly and on social media, and then there was the time he gave him a custom set of headphones at a fundraising event.. I personally think perhaps to listen to Ludiepoopikins croon his gangsta soliloquies of ebony devotion in Barry’s omnipotent ear as he drifted off to sleep, his sainted head resting upon his sovereigned pillows.. Or maybe it was just to keep hummingbirds and 747s from getting caught in those things flapping in the breeze during a State of the Union address. Whatever the case, it appears the rapper is just completely smitten, even echoing Obama’s socialist, we aren’t EQUAL ENOUGH yet crap.

‘America has a great promise, but to me, it’s a promise that’s unfulfilled. Not everyone gets an equal chance at it, and some never get a chance at all. . . . Now it’s not right that with all our resources every citizen is not afforded the opportunity to be the best that they can be if they want. . . . Our communities need fixing. Our systems are badly broken. We can’t wait on the government, the institutions, social programming and policies alone to fix our communities.’ Ludacris, Hollow Verse interview

Surprisingly enough, Obama may be the lesser of the two evils when it comes to the two men on the pedestal erected by this rapper.. A Titan in modern music, his political prose has the ability to impress the minds of America’s youth.  So, consider his bad taste in mentors…
That’s right! Farrakhan has reared his crispy old head like Mr. Toad once again, this time with some troubling vague references to enlightenment and #unity tags from Ludacris on his social media feeds.

Rap musicians are one of Louis Farrakhan’s favorite venues into the minds of America’s youth… They think he’s ‘cool’ because he’s seen with the ‘cool people’ on TV…
14 Rappers Who ‘Built’ With Farrakhan

This is pretty creepy when you know we just sideswiped a meeting by Farrakhan and his white people haters club at Ft.Washington Harley Davidson..
The Skinny on the Harley Dealership and the Muslim Rally

The Harley dealership in D.C. is owned by extremely wealthy black supremists who seem to be involved heavily in the notorious African Methodist Episcopal Church. The Mooreheads recently made news as ‘Bundlers’ for Obama, as well as in a black power play in connection with the AME Church and Jesse Jackson. Thomas Moorehead and Jesse Jackson are thick as thieves, working hand in hand for black control of a long time baby of Jackson’s… The automotive industry.

The Full AME Church Article

NAMAD STATES:: “So our main focus is to increase the number of minority-owned dealers across the nation, advocate for workplace and supplier diversity, and support minority engagement in the automotive retail sales and service sectors.”

Thomas Moorehead, as the first black Rolls Royce Dealership Owner in America, as well as proprietor of several other automotive businesses including BMW locations and Ft. Washington Harley Davidson, is also the second husband of a well known civil rights advocating attorney. He is therefore, of course, a huge entity in the minority automotive dealership owners group called NAMAD, in conjunction with Jesse Jackson’s organization called The Rainbow PUSH Coalition…

The Rainbow PUSH Coalition’s Automotive Project has a two-decade track record of engaging and forging partnerships between African American suppliers and dealers and the automotive industry. Their work has resulted in billions of dollars worth of deals for African American businesses. However, as the economic downturn took place in recent years, many African American businesses and communities were devastated by the automotive industries’ decisions.

“Many African American and ethnic minority companies have not recovered or enjoyed the benefits of the auto industry’s growth,” said, Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., founder and president, Rainbow PUSH Coalition. “As the auto industry continues to bounce back, the issue of minority inclusion must be placed front and center on the industry’s agenda. From dealers to suppliers, from marketing and advertising programs, to community reinvestment, minority communities and businesses must be empowered to grow as the auto industry revs up again.”

– See more at: http://www.rainbowpush.org/

What is Rainbow/PUSH?
What is NAMAD?
Jesse Demands GM Needs More Minorities
Jesse and the Economic Summit

While Jesse makes it sound like it’s all for the innocent, common good of decent, hardworking black people in the workplace in most articles, the things said in the AME church comments tell a different tale, with Mr. Harley Rolls BMW Moorehead right beside him every step of the way….

Nearly 47 years after Dr. king’s death , a group of church leaders appear to be carrying out a grand Black economic empowerment goal in earnest. Invited to speak to a recent gathering of pastors and leaders of the African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) Church, National Bankers Association President Michael Grant cited the words of human rights champion Paul Robeson:

‘“We realize that our future lies chiefly in our own hands,’” Grant quoted. “‘We know that neither institution nor friends can make a race stand unless it has strength in its own foundation; that races like individuals must stand or fall by their own merit; that to fully succeed they must practice the virtues of self-reliance, self-respect, industry, perseverance, and economy.’”

Grant continued in his own words: “We played a major role in growing America from a small colonial outpost to the greatest industrial giant the world has ever known. We don’t have to argue about our ability to grow wealth. We have made everyone else rich, some filthy rich. Isn’t it time that we finally make our efforts productive for ourselves?”

Grant was keynote speaker during a special session on “Economic Development through the Black Church” during the A.M.E. Church’a Mid-year Opening Plenary Session in Raleigh, N.C. late last year.

Following the forum, Weaver says A.M.E. pastors, led by Bishop William P. DeVeaux, are now poised to carry out a specific plan that they hope will spread to other denominations and ultimately catch fire in other denominations and the Black community throughout 2015.

“Clearly where we are at this point is to actualize and implement what we discussed in Raleigh,” said Weaver in an interview. “The whole thrust was how Black churches can help to empower Black businesses.”

The starting plan, in a nutshell, is for churches located in  – North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland and D.C. – to commit to the support of two Black-owned businesses. They are Thomas Morehead, president of a BMW dealership in Sterling, Va. and Donnell Thompson, co-founder/co-owner of RWDT Foods, Inc., a chain of restautrants based in N. Snellville, Ga.

“And we certainly hope and pray that this will become a much larger Black faith effort and we will reach out to the Baptist community, the Church of God and Christ and the list goes on,” Weaver said. “If we’re able to affect a significant change in terms of relationship with Black businesses, can you imagine if we’re able to boost their profit margin

So far, the congregations have been receptive to the idea, Weaver said. “Quite frankly, I’ve not met any resistance thus far.”

In his speech, Grant reminded the audience that a legacy of Black economic development was at the core of the founding of the A.M.E. Church.

Economic Empowerment and the AME Chuch

They aren’t just after the automotive industry, either. Last December, for instance… Jesse Jackson minced no words in a speech directed at tech companies. According to a transcript of the speech published, he compared the tech community’s dearth of minority employees to Jim Crow-style segregation. Hey why not? It’s working in the car game.

It seems highly unlikely that the timing in all of this sudden interest in bikers and Harley’s by the major players of the hostile black takeover in this country is in any way serendipitous…

Let’s look at the sneaky wording used by CNN on an article supporting the removal of the Mississippi state flag… Keep in mind Harley has banished all confederate flags on their licensed merchandise…

Echoing the anti-Confederate flag sentiment, bikers from all corners of Mississippi rallied in support of change on Sunday in the city of Jackson, the state’s capital.

“The flag issue has promoted so much division and racial separation, and today, we’re asking for Mississippi to take the flag down,” said biker Stacy Vance to CNN affiliate WLBT/WDBD.

Now, reading that quote, you would envision, basically, me, or a reasonable facsimile thereof. You would NOT in any way envision this:

Stacy Hellraiser Hull Vance is a confederate flag burning… Doctor. That’s right. Isn’t it comforting, to know that?

STACY HULL VANCE, BS, MS (Jackson State University), BS, MS, PhD (University of Mississippi); associate professor of medical laboratory science

Funny thing… The ‘biker’ in Mississippi getting the flag took down is also on the list for Farrakhan’s ride on 10-10-15….

Farrakhan’s Bikers

Louis Farrakhan allegedly has formed a group of black motorcyclists to join his racist army, and needed somewhere to stage them…

The black supremists who own the Harley shop are still trying to claim innocence.. Even though their general manager Morgan ‘A-Rod’ Anderson, VP of the Flaming Devils, seems to be a devout follower of the Nation of Islam, and in fact was the spokesperson for the organization on a conference call on July 30th. The owners have changed their story already, from they didn’t schedule it to they didn’t know what it was for, to they were going to let them meet them before business hours.. Sounds like a lot of jackassery to me.

Sure.. Farrakhan just HAPPENED to call some heavy hitters within Obama’s contributors who just HAPPEN to own the Harley shop and they just HAPPEN to not realize what sort of rally Farrakhan is wanting to host when they just HAPPEN to have an employee who is helping arrange the event… I call a dump truck full of bullshit with green blow flies on top.

How does all of this stuff fit together, you ask? Notice most of this black biker stuff started in 2010… There’s a reason.

In 2010, the Dodd-Frank Act gave the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) authority to oversee the lending activities of all major financial institutions, but a last-minute stipulation prevented the CFPB from having authority over the fraction of lending for vehicles. You may have recently noticed an uptick in sales for vehicles being mentioned in the news (this actually has little to do with job growth, because we’re selling more cars, yet not making them here). Harley-Davidson–who in 2009 announced they were attempting yet again to shift marketing focus away from theIt standard middle class white bikers to connect with women, Latinos, and especially blacks–has also suddenly found their own sales growth period, despite the still-floundering economy. You may then find yourself asking exactly how our American vehicle companies could at all possibly be making a profit when everyone was in severe, soul-crushing debt. It’s a good question, and the answer is that everyone else was in debt, but Harley-Davidson was not.

Back in 2008, banks and lenders regulations had to specifically target a housing crisis, because over 3 million foreclosure filings had toppled into the banking system–up 81% from 2007, which sounds terrible enough, but according to USA Today, it was a number up 225% from the year before that. In short, all the banking regulation focused on what was perceived as the largest lending problem, so the government stepped in and strictly prohibited lenders from giving insane amounts of money to high-risk borrowers, at the same time attempting to dissect an inherently racist lending system that almost automatically qualified minorities (and women) as higher-risk borrowers, allowing them to charge a higher rate, which honestly makes no sense whatsoever. Oh, so you have a history of not making much money, maybe having difficulty paying bills on time? Well, we’ll still give you a bunch of cash, but because you don’t have any money, we’re going to penalize you and make you pay more. The CFPB has tried to stifle these issues in one fell swoop, but in doing so have given the vehicle industry leverage to–this is difficult to say–pull the “race card” on Obama.

In 2013, the middle class economy appeared to be getting in trouble…Harley-Davidson knows their boys won’t be able to keep buying their products, so they targeted minorities with the earlier mentioned campaign that earned them the winning market share of all motorcycles sold in the US. To win this market share, however, they’ve been offering the exact same high-risk loans to unstable borrowers that caused the financial collapse of the housing industry. When the CFPB’s jurisdiction continued spreading to ALL areas of the lending industry, Harley-Davidson kinda panicked. Their solution? Hire lobbyists and jump in the game with everyone else!

So, Harley-Davidson just retains a Washington lobby firm, and then suddenly the CFPB’s director is in limbo, because a strange court proceeding declared that because Congress was not in recess when he was appointed, and was instead on one of their many unofficial vacations, Obama’s appointment of the CFPB director was illegal.

Detailed coverage of a 2013 shareholders meeting explains more:

Milwaukee, WI / Washington, D.C. – Harley-Davidson executives rose to the challenge posed to them by the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Free Enterprise Project – decisively stating “we’re on it” when asked if the company was prepared to defend itself from Obama Administration racial politics.

At Harley-Davidson’s annual meeting of shareholders Saturday, April 27 in Milwaukee, National Center Executive Director David Almasi pointed out to Harley-Davidson management and shareholders that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), a new federal entity created by the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act, appears to be targeting lenders in the vehicle industry.

Congress explicitly denied the CFPB the power to regulate the automotive industry when it created the CFPB, but the agency apparently plans to end-run Congressional intent and regulate vehicle dealers indirectly by regulating their relationships with major banks and finance companies that are subject to the act.

The CFPB had already demanded vehicle-lending data from several banks, and is looking for evidence of “disparate impact” – circumstances in which dealers follow policies that are neutral and non-discriminatory that nonetheless disproportionately affect individuals in covered groups, such as racial or ethnic minorities.

Pointing out approving more loans to potentially risky buyers for political reasons could lead to a new cycle of subprime lending of the kind that caused America’s recent and disastrous mortgage bubble, Almasi asked: “You obviously know that you are on [acting CFPB director] Richard Cordray’s radar, if not already in his sights… [H]ow does Harley-Davidson management plan to protect this company against this assault? Will you cave or will you stand your ground? Are you willing to fight this issue in the halls of Congress and by speaking out in the news media, or will you buckle to the coffee-break regulators of the bureaucracy?”

Larry Hund, president of Harley-Davidson Financial Services, who spoke at the meeting, said that dealing with the new demands of the CFPB is a “very big topic.” He noted – as Almasi pointed out in his question – that the company has retained a Washington lobby firm for help in getting a handle on the issue of CFPB data requests.

Hund told shareholders that Harley-Davidson “hired an outside law firm… who is helping us accumulate data. Look at this. Make sure that we are, you know, in compliance. And also make sure we are on top of where the CFPB goes. And – at the same time – still providing the opportunity for credit for so many of our riders…”

In a conversation with Almasi after the meeting adjourned, Hund added that the regulatory agenda of the CFPB is a “rapidly changing situation,” but nonetheless assured Almasi that “we’re on it.”

In addressing the issue of Harley-Davidson’s treatment of minority customers, Harley-Davidson president and CEO Keith Wandell said, to loud applause from the shareholders: “Let me just say this: that, at the very core of what we believe, we do believe that everybody should be treated fairly. Right? And that people shouldn’t be taken advantage for any number of different reasons, which happens – and it’s wrong.”

During the business portion of the shareholder meeting, Harley-Davidson reported that it leads in sales to several demographic groups, including blacks, Hispanics and women as well as middle-aged white men.

“Harley-Davidson should have nothing to worry about because it wants as many people as possible to be able to acquire and afford its motorcycles and fulfill their dreams of independence and adventure – and the company is working hard to make sure these dreams are achieved,” said the National Center’s Almasi. “It’s also reassuring to know that, despite what seems like sound business practices, that Harley-Davidson is making sure to cover its bases should the Obama Administration play the race card against them.”

Almasi added: “I was approached by many of the shareholders in attendance who thanked me for speaking up about this issue. Some were downright fearful of the situation as I described it, with one likening it to a scene out of the Ayn Rand novel Atlas Shrugged. What needs to be understood is that Harley-Davidson wants to do good and wants to do right by all people – and, by the numbers and the assertions of its executives, it is proving successful in this pursuit. And the company’s strategy appears to have the full backing of its shareholders. It would be a shame for Harley-Davidson, a company that has clawed its way back from the brink of bankruptcy to become an American icon, to now fall victim to the radical machinations of the Obama Administration.”

Considering the fact that they are finishing in strong financial quarters while doing ridiculous things, such as that electric monstrosity from India.. It’s safe to say they must have fallen to him after all, at least to at least some degree.

Think about it… Of all the amazing black men and women out there who ride.. Veterans and clubs and Christians and all sorts of fine people.. Why was it a video of Obama’s little toady… Who is pretty much a generic lil Wayne who has been baby daddy enough times to give Maury a woody… AND who obviously also worships Farrakhan.. THIS is the person that Harley Davidson chose to highlight as their black role model?

If you read through all of this, it’s easy to see the same names appear over and over… That they all connect back to the same cause..black dominance. It’s easy to look at the event calendar posted below from Ft. Washington Harley and see that they are lying…

It’s funny, Harley used to be famous for fighting to SAVE the way they look in the public eye, to the point of shunning the majority of their market for being just plain of white American people… There was once a massive outrage from Harley’s suits over this ad from Honda…

They were highly concerned that the ‘outlaw bikers’ were going to make them look bad.. I guess pretty soon their political correctness and pandering to demanding black people at the loss of faithful customers and dallying in political quagmires and dealing with overseas parts will lead to this ad in our future…

Now Don’t get me wrong….There are some amazing black bikers and biker clubs out there.. Why do these people have to make up lies and, ahem, denigrate the good stories that are out there with those lies? For instance, this ridiculous article claims that black people were integral to Harley Davidson’s history, technology, and growth. They even claim black people invented customizing bikes and choppers.

source: Harley Davidson’s Success Attributed to black People

I know a good bit of Harley Davidson’s history, and I’m sorry, but I don’t really know of any black people who directly had anything to do with their legendary story.

Proven time and time again in American history, just what can any historic or hallowed institution in America be without the valued, creative and defining contributions from the African American community? Politics, business, education, entertainment, sports…bikes that go “Vrooom!”

Just ask the people at Harley-Davidson, considered by much of the world as the “Crem Della Crem” in motorcycles. The motorcycle company can attribute African American innovations to their success.

With This edgy, thrill-seeking, sometimes roughneck, other times sleek, adventurous, sexy, sometimes wild, all the time unique, culture and image called motorcycle riding, one can also add a significant lace of “soul,” as Blacks throughout the history of Harley-Davidson and the motorcycle industry in general have added their touch.

Ummm, okay? If you say so? I mean, I know there were some awesome black bikers throughout motorcycle history… There was, for instance, Ben Hardy and Cliff Vaughs
, who built the Easy Rider bikes…

‘Benny” and the “King of Bikes”

Ben Hardy created the “Captain America” and ‘Billy Bike.’ Hardy’s Motorcycle Service was located at 1168 E. Florence in Los Angeles. The building is still there, only now occupied by an auto repair shop.

Story goes– Peter Fonda, the producer of Easy Rider, hired Cliff Vaughs, another black bike builder, to coordinate the motorcycles for the film, and Cliff tapped Ben Hardy for the actual construction of the machines. In total, four former police bikes were used in the film. The 1949, 1950 and 1952 Harley Davidson HydraGlide bikes were purchased at an auction for $500. Ben Hardy took the standard H-D frames and used Buchanan’s frame shop to alter the steering head angle to 45 degrees. The steering head was cut off and repositioned, and the resultant extreme rake required a 12″ extension to the telescopic forks.

Each bike had a backup to make sure that shooting could continue in case one of the old machines failed or got wrecked accidentally. One “Captain America” was demolished in the final scene, while the other three were stolen and probably taken apart before their significance as movie props became known. The demolished bike was rebuilt by Dan Haggerty, shown in a museum and finally sold at auction in 2001. Hopper and Fonda hosted a wrap party for the movie and then realized they hadn’t shot the final campfire scene. Thus, it was shot after the bikes had already been stolen, which is why they are not visible in the background as in the other campfire scenes.

Source: Benny Hardy Wiki bio

These two men built the two most famous motorcycles in history… And they did not get credit where credit was due for a very long time due to being black. However, as far as I am aware, this had absolutely nothing to do with Harley Davidson Motor Company.


One of my favorite female bikers of all time was a black woman named Bessie Stringfield..

In 1990, when the American Motorcyclist Association opened its Motorcycle Heritage Museum, Bessie Stringfield was one of the most amazing people featured in its inaugural exhibit on Women in Motorcycling. The AMA presents the Bessie Stringfield Award to honor women who are leaders in motorcycling. In 2002, she was inducted into the Motorcycle Hall of Fame. Bessie, or BB as she was known among friends, described over 60 years of motorcycling: “I was somethin’! What I did was fun and I loved it.”

In the 1930s and 1940s Bessie made eight long-distance, solo rides across the United States. Speaking to a reporter, she dismissed the idea that “nice girls didn’t ride motorcycles in those days.” She was also seemingly fearless about riding through the Deep South when racial prejudice was a tangible threat.

Bessie was a fearless pioneer not only for black people, but also for women motorcyclists… She is one of the first people to dispel the myth that nice girls didn’t ride motorcycles.

She also didn’t have a thing to do with the workings of the Harley Davidson Motor Company.

I believe it’s time for some people to stop the fusion attempts that are sadder than Florida Georgia Line rapping. Embrace your audience! Play Sweet Home Alabama and rack your pipes and wave the stars and bars and stop trying to be such a sell out.. You people are embarrassing the rest of us out here… And at the end of the day, most people would respect your company or your club or your patches much more.. Including you yourself.

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