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from Please Release Me.
In my previous post I described my experience of working through Microsoft's Continuous Integration and Deployment of Multi-Container Docker Applications to Azure Container Service tutorial which is a walkthrough of how to use an Azure CLI 2.0 command to create a VSTS deployment pipeline to push Docker images to an Azure Container Registry and then deploy and run them on an Azure Container Service running a DC/OS cluster. Whilst it's great to be able to issue some commands and have stuff magically appear it's unlikely that you would use this approach to create production-grade infrastructure: having precise control over naming things is one good reason. Another problem with commands that create infrastructure is that you don't always get a good sense of what they are up to, and that's what I found with the az container release create command.
So I spent quite a bit of time ‘reverse engineering' az container release create in order to understand what it's doing and in this post I describe, step-by-step, how to build what the command creates. In doing so I gained first-hand experience of what I think will be an import pattern for the future -- running VSTS agents in a container. If your infrastructure is in place it's quick and easy to set up and if you want more agents it takes just seconds to scale to as many as you need. In fact, once I had figured what was going on I found that working with Azure Container Service and DC/OS was pretty straightforward and even a great deal of fun. Perhaps it's just me but I found being able to create 50 VSTS agents at the ‘flick of a switch' put a big smile on my face. Read on to find out just how awesome all this is...
Getting Started
If you haven't already worked through Microsoft's tutorial and my previous post I strongly recommend those as a starting point so you understand the big picture. Either way, you'll need to have the Azure CLI 2.0 installed and also to have forked the sample code to your own GitHub account and renamed it to something shorter (I used TwoSampleApp). My previous post has all the details. If you already have the Azure CLI installed do make sure you've updated it (pip install azure-cli --upgrade) since version 2.0 was recently officially released.
Creating the Azure Infrastructure
You'll need to create the following infrastructure in Azure:
A dedicated resource group (not strictly necessary but helps considerably with cleaning up the 30+ resources that get created).
An Azure container registry.
An Azure container service configured with a DC/OS cluster.
The Azure CLI 2.0 commands to create all this are as follows:
The az acs create command in particular is doing a huge amount of work behind the scenes, and if configuring a container service for a production environment you'd most likely want greater control over the names of all the resources that are created. I'm not worried about that here and the output of these commands is fine for my research purposes. If you do want to delve further you can examine the automation script for the top level resources these commands create.
Configuring VSTS
Over in your VSTS account you'll need to attend to the following items:
Create a new team project (I called mine TwoServiceApp) configured for Git. (A new project isn't strictly necessary but it helps when cleaning up.)
Create an Agent Pool called TwoServiceApp. You can get to the page that manages agent pools from the agent queues tab of your team project:
Create a service endpoint of type Github that grants VSTS access to your GitHub account. The procedure is detailed here -- I used the personal access token method and called the connection TwoServiceAppGh.
Create a service endpoint of type Docker Registry that grants access to the Azure container registry created above. I describe the process in this blog post and called the endpoint TwoServiceAppAcr.
Create a personal access token (granting permission to all scopes) and store the value for later use.
Ensure the Docker Integration extension is installed from the Marketplace.
Create a VSTS Agent
This is where the fun begins because we're going to create a VSTS agent in DC/OS using a Docker container. Yep -- you read that right! If you've only ever created an agent on ‘bare metal' servers then you need to forget everything you know and prepare for awesomeness. Not least because if you suddenly feel that you want a dozen agents a quick configuration setting will have them created for you in a flash!
The first step is to configure your workstation to connect to the DC/OS cluster running in your Azure container service. There are several ways to do this but I followed these instructions (Connect to a DC/OS or Swarm cluster > Create an SSH tunnel on Windows) to configure PuTTY to create an SSH tunnel. The host name will be something like (you can get the master FQDN from the overview blade of your Azure container service) and you will need to have created a private key in .ppk format using PuTTYGen. Once you have successfully connected (you actually SSH to a DC/OS master VM) you should be able to browse to these URLs:
DC/OS -- http://localhost
Marathon -- http://localhost/marathon
Mesos -- http://localhost/mesos
If you followed the Microsoft tutorial then much of what you see will be familiar, although there will be nothing configured of course. To create the application that will run the agent you'll need to be in Marathon:
Clicking Create Application will display the configuration interface:
Whilst it is possible to work through all of the pages and enter in the required information, a faster way is to toggle to JSON Mode and paste in the following script (overwriting what's there):
You will need to amend some of the settings for your environment:
id -- choose an appropriate name for the application (note that /vsts-agents/ creates a folder for the application).
VSTS_POOL -- the name of the agent pool created above.
VSTS_TOKEN -- the personal access token created above.
VSTS_ACCOUNT -- the name of your VSTS account (ie if the URL is then use myvstsaccount).
It will only take a few seconds to create the application after which you should see something that looks like this:
For fun, click on the Scale Application button and enter a number of instances to scale to. I scaled to 50 and it literally took just a few seconds to configure them all. This resulted in this which is pretty awesome in my book for just a few seconds work:
Scaling down again is even quicker -- pretty much instant in Marathon and VSTS was very quick to get back to displaying just one agent. With the fun over, what have we actually built here?
The concept is that rather than configure an agent by hand in the traditional way, we are making use of one of the Docker images Microsoft has created specifically to contain the agent and build tools. You can examine all the different images from this page on Docker Hub. Looking at the Marathon configuration code above in the context of the instructions for using the VSTS agent images it's hopefully clear that the configuration is partially around hosting the image and creating the container and partially around passing variables in to the container to configure the agent to talk to your VSTS account and a specific agent pool.
Create a Build Definition
We're now at a point where we can switch back to VSTS and create a build definition in our team project. Most of the tasks are of the Docker Compose type and you can get further details here. Start with an empty process and name the definition TwoServiceApp. On the Options tab set the Default agent queue to be TwoServiceApp. On the tasks tab in Get sources configure the build to point to your GitHub account:
Now add and configure the following tasks (only values that need adding or amending, or which need a special mention are listed):
Task #1 -- Docker Compose
Display name = Build repository
Docker Registry Connection = TwoServiceAppAcr (or the name of the Docker Registry endpoint created above if different)
Docker Compose File = **/
Action = Run a specific service image
Service name = ci-build
Save the definition and queue a build. The source code will be pulled down and then the instructions in the ci-build node of will be executed which will cause service-b to be built.
Task #2 -- Docker Compose
Display name = Build service images
Docker Registry Connection = TwoServiceAppAcr (or the name of the Docker Registry endpoint created above if different)
Docker Compose File = **/docker-compose.yml
Qualify Image Names = checked
Action = Build service images
Additional Image Tags = $(Build.BuildId) $(Build.SourceBranchName) $(Build.SourceVersion) (on separate lines)
Include Source Tags = checked
Include Latest Tag = checked
Save the definition and queue a build. The addition of this task causes causes Docker images to be created in the agent container for service-a and service-b.
Task #3 -- Docker Compose
Display name = Push service images
Docker Registry Connection = TwoServiceAppAcr (or the name of the Docker Registry endpoint created above if different)
Docker Compose File = **/docker-compose.yml
Qualify Image Names = checked
Action = Push service images
Additional Image Tags = $(Build.BuildId) $(Build.SourceBranchName) $(Build.SourceVersion) (on separate lines)
Include Source Tags = checked
Include Latest Tag = checked
Save the definition and queue a build. The addition of this task causes causes the Docker images to be pushed to the Azure container registry.
Task #4 -- Docker Compose
Display name = Write service image digests
Docker Registry Connection = TwoServiceAppAcr (or the name of the Docker Registry endpoint created above if different)
Docker Compose File = **/docker-compose.yml
Qualify Image Names = checked
Action = Write service image digests
Image Digest Compose File = $(Build.StagingDirectory)/docker-compose.images.yml
Save the definition and queue a build. The addition of this task creates immutable identifiers for the previously built images which provide a guaranteed way of referring back to a specific image in the container registry. The identifiers are stored in a file called docker-compose.images.yml, the contents of which will look something like:
Task #5 -- Docker Compose
Display name = Combine configuration
Docker Registry Connection = TwoServiceAppAcr (or the name of the Docker Registry endpoint created above if different)
Docker Compose File = **/docker-compose.yml
Additional Docker Compose Files = $(Build.StagingDirectory)/docker-compose.images.yml
Qualify Image Names = checked
Action = Combine configuration
Remove Build Options = checked
Save the definition and queue a build. The addition of this task creates a new docker-compose.yml that is a composite of the original docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.images.yml. The contents will look something like:
This is the file that is used by the release definition to deploy the services to DC/OS.
Task #6 -- Copy Files
Display name = Copy Files to: $(Build.StagingDirectory)
Contents = **/docker-compose.env.*.yml
Target Folder = $(Build.StagingDirectory)
Save the definition but don't bother queuing a build since as things stand this task doesn't have any files to copy over. Instead, the task comes in to play when using environment files (see later).
Task #7 -- Publish Build Artifacts
Display name = Publish Artifact: docker-compose
Path to Publish = $(Build.StagingDirectory)
Artifact Name = docker-compose
Artifact Type = Server
Save the definition and queue a build. The addition of this task creates the build artefact containing the contents of the staging directory, which happen to be docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.images.yml, although only docker-compose.yml is needed. The artifact can be downloaded of course so you can examine the contents of the two files for yourself.
Create a Release Definition
Create a new empty release definition and configure the Source to point to the TwoServiceApp build definition, the Queue to point to the TwoServiceApp agent queue and check the Continuous deployment option:
With the definition created, edit the name to TwoServiceApp, rename the default environment to Dev and rename the default phase to AcsDeployPhase:
Add Docker Deploy task to the AcsDeployPhase and configure as follows (only values that need changing are listed):
Display Name = Deploy to ACS DC/OS
Docker Registry Connection = TwoServiceAppAcr (or the name of the Docker Registry endpoint created above if different)
Target Type = Azure Container Service (DC/OS)
Docker Compose File = **/docker-compose.yml
ACS DC/OS Connection Type = Direct
The final result should be as follows:
Trigger a release and then switch over to DC/OS (ie at http://localhost) and the Services page. Drill down through the Dev folder and the three services defined in docker-compose.yml should now be deployed and running:
To complete the exercise the Dev environment can now be cloned (click the ellipsis in the Dev environment to show the menu) to create Test and Production environments with manual approvals. If you want to view the sample application in action follow the View the application instructions in the Microsoft tutorial.
At this point there is no public endpoint for the production instance of TwoServiceApp. To remedy that follow the Expose public endpoint for production instructions in the Microsoft tutorial. Additionally, you will need to amend the production version of the Docker Deploy task so the Additional Docker Compose Files section contains docker-compose.env.production.yml.
Final Thoughts
Between Microsoft's tutorial and my two posts relating to it you have seen a glimpse of the powerful tools that are available for hosting and orchestrating containers. Yes, this has all been using Linux containers but indications are that similar functionality -- if perhaps not using exactly the same tools -- is on the way for Windows containers. Stay tuned!
Cheers -- Graham
The post Continuous Delivery with Containers – Azure CLI Command for Creating a Docker Release Pipeline with VSTS Part 2 appeared first on Please Release Me.