
shared this story
from Brian Harry's blog.

Today we released the release candidate for TFS 2015 Update 3.  Update 3 is a modest release with only a few features and bug fixes for top reported issues.

TFS web install: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=626619

TFS ISO: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=626620

TFS Express web install http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=690653

TFS Express ISO http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=690654

TFS Office Integration web install http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=626605

TFS Office Integration ISO http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=629654

TFS Project Server Extensions EXE http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733507

TFS Project Server Extensions ISO http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=690661

Release notes

The features in TFS 2015 Update 3 include:

SSH Support in our Git server – 2,690 UserVoice votes.  This will make authentication from Linux and Macs even easier than before.

Dashboard SDK – Now you can install customized dashboard widgets on your TFS server.  The marketplace is your playground

Azure, SCVMM and VMWare provisioning support – Now provision test environments in your CI/CD pipeline in any of Azure, SCVMM or VMWare.

We fixed a lot of bugs.  About 140 in total.  I spent about an hour curating the bug list and below are my results…  I still have to go through the bugs in our Release Management and Test areas.  If I don’t get to that soon, I’ll make sure we get them for our final Update 3 release.

Version control

VS: Cannot open a deleted file from commit history

‘go to child’ button should be disabled when root node is selected in branch history graph

Can no longer amend just the message in Git Changes when there are modified files present

“Git for Windows” V2 and V3 are both detected on the machine after V3 is installed on top of V2

Switching between branches via git.exe causes problems with VS

Glitches in history graph highlighting

Create _Branch shortcut collides with Build menu in VS

VSO defaults to deleted branch and spews lots of error messages…way too hard to get back to a good state

GIT Pull Request Alert not added properly

Team Explorer fails with “Object not found – no matching loose object (<sha1>)” when object exists.

Grammatical error in error message when attempting to open a cloaked solution

Cherry pick is disabled for the head commit in history

Can’t use Git LFS with TFS 2015 Update 2

Refreshing Folder Hierarchy will take so much time due to “TF400030″ exception from TFS Object Model.

Port the queryHistory performance fix to releases/Dev14.3

Git LFS does not work with VS 2015 update 2

Port changes made for versioned item linking user story to Update 3.

Upgrade from TFS 2010 results in TFVC Warehouse Adapter job failing

Creating PR from VS branches page context menu always uses current branch rather than selected branch

Spurious Git Pull Request errors in event log

Remove the 25 commit limit when linking workitems during PR creation

If there are multiple build definitions configured for the repository the status badge might show the wrong build def for the build


Warning when setting a PBI to done, when there is tasks, that are not done.

User Stories with a child relationship of work item type Bug disappear from the Story Board

Card styling error in french locale

Priority changes when user story changes state

Card styling (coloring) not working correctly in german TFS2015.2

“New Item” in Board view missing

Inline image reference is not stored in some cases

Area path with non-standard characters cause query to fail

label control/ Label Hyperlinks do not show on web browser

Areas with single quotes break the WI query system

TFS WebAccess Stories and Bugs are missing Title Bar

Web Page control referencing identity field as param throws when value is empty

Links not working for FieldControl labels

The identity value for field ‘Created By’ is an unknown identity.

TF30177 “Cannot insert duplicate key row in object ‘dbo.Constants”

Query Results widget stuck in loading state in preview mode during configuration

Hour box not big enough

Inaccessible parent items prevent backlog from loading

Navigating to WORK after changing projects with different iterations yields an error

Accessibility: Dashboard Manager icon has no visual cue on focus

Accessibility: Add Dashboard icon in Dashboard Manager has no clear visual cue on focus

Accessibility: Add and delete Dashboard buttons in Dashboard Manager do not work on pressing ENTER

Query Selector trapping input focus in Config for Query Tile, WIT Chart

Dashboard Migration does not work when customer upgrades from TFS 2013 Update 1 or prior directly to TFS 2015 Update 1 or higher

Can’t navigate between dashboards as a stakeholder

Markdown Widget: VC path resolution fix

Widget dialog does not respect profile language

Fix error experience when dashboard update fails

Adding widgets on a invalid dashboard state adds them as empty.

Error banner is not cleared in some cases where dashboard goes from invalid to valid state.

Conflicting widget positions error message is not descriptive

Avatars aren’t loading in the PR Widget on-prem in dashboards

Build Chart Widget: The build selector control shows duplicate builds

Error banner is hidden when in edit mode

Dashboard: Build failed, but the chart shows a green bar

Visual Studio Links widget: Open in Visual Studio image is plain purple box

Dirty state doesn’t prompt user on cancel

Config: Widget configuration can save, even when it fails to render

Remove widget zoom from config live-preview

User Friendly: Tabbing in Edit mode should go through the Configure/Delete buttons not the contents of the widget

Edit Mode: Close edit mode on ESC

Stakeholder Banner is missing. User isn’t aware that they’re logged in as a stakeholder

Error banner is not cleared in some cases where dashboard goes from invalid to valid state.

Adding widgets on a invalid dashboard state adds them as empty.

Build Charts Widget: Chart and last completed not in sync

WIT chart type selection is broken in FireFox

WIT Chart Widget: Chart Options aren’t displayed until a query is selected

Source typo: “an” should be “can”

Sprint Overview – Setting iteration dates doesn’t refresh the widget

Sprint Burndown graph gets focus when tabbed to but ENTER does not open the lightbox

Conditional Query Tile, the input field for number shows only 4 digits but allows 5 digits

Readme files are not always displayed on the Team Project Welcome Page


Build vnext failed on chinese/jpn

Unable to filter builds by tags on Firefox

Error while setting permissions on a user of a build

Scheduled build fires on wrong day

TFS 2015 Build Agent doesn’t work if the service account has an underscore in its logoname

User Project Collection Build Service needs the AdminWorkspaces global permission(s)

getBuildBadge vso-node-api fails without ‘All Scopes’

TFS Build 2015: Command Line Task doesn’t find “copy” & “Del”

Incorrect binding redirect in TFS 2015 TFSBuildServiceHost.exe.config

Revision number not calculated correctly when build definiton contains squared brackets

Customer time formatting in profile preferences ignored

curl was not found in the path in builds

Build Script does not work on a Gated Build after an upgrade from TFS 2013 Update 3

Create New Build Definition page is broken in Chrome

Build service identities duplicated when cloning a server or when performing team project collection split scenarios

Failure to display build results with large number of warnings

Misleading error message when quing new build with shelveset

Many extensions with cross platform build tasks will not work on prem in Update 2 due to Node version mismatch

Image in Reason column on Build page is not properly clipped

subversion repository options not sticking

Build Failing with Invalid solution configuration and platform

build fails because of npm install

Invalid source label format when labeling sources on successful build.

Git Repository Label Format not allowing Variables


Password not accepted through Xamarin License build step

In-place upgrade from Dev12 Update5 to Dev14 Update2 does not unconfigure TFS services

Scheduled backup configuration wizard fails if TLOG backup interval is greater than 100 minutes

Correct ISO names for Dev14 Update3

Proxy server TFS 2015U2.1 shows blank URL

Improper fallback behavior for port/vdir when reading configuration db settings.

Collection splitting issue

admin console crash: stack overflow exception while loading collection list in admin console

Post upgrade – Database cleanup jobs not working

Team Project did not delete completely

TFS web doesn’t play well with terminated HTTPS

Can’t view Source Code on TFS Web behind Reverse Proxy

The identity picker dropdown in the right side reviewer section is cut off

Users with alternate credentials can not be deleted / is recreated on use


Password not accepted through Xamarin License build step

In-place upgrade from Dev12 Update5 to Dev14 Update2 does not unconfigure TFS services

Scheduled backup configuration wizard fails if TLOG backup interval is greater than 100 minutes

Correct ISO names for Dev14 Update3

Proxy server TFS 2015U2.1 shows blank URL

Improper fallback behavior for port/vdir when reading configuration db settings.

Collection splitting issue

admin console crash: stack overflow exception while loading collection list in admin console

Post upgrade – Database cleanup jobs not working

Team Project did not delete completely

TFS web doesn’t play well with terminated HTTPS

Can’t view Source Code on TFS Web behind Reverse Proxy

The identity picker dropdown in the right side reviewer section is cut off

Users with alternate credentials cannot be deleted / is recreated on use


Jenkins service hook triggers builds for deleted branches

Month and Day value are switched when specifying part of time

Excessive “Global” fields available as options in Alert query fields including what looks to be Microsoft Internal Fields

Some alert emails not being sent/received for comments on Code Reviews

After Upgrade from TFS 2013 (Update 4) to TFS 2015 (Update 1) email alerts are not being sent

Can’t manage events in team rooms

TFS 2015 Update 2 – Alerts – An email notification is not working, if two or more alerts of the same alert (different “Send To”) are created

Notification subscription links broken for projects with a space in the title

TFVC code review emails not displaying names correctly

View All Alerts no longer available in TFS 2015 Update 2.

TFS services hook not “Slack” label on chinese version


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