
whoever57 writes:
According to a report via InfoWorld, the latest Windows 10 update [KB 3176934] breaks Desired State Configuration (DSC) functionality in PowerShell. Some things that were broken in the prior update, such as support of many webcams and a freeze issue, don't appear to have been fixed in this update.
Windows PowerShell Blog reported last night: "Due to a missing .MOF file in the build package, the update breaks DSC. All DSC operations will result in an 'Invalid Property' error. If you are using DSC from or on any Windows client, take the following steps: Uninstall the update if already installed [...]; If using WSUS, do not approve the update. Otherwise, Use Group Policy to set the 'Configure Automatic Updates' to '2 -- Notify for download and notify for install' [...] A fix for this issue will be included in the next Windows update which is due out 8/30/2016."

The MS Merry Go Round.

By Anonymous Coward

2016-Aug-24 19:15

• Score: 5, Funny
• Thread

A fix for this issue will be included in the next Windows update which is due out 8/30/2016

I dread to think what that update will break.


By John Smith

2016-Aug-24 19:15

• Score: 4, Funny
• Thread

I guess BASH was put in just in time, eh?

Soon: One last update to end all misery

By skaag

2016-Aug-24 19:28

• Score: 5, Insightful
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Mark my words: The day will come when an update from Microsoft will nuke the Windows installation beyond repair. ISPs will suddenly see a massive drop in traffic. Downloads and streaming will suddenly be super fast for everybody else. Spam, Ransomware, DDoS Bots and Trojans will vanish from the planet for 24 to 48 hours until people reinstall Windows on their machines and will access infected sites, get infected again... and the whole thing will start all over again :-)

Powershell on Linux???? NOOOOOOOOO

By LVSlushdat

2016-Aug-24 22:22

• Score: 3
• Thread

I read where MS "opensourced" PowerShell and are gonna provide it for Linux.. Geez.. Keep that MS garbage off my computer.. I dumped Windows about 6 years ago for 100% Linux, and it will be a sub-zero day in hell before ANYthing MS writes goes on ANY machine *I* control..... (shudders)

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