
Dear Patriot,

Let’s elect Allen West to congress in November. With the organized left gunning for Allen West, everyone knows that he’s in for a big fight in his re-election campaign. He’s set himself apart as a freshman Congressman, and liberals across America can’t stand it!

Now the Rothenberg Political Report, which handicaps Congressional races across the country, has ranked Allen West as the most vulnerable GOP incumbent in the state of Florida

As Novemeber gets closer, these attacks are going to increase in frequency and intensity. But you and I know that those attacks won’t make Rep. West back down from his beliefs! Liberals are going to spend literally millions of dollars in their attempt to defeat this great patriot.  We do not want them to suceed!  Please go directly to Rep. Allen West’s site now and donate whatever you can!

Make your donation by clicking –HERE–

There is no stronger voice for conservatives in Congress than Rep. Allen West, and it’s up to us to make sure he is re-elected in November.


The Tea Party Leadership Fund from Tea Party.net

PS – We know that not everyone can afford large contributions of $50 or $100. We’re also able to pool together thousands of smaller donations to make a LARGE impact. Whether it’s $5 or $25, your contribution makes a big difference. You can make a donation of any amount–HERE–

Paid for by TheTeaParty.net Leadership Fund PAC.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Contributions from foreign nationals or entities are prohibited. Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.


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